Friday, April 26, 2013

Words of Wisdom

1.  When having to split a salami sandwich while on a picnic, just take it all apart and completely reassemble it as two individual half sandwiches.  Salami doesn't tear well.

2.  If you want your kids to be as healthy as possible, feed them healthy foods, get them outside to play, and let them eat dirt. 

It seems playing outside, visiting pigs, and then putting your hand in your mouth is good for your immunity system.  It's true, my kids rarely get sick, but don't just take my word for it.  ABC thinks so, too.

(I shall pause for my germaphobe readers (and you (and I) know who you are) to vomit in their mouths and obsessively wash their hands.)

3.  When a basketball goes flying and crashes through everything on your dresser, do not ask Dad to fix any of it.  You'll end up with something like this:

What do you get when you cross a Pacer's bobble head and a statue of St. Joseph?
I'm pretty sure it's called Sacrilege.

4.  When starting a blog, think long and hard about the name.  Don't limit yourself to concerns of interest and creativity.  Number one, make sure it isn't a pain in the blankety-blank to write over and over again.  For instance, is about the stupidest URL in the known world (wide web).  Oh, the dashes!  Why did I have to add dashes????

5.  While your children may enjoy it, and you will for a bit, do not go out to lunch with your child's teacher.  He may feel too comfortable with her and do something horribly embarrassing, like reach up and poke each of said teacher's three wrinkle chins and say, "Does this hurt?" while all you can do is watch and cringe from across the table.

Hard-earned wisdom.  Learn from it.

Have a lovely day!


  1. LOL! That figurine may be sacrilegious, but it's also pretty awesome!

    1. I still crack up every time I see it. Yes, it is still like this on my son's dresser.

  2. Hahaha why did you put in dashes! I honest never noticed, being I just copied and pasted it into my feed right away, cause you were so nice and cool and ... ACK! Sacrilegious! that is one fancy statue :)

    I so skipped that ABC link as I am eating right now lol

    1. I know, none of you lovely followers would have to worry about the dashes. I, on the other hand, have to type it constantly, when commenting on new blogs. Or some blogs don't have a remember me thing, so it needs to be typed every single time. Drives me up the wall.

      Good choice.

  3. W.O.W. That might be the best statue ever. God has a sense of humor so I bet he thinks it's funny too. I wouldn't worry about it being too over-the-top Sacrilege.

    1. I can't be too worried about it if I'm posting it here for all the world to see. :)

  4. Love the statue! Historically speaking, Jesus DID have darker skin, but I'd think he's also have dark skinned hands, too! *wink* And longer hair probably!

    Thanks for this morning's words of wisdom! I could always use them! Not that I'd remember any, though!

    1. Haha! I thought the same thing1

      You are welcome. Feel free to come back and refresh your memory anytime. :)

  5. I grew up on mud pies and I turned out healthy as a horse physically, mentally is a whole different ballgame.

    1. While I made mud pies, I never actually ate them. Candy that dropped on the ground, though? I was all over it. :)

  6. Ha!

    Yes, those URLs that aren't anything like the blog name can be confusing sometimes.

    Dirt rules!

  7. This was actually quite helpful! =) My daughter is a champ at eating dirt or whatever she happens to find on the ground. Healthiest child I have.

  8. Okay, I gotta say sacrilege is pretty funny! And we're all about dirt and germs and no hand sanitizer here, too. And totally healthy, too.

  9. That statue is awesome. My kids are filthy pigs, I don't even need the real ones. When I tell them to wash their hands I know they half ass the job.

  10. You are indeed a wise one. Kinda remind me of a good way of course. Only 3 more days! Way to go!!!

  11. First...
    Keith was listening as I read todays blog and did his laugh at the bobble head Saint. That is funny!
    This germaphobe friend is feeling a little queazy... That might explain why my kids are sick all the time.
    our life has a lot of contact with teachers, thankfully non of the kids have poked a teacher {yet}
    thanks for the laugh...

  12. I think my blog name is too long too. Wish I'd read this sooner. LOVE the basketball Joseph. Maybe he played basketball. You never know. :-)
    from The Dugout


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