1. I am thankful for the internet and people who post helpful things on it. Our dishwasher hasn't been working so well lately, and I figured it was because it could use a good cleaning. It took me all of 2 minutes to google and find a pertinent video. I learned how to take my dishwasher apart in order to get the pieces all shiny and clean.
2. I am thankful for baking soda and vinegar. All that fizzy goodness quickly destroys all built up crud. The dishwasher looks so good even half the kids noticed.
3. I am thankful for helpful crafts. I still haven't found purple candles for our Advent wreath (mostly because I've only looked at Meijer), but Cuckoo came through with a paper one he made in school. It even has "flames" to be glued on each Sunday. We put that sucker right in the middle of the dining room table.
4. I managed to get started on Christmas shopping. I didn't get much, and I really need to pick up the pace, seeing as how I need all gifts for nieces and nephews by next weekend, but at least I'm started.
5. The elementary school had a half day on Tuesday, so I was able to get into my PJs by 1:30 in the afternoon.
6. I finally figured out a theme for this year's Christmas card and got it halfway written. I tell you what, the pressure to come up with a good, funny letter for 12 years straight is getting to me. But I can't not do it, and not just because people expect it. I like them. When they're done.
7. The envelopes are halfway addressed, too. I did that while I was brainstorming for the letter. Now, to get the photo of the kids...
8. I'm always thankful for funny dinner conversations. No need to go into how it started, but it ended up being Buttercup, the little boys, and me telling stories about one or another of them getting into a pickle, then ending the story by saying, "Guess what Mom did!" The little boys would respond loudly and confidently, "Laugh and take a picture!" They will thank me when they are adults and have the most awesome photo albums to go through with their kids.
9. We have one out of three Christmas programs done for the season. Kindergarten and first grade had their show last night. Cuckoo never cracked a smile, but he sang and did all the motions. The end song had me crying, as usual. Every single year, for the last 11 years, every program ends with the same song. All older siblings join their younger siblings on stage to sing Peace on Earth while the parents sing Silent Night. Tear-jerker I tell ya!
The tears shut off quickly, though, when I ask Cuckoo to stand still for a photo.
I was able to help a woman, with whom I had much in common, shop. She and her husband have 6 kids, most of them boys. They have no family in town. She'd never been to the Christmas store before, so we figured things out together. We chatted, we laughed, we discussed what her kids would enjoy, I introduced her to the brilliance of a crock pot. At the end of her shopping trip, we hugged and wished each other a Merry Christmas.
I urge you to get out and volunteer. It is the absolute best way to counteract the fear and hopelessness that you feel after watching the news or reading your FB feed.
Your turn! What happened in your life this week to make you smile?
Have a lovely day!
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A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Amycake and the Dude, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, The Meaning of Me, Thankful Me, Uncharted, The Wakefield Doctrine
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