1. I am thankful for the internet and people who post helpful things on it. Our dishwasher hasn't been working so well lately, and I figured it was because it could use a good cleaning. It took me all of 2 minutes to google and find a pertinent video. I learned how to take my dishwasher apart in order to get the pieces all shiny and clean.
2. I am thankful for baking soda and vinegar. All that fizzy goodness quickly destroys all built up crud. The dishwasher looks so good even half the kids noticed.
3. I am thankful for helpful crafts. I still haven't found purple candles for our Advent wreath (mostly because I've only looked at Meijer), but Cuckoo came through with a paper one he made in school. It even has "flames" to be glued on each Sunday. We put that sucker right in the middle of the dining room table.
4. I managed to get started on Christmas shopping. I didn't get much, and I really need to pick up the pace, seeing as how I need all gifts for nieces and nephews by next weekend, but at least I'm started.
5. The elementary school had a half day on Tuesday, so I was able to get into my PJs by 1:30 in the afternoon.
6. I finally figured out a theme for this year's Christmas card and got it halfway written. I tell you what, the pressure to come up with a good, funny letter for 12 years straight is getting to me. But I can't not do it, and not just because people expect it. I like them. When they're done.
7. The envelopes are halfway addressed, too. I did that while I was brainstorming for the letter. Now, to get the photo of the kids...
8. I'm always thankful for funny dinner conversations. No need to go into how it started, but it ended up being Buttercup, the little boys, and me telling stories about one or another of them getting into a pickle, then ending the story by saying, "Guess what Mom did!" The little boys would respond loudly and confidently, "Laugh and take a picture!" They will thank me when they are adults and have the most awesome photo albums to go through with their kids.
9. We have one out of three Christmas programs done for the season. Kindergarten and first grade had their show last night. Cuckoo never cracked a smile, but he sang and did all the motions. The end song had me crying, as usual. Every single year, for the last 11 years, every program ends with the same song. All older siblings join their younger siblings on stage to sing Peace on Earth while the parents sing Silent Night. Tear-jerker I tell ya!
The tears shut off quickly, though, when I ask Cuckoo to stand still for a photo.
I was able to help a woman, with whom I had much in common, shop. She and her husband have 6 kids, most of them boys. They have no family in town. She'd never been to the Christmas store before, so we figured things out together. We chatted, we laughed, we discussed what her kids would enjoy, I introduced her to the brilliance of a crock pot. At the end of her shopping trip, we hugged and wished each other a Merry Christmas.
I urge you to get out and volunteer. It is the absolute best way to counteract the fear and hopelessness that you feel after watching the news or reading your FB feed.
Your turn! What happened in your life this week to make you smile?
Have a lovely day!
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A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall, Amycake and the Dude, Considerings, Finding Ninee, Getting Literal, I Want Backsies, The Meaning of Me, Thankful Me, Uncharted, The Wakefield Doctrine
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Volunteering absolutely is the antidote to much of what is wrong in the world! I'm glad you had such a great time. I'm sure that woman appreciated your kind help, too. It must be difficult to be on the receiving end.
ReplyDeleteCuckoo's photo cracked me up!
I have no doubt it is difficult for a parent to come in for help. For a variety of reasons. I've thought and prayed so many times about how best to help those that need it. I don't want to be patronizing or dismissive of their problems. I don't want to make them feel bad for asking for help. I'm still of the mind that receiving help from people and not just from government checks is the best way. For so many getting help at food pantries, that weekly trip is the only time they see a smiling face and feel a kind hug. The woman I was helping didn't know anyone else with 6 kids. She was so happy to hear that I did, too. She was nervous at first, as was I, but we quickly felt comfortable and started having fun. It's also why I encourage people to go out and volunteer at places to which they donate. If the organization doesn't treat the folks receiving help with kindness and dignity, I don't want to be a part of it.
DeleteIt is hard for people to ask for help, regardless of who they are. Shoot, almost every woman I know has trouble. I'm just glad when someone puts pride aside and asks. It's good for both the receiver and the giver. And we're all on both sides at different times of our lives.
Seems I can't talk about this topic without going on and on an on. :)
That child of mine is bonkers.
My 30 year old son still makes ridiculous faces in most of the photos I take. I volunteer at the Food Pantry and donate items and gifts to Big Brothers and Sisters. In both incidences, I do the behind the scene stuff. And I feel good about it. Being involved in the actual distribution to the people who benefit would be another added dimension to the feeling. That Christmas show finally brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Love to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteVal, I don't think I wanted to hear that. I'd like at least one good photo of my kids someday! :)
DeleteBehind the scenes volunteering is good, too! It's important work that must be done. If you have the chance, try and get into the scene sometime. It brings it all around and completes the picture.
Oh, that final song...
Wow, you are organized.
ReplyDeleteI agree with number 1.
I am doing an interior detail with my van sometime soon with the help of the info I got from internet.
Unfortunately, I'm an organized person living amongst the chaos of disorganized children.
DeleteGood luck with the van! How did people learn to do things before the internet? :)
Notes. I keep telling myself "take notes!". With your busy life Christine, I'm not surprised you take advantage of notes!.
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to stop by the Coop and get the latest on the family's going ons. Love the pic of Cuckoo. But are you really surprised? LOL
#10 Isn't that what it should be about all year? :) There are so many people who are struggling, who face challenges of a nature many of us are lucky enough not to have ever faced. For them I pray a extra this time of year.
Enjoy the craziness of these next 2 weeks Christine!
And yet, I forgot to write down the most important note! I was supposed to write about a book and a giveaway! Guess who forgot because I didn't write it down?!?!
DeleteIt really should be all year, but alas, it isn't. We forget that there are people in dire need all year long, not just the holidays. BUT, I'm glad to see people helping no matter when it is!
Oooh, our holiday letter isn't funny. In fact, this is the first year we ever sent a letter and not just a picture with a holiday message. So I'm counting that as a step forward.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I am too horrified by what I will find to take our dishwasher apart. Sort of like when you changed your toilet seats (I still think of that with shivers when I clean ours--especially now that I have a small boy using them regularly).
Nearly any kind of children singing, but definitely children singing around the holidays, gets me teary.
I'm so glad you're doing a letter! I love, love, love getting letters! So few people do them anymore, I get a thrill whenever I find one in a Christmas card. Who cares if it's funny?
DeleteHahahaha!! That's what I'll be known for. Gross toilet seats. :)
Shoot, I cry at sporting events when the National Anthem plays. It's getting ridiculous, really. BUT the Christmas song is a legit tear-jerker.
Glad you had wonderful kids programs..and time volunteering...so good...
ReplyDeleteOur music teacher is awesome. She gets kids to sing like I've never seen. And it's kids no one would have guess would sing.
DeleteIt's one of a few silver linings I've found about all of the kids being in school. I have wanted to volunteer at these places for so long, but there are only a handful of volunteer opportunities with kids in tow.
I am glad you went on a bit of a tangent and chose to leave it. Wonderful advice.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Deletevolunteering is where its at in my book! And I finally understand why you didn't nickname him "turtle." He is not shy or withdrawn!
ReplyDeleteHa! No. No he isn't withdrawn by any means, but he'll play shy if it will work to his advantage. A bugger, that's what he is.
DeleteLove to hear about family traditions for the holidays.
Also, volunteering is all about kindness and generosity. Love any tangent on such a hopeful subject.
Me, too. :)
DeleteThank you.
It's humbling to have to ask for help - we have been conditioned to get through everything alone! However, by asking for help, you allow someone else the blessing (and wonderful feeling) of being able to help. We all love to be the one that can help someone out - certainly makes ya feel good - but we need to remember that when we need help, we are giving someone else the opportunity to feel needed, necessary and to shine. So glad, but not surprised, that you had so much in common with the lady you helped...God does work in mysterious ways!
ReplyDeleteExactly! That's how I finally got over my reluctance to ask for help. I reminded myself that I love it when people ask me for help, so why wouldn't others be happy to help me sometimes?
DeleteHe most certainly does.
totally with the group on this one… volunteering provides so many benefits, even beyond the actual activity, a putting (oneself) in a different place than the one that is normal and every day, the routines of life that we all fall prey to, to greater or lesser degrees
ReplyDelete…and early (#3) postation! damn! (said the blogger on comment written on Sunday) lol
We have no idea how our helping others ripples out to benefit people way beyond that first person we helped, or when someone helps us. The benefits extend way, WAY beyond our immediate efforts.
DeleteHa! yeah, I posted early, and managed to visit 4 others on Friday, but here I am on Sunday, getting ready to venture out and read the rest. Or as many as I can before we leave for another basketball game. :)
Ah, you're making me blush. It's not me. It's God using me. Jesus is the inspiration. :)
ReplyDeleteEvery year, my mother says she is going to type up address labels, every year I vow I will teach her how to do a 'mail merge'.
ReplyDeleteEvery year, she ends up addressing her cards by hand.
Volunteering is the best holiday spirit lifter! It ought to be required of everyone. I guess that would take the "volunteer" part out of it. Still...:-)
ReplyDeleteGlad your holiday season is moving along. There's always so much to do!