Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Nearly Wordless Wednesday - Graduation

Because if I use too many words, I'll cry.

It's all about Phoenix today.

first day of kindergarten
1st grade - A friend of mine happened to be in the school, came out of the room, and saw this.  Phoenix is the one on his knees, helping the other boy with his shoe.

2nd grade - First Communion
3rd grade - One and only year of playing football.  On his helmet, you can see his team nickname - "Bones".  Still fits.
5th grade - Wax Museum - He went as Jesse Owens.
6th grade - jack-o-lantern decorating contest at school
7th grade - Boy Scout trip out west (with original Mt. Rushmore driller)

8th grade - High School Musical performance as Jack Scott
Ten minutes after graduation.  He's a high schooler now!
Do not be deceived by the photo.  I'm in high heels.  He's really tall.

Have a lovely day!


  1. AAAAAHHHHH such great memories!!! What a beautiful family photo. Love me some Jesse Owens, the Buckeye Bullet!!!

    1. Thank you! One of my greatest memories was running in the Jesse Owens stadium at Ohio State. I was so excited when Phoenix picked him.

  2. What a lovely tribute to him! He will accomplish great rhings in high school. (And I hate to tell you this, but those four years fly by.)

    Is Dad wearing heels, too ? Because I gotta say, Phoenix is every bit as tall as, or taller than, his dad.

    Congratulations to all of you!

    1. I have no doubt the next four years will be a complete blur. Another kid will head to high school for each of the next three years.

      Yes, Phoenix is taller now. In May of last year, Phoenix and I were the same height (just a touch under 5'7") Now, he is taller than my husband, who is 5'10". Out of 45 boys in his class, he's third tallest. (I only know that because they lined the kids up in height order. I don't follow him around with a yardstick.)
      Thank you!

    2. My son follows ME around with a yardstick. "Measure me. Measure me. Measure me." He's trying to will himself to be a full 6'3".

  3. Congrats on your son's accomplishment! He looks like a really good one.

  4. Lovely. Great photos. Nothing like watching your kids grow, thank God for pictures.
    And nothing like a hug from a son ... love my hugs and take advantage of this young age, when I can still get them. :)

    1. Oh, I am sooo thankful for photos.
      Those little boy hugs are awesome. The teen hugs are hilarious. I'm glad I have both in the house. :)

  5. What great photos, it looks like he's grown into a lovely young man, and with two very proud parents as well. Congrats to all of you!

  6. Okay my eyes filled with tears. You btw look lovely! And he is a cutie pie! Look out high school! How exciting for him and dramatic for you. We've survived 9th grade 2x now you can too! He's got a few years growing left on him look out dad! Btw just curious is B wearing those Bermuda shorts with his coat. Hahahah I started to laugh when I thought of that. With head shot only he could easily be pulling off a pair of pastel pink shorts with coat and tie.

    1. Thank you. Yes, based on the size of his feet, he's got quite a bit farther to go.
      Your memory makes me so very jealous! I can't believe you threw that Bermuda reference in here. Hilarious!

  7. Congratulations, Phoenix! You made it to High School!!!

  8. I so enjoy Brit sayings. Can't say I've ever heard "his boot" before. :)

  9. Congratulations! Believe it or not, older teens and young adults can be delightful, too. You have many more years of memory-making.

    1. I have seen some wonderful bits to make me not dread the older teen years. I am grateful for you and other moms who have good things to say about teenagers. Helps me look forward to them instead of simply mourning the loss of childhood.

  10. That last picture of the three of you is beautiful! I have now become a cliche person, even though I don't want to be. However, in this case it really does apply that kids grow up too fast. I'm sorry. Please don't cry.

    1. Thank you! And they do, cliché or not. Too daggum fast.

  11. Awwwwwwww...*sniff* Love all the pics!!! What a great idea. Please remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;P

    Congrats to Phoenix!

    1. Thank you. I will remember...whenever the time comes. :)

  12. Awww you have some good pics there. Congrats to Phoenix! Now he is the bottom of the "food-chain" once again... dun Dun DUN!

    Hmm being so tall has he ever tried out for (or is he currently active in) Basketball or the like? I may have already missed this, but it seems most of your children are Soccer bound?

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink


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