Monday, November 26, 2012

Phone Photos

The Golden Spoons

On Saturday I discovered a treasure trove in the form of photos Hubby has taken with his phone.  I simply wanted to download the photos I took at the Turkey Trot, but instead found the horribly hilarious chronicles of Hubby's life over the past year.

I will admit that Hubby did take a few good pictures.  However, I'm not going to show them to you.  The other ones are so much funnier.

1.  I thought the boys had fun at Holiday World.  According to this photo, I was wrong.

2.  A warning:  If you are going to take a snooze at work, I suggest you close the door to the office first.  This poor guy still doesn't know that his photo was taken and passed around the office.

3.   Clearly Hubby hasn't mastered the camera phone.  Instead of taking a bad picture of the court at the Pacer's game, he got a terrible picture of his screen as his phone tried to focus on something not quite the court.  He has no idea how he took this photo.

4.  Same Pacer's game, he let our child walk around like this the entire evening.

5.  Same place, different day, different kid.

6.  His attempt at taking a staged funny photo.  Buttercup and Hubby were touring Notre Dame between soccer games.  Get it?  It's funny 'cause she's 12 and reading A Guide to the Socialist Economies.

7.  While in Chicago for work, he visited the art museum.  This is the one and only photo from there. 
Apparently he was in such a hurry to get through the museum, he couldn't wait the two seconds for this stranger to move out from in front of the one painting he recognized.

8.  I was out of town, and he took the kids to Golden Corral for dinner.  This is the dessert Hubby let Turken choose.  It will be the last time Hubby takes the kids to Golden Corral.

9.  Vegas through the eyes of someone who has had a bit too much to drink?

10.  I've made fun of Hubby enough, so we will end with the best photo he took.  A view of Chicago from a conference room in the former Sears Tower.

Any good photos on your husband's camera?

Have a lovely day!


  1. That first picture look like a drive license picture. Hold onto that one to show their future dates...

  2. Oh no, the poor guy in #2 - but if my desk was swamped with work like his, I would need a nap, too! (I hope your phone didn't drink too many of those margaritas in Vegas...)

    1. I do feel bad for the guy. It's why I blurred his face. :)

  3. Okay... the guy snoozing is hilarious. Not only did it get passed around at work, but now it is on the Internet forever. LOL.


    1. For all 50 people who read this blog to see. :)

    2. Remember... you will always have me and your dad! LOL!

  4. LOL, the napper is hilarious! Poor guy... loved the idea of hijacking the husband's phone photos - it's like every picture is a little surprise! :)

    1. I had no idea he took pictures except to text me pictures of the kids when they are on dates. It was a pleasant surprise.

  5. These are awesome! I was laughing my way through them all. And the one at the end is gorgeous!

    1. I was quite surprised by that last one. After I posted this, he yelled at me for cropping out the black dot that was a man on the roof. Apparently, the dot made the photo. Oh well.

  6. So good! Especially the balloon hat and that basketball player shot. So awesome!

    1. That balloon hat was hilarious. He wore it all the next day, too. I hadn't seen the other one until this weekend.

  7. I. Loved. This. I had the same experience getting pics off my husband's phone a while back, but he had nothing that compared the the desk snoozer! Thanks for sharing - your husband is a good sport. :)

    1. I had no idea he took photos like that. Yes, he is a good sport. He did call me after seeing this to give me a bit of a rebuttal. I'll have to add it. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Love the photos, especially the first one. They look so unenthused!

    1. I swear, they were happy when they were with me! I don't know why they were so dour for this photo.

  9. I did a post like this yesterday but I didn't link up. I wanted to see yours. Poor guy in #2. I think he's passed out. I would have with all the work on my desk and behind my desk. I enjoyed your commentary. My husbands photos are things he took a picture of at home that I need him to get from the store. He's had that phone almost two years and there are probably 50 pictures on it if that. Going to visit your TALU post next.

    1. That is so funny. Can't say I've ever heard of someone using his camera phone as a simple shopping list. Brilliant, really.

    2. Wow I've been knowing you two years! Doesn't time fly!

  10. Love how you started this -- "I will admit that Hubby did take a few good pictures. However, I'm not going to show them to you. The other ones are so much funnier." You were right! It was much funnier! The pic for the art museum and your caption was snort inducing.

    Your kids are adorable! Ellen

    1. I'm so glad he has a good sense of humor about it all. :)

      Thank you!

  11. Yep, the last one makes for all the blurry ones ;) I do love your IG photos!!

    1. He does get lucky with a great photo every once in a while.
      The compliment means a lot coming from you. I especially love your Waldo photos. So pretty. And fun.

  12. I don't think my husband every takes pictures with his phone unless I ask him to. I love the pictures you've showcased here!! Thanks for linking up!

    1. I didn't know he took photos either until I saw them for myself. You should check his phone. :)
      I'll be joining up again, with a new post next time. I just happened to have this one ready to go.

  13. Love that you shared photos from your hubby's phone!! Fun to see things through our "other half's" point of view sometimes! I wonder what is on my hubby's phone right now???? Glad you linked up today!

    1. I always get a kick out of seeing his photos. There's no way to predict what will be on there. :)

  14. Thanks. I have no idea how he did that. Quick, fumbling fingers I guess. Ha! Great title.


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