Saturday, August 10, 2013

10 Things of Thankful

You know how last week I said I had trouble coming up with more than 3 things for which to be thankful for soccer?  This week, it's worse.  Can't go into details, but it's been draining my emotions even more than it's been draining my gas can.  To give you an idea, I actually offered the kids $500 each to quit soccer and run cross-country instead.  I wasn't even kidding.  No one took me up on it.

As I write this, it is 10:00pm on Thursday.  It has been a long, exhausting day for a whole bunch of reasons.  All plans went out the window as call after call came in with more news I didn't want to hear.  It's been a night.  I am in no mood to think, let alone to think of thankful things.  But, as we are all learning, it is when we don't feel like it that we need to write them down.  So, here goes.

(By the way, I wrote it Thursday, because I'm heading to Ohio Friday morning for the "We Made Dad Cry When None of Us Went Home for 4th of July, so We're All Going Home on August 10 to Make Dad Happy" party.  I won't be jumping around commenting.  Again.  I'm an awful, not dependable* co-host.  After this, I have no plans for travel in a long time.  (Like you were all that disappointed that I wouldn't be commenting.  (Humble is my middle name.))

On an unrelated but important note, Happy Birthday Hexagonal Patchwork! 

This week, I'm doing it, even if I have to stretch to the farthest reaches of my imagination.

10 Things of Thankful, Soccer Edition

1.  Soccer is a wonderful aerobic exercise.  Unless your child has irregular heartbeats and sports-induced asthma.  Then it's scary as all get out.

2.  Soccer is a sport in which using your brain is just as (if not more) important as using your brawn.  Which is very helpful, as my kids are all ridiculously scrawny.

3.  It is a great game for spectators, since the action is fast, and the game has a time limit of 90 minutes.  Only 60 minute games until they get to high school.  Of course, soccer has some of the worst parent spectators in all the land, making it pretty darn miserable sometimes for those of us who are rational human beings.  It's a great game for spectators who just want to be spectators and not coaches.

4.  All of my kids absolutely love playing it.  They find it to be spectacular fun.  Except for those times they break their thumbs, get stepped on the face when diving for a ball, getting a concussion after being tripped from behind and falling to the ground, or doing a header and having their glasses go flying.

5.  All of my kids absolutely love playing it.  If only one of them chose a different sport, my brain would explode from trying to keep track of it all.

6.  It can be played anywhere, anytime.  All you need is a soccer ball and some grass.  Until you are 40 and out of shape.  Then you need to find another sport.  Like badminton.

7.  Playing on a team teaches them many life lessons.  I can't even say what I want to say about this one.  It's not exactly kind.  Or PG.

8.  I get to sit in a nifty foldable chair.  That I carried half a mile to the field, along with, depending on the weather and number of games, an umbrella, blanket for each little boy, bag of stuff for little kids to do, food for everyone, and sometimes the bench for the team to sit on. (This one may border on the sarcastic instead of thankful.  Sorry.  I got a bit desperate.)

9.  We have gotten to meet lots of wonderful families who care an awful lot about my kids.  They far outnumber the not-so-wonderful families I've endured.

10.  Soccer gives my kids something to bond over.  There is a lot of soccer talk around here.  And since COW and I have never played, and really don't have much of an idea about it, the kids really have these conversations on their own.  On the rare occasion I open my mouth and say something about the way one of my kids played, the others hop all over me in defense of their sibling. 

Done and done.

I feel a touch better.

This will be the last time I bore you all with soccer.

Because I'm upping the ante to $600.  Surely they'll cave then.

Now, what are you thankful for?  If you say soccer, I don't know what I'll do.  OK, nothing.  I won't do anything, seeing as I'm in Ohio, and I can't even make fun of you in the comments.

Have a lovely weekend!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. 11 just think what might happen if they decide to ALL do different sports though! 11 different schedules, equipment, clothing etc. to wash, dry, fold etc. No, on the whole, think - despite the stress already - all doing ONE may be a better option!

    As I've said more than once - you are doing fine!

    1. Ah, that's why I put the disclaimer! They had to quit and run cross country. 15 minute races, all kids practice and participate in meets at the same time/same place. Glorious schedule if you ask me!

      Thank you for the support and confidence boost!

  2. Like I have said before my kids are just starting out with soccer, but loved this post, because at least by the end I am a bit more aware if nothing else what I am in for with this sport! And hope you are enjoying your time home and that Dad is at the very least happy now :)

    1. I enjoyed myself immensely. I hope this doesn't turn you completely off soccer. It hasn't turned us off. Our 5 year old will start playing next week.

  3. Well, I love your list (and I appreciate the heads-up call yesterday too).

    And BTW assuming I get one together, my list for tomorrow night MAY contain the word soccer...I hope you don't hit me. :)

    1. Yes I am quite upset at that...

    2. A.R. - I knew you would. :)

      Lizzi - I have only hit one person in the nose in my lifetime. It was the boy who lived next door, and he had been completely mean to one of my siblings. (Clark would have a field day with the whole story.) While I do have a temper, I am very good at keeping it under control.

      Shanique - Ah, Pet. So sorry. (I think Lizzi is rubbing off on me. I never used to call people "Pet".)

    3. Well, the saying is British. You're British. Stands to reason. (Ha!) Had no idea it was a word to cause such passion!
      OK, it might have been from the gorgeous woman with whom I taught 5th grade. She was also British, and even after 30 years in the US, she was still very British sounding. She called the kids "love". Maybe "Pet" too.

    4. Wait! Wait wait wait... do you pet your "pets"?!

  4. I thought this was a great list Christine, because in the process of writing it you were able to find some soccer-related blessings, like #9 and #10, and you also managed to vent a lot of frustration and that's healthy too! It's real, we all have weeks like that, and issues that we struggle with, and sharing them helps us to defuse their ability to overwhelm us and steal all our joy. I hope your weekend away proves to be more fun than you may be anticipating. Don't worry, we'll all be here and will welcome you back into the fold next week! Sad to say, the world does not end when blogging has to be set aside (though we'd like to believe that it at least leaves a huge black hole in the universe)! :-) Take care, and make some good memories!!

    1. The frustration certainly needed venting. It was seeping in and making me unhappy. Thank you for pointing out that it is good to do so sometimes.

      I knew it would be a fun weekend, and fun it was.

      Why, exactly, doesn't the blogging world end when I'm away?

      Thank you!

  5. Team sports can drain you completely dry at the time, but there will be wonderful memories when your kids are grown and gone. You both will remember your being a vital part of their sports lives. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous weekend making your dad happy. :)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. It helps to hear it from someone already through it.

      Dad was very happy. So was I. :)

  6. Being a life-long avoider of any contact sport, you have all my sympathies - I'm thankful I had a girl who was more interested in learning how to walk on stilts than play team games :)

    1. Well, soccer isn't supposed to be a contact sport, but alas... I want a child to learn how to walk on stilts! (Really, I want to be the one to walk on stilts.)

  7. guys which part of scottian mom did you not get? lol

    My compliments to you one your over-coming of certain... some might say, 'natural instincts', the Doctrine would say 'reality appropriate response.
    Sounds like a lot of a mix of situations, alternatingly at cross conflict with each other. I admire your ability to produce a list on the (described) conditions.
    'see' you tomorrow...if the opportunity presents!

    1. Clark, you are in my head. I keep doing things, then thinking, "Well, that sure was a scott thing to do."

      Thank you! Glad you appreciated the effort. :)

  8. After that picture from the fourth I cant wait to see your Dad's Happy Photo!

    1. He was so, so happy. I don't have one of him alone, but I do have him smiling, surrounded by everyone.

  9. I really LoVe how much you Love soccer :) Have a great time at your dad's.

  10. 1., 2., 4.: Don't you just want to wrap them in bubble wrap and keep them on a shelf sometimes?

    6. Is volleyball now on the "40 and out of shape" list?

    7. Understood.

    8. Plus the added benefit of aerobic and mental exercise for you when you try to get that folding chair back in the damn bag.

    1. lol ( "life with the legs! bend from the hips!"*)

      *Safe Activity Guideline for everyone except children...

    2. Frequently.

      Ha! No, volleyball will still be played. It's on the "You're 40, don't be an idiot and play like you're 20" list.

      Double Ha! Those stupid bags...

  11. ACK! Damn you, Christine! All the thick sticky sarcasm drenching all the Thankfulness in it's gooey goo! You are so lucky you are out of town... I had ninja bush babies on stand-by!


    Considering it was all about soccer again (why you were attempting this again is beyooooond me lol), it's a pretty good list. Way more than last week, which was a struggle.

    Hopefully, with a little "away" time you will feel more relaxed (although who knows what state the house will be in upon return) <--- See! I can do it too! >.<

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm eating red velvet cake. If not, it certainly makes me feel better ;-)

    Hurry back so you can catch up on comments already! The Blogosphere neeeeeeeeds you!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Very lucky. I actually felt bad about the post all weekend. :(

      I had to try to come up with some positives. There's no way the kids are giving it up, so I better find a way to get along.

      :) I assume you mean the parenthesis? Much more relaxed upon return.

      Glad you feel better. I guess you never read my post on making red velvet cake (my husband's favorite) a few months ago.

      I'm going as fast as I can!

  12. Huh, I was hoping no one noticed. Heroic might be too big of a word for it. :)

    Improving it is. Slowly.

    Not likely. Mostly 'cause I wouldn't pay, and they know it. They're on to me.

  13. I was really hoping Monopoly money would have worked.

  14. Sorry you've had a rough week; hope that the time away has helped. Good for you for taking something that has been a challenge and featuring it in your list!

  15. So, if I offer to give up soccer of any type, will you pay me $500? (I used to play as a kid, so it is legit!)

    Worth a shot. Here's to looking forward to the up and up.

  16. First, I can't believe that your kids didn't take you up on the offer to quit soccer for $500 and do cross country. My dad obviously sucked b/c I never had that kind of an offer. Ok moving forward.


    $500? Wow.


    Love number 4 and 5. Oh. Wait. I suppose there's a reason for that. Also? I LOVED soccer as a kid. I had an epic fail in trying to enroll my 2-year old in Soccer Tots. Epic. Sigh.

    I hope you have an amazing time with your dad. I'm glad you went because that photo of him alone? Was sad. Sad.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!