Friday, July 11, 2014

Post-Op: You May Need Your Own Anti-Nausea Meds After This, TToT #56

For months you've been reading about my knee injury.  From the injury itself to the recovery and the fear it would ruin our anniversary trip to the physical therapy to the surgery.  You've stuck with me, and I appreciate it.  You're almost to the end.

But not





1.  I am thankful that the surgeon operated on the correct leg.  I was quite surprised when the nurse handed me a marker and had me mark the injured knee with the word "yes".   (I guess one too many doctors fixed something that wasn't broken one too many times.)  The surgery went well, and my knee seems to be healing according to plan.

2.  I am thankful for the outpouring of well wishes and check-ins.  So many people have been calling/texting/and writing to make sure we are OK and offering to do whatever we need.  While we haven't had to take too many people up on their offers, it is calming to know that I have people to call on if needed.

3.  I am thankful that bloggers are blogging.  Daytime TV is horrible, and focusing on a book is way too taxing for my drugged brain.  Blog posts are much easier to read.  And I do mean easier, not easy.  It takes me up to 20 minutes to read one post.  If you read Wednesday's post, you won't be surprised to hear that I have frequently been awoken by my iPad hitting me on the forehead after I have fallen asleep while reading a post.  Commenting on the posts can be even more trying.  So, if you have written a post this week, I promise you I've read it, whether I've left a comment or not.  If I left a comment that makes no sense, I'm sorry.  Or you're welcome, depending on how funny it is.

4.  I am thankful for a good old fashioned sponge bath.  I'm not allowed to take a shower for at least three days after surgery, and that is just way too long for me to lie about in my own stench.  My hair is still as slick as a Parisian pickpocketer, but my armpits are mostly clean.

5.  I am thankful that my feet are OK. I'm pretty sure.  When I took my socks off last night, I noticed something very odd about my piggies and went into a bit of a panic.

  Bad photo, but perhaps you can tell...

They are vastly different colors.  The left foot has a spooky, pale, almost ghostly-white tint.  The one on the right has an Oompah Loompah hue.  After closer inspection, I've decided they simply rubbed my whole leg down with iodine or some such thing before surgery.  I know, one would assume I'd have been able to figure this out when I gave myself a sponge bath, but I can't bend my leg that far.  I can't actually wash my foot, and the kids weren't about to do it. (They've had to do much worse.  You'll see.  I couldn't ask them to wash my feet, too.) Bryan hasn't been home before 9:30 each night, so it stays for now.  But I'm pretty sure I figured it out.  I'm fine.

6.  I am thankful for the kids' low expectations for dinner.  I planned easy, easy meals for the big kids to put together this week, but even those aren't getting completely made.  Last night, they had Kraft Mac and Cheese.  That's it.  Tonight, leftover tortellini.  Without sauce.  We ran out on Tuesday when we originally had it.  They're not eating well, but they're eating.  And nobody is complaining.  Yet.

7.  I'm thankful that Buttercup left a plastic laundry basket next to the couch.  Almost as thankful as Star is.  I had cereal for the first time since surgery this morning.  The moment I took a bite, the milk didn't taste right. (It wasn't the milk.  It was the meds.  Several things don't taste right.)  After a few more bites, my stomach was feeling exceptionally unwell.  I stopped eating, but that didn't solve the problem.  Soon enough, that plastic laundry basket held what used to be the contents of my stomach.  Guess I'm not quite ready for dairy yet.

8.  I'm thankful that Star didn't put up a single bit of fuss when he was the first one awake and was promptly asked to take the vomit-filled basket outside and wash it out with the hose.

Cuckoo was nice enough to snag the photo for me.

9.  I am thankful for Buttercup's baking ability.  Without any help from us, our first-ever planting of zucchini is thriving in the garden.  We have a mountain of zucchini on our kitchen counter.  Buttercup has been making bread as fast as she can.  Each person that comes to take one of our kids somewhere gets a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, and a zucchini as a thank you.

10.  I am thankful for cuddles.  Turken is taking full advantage of my recovery time and lays on top of me as often as possible.  Today, we cuddled on the couch for 2 hours.  It's been marvelous.

Thank you again for your prayers, your well wishes, and your calls of concern.  I very much appreciate them.

Before you go, let me know what has made you smile this week.  (I'll even be OK if all you can come up with is that horrible photo Bryan took of me that was posted here on Wednesday.)

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Replies
    1. Ok that totally made me smile but not nearly as much as the thoughtof you smacking yourself awake with an ipad to the forehead!!!

    2. Congrats!
      I know how you feel. The image of me doing that makes me laugh, too, even when it really has happened to me many times.

  2. You have had a tough run, haven't you? But those kids...they are awesome. And Bryan. It speaks so much of the character of your family(and you) that they can keep on going, even through sauceless tortellini. I wish you speedy recovery...and normal-looking feet.

    1. I can't complain. Besides the fact it is going relatively smoothly and at a pretty good time schedule-wise, I did this to my own darn self. Complaining would be horribly annoying
      I couldn't be more proud of the way the kids are stepping up moaning- and groaning-free. They are good kids, for sure.
      Thank you!

  3. 3 - The image of you smacking yourself awake with the iPad made me smile. And I'd be quite happy for you to leave a senseless comment on my blog even if you're completely lucid :)

    7 - At least you've found an alternative use for the laundry basket - sorry you were unwell, I hope you're over that bit now.

    8 - Well done to Star for cleaning out the basket, if that had been my job I'd have been adding to it :(

    10 - Cuddles are lovely :)

    1. 3. I'm glad. I smiled about it, too. After I was fully awake and realized what I had done, of course. :) Ha! I'll see what I can do.
      7. I'm mostly glad it was plastic. One of the wooden ones would have been awful. I thought I was over it, but I had another bout this morning. Thankfully, I hadn't eaten anything yet, so nothing came up.
      8. He was a real trooper. And he had his face covered with his shirt the whole way outside. :)
      10. They are the best.

  4. Great list of thankfuls - your kids are great - zucchini, zucchini bread and eggs - wonderful job to Buttercup and of course Star should get the medal of honor - cuddles are the best he is a sweet one. Enjoy the weekend as best you can and be well!

    1. Thanks! I'm sure he would appreciate it if he received an actual medal.

      Turken is the most sensitive, sweet kid I have.

  5. Aww, I am so sorry it has been slow going in healing and will say I couldn't agree more about cuddles doing a world of good in feeling better at least emotionally. Wishing you a faster recovery now and sending extra prayers for this.

    1. I didn't expect to heal quickly, so I'm ok with that. It's the surprise vomit that is throwing me. :) The cuddles have been a huge help.
      Thank you!

  6. (comment loss! damn! delete if unnecessary)

    "...a book is way too taxing for my drugged brain. Blog posts are much easier to read."

    …and that exactly why I wrote the post the way I did!

    1. Ack! I'm sorry!

      Ha! Did you really? it was the easiest post I read all week. :)

  7. This is take 3 for trying to leave a comment--which makes claiming frist hard to do! :-)

    You have a real knack for entertainment. How in the world do you make the nitty-gritty of life so interesting to read? What good kids you have! Barf bucket duty can't be much fun.

    I'm so glad that you are on the mend, and hope that recovery gets easier and easier every day. I'll keep praying for you.

    1. Ack! What is going on with my blog?? Why are you all having trouble? Thank you for taking the time to try so many times.

      I'm so glad you are finding the stories interesting, since I don't have a whole lot of interesting going on right now. :)

      They are great kids. I've had barf bucket duty many times, as have you. We both know what a horrible job that is! Blech.

      Thank you!

  8. Wow...Buttercup has a chef's hands! I hope the knee is getting better this week!

    1. She certainly is trying to get really good at cooking and baking. I'm thrilled to bits about it.

      Thank you! Me, too!

  9. You know someone really loves you when they clean up your vomit! Or your explosive diarrhea -- yeah, both have happened to me at one point and neither were pretty.

    1. Either really loves you or doesn't have a choice. :) Gotta say, vomit is a whole lot better to deal with than the other end. Does the person who helped you still love you? I hope it wasn't the same person doing both!

  10. They have been awesome.
    I actually felt bad for Star. I don't normally feel bad when I make the kids do something, but I did yesterday morning.
    Buttercup has been uberhelpful this week.

    I'm doing my very best.

    Ha! THAT is happy!

  11. Praying for a smooth, quick recovery! Fascinating that your legs are different colors. I think I would have been a bit panicked. Lots to be thankful for this week!

    1. Thank you!
      I have since had my feet washed, and they look much closer in color. Not quite the same, but much less panic-inducing.

  12. Star is definitely a Rock STAR in my books!!! I was gagging just looking at the picture. :O Thankfully my boys were the heaving types. ;)

    Gotta love the snuggling moments!! <3

    1. In my book, too. At least for now. :) Will it make you gag more if I tell you that when he sprayed, it basically just shot the pukey water all over the place? :)

      I do. Very much so.

    2. Actually it made me laugh first (I'm awful that way) and THEN I may have gagged some more. Thank you for sharing but next need to elaborate. ;)

  13. Nice to have your caring family around you when you need them. Did you have a knee replacement or arthroscopic surgery?


    1. It is very nice.

      With that question, you sound like you are familiar with knee surgery. Hopefully because you are a nurse and not because you've had one. It was arthroscopic. I tore my ACL to pieces at the same time as tearing my meniscus quite badly in two different places.

    2. My husband needs two knee replacements. The arthroscopy on both knees was an attempt to delay the inevitable. He's visiting the orthopedist this week. Hope your rehab goes well. I know it does take awhile.


    3. Oh, poor guy! I hope it goes as well as it can for him.

  14. I'm glad things are going well. You have much to be thankful for. Good for you. Your family is wonderful too. That always helps.

    Have a terrific day. :)

    1. Thank you. You always have such nice things to say.

      Hope your weekend is going well.

  15. Even on all drugged up and laid up you can come up with a great post! What a woman! I won't laugh at the iPad hitting you in the head. I promise. I am going straight to that photo your husband took of you when I'm done here though.

    I remember when my husband had his knee surgery and they made him write on his as well. Scary, scary thought, isn't it?

    Your kids are amazing, Christine! You have really done right by them and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how proud you should be of them.

    I hope your recover continues to go well and you get that oompa loompa leg taken care of soon! Take care!

    1. You may be able to not laugh at the iPad bit, but good luck not laughing at the photo Bryan took.

      Horrible thought!

      Thank you. I have to keep telling myself these things on the days they make me bonkers. :)

      Thank you!

  16. So very glad to hear you're on the mend Christine! And, only minor, intermittent injury type events in the process - flying ipads, baskets of vomit and such. Good thing you can blame them on the drugs lol
    Your kids are good sports for sure! btw...I LOVE zucchini bread. You're lucky to have a baker in Buttercup but I bet she can't wait for things to go back to pre-injury days:)
    Take advantage of those cuddles....

    1. EVERYTHING will be blamed on the drugs. :)

      They did so well when I first injured myself, I was hoping they'd do just as well after surgery. They've gone above and beyond.

      I am!

  17. So glad that surgery is done and went well - and that you have these lovely kids (baking and cuddles - so great!) around you to help out (as well as a community for just in case times!) I actually got a little laptop holder tray-thingie that sits over your waist to read blogs (and work a bit) while bed-ridden awhile back and it was just so much better than daytime TV. Hopeing your feet are back to normal, and your recovery continues smoothly.

    1. Me, too.
      Ooh, a laptop holder tray thingie sounds quite helpful. I've been doing most of my reading on my iPad, which isn't exactly my favorite way.

      Thank you.

  18. Your poor pale piggies and your poor laundry basket and tummy! The aftermath of surgery is so sucky. I hope you feel better soon. Also being thankful that they operated on the right knee is no joke. I know somebody (FOR REAL not just an urban legend somebody) who had the wrong elbow operated on. Twice. Really.

    1. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! How horrible! When do they figure this out?? Did they open her up and say, wait, there's nothing wrong or did they open her up and fix something that wasn't broken??

      Twice?!!?!?? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??? WHAT DID SHE DO??? WAS IT THE SAME DOCTOR??? So many questions, all being screamed at you. Sorry, but this needs to be expanded on!

  19. So so glad for all these thankfuls and that you're healing according to plan. I am happy to help in any way you need, but I know you have a lot of people offering, so I'll just assume you'll let me know if/when the need arises! :)

    1. I know you are. You name is on the list of people to call. We really haven't needed anything besides rides to soccer, thankfully.

  20. THIS POST made me smile this week! I haven't been able to read many posts, and I've missed clever things like "as slick as a Parisian pickpocketer" which I hope to work into conversations a.s.a.p.!
    Glad you're on the mend, w/the correct foot being worked on! My Goddaughter is in med school, and the limb mixup has happened more times than you would want to know! There is also the whole "the PATIENT'S left? Or MY left? Or stage left?" thing, too. Ugh.
    I wish I were closer, I would happy to lend a hand, with or without bread and egg payment! Looks like your kids are doing a marvelous job!
    Also, you have very pretty, though temporarily mismatched, feet! So there's that :)

    1. I'm glad! Let me know if you get the chance to use it. :)

      I'm sorry so many people had to have the wrong surgery done, but I'm darn glad mine was done after simple fixes were put in place.

      Aw, you're sweet. We haven't needed much help. Gotta love summer schedules.

      Ha! Thanks.

  21. Saw a great video about a young man with Down's syndrome that owns his own restaurant. It looks awesome!

  22. You deserve it all and more. Think of it as payback (though of course we don't parent for the pay; it's a free gift).

    1. No, we don't do it for payment, but it sure is nice when our hard work pays off!

  23. I have had 7 surgeries and have never had a nurse tell me to mark myself! The surgeon has always come in checked my file, then had a nurse check my file ask me and than marked me.... I feel like having you mark yourself is a lawsuit waiting to happen! It is always funny though, when I had my big surgery on my arm having a giant NO going down one arm and than a giant yes down the other. Hope you are healing well.

    1. For real?! At least things were marked, though. I don't even want to imagine 7 surgeries.
      I'm healing just fine, I think.

  24. 1. Dammit, I didn't get to do that with my boobies!
    2. I'd be there if I could. Or if you asked.
    3. I do that every night with my Nook and I'm not medicated.
    4. Baby wipes are our friend.
    5. And you call my kitten creepy?
    6. If they were hungry, you'd know it.
    8. Star deserves a medal.
    9. You know what I'm going to say: that Buttercup is a PEACH.
    10. That's about the sweetest picture I've ever seen.

    1. Probably because they were doing both.
      I know you would.
      I don't even have baby wipes any more. I said old-fashioned. With a washcloth and soap.
      And always will.
      A big one.
      I knew. :)
      He's about the sweetest boy you'll ever meet.

  25. I've been wondering how you have been doing!!! Glad to know that you are starting to come to a bit more reality... slowly but surely!! Meds are amazingly powerful aren't they? ACK.

    Bless your kids' hearts for all they are doing to help!! And that precious pic of you and Turken... LOVE!!

    1. I'm very happy to be coming out of the fog. It is no fun.

      They are rock stars these days.

  26. The surgery sounds like quite an ordeal. I need hip surgery myself and I'm putting it off as long as possible. I'm glad you're on the recovery side of things now. I can see why your friends are all volunteering their help - who doesn't want a freshly baked loaf of zucchini bread??? Looking forward to seeing you heal in the coming weeks. Enjoy your reading and snuggling now.

    1. Ooh, hip surgery sounds like no fun. Good luck with that.
      I hear it's really, really good, too. I haven't taken a bite yet. Those meds are keeping my appetite at bay.
      I am taking full advantage of the forced down time, don't worry. :)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!