Saturday, February 1, 2014

We Get Around and Talk A Lot, TToT Week 33

In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.
- Brother David Steindl-Rast 

As I type this, I am balancing the keyboard on my knee while holding Cuckoo.  The poor kid has a fever, a runny nose/bit of a cough, and his eyes are all sick looking.  Probably because he is exhausted from being awake many times between 2 and 5:30am last night.

I was supposed to go to my doctor appointment and go watch the 8th grade vs. teacher volleyball game today.  Instead, I've cuddled with my boy and watched PBS all day.  Buttercup was fine with me missing the game, and I can reschedule the appointment.  My boy wants me to hold him, I'm going to hold him.  These days of holding him are numbered, so I'm not going to waste them.  Except there's only so much PBS I can watch.  Balancing the keyboard isn't so hard.

On to the thankfuls...

1.  Little kids trying out new words and/or getting confused between them always makes me smile.  Cuckoo and Turken had me smile a bunch this week.  For example:
I washed Turken's sheets but didn't get them back on the bed before leaving to take someone to practice.  Instead of putting sheets on the bed, COW just grabbed a sleeping bag for him to sleep in.  In the middle of the night, Turken was standing on the landing calling for me.  When I got to him, he cried, "I fell out of my suitcase.  Can you zip me back in my suitcase?

I walked into the boys' bedroom to find Cuckoo wiping some chapstick all over his mouth.  When he was finished, he looked at me and, referring to his dry, cracked lips said, "I have chap on my lips".

While driving to pick Turken up from kindergarten, I heard Cuckoo cough.  He then started crying and, referring to the phlegm he coughed up said, "I have choke on my chin".

2.  A neighbor takes Phoenix to high school for us, since he has a daughter going there anyway.  It makes my life so, so much easier.  Last weekend, his daughter got her driver's license, so she will be driving herself to school from now on.  Unfortunately, thanks to Indiana's graduated license laws, she won't be able to have a non-family member in the car with her for 6 months.  My neighbor is still driving Phoenix to school.  He said he drives that way anyway to go to work, so it's no big deal.  Oh contrair monfrair.  It is a very big deal.

3.  Our mall has an indoor play place.  We visited.  Energy was burned.

4.  Cuckoo is the king of out-of-the-blue deep conversations that make me think and laugh at the same time.  Example (edited so you wouldn't be completely bored.  The chat went on a tad close to forever.)

C:  If everyone in the world died, would God be all alone?
Me:  No, we would be in heaven with Him and all the other people who have died.
C:  I would live with Him?
Me:  Yes.
C:  I don't want to live with him.
Me:  Of course you don't...right now.  You will once you get there.
C:  I never want to live with him.
Me:  Why?  Do you want to keep living with me?
C:  No.  I want to live by myself.  When can I live by myself?

5.  Our school hasn't been called off as often as most.  Since there is no bus service to Catholic schools in Indy, thus no kids waiting out in the dangerously cold weather, we don't have to cancel.  Sure, most people like a snow day, but I'd rather go to school on these days and be out on the nice, warm days in May.

6.  The Boy Scouts in our area are active, and we get to do lots of fun, odd things at a discount.  Last Saturday, the whole family went to the Monster Truck Jam.  Basically, it's a night of watching gigantic trucks smash things and drivers try to flip the trucks over.  There is nothing more redneck than a Monster Truck Jam.

A Monster Truck Jam is REALLY loud, thus the ear protection.  Cuckoo insisted on wearing his monster truck tank top over his long sleeve shirt so people could see it.


7.  For the past two Christmases, COW's brother and sister-in-law have given us gift certificates to a fancy auditorium.  We were finally able to use them last night and saw Kenny Rogers in concert.  Quit laughing.  It was one of the best concerts I've ever attended.  COW and I realized something, too.  Kenny and Pat Benatar, while well into retirement age, are still fantastic performers.  Journey and (another band I cannot for the life of me remember that COW went to last year) were still trying to jump around and act like they did 3 decades ago.  Those concerts were awful.  So, people, embrace the age you are and be fabulous, because trying to be the person you were 20 or 30 years ago just makes you look ridiculous.

8.  I am thrilled to live near a capital city.  There are so many things to do.  I'm going to have to bet COW and I are the only two people in the world who, in a span of 2 months, have gone to a Pink concert, a monster truck rally, and a Kenny Rogers concert.

9.  We've had a couple of signs that spring will get here someday.  When I went out to feed and water the chickens this morning, the water wasn't a frozen block of ice.  That's the first time it has happened in weeks and weeks.  And then, even better, I have been seeing robins.  All over the place.  For those of you not living in the great frigid north, robins are always the first birds to make their way back (that I know of), signalling spring on the not-infinity-distant horizon.

10.  Picmonkey.  With their free service I can take 2 minutes to make a new image to post on Facebook on Sunday.

Do you know what Sunday is?

Just in case the robins are lying, we can't leave Groundhogs Day up to chance.

Your turn!  What has made you smile this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. does it count if you spell first some weird British Way?
    awww...poor cuckoo. Did you already reschedule your doctor's appointment? How's that for kvetchy?
    love the two goofing dudes shot!
    So when will cuckoo get his own place??? God forbid....way too soon for his mommy im sure.

    1. No, no it doesn't.
      I have not rescheduled yet. I'll get on it first thing Monday morning. Probably.
      They are goofy, for sure.
      Probably, by the time he becomes a teenager, I'll be better about him leaving. I just don't want him to become a teenager.

  2. Hope Cuckoo is feeling better and I know all about just cuddling with my girls when they aren't feeling well. That truly is just what we do as moms. And Cuckoo sounds a lot like my Lily though with his honor and she is always saying things to crack me up and definitely hard to keep a straight face around her as well!

    1. Drop everything and hold those babies. It's a great perk of being a mom.

  3. Hope Cuckoo is feeling better by now, especially after having all those mommy cuddles. How you managed to type with the keyboard balanced on your knee is beyond me though, it takes me all my time with mine in the right place!

    I just love your kids and the things they say - Turken's 'falling out of his suitcase' just cracked me up. :)

    1. He is just fine. Buttercup isn't so hot, but Cuckoo is back to normal. With 6 kids, I've managed to do all sorts of things with one hand and no table. :)

      I'm glad you find them amusing and it's not just me being biased because they are my kids.

  4. Love toddler/preschooler speak! I remember when my daughter referred to the frost on the ground as "icing"! :)

    I don't know if I've mentioned this before but, Indy is definitely a city I could see myself living in or around! There are nice advantages to having so many options for entertainment, employment and education.

    I just recently discovered PicMonkey. It's great! is great for quotes!

    Not interested in monster trucks, but Kenny and Pink sound pretty good!

    1. Icing?? That is completely adorable.

      I really do love living here. There are so many things to do, it is close to many other cities, but just a few miles out, you can seem to be in the middle of nowhere.

      It is a great site. I never heard of recitethis before.

      Monster trucks is an experience, but I much prefer the concerts.

  5. Seriously, my darling, how old ARE you?!? Kenny Rogers? Really?

    Hope Mr. Cuckoo feels better soon...poor baby. And I hope no one else catches it...namely YOU, my friend! But I know.....being a mom, it is a given, as there's no way you'll bypass snuggles with a sick kiddo. I totally understand and would do the same thing. :)

    BTW Mr AR and the PBA were at the Monster Truck Rally too...but they didn't take any pictures for me. Glad you were there to capture the event. :)

    1. Hey, hey, hey. Have you ever listened to Kenny Rogers?? He's awesome. And he holds special significance in our marriage, as we have one of his greatest hits CDs and would sing it at the top of our lungs on every single road trip we've ever been on.
      He's back to normal. No worries. I'm good so far, but Buttercup seems to have succumbed.

      Why didn't you go?? Did they like it? Have they been before?

  6. I'm in my 60s so I would have really enjoy seeing Kenny Rogers. I do agree that people need to act their ages though.

    I love this post. Full of fun.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

    1. While we were feeling quite young sitting in the Kenny audience, I still think Kenny is a great singer for all ages. If only they'd give him a chance.


  7. I sure do hope Cuckoo gets to feeling better very soon. I did laugh out loud at the kid-isms, though! Don't you love them?
    I agree that your neighbor still taking Phoenix to school is a big deal...what a great guy! We went to Monster Jam a couple of years ago and yes, it is very, very loud. When Jeff asked if we wanted to go again this year I told him to go with Jake if he wanted to go, once was enough for me.
    Let's hope the robins aren't lying to you. I had completely forgotten that tomorrow was Groundhog's hoping! :)

    1. He is back to normal, climbing all over all of us and being his normally loud self.
      It is a huge deal. I still can't believe he's willing to do it.
      We have been to Monster Jam several times. We've been in the nose bleed section as well as the front row. Front row was so much more fun, being so up close to the trucks. I'd go again for the front row, but not the higher up seats.
      Crossing my fingers for spring. And my toes.

  8. Hear, hear. I agree to all attempts to tackle the groundhog. It's supposed to be cloudy here tomorrow. February 2 is one morning, I don't mind not seeing the sun shining. And I've never, ever seen the Monster Trucks do their thing. It looks like I haven't lived.

    1. It's been cloudy here all day, so we should be good.

      Well, you've lived, but not well. :)

  9. You staying home to hold the little guy who wasn't feeling well just melted my heart! You are right, those days will be gone so quickly and you will look back wistfully and wish you could visit them again

    Robins! We don't see them often here. I remember how excited we were at those first early sightings!

    I LOVE this... "embrace the age you are and be fabulous, because trying to be the person you were 20 or 30 years ago just makes you look ridiculous" A resounding AMEN from my corner!! Can I have your permission to turn it into a post on my FB page if I give you due credit? :-)

    1. The only time he will sit on my lap is when he first wakes up, when I'm reading him a book, or he's sick. My arms are already feeling bare half the time. I take every chance I get.

      While they aren't the flashiest of birds in their coloring, they are most certainly the most anticipated birds.

      I'm glad you LOVE it. You have my permission. :)

  10. Every February 2nd is Groundhog's Day. In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, a groundhog named Phil is brought out of his burrow to predict whether or not we will have an early spring. If the groundhog sees his shadow, we are in for another 6 weeks of winter. If not, we will have an early spring. (You might want to watch the movie, "Groundhog's Day," starring Bill Murray.)

  11. Hey, as someone who just watched The Irish Rovers in concert, I'm not about to say anything disparaging about Kenny Rogers. If Kenny Rogers' concert was as fun as The Irish Rovers' concert, you had a great time!

    1. Hahahaha! I just looked up the Irish Rovers. No, no you don't. :) Looks like we both had fun.

  12. I am so thrilled I know someone who has been to a Pink concert, a Monster Truck Rally, and a Kenny Rogers concert in the last two months. That is the most amazingly wonderful combination of events. You defy stereotype! And that is the best!

    Now, the play area at the mall. I have such mixed feelings about it. While it is fantastically dirty, and I hate to imagine the germs, it is the perfect place to get some exercise on miserable winter days. And my kids love it! Yours looks a lot like ours.

    1. I defy stereotype. That should be a slogan that people should strive for. There is just so much to experience in this world, why not try it all? Even if we don't think it's our "type". Within certain limits, of course. ;)

      Of all the indoor places to play, the mall is my choice. There aren't any tunnels or ball pits or small things to put in their mouths. A bit of handwashing and they are good to go. I'm going to guess you have a Simon mall where you live.

  13. Kid malaprops are awesome. I write Zilla's down so I don't forget them. And as much as it's tempting to want to over-correct so they know the right word, I can't deny I kinda let it go once I've explained what's correct. Things like that you can't get back again so I want to enjoy every second of them.
    Hooray for awesome neighbors who think the big deal thing they're doing isn't a big deal. That's just really great.
    I guess I'm in the old folks' club because I remember many of Kenny Rogers' tunes fondly. My grandparents loved him so it was part of the repertoire growing up. And I think your #8 just shows how diverse your musical culture extends. :)

    Have a wonderful week! Hoping your little one is feeling better!

    1. Well, you taught me a new word. Thank you!
      I don't even correct them most of the time. They'll figure it out sooner or later, and I enjoy them too much.

      At the concert we found out that he has put out at least one new album each decade for 7 decades. How crazy is that?? It means you don't have to be old to enjoy him. Everyone can remember an album that came out each decade.

      He is back to his ornery self, thanks.

  14. Our Lily is a little Ground Hog, so I'll never forget that day :-) Let me know if Phil saw his shadow! I'm glad you have such a great neighbor who's taking your son to school. I bet it helps a bunch not having to take him in yourself. Have a great weekend, Christine!

    1. I just saw the end of a news clip, and i think they said the shadow was seen. A happy dance will now begin.

      Phoenix's school is 35 minutes away, and school starts at 7:30. I'd have to wake Cuckoo up by 6:20 to get Phoenix to school, and add over an hour to total time in the car each day. This favor is HUGE!

  15. I told my husband, the great hunter, that it was open season on that damn hog!!!! Hope the little one feels better soon :)

    1. Ain't that the truth. The hog must NOT find his way back to his hole.

      He's all better, thanks.

  16. I love your take on the groundhog and I must agree. He must be hog-tied. I'm sorry your baby is sick, but I'm glad he'll let you hold him. My days of snuggle are also limited. And you have the best neighbor ever. Our great state has the same rule. My problem with that is we almost ALWAYS have more people in the van than just two of us. Poor kid may never get his license.

    1. Anyone who hog-ties the groundhog will be my hero. I'm guessing there will be plenty of others joining me in a round of applause.

      I really don't want the days of cuddles to end.

      The law used to be that teens couldn't have anyone under the age of 18 in their cars with them for the first 6 months after they get their license. Friends of ours had twins who weren't supposed to drive to school together because of this law. Their dad is a policeman, and even he said what a dumb law that was and let them drive each other to school. Fortunately, they changed it so siblings can be in the car. Of course, Phoenix may never get his own license, either, seeing as how he will be petrified to learn to drive in a 12-passenger van.

  17. YES to Kenny!! Too bad he didn't embrace his age before his last surgery. :(

    Sure hope Cuckoo is feeling better soon. Your conversations crack me up!! "Live by myself..." :D

    1. True, it is unfortunate that he felt he needed to have the surgeries. At a concert, though, we can't see his face that well, so we didn't notice. His behavior didn't hide his age, that is for sure.

      He is feeling just fine, thanks. These conversations crack me up, too, when they aren't making me pull my hair out. :)

  18. Your post this week has made me smile, "I fell out of my suitcase", Priceless!
    Totally forgot that today is Groundhog Day. Thanks for the reminder. I'm not laughing, Kenny Rogers is great! I haven't seen any robins up here as of yet but then again I'm still in hibernation mode. I really should get out though. We have a graduated licence thing here too but non family member I've never heard of before. That's interesting. Hope that Cuckoo is feeling much better today.

    1. I'm glad. Smiling is good.
      Yay to another Kenny fan!
      Perhaps if you go somewhere, you will see them. You'll have a better chance, anyway. :)
      He's all better, thanks!

  19. …you totally *need* to watch the movie… not-without-appreciating-the-irony, but we have watched the movie more times than I can remember...

  20. such a good movie

    Monster Trucks… what's not to like? (Although, I have to say, I *suppose* damaging your hearing is not the optimal result of a night out, so *I guess* the ear protectors are sensible.

    (In the interest of full disclosure: I spent my college years and early 20s playing in bands… the idea of ear plugs simply did not occur to anyone… the ringing in the ears for 2 or 3 days after 'playing out' was simply a fact of life…)

    1. I'm assuming you mean Groundhog's Day? Yes, yes it is.

      They can be fun, for sure.

      Well, I'm not going to say ear protection is "cool". I've never seen any band members wearing ear plugs. I would, though, appreciate it if they simply turned the music down. I don't understand the need for such obnoxious loudness which drowns out the singing.

  21. The story goes, if he sees his shadow, he goes back into his hole. If he doesn't go back in his hole, spring will be here soon.

    Cuckoo speak is the best.

  22. Funny, most people want to be FIRST. Congratulations on being fisrt. :)

  23. You might want to live alone by the time C is old enough to do so!! Love the suitcase/sleeping bag mix up :)

  24. First - your neighbour is amazing. Right up there with the one we have who randomly just plows our laneway for us. There is a spot waiting for both of them Heaven. Maybe they can share a cloud - because I suspect they'd get along.

    Second - indoor playgrounds rock.

    Third - I love when kids misuse words while learning them! So cute.

    Fourth - I've now made a note. Check out PicMonkey.

    1. We have a neighbor how comes around and makes sure no one's drive is blocked by all the snow the plow piles up at the end of the drives. He will also work on the driveway if he has time. Great neighbors are worth their weight in gold.

      2. I don't know what I'd do without them.

      3. One of my favorite things about little kids.

      4. Yes, go give it a try. There are so many things you can do with it.

  25. Love love love little kid speak. And oh my goodness what an awesome neighbor!

    1. Me, too!
      I am so lucky to have some great neighbors.

  26. Hope wellness has settled over your little ones!

    1. The little ones are mostly back to normal. The big kids are now taking turns. It seems to be a one day event for each of them.

  27. I really need to use PicMonkey.

    Monster Jam looks fun. My kids would really enjoy it.

    1. You do. There are so many things to do with it. For free!

      It is a good time. I would recommend everyone go at least once, just to try something new.

  28. What a great convo with Cuckoo. So sweet. The child must need some time alone. :-)

    1. He's the only child who gets alone time while everyone else is at school. :) His brain just never turns off.

  29. Turken in his suitcase is funny! Hope Cuckoo is feeling better soon. I have a sickly kid too, but she's way too big to sleep on my lap now.

    Your winter seems to have been harsh this year. We've had extra-mild. We hardly ever get snow days, but when it does happen the kids don't have go in another day to make up, they just get an extra day.

    1. It makes me laugh every time he says it. I try to correct him, but he just can't get it straight.

      Cuckoo is fine now. Each of the 6 kids is taking his turn with it. One child each day stays home sick. Crossing my fingers it only goes around once!

      The only January in which we had more snow was in 1978 when we had a blizzard that closed the city for almost a month. It's been really bad, and it's not over yet. It's actually snowing right now!

  30. I agree about the snow days! I work as a substitute teacher. I would much rather have the days off in the summer when I can lay out in the sun! But I have to admit, on those sub-zero days, I am glad to not have to go out and scrape the ice off my ancient car.

    1. The scraping of the ice is no fun, for sure. In my perfect world, school would be out on both freezing cold AND gorgeous spring days. :)

  31. Late to the party!!! But wanted to stop by to take in your lovely list of thankfuls!! Such a great list it is Christine!! I do hope your little one is feeling better! Love the things your kiddos say... SO CUTE!!!

    I have never been to monster truck jam- I was FASCINATED with those pictures!!!

    1. Latecomers are always welcome! (And since I haven't posted anything else, can't say that you're even late!)

      Thank you! Cuckoo is much better, which is more than I can say for the big kids who are taking their turns with the same illness. Thankfully, it only seems to last one day.

      A Monster Jam is an experience, that is for sure.

  32. There's a monster truck rally coming to our area soon and my kids are begging to go. I just CANNOT.
    Hope your little guy feels better soon.


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