Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Mash-Up

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FTSF is getting us ready for that big Hallmark holiday coming up.  Today's prompt is The most memorable Valentine's Day I had was...

never.  I don't have a memorable, let along a most memorable.  This will be the 26th Valentine's Day that Hubby and I have been together.  We have never been a couple to make much of the day.  Actually, I've told him to never buy me flowers on the day when they are the most expensive.  Wasting money is so not attractive. 

However, we do usually exchange cards.  The kind of card I receive tells me alot about his current mood.   Some years, it's simple and sweet.  Some years it's all mushy, lovey-dovey.  One year he included a verse from Sirach.   Usually, though, it's something like this:

The inside reads, "You thexy thing".   To which my husband added, "You can't beat a card with poultry."

While I did laugh, I beg to differ.

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Ever had the jelly beans like the ones in Harry Potter?  Some taste good, others not so much.  You don't know which it will be until you actually eat the thing. 

There is nothing funnier than watching a three year old eat them.

Each day, the little boys are allowed to have a candy snack after lunch.  Every day this week, Cuckoo has asked for the jelly beans.  Of the 10 he is allowed to have, there is always at least one yucky one.  I can tell by the look on his face if it is a good bean or a bad bean.  Sometimes he endures, chewing until the bitter end.  Every once in a while, though, his face contorts, and he starts hopping and yelling, "It's hot!  It's hot!"  He has no idea what to do but hold his mouth open.  Once I stop laughing, I give him a plate to spit it onto.  He can't even spit.  He just grabs the half-chewed jelly bean with his hand, yanks it out of his mouth, and throws it onto the plate.

After a drink of water, he puts another jelly bean in his mouth.

He has done this every single day. 

Either he's not very bright or he is a man who likes to live on the edge.  Regardless, I think I'm in big trouble when he gets older.

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The giant pencil has been ordered.  Thanks, Considerer, for actually looking it up and finding one for me.   A picture will be posted as soon as it arrives.

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We had a lovely day of sun and temperatures in the mid-40s yesterday.  We took full advantage, playing outside as much as possible.   Just so you know, I'm not happy with the fact that I am calling mid-40's "lovely".  But compared to this, which we had every day for most of last week,

mid-40s is awesome.

So, we took advantage.

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Today, we are back to cloudy and windy and cold.  I'm not going to complain, though.  We are not gearing up for a blizzard. Good luck, East Coasters.

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 Fortunately for Green Girl, Hubby is working the ENTIRE weekend, so I'll have time to read her book that finally got made into an ebook.  She's asked us to read and review it on Amazon.  While I am excited to read it, seeing as how she is a funny lady, I don't have the first clue about how to review something on Amazon.  We'll see how it goes.

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Don't know if you noticed, but Lent is coming up.  I am going to bite the bullet and give up M&Ms as part of my Lenten promise.  It's time.  It's necessary.  So basically, while Hubby and the rest of the "split committee" is doing the stressful job of deciding the pay raises and bonus amounts for every lawyer in his firm, I'll be reading and shoveling M&Ms in my face.

Just call me "Trophy Wife".

Have a lovely day!

Finish the Sentence Friday       7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 206)


  1. Maybe Cuckoo just likes the adventure of it all! He'll grow up to be one of those guys wh sky dives and rides on the top of trains.

    1. That is exactly what I'm afraid of! I don't think my heart can take it.

  2. Hey, Uncle Jeffy and I have been married for 26 years too and we don't celebrate the V day either. Must be somethin' to that huh? Only difference is when I practiced law I never got a raise or a bonus. Guess I sucked.

    1. No joke, after 26 years, there isn't much new to do. (We have only been married 18 years, but dated a looooong time before that.)

      How did I miss that you were an attorney? There haven't been too many raises or bonuses going out the last few years. I'm sure it's not because you sucked. You never went to the office in your work-out clothes, did you?

  3. Oh thanks as always for linking up with us and your husband's idea of a card sounds similar to my own. He loves getting funny cards, actually the funnier the better :)

    1. I have way more funny cards than serious ones. It's the way we roll.
      Thanks for hosting.

  4. M&Ms. Yum! We're the same with V-day. Nothing to write home about and I'm cool with that. I dated a guy that would always get me roses on V-day and never any other time. I thought that was lame. Like you said, waste of $.

    1. Flower shops have to love guys like your old boyfriend. Well, I guess they love the guy who buys roses on Vday and lots of other days, too. But your guy sure made them happy.

  5. seriously if hubby skips V day he's on the COUCH!!! until I miss him... he knows better I don't want him to spend a fortune but i want him to think long and hard about me and get me something good, fun or funny. I sacrificed enough in the 20 years now to basketball and his coaching with out a complaint...
    and i just had to explain to many of my FB friends why we are having a king cake and what fat tuesday is... surprised at how uneducated some people are to modern culture. Altho we do not practice lent (baptist) so i do not have to give anything up... thankfully! but when i was a child in New Orleans I remember it being a big deal and all my classmates and people out with the thumb print (is that even what it is called?)on their forehead.
    And funny how your lovely 40 degrees has your kids in the yard in shorts while my kids are huddled under blankets in front of the fireplace and with fuzzy socks on. All in perspective, I remember when in college it got back up to 50 we took a skip day went to a state park to lay out. snow piles still in the parking lot. We were so foolish then:-)

    1. Huh, I would think most people would know what Fat Tuesday is.

      Thumb print? No, it is a cross made with the ashes from the burning of last year's palms from Palm Sunday.

      I actually thought of you while we were outside without our jackets. :)

    2. thanks after I wrote it I started thinking it must be a cross. Because a thumb print made no sense at all! Thanks for that clear up And cool to use last years palm branches. I do love when the little kids bring palm branches home and are protective of them but to watch them play in the yard with the palm trees which they attack, hit and pull at... I would think people would all know Fat Tuesday...

  6. Every year, come mid-Feb. I get like this. I am just tired of winter and long for the days that we don't have to bundle up to go outside.

    My husband is very good about doing things throughout the year, completely out of the blue, to let me knows how he feels. At least a handful of times each year he comes home with a bouquet.
    I'm hoping the pencil arrives at his office on Vday, actually. His secretary is to take a photo of him at his desk.

  7. Hehe to "You can't beat a card with poultry." So funny. I don't let my husband buy me flowers on Valentine's Day, either. Waste of money! :)

    1. He is a funny guy. Usually. :)

      I'm shocked that men actually do buy flowers on Valentine's day.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. We're getting the same type of weather in Kentucky. My father, who still lives in the Bloomington, In. area, hates the snow as of late. Then, he remembers how much he hates the Summer heat and relaxes some. lol Your son definitely likes to take chances. If the rewards are great enough, perhaps he feels the penalties are worth it. Great post!

    1. My mom has escaped the weather in Louisville by heading to Florida for two weeks. She keeps calling me to say things like, "I just came up from the beach and am sitting by the pool. The sun is on its way down. Oh, look, a pod of dolphins! And they have a baby!" I won't be taking any more of her calls.
      I prefer the heat to the cold, except at night, when I can cuddle under a pile of blankets.
      I'm afraid this son is going to be the reason that the folks at the ER know me by name.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I thought I was the only wife who doesn't want flowers for VDay. Last year I got a Yonana machine and squealed like a school girl. Unfortunately the Yonana didn't make it through the year but boy did I enjoy it while it lasted.

    And your husband must think you are one hot chick to get you a POULTRY card. You lucky girl you.

    1. Now that I've looked up a Yonana machine, that is a great gift!! Yum. Did you kill it from overuse?

      I am a very luck girl...and I'm not taking that chick/poultry any farther.

  10. I have been off of M&Ms since about August last year so I feel your anxiety. I've now gotten to the point that I don't look at them twice in the store anymore. For the record I think that card was cute. And the jelly bean story - LOL! I like when I have the opportunity to buy jelly beans from a place where I can make my own assortment. The invention of hot, licorice, peanut butter or popcorn flavored jelly beans is just gross! ;-)

    1. I hope to get to that point very quickly.

      I wish these jelly beans were as tame as licorice. The flavors dear Cuckoo is eating are called earwax, vomit, earthworm, soap, and rotten egg.

  11. Your kids are adorable and I am glad you could enjoy the sun yesterday. Take care since I hear that Nemo is going to halt life out there...
    Thankfully, we just get pooped out the heavy taxes in sunny california.

    1. Thank you.
      Fortunately, Nemo missed us. Just a whole lot of wind blowing here.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. SO glad you linked up with FTSF again! First of all, I think the quote, "Wasting money is so not attractive" should be on a T-shirt or something. Second, I think I need to keep a "spitting" bowl handy for the next time I foolishly eat those mystery jelly beans. Kind of like at a wine tasting. And also, best of luck with the M&Ms...more power to you!

    1. Seems I'm missing my calling. You're the second person this week to say something I wrote should be on a t-shirt.
      Thank you. I'll need some moral support on this one.
      Thanks for hosting!

  13. First of all, that card is awesome. I laughed aloud. We don't do much for Valentine's Day either, particularly since our birthdays are only 2-3 weeks before. We give ourselves the royal treatment for birthdays, and then settle for a "Happy Valentine's Day" hug. It's all good.
    Secondly, we also had a lovely day of some sunshine last week (here in the PacNW), and I'm pretty sure I even said it was beautiful even though in my heart of hearts, anything below 65 degrees is not my idea of good weather. But I will take sunshine and above freezing temperatures :)

    1. My husband certainly knows how to pick 'em. I'm perfectly content with the low-key holiday. One less thing I have to do.

      It is so sad to think that we now believe sunny and cold to be good weather. But, better than 2 feet of snow!

  14. Oh girl! I had the kids at Castaway Bay this weekend up in Sandusky. Bo yanks his pants down and starts to pee in the middle of the water park out in the open. All I could think of was "Wait til Christine hears this one!" I knew you'd understand! LOL.

    1. Hahahahahhahaha!!!! Not at an indoor water park!?!?!?! Did workers descend on you within seconds?
      It makes me sad to say I completely understand. So glad you thought of me. I think. :)

    2. Oh yes, and indoor water park. Life guards came running with whistles blowing. It was mortifying. LOL.

  15. Your husbands poultry comment cracked me up. Too funny!


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