Sunday, August 7, 2016

It's a Sports-Lover's Favorite Time of the Year! TToT Time!

The Olympics have begun!!

Oh how we enjoy watching these stellar athletes competing for those gold, silver, and bronze medals.

This week, I'm thankful for...

1. Swimmers

2. Divers

3. Water polo players

4. Soccer players

5. Gymnasts

6. Technology that allows us to watch races being raced in another hemisphere.

7. My family's interest in sports. One of us have played or raced in just about every sport in the Olympics, and those we haven't, we know enough about to know what's going on. Except for rugby. That one makes no sense to any of us.

8. In other news, I'm also thankful for opportunities to get together and visit with friends. There were several this week.

9. The soccer boys had the annual Red vs. Blue games, where our school's teams play each other (JV plays the JV2 team, then after a short break plays the varsity team). It is the only time in their lives that Giant and Star played against Phoenix. Everyone, players and spectators alike, thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Giant getting to the ball before a varsity player.

Phoenix taking a kick.

Why being a goalkeeper's mother is nerve wracking. Star slid in front of that player in order to keep him from scoring. See the ball?

Luckily the varsity player was able to jump over Star. That doesn't always happen.

10. The high school kids had a great start to the school year. They all have friends in their classes and they all are happy with the teachers they got. I am enjoying watching them all enjoying their teen years.

So, what good things are you grateful for this week? Have you been watching the Olympics? What's your favorite event?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Replies
    1. I have to admit I have no interest whatsoever in sport of any kind and I certainly won't be watching the Olympics. I don't know how much tv coverage things like that get in the USA but it really annoys me that over here our 'normal' tv channels are very often saturated with sports coverage, meaning regular programmes are dumped to make way for it. With all the different freeview and sports channels we now have I really don't see why sports programmes can't be kept on the sports channels so the 'normal' channels can be left alone for those of us who have no interest in it.

      I'm glad your high school kids have had a good start to the school year and have got good teachers and friends, I hope they do well :)

    2. I get that sports aren't everyone's cup of tea. (How's that for a British reference?? Ha!) Fortunately for the American non-sports folks, the one "channel" owns the rights to broadcasting the Olympics. "Cause everything is for sale, dontcha know. Most channels can only highlight the events on their normal news broadcasts, so their programming is normal. It's only the channels that end in "NBC" that show Olympics.

      Thank you! So far so good.

  2. We've not watched any of the Olympics. Well, wait. We did watch the guy beat all the girls in some race. That was more than I wanted to see.

    I'm thankful for so many things.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I know you are. I read about them each Thursday. :)

  3. We are loving the Olympics too. What I like best of all is seeing people from so many nations, some of them sworn enemies, come together for something higher, their common passion for sports and excellence. It teaches a powerful lesson about what is possible if we will focus on the prize. These people work so hard for what they want to achieve, and I wish we could bottle that passion! How fun to see your boys playing in the same games, and I'm delighted that your high school kids are starting out the year in an attitude of happiness, it makes all the difference. How fast the years go by!

    1. It really is amazing how so many countries, with such different governments and ideals, who are sometimes even enemies, manage to civilly compete against each other. I guess, in the end, it's not countries competing, but individuals. It's a lot harder to hate a person than it is a country.
      Their attitude is as good as it can be for a teenager starting a school year full of difficult classes and loads of work. :)

  4. I love the "Olympics" time of year too. Hahaha...we feel the same about rugby. :D

    How exciting for the boys to be playing with/against each other! Looks like you guys are off to a great start.

    1. Ha! We tried to watch it the other night, and we just kept asking, "What is going on?!?" :)

      It was so much fun. As for the school year, so far so good!

  5. I'm a goalkeeper's mother too. YIKES!!!!! Lots of nail biting for sure. The Olympics is just so awesome, especially the back stories on the athletes. Of course the fact that my West Virginia University girl won the very first gold medal for the USA this year was extra special.

    1. You know the pain and worry!! I worry so much more for my keeper than for the other kids.

      Gotta love hometown athletes! We have several Hoosiers competing this year, including a gold medal swimmer yesterday!

  6. I usually love the Olympics. Just haven't been watching this year....great soccer pics!

    1. You're missing some awesome events. Luckily, you still have some time to catch up. Track hasn't even started yet! :)

      Thank you!

  7. I usually love the Olympics. Just haven't been watching this year....great soccer pics!

  8. yeah... you do have a way with the sports photos (have you given thought to doing photography for your local newspaper?)
    have not been keeping up with the Olympics but I catch the headlines in the newspaper when I have my lunch
    summer's pretty much over out there in the West(ish) part of the country?
    we still have another month of summer (as measured by start of school year)

    1. Aw, thanks Clark. It would be fun to be a photographer for a paper, but the hours would conflict majorly with our schedule. :)

      Yup. Our elementary was the last school in the area to start. Big bummer, to be sure. Glad you don't have to face it out there on the coast yet.

  9. We enjoy watching the Olympics, too--and it doesn't much matter what the sport is.

    1. Funny how during the normal year we are choosy, but come Olympics time, we'll watch any and all events. :) Even biking, which can get mighty tiresome sometimes.

  10. We enjoy the Olympics at our house! Currently watching swimming and gymnastics. (Side note, four years ago, most of my Olympic watching was done from my bathtub where I spent much time recovering from hemorrhoid surgery.)
    Four kids in high school? And I thought I had it bad with two seniors! I hope for no ER visits for you this sports season!

    1. Oh. My. Word. I do not remember anything about you having that particular surgery. That had to be borderline traumatic.

      Ah, two seniors is pretty rough! Praying and praying for that!

  11. Rubbish? What rubbish? Wait, I don't want to know. Nothing but awesome from where we are.

    Ah, I, too, love the gymnastics. It's astounding the things they can do. In elementary school PE class, we always did a unit on gymnastics with a balance beam and everything. I think they stopped doing it because too many kids got hurt.



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