Thursday, March 6, 2014

Oh Sense of Huuuuuumor!!! Where Aaaaaare You???

This never-ending winter is getting to me, ya'll.  I have become a grouch.  My normal, sparklingly optimistic personality is being overrun by a grumpy, doomsday curmudgeon.  Or my normal is the curmudgeon and it's just always been held at bay by warm weather and the ability to go outdoors without freezing my teeth off.  Either way, curmudgeon city has hit the coop.

This winter is so bad.

How bad is it?

It is so bad that my bible study has gotten all excited about our expected high of 48 degrees on Friday.  We have been sending ridiculous texts saying things like, "It's going to be warm!  Let's do something outside!" and "Let's go to the zoo!"

It is a sign that a person's mind has been warped forever if she is thrilled beyond reason with the news of a 48 degree day.  The fact that it's my mind which has been warped annoys me.

Really, these days, everything annoys me.

This winter has finally pushed me over the edge.  I have lost my sense of humor.  Don't know if you've noticed, but I've been a bit scarce around here.  And when I am here, there's not much chuckling going on. I have written plenty of posts, but they are all sitting as drafts.  None are funny.  Some would probably offend people.

Titles of the abandoned posts include:

1.  For the love, quit giving your kids iPhones!

2.  Can we just stop making a person's sexual orientation late-breaking, national news?

3.  If living in a roach-infested apartment was good for me, it will be good for my kids.  Or we aren't poor, despite what our kids think.

4.  Kindergarten:  a two part series.

     a.  Wi doo peepl fink i shood reed be for i am 6?
     b.  All day vs. ...  Oh wait, I don't get the choice anymore.

5.  Your child yelled "shut up" to you from the field, and other signs you may need to lighten up.

If you need opinions, I have them in spades.

If you need a dour balance to your happy, I am your blogger.

If you need some eggs, I have 18 dozen in my fridge.

Just had to throw that out there, in case anyone in the Indianapolis area has a hankering for an omelet.  It is Lent, people.  Eggs are a great choice for those no-meat Fridays!

As I sit here feeling sorry for myself, I can hear birds chirping.  That's a good sign.  Warmer temperatures are coming to melt the snow, as well as the cold, lifeless part of me that used to be called funny.

I'm crossing my fingers.

And my toes, for added measure.

Have a lovely day!


  1. First again! Yee-haaa!! :)

    Sounds like you've really got a bad dose of winter blues Christine, I hope things brighten up for you soon.

    If it's any consolation I'm just as fed up of the continual wet weather over here, bright sunny days are very few and far between at the moment and usually happen when I'm working and can't take proper advantage of them. And my poor little dogs haven't had a decent walk in the country for ages now, I think they are just as fed up as me :(

    1. You are on a roll! :)

      I'm not used to these winter blues. I'm not a fan. Hopefully an afternoon at the zoo will help.

      Oh, your rain is miserable. We've at least had a lot of sun lately. It's still freezing cold outside, but the sun through the windows is helpful.

      This has to be especially difficult for you and your dogs. Are you going to live in your tent all summer long? :)

    2. I was watching a tv programme last night ''The Floods That Foiled New Year' and it seems that all our continued wet weather stems from the cold weather you've got there, brought to us by the jet stream. I gave up watching weather forecasts ages ago as they predict nothing but wet stuff every time. I'm thankful though that the area of the UK where I live isn't subject to the flooding that many other areas have.

      I would love to live in my tent all summer if it could be guaranteed that I could have wall-to-wall sunshine for at least four months - such a simple way of life and one I could easily adapt to permanently, but it all comes back to one thing - weather!

  2. I see a theme here and you're not the only only saying these things. Winter has been brutal in many places. I'm guessing some warmth with make you smile and that positive attitude will return. I'm sure of it.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

    1. It does seem that just about everyone is fed up with the weather.

      Thank you for the encouragement and confidence. :)

  3. Bummer, Christine! Oh well, not much longer now. I do hope you'll post the abandoned "quit giving your kids iphones." I promise to leave a very curmudgeonly comment on it!

    1. I will most likely post it, but with a little less sarcasm and meanness. Curmudgeonly comments will be welcome, though. :)

  4. Eesh...this is such a common theme I am seeing on the ole Blogosphere. MY reaction to depression and Curmudgeon City is to just ...pout and not write. Kudos to you for writing something...anything. I'm avoiding my blog like the plague.

    1. Hey, pouting and not writing may be the better way to go, rather than bringing everyone down with the negativity I've got going on!

  5. Oh, you're funny! We had lots of laughs last night...what are you talking about?!?!

    I would love to read those posts you have sitting in draft-form, BTW. No pressure. I promise not to be offended by them. :)

    1. We did have some laughs, but most of them were because of your English friend who joined us. She's funny!

      I am not worried in the least about you being offended. I'm pretty sure we think the same things. :)

  6. I am so with you on this winter. I get excited by days in the 40s too! But we actually have a day in the 50s this weekend!!! Sorry. I'm not actually trying to make you grumpier.

    Will you please post on kindergarten so I can just yell "Amen" at the computer while reading it? Mmm-hmmm, sing it, sister!

    1. I'm glad that there are places in the country who have nicer weather. When spring break comes in a few weeks, I'm going there!

      I'm working on getting the post ready for public consumption. A few too many digs in it still. :)

  7. Yes, I see tiny kids with iPhones as I take my daughter to school and I'm like "Are they talking to their imaginary friends?"

    1. Makes absolutely no sense to me. This is the post that would offend the most people, I'm thinking. Glad someone agrees with me, though.

  8. Replies
    1. Your wish is my command. :) Good to see you back!

  9. I just wish we had upcoming 48 degree weather to get excited about! :) Someday Spring must come, it has to, right?

    1. It is coming. Little bitty signs are everywhere. It will end, even in your neck of the world.

  10. I don't wear a coat if it's over 35 degrees. Because that's HOT people. Tropical.

    I, too, am so. over. winter. Worst winter I can remember in my whole life. Seriously. As I grumped my way the four blocks from my car to my school building (do not get me started on that) I just kept wondering when I might stop being cold. I would love to have some of your eggs because I happen to have a half-finished draft of a fabulous egg recipe for meatless Lent Fridays. Stay tuned. If I get warm enough to finish it, I'm actually going to post it.

    1. It's completely ridiculous that we are calling 35 tropical. Have you been to someplace actually tropical?? It's not 35 degrees. We have lost our minds.

      That is a long haul in the cold!

      I cannot wait! I wish I could send you some eggs for the recipe.

  11. I am so sorry that you are having to live through this awful winter. If it makes you feel any better, I see a pretty good glimpse of your sense of humor in here so all is not lost. Keep listening for those birds. There will be an end.

    1. Me, too! :)

      I'm glad it's still there, if only a little bit. Gigantic sunflowers start as itty, bitty seeds.

      There will be an end. I'm almost sure of it.

  12. Haha! I'm getting excited about 39F...actually, I just checked and it's supposed to be 43F today. WOOOOO-HOOOOOO! Yesterday, when I was taking my son to a class I actually, for real, thought, "It's starting to really feel like Spring." I was shocked when I checked the temp and it was only 27F.

    1. I'm a bit worried for us now that our bodies are so mixed up. 95 degrees used to be hot. Imagine how we will melt if we think 27 degrees is warm! Of course, at this point, I don't think we'll ever see 95 degrees again.

  13. Ack, your writing is most certainly not useless. It warms me up to know that someone would do all of those things for me if she could.

    Thank you. Some people don't like it when I wend. :)

  14. I hear you. Yesterday, I think it was 37 and I could have run through the back yard barefoot, it felt so warm. GAH this winter SUCKS. Seriously sucks. Although I'm going to have to say that you're still funny, even as a grumpy curmudgeon. Going to the zoo when it's 48 or whatever will make for a GREAT blog post. As would this one which you have to write now because I'm dying to know the point: If living in a roach-infested apartment was good for me, it will be good for my kids.

    1. Why didn't you run through the backyard barefoot? :)

      It was a great time at the zoo, which I'll talk about in the TToT. We saw a lion poop. What more can a group of kids ask for?

      The point basically boils down to I'm preparing my kids to be poor, so they can move out on their own and not live with me until they are 38.

  15. There seems to be a theme of blog avoidance or blog-flu going around...glad to see I'm in good company.

    Even in your "curmudgeon" are still hilarious! I would, however, love to get a glimpse of some of your draft posts...unedited of course. ;)

    1. Oh, I've noticed your blog avoidance. And you've even had a trip to a lovely, warm locale. You have no excuse. ;)

      Oh, those unedited ones won't see the light of published day. I can get quite mean and sarcastic when I'm in a grouchy mood.


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