Friday, October 9, 2015

Getting My Thankful On, Week 121 (I think)

This is going to be short and quick. I'll tell you why later.

I know how much you like a mystery. :)

1. Funny kids' drawings. Cuckoo has come up with some good ones this week.

Any ideas?

A hint... The kids were asked to draw a picture of a P word.

He drew a game of water polo.

Any ideas what those swirly things are?

Oh my word I love how he draws belly buttons. Especially when they are on the wrong side of the person. :)

2. I can't hear the word belly button without this song jumping into my head. If you have little kids, you must get this CD. The. Best. Kids'. CD. Ever.

3. Super soccer. You've probably never heard of it, seeing as how my kids made it up. It's their way of playing soccer in the house. They've been playing it for months, but I jumped in today. It was actually fun, and there is a much better chance that I won't hurt myself doing it.

4. Conferences with the elementary school teachers went well. My favorite comment was from the kindergarten teacher. (I know. None of you are surprised.) She said she is so glad to have Cuckoo in her class, as he is the only student in the room who understands sarcasm. They have some good laughs together.

5. Our parish is one where new priests come to learn the ropes before being assigned to their own parishes. It is marvelous for our kids, because they get to see that priests aren't stuffy guys in the front of church, but men who have fun. Our current associate pastor came to the cross country city meet to cheer the kids on. Afterwards, he was throwing the frisbee around with a bunch of them, and all were having a grand time.

6. Giant and the rest of the 8th graders ended their cross country season with a great race.

7. I finally finished a favor for a friend that I'd been working on for a long time.

8. A plan Bryan and I have been hatching for months and months went off without a hitch.

9. I discovered that House is on reruns during the time I usually eat lunch. I can sit and enjoy on of my old favorites.

10.  Getting some one-on-one time with Phoenix this weekend.

I've been scarce this week, and the coming one won't be any better. Big things going on at the coop. I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Ooh, a secret, plan. Curious.
    I am a big fan of sarcasm and that is my style. Smart kid.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. As a part of this family, our youngest had to figure out sarcasm real quick if he wanted to ever know what was going on around here. :)

  2. Hopefully good...big things... I recognized the belly buttons immediately... quite the little Picasso you have there!

    1. Good thing. Don't worry. :)

      I do love his drawings.

  3. I really enjoy the show House, or at least the earlier episodes. Netflix has taught me that most shows are at their prime in the first couple of seasons.

    I do love those belly-buttons - the ones on the wrong side gave me a chuckle.

    1. Very true. Most shows would do well to end a season before they actually do. Everyone can learn from Seinfeld. :)

      Cracked me up, too.

  4. Ooh, secrets, plans and big things going on - I can't wait for you to tell us all.

    Cuckoo is just my kind of kid :) :)

    1. Soon, madear...soon.

      He's definitely a fan favorite. :)

  5. Always nice to hear good things at a parent conference:)

  6. oooh I can't wait for the mystery to be revealed ....please do tell us the rules to super soccer I love a good game. omg a kindergarten that gets sarcasm..oh boy! congrats to Giant and sounds like a good week - enjoy the week ahead.


    1. Well, for starters, it's played with a big, rubber ball that won't break windows. Or heads. :) It's a fast-paced game of soccer in a 12x12 room.

      He needed to learn sarcasm real quick, since Turken is a pro at it. :)

      It was a good week. The week ahead isn't off to an ideal start, but all should be better tomorrow.

  7. Loved that CD in my classroom. The belly buttons in the picture fooled me though. Something that begins with P, I was thinking pigs playing. . . . and that's as far as I got. Belly buttons or pig noses? lol. Anyway, good fun and does the secret have anything to do with the family airplane trip? Can't wait to find out.

    1. Awesome CD, isn't it?

      When I saw it, I immediately thought pigs. I used to doodle all over my notebooks and made pigs very similar to his drawings of people in bathing suits. :)

      Good guess! ;)

  8. excellent 'Teaser/Coming Attractions"

    #4? totally sol* (she must be such a perceptive teacher will be standing by!

    * smiled out loud

    1. Sarcasm is great, made even better when it's from a 6 year old. :)

  9. Can't wait to hear what is happening at the coop.

    Cuckoo's picture is great! You must have the best art covered refrigerator!

    1. Soon...I hope. :)

      Well, I would, but our fridge won't hold a magnet. We just tape things to walls. :)

  10. Wait, I thought we'd get the hear the secret at the end!
    Definitely NOT what I thought the P was.

    1. So sorry to disappoint you. I'll let you know soon!

      Ha! It took me a while to see it, too. :)

  11. Love love love the belly button...especially on the wrong side ! thanks for the heads up on the record...and I will be in suspense over this secret !

    1. I was cracking up when I saw the belly button on the back of the guy. :)

      You are welcome!

  12. :) You'd be right about #7. :)

    Really, no surprise. With 5 older siblings (and two parents) who thrive on sarcasm, he had no choice. :)

    I am, and it is!

  13. So glad about #8!
    Add me to the "thought it was a pig" group. However, CLEARLY, those are belly buttons! I need to clean my glasses.

  14. Yup, definitely thought it was a pig. And definitely thought we'd get to know the surprise at the end. I have a guess or two. That IS a great CD - we have it around here somewhere. Zilla is a great one for sarcasm and when she gets with someone who "gets" her, laughs ensue. She is a funny kid.
    Can't wait to hear about the surprise

  15. Yep I guessed belly buttons before I scrolled down. How cute! Can’t wait to hear the bigs things happening in the coup. As for House reruns, even if I had seen there before I don’t think i could watch them and eat.

  16. Polo is definitely not the "p" word I was seeing.
    Have fun this week on the months and months and months worth of planning surprise (I know what it is - tee hee!). I anxiously await the stories to come!

  17. Keep those drawings coming. I love the drawings of little children, especially when you learn what they were drawing. :-) The Sandra Boynton albums have been a hit with some of my grandchildren, and consequently their parents. The songs really get embedded in one's mind. It is wonderful when a spiritual leader can interact with kids on their level and get to know them and they him. The kids are more likely to accept the teachings of those who have taken the time to get to know them and when they kids feel there is genuine concern for them.

  18. I'm still stuck on the picture and the 'P' word.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  19. I love #4! How fantastic....and I love your new design, it's really great! ;)


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