Friday, December 20, 2013

TToT, No Number, Because We're On a Break. Remember?

All day Friday, I had the feeling I was missing something.  This whole "take a break" from the Ten Things of Thankful just didn't feel right.  I was mentally keeping track all week of the things that made me smile this week, but I had nothing to do with them.  There was no email from Lizzi, giving us the HTML to put into our posts this weekend.  There was no banter.  No bickering.  No jokes flying between the co-hosts.

The weekend just didn't feel like the weekend.

I spoke with Lizzi a bit this evening, and told her I missed it.  I told her I was going to write one anyway, just because.

Before I could say, "I am thankful for", she was messaging me, telling me to reread her post for today.

Sweet lady that she is, she made up a new button.  It's the "Gone Renegade"  TToT!  No co-hosts.  Just a linkup for anyone who feels like I do, missing the writing of my gratefuls this week.

Ten Things of Thankful

1.  I am thankful for the stack of gifts under the tree, which means my Christmas shopping is complete!  I can sit back and relax for the rest of this Advent and Christmas season.

2.  I am thankful for some fantastically warm weather that blew in today.  Sure, it's coming with so much rain I could use some webbed feet, but rain isn't snow.  (We are under a flood watch for the next two days.  If this were snow, we'd be snowed in for a week.)  And warm weather melts ice.  The first thing Cuckoo said this morning was, "The snow is all gone!"  Yes, Baby, praise the Lord, the snow is gone.

3.  I am over the moon thankful that I didn't have to back into the driveway this morning.  The whole driving backwards on an ice slide of death in the dark was getting really old.  Really, really old.  Today, I easily drove up and down the driveway going forward.

4.  I am thankful for helpful, kind teachers.  The half-day kindergarteners stayed all day today, since there was an early dismissal for the entire school, and it was Christmas party day.  That meant Turken got to pack a lunch.  He was extremely nervous about having to buy milk.  As in crying his full head off when I mentioned it this morning.  I told him Buttercup would show him how to do it before school.  He started to cry as she walked him through it this morning, and the preschool teacher noticed.  She calmed him by saying she would be eating in the lunchroom that day and would be happy to help him get his milk at lunch time.  He felt much better and was able to get his milk at lunch.

5.  I am thankful for Phoenix's learned study habits.  The boy has had to learn some seriously hard lessons this year, but he has learned.  He had finals this week, and did extremely well on all of them.  He is ending the semester on a positive note, and we're hoping the second semester will be much better for him.

6.  I am thankful for Christmas break.  Really, for any break from school.  We can do whatever we want whenever we want.  It makes me so happy.

7.  I am thankful for gigantic box stores like Meijer.  I do most of my Christmas shopping in smaller, specialized stores, but some things are better purchased at Meijer.  Stocking stuffers and generic things like cardstock are cheaper here.  I spent 2 hours there this afternoon finishing up all the last minute little things for this weekend.

8.  I am thankful for Christmas music.  It's all I've been listening to since Thanksgiving, and I have gotten the kids to love it, too.  Even when the music isn't on, Cuckoo, Turken, Giant, and Star can be counted on to be singing carols a capella.  Loud and sometimes lyrically correct.

9.  I am thankful for the Dollar Store.  We used to let the kids buy gifts for each other at the school's Christmas store put on by the PTO.  Unfortunately, they raised the price, and I just didn't want to keep spending that much money for stuff we can get at the dollar store.  It is so fun (and funny) to see the kids be all stealth-like through the store, making sure no one sees the gifts going into their baskets.  I especially like watching the little boys.  When one picks something up, I always ask who it is for and why he's picking it.  There is always a good, thoughtful reason for each purchase.  For example, when we first walked in the store, Cuckoo started straight for the sunglasses display, saying "I know what I'm going to get for you!" I have been wearing broken glasses for two weeks now.  One of the arms is completely gone, so the sunglasses sit completely crooked in all directions.  It annoys me to no end, but I haven't said much about them.  Cuckoo knew exactly what to buy for me.  (Unfortunately, I stopped him at the time, trying to keep the illusion of a surprise.  By the time Phoenix took Cuckoo to pick out my gift, Cuckoo had forgotten what he was going to get me.  I'm pretty sure I'm getting a fake flower instead.)

10.  I am thankful for preschoolers.  I only work in the preschool classroom for two hours a week, but those kids are so sweet.  I love having conversations with them as we work on the letter each week.  As I left on Tuesday, I was knocked over by the force of the hugs and wishes of a Merry Christmas.  I carried a boatload of goodies, as many of the kids had brought Christmas presents for me.  I don't know what I will be doing next year, but I'm glad to have the chance to work with these cute little people this year.

Feel free to tell me what made you happy this week!

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. so glad you are off the reverse driveway of death ride even for a short time... ENJOY your renegade weekend! I am so jealous that youre ready for Christmas! That wont happen here til at least the 27th...HA!

    1. Me, too! We don't have a choice. We got together with family yesterday to celebrate, and Santa came to our house last night. Not only are we done shopping, we're done opening!

  2. I am totally in awe of your number 3, Christine ... I have trouble driving backwards at the best of times, but you do it on ice in the dark!!?? You have just earned serious kudos in my book! What a wonderful feeling to be able to relax knowing all the Christmas shopping is done ;)

    1. I keep hearing people have trouble with the driving backwards. I didn't realize it was such a hard thing to do.
      The next two weeks will be nothing but fun and relaxing. Hope you get to do some relaxing as well.

  3. tell him that we'll be happy to welcome him to the peer group of clarks when the time comes… (btw B's offer to help was of the perfect nature… T's problem not one of being afraid, but in not knowing how….in front of people. we clarks really don't enjoy having our outsider-ness on display).

    so what's the deal with the button?? should I get one for my 'risky business' weekend Post or what? (I'm doing something similar but different… (I know! knock you over with a feather)…) anyway this should be a fun weekend

    a zillion movies with the parents away party scenario…should be fun

    1. We have two children who are exactly like that. I had to force one of the big kids to ask a librarian for a book he really wanted. We had to go through the entire conversation (what he was to say, what the librarian would say) before he would even go over to her. It blows my mind, seeing as how I have no problem with that sort of thing at all.

      I wish I had more time to go around and chat. Too much going on this weekend, though. Maybe tomorrow.

  4. I love your thankful posts. We all have so much to be thankful for.

    I'm thankful for a nice warm home to share with the love of my life. I'm thankful for my health. We are truly blessed.

    Have a fabulous day and and may you and yours have a very merry Christmas. ☺

    1. We certainly do. And I'm glad so many people are stopping to notice how blessed they are.

      You are blessed, indeed.

      Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I was going to do one anyways too! And so, so grateful for this much needed break!

    1. Funny how we all missed it and decided to do our own. It certainly says a lot for this hop Lizzi started.

  6. I'm finishing mine up, too! Was going to do it anyway because...I missed it. And I think we've most assuredly gotten to a good place when we are ticking off those good things all week and looking forward to sharing them on the weekend.

    I am really impressed with your backward driving skills. I have been driving for a whole lot of years and I still can't do it. Well, I can, but not without wiggling around really swervy and potentially hitting something. I can parallel park like a champ, though!

    1. I don't think any of us could have predicted how attached we'd all become to this hop when it started all those weeks ago. It's wonderful to see how it's become so much a part of people's weeks.

      Parallel parking is a huge skill!! So many people can't do it.

  7. Yes, I did a list too...see what Lizzi has started! This is fabulous! I'll be going in to add my button to my post, once I read hers too.

    And yes, preschoolers give some of the best hugs, for sure.

    Merry Christmas, dear friend! :)

    1. It is a fabulous thing she has started. Being addicted to being thankful is a great thing.

      Merry Christmas!

  8. The driveway of death! Omg, that does sound terrifying and I'm thankful for the snowmelt too! You have a gorgeous list of thankfuls! We aren't quite done with shopping, but pretty close. We still have to wrap them all, too, UGH. That's the hardest part I think. I really wish there were elves to wrap all this stuff.

    Yay to preschoolers and their infinite sweetness. :)

    1. The driveway isn't fun, I'll say that.
      I don't mind the wrapping. Just watching a little TV while I work. Actually, there isn't anything about the gift-giving I don't like. (Except the money spending, of course. :))
      Yay preschoolers!

  9. I so agree with missing this link-up! It somehow felt unnatural not having it :-) I'm glad Phoenix managed to improve his standing in school. Music is definitely something to be thankful for. I managed to get the Michael Buble holiday CD from the library just last Thursday, and the girls love it :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Christine & family!

    1. Seems like there are a good number of us who felt a bit of a void without it.

      Oh, Michael Buble is awesome!! He has one of my most favorite voices of all time.

      Thank you! Hope you have a lovely week, too.

  10. I agree - rain is better than snow! I am rather grateful for experiencing some of those unseasonably warmn temps here in VA. I went out today without a coat! And that's after having lived in FL for the last 10+ years:)
    I'm thankful you shared this weekend Christine. Yours is always a pleasant room to sit and set a spell after the hustle and bustle. May you and your family enjoy a peaceful, healthy and happy holiday.

    1. That is huge! Normally, Florida people are bundled up in winter gear if the temps drop below 50. :)

      Oh, I'm so glad you enjoy visiting. I love it when you drop by. I know it's busy and completely nuts in your life right now, so I appreciate it even more.

      Same to you.

  11. LOVE your list so much!! That driveway sounds terrifying!! And how sweet are those little pre-schoolers!!! I am done too with the shopping, but get this: My daughter wants to go out in it NOW. And I said...YES! I hurried and scurried all through the month to- go out in it? In the pouring rain? With a headache and a sore throat?

    Yep. For her, why not? :)

    1. Well, thank you! It isn't any fun, for sure.
      Oh, not a chance in this world would I take my daughter out in those conditions. You are a much nicer mom than me. :)

      Hope you are feeling better.

  12. Cute idea about the dollar store. I'll have to run my daughter there and give her enough funds for everyone so she can share in the present giving. I love when school lets out for the holidays too. :)

    1. It is so much fun watching the kids shop. You should try it with you daughter! Have a great break!

  13. This is so funny because I tweeted Lizzi, all caps, that I missed the TToT and she tweeted back it was up! Isn't is a wonderful thing that we can all look forward to making a list of things that made us happy when the rest of the world (a lot of it anyway!) only wants to push the negative? Well, phooey on them. You list this week is full on! No wonder you wanted to hop! Thank goodness for no ice slide of death most definitely! I love the idea of all your kids ninja-like in the dollar store. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Christine!

    1. It is a wonderful thing to see, all these people missing the chance to talk about the good things going in their lives, but to also read about other people's happiness. The reaction this week is yet another thing to add to my list of thankful things.

      Yay for no ice slide of death! It is funny, seeing six kids sneaking around the Dollar Store.

      Merry Christmas to you, too!

  14. I'm also so glad to be done shopping and ready to relax with my family.
    And we have snow! And one kid with good study habits (so, only 2 more to train) and that we're past the winter solstice!

    1. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

      No snow here, but I'm glad you have some. As much as I don't like it, Christmas seems more like Christmas when there is snow on the ground.

      I think we're past the most challenging child as far as study habits go. The next three are really good at studying and keeping on top of things. Crossing my fingers it continues!

      Being past the winter solstice makes me want to happy dance. Longer days, here we come!

  15. Thank you for listening to me. :)

    We have certainly had rain, and much of it has ended up in our basement. But, if it were snow, we'd be snowed in under 2 feet of the stuff. Rain is fine.

    Not only am I ready, we've already given most of the gifts!

  16. Somehow I missed the memo of taking the week off. But that's what happens when I am stuck in Nutcracker mode. Driving backwards in the dark on ice is the worst! Glad you will have some fun days off.

  17. EEEP you make me want to do a thankful post, too...speaking of warm melts ice...we spent 20 minutes looking for Snowman today, as it was 70!!! 70!!! Weird and weird, right???? Also - helpful, kind teachers are the best thing about school, ever, ever...

  18. Your list is so sweet. (besides the flood watch--I hope it doesn't happen!) Your #8 is one of my favorites. I love Christmas music and have been playing it almost non-stop while I'm baking and cooking and cleaning. It just makes me smile. I'm so glad you love the Dollar Store too. We must be kindred spirits. I was there today picking up a few last minute things. Merry Christmas to you and your family. P.S. I missed last week's TToT and was feeling out of sorts about it--since it was the last one of the season. Then I received the notice that one was on and my heart soared. I kept thinking of all the things that needed to be shared and couldn't wait to get them down. Glad I was not alone. :-)

  19. I'm getting into the Christmas music too this year! It's definitely making the office festive!

  20. Will top this awesome list off by saying that I'm thankful that we're all on a break! Christine, have a Merry, Merry Xmas and the most awesome 2014 to come.

  21. We have a lot of common thankfuls (yay done Xmas shopping being a big one). I'm also very thankful for dollar stores. We have a great one near us where I got most of the stocking stuffers - and it's good stuff too - not just junk. Wishing you and yours a lovely Christmas! - Louise

  22. I'm so happy that you posted this (the list is fabulous!), because your thankful lists always challenge me to stop glossing over life, and really look into the it - into the smaller moments, the finer details. There is SO MUCH to be overwhelmingly thankful for. Merry Christmas, Christine!!

  23. Aw. that teacher was so nice. It's great that she helped Turken out. My older daughter would probably have been the same at that age.

    Hope you all have a great Christmas and that it's not too wet or cold!

  24. Mostly lyrically correct, love it! We've been listening to Christmas music non stop as well. We are obnoxious that way. Merry Christmas!

  25. Glad you helped inspire Lizzi to post the renegade TToT. It's my first time linking up, and it was something I needed to help beat the holiday funk.
    Hope you had a great Christmas.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!