Saturday, December 7, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 27

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

1.  I am thankful Cuckoo's injury wasn't worse.  When a heavy, metal stool fell on his itty, bitty toes, I thought for sure the bones would be shattered.  After a trip to OrthoIndy for some x-rays, I was happy to hear that no shattering took place.  As it was explained to me, there was no clear proof anything was broken.  However, his 4 year old bones are still so young, they can't know for sure.  They fitted him with a boot and sent us on our way.  If he isn't healed in 2 weeks, we have to go back.

The only benefit of a foot injury:  wheelies in a wheelchair.
2.  I am thankful there is a company that makes itty, bitty boots for kids who break their toes.  Before the boot, Cuckoo wouldn't put any weight on his foot.  He simply hopped around the house or needed to be carried. That would have gotten old for all of us really fast.  With the boot, he's back to walking around. Still can't jump or kneel or go out in the snow, but he's mobile.

He wasn't keen on me taking a photo of him in the boot.  This is all I was allowed. 

3.  I am thankful for the new friends Phoenix is making in high school.  One came over to work on a project and got snowed in.  I had never met him or his parents before, so there's always some fear of who will be showing up.  This kid was so polite, not rambunctious, put his dishes away, and pushed his chair in when he left the table!  He made eye contact when I spoke with him, and actually seemed comfortable doing so.  And, it was no Eddie Haskel kind of talking, either.  Oh, AND, the boys were all asleep (there was a third boy here that we've known for years and years) by 11:10.

4.  I am thankful for our safety.  We had some nasty weather blow through from Thursday afternoon through Friday night.  The roads were snow and ice covered, and there were lots of accidents and slide-offs around town.  We managed to make it to and home from school and work both days safe and sound.

5.  I am thankful we didn't get stuck in our driveway.  Seven inches of snow has been known to give COW fits.  By positioning our cars properly in the drive before the really bad snow started, we were able to get out without a hitch.  No digging out of snow banks this storm!

6.  I am thankful affordable clothes.  COW's firm has a black-tie optional Christmas party every year.  This will be our 9th one.  I have rotated the same three dresses through these parties and various weddings of people in the firm.  It was time for a new one.  I managed to find one for a good price in less than an hour.  Now all I need is shoes...  Buttercup needed a dress as well for her Christmas program.  (I do look forward to the day when the kids stop growing and it isn't such an emergency to find clothes that fit each year.)  After school one day, we headed to the mall, where we found a cute dress for $20.  I even let her get an accessory since she found one on such a good sale.

7.  I am thankful for the boys who suffered through the dress shopping with no fuss at all.  I had them each bring a book to read, so while Buttercup looked and tried on dresses, they sat in couches or against a wall on the floor, depending on where we were, to read.  I couldn't believe how well they did.  All but Phoenix was with me, and not one bickering match, not one wrestling match, not one display destruction occurred.

8.  I am thankful for DQ mini blizzards.  Since they all did so well shopping, I surprised them with some mini Blizzards.  A little treat that didn't break the bank.

9.  I am thankful for family stories that help explain current behaviors.  I was talking with my mom today about the Nerf cannons (she read yesterday's blog post) and somehow the conversation turned to the fact I always get along with old people.  We laughed about the time I asked to take basket-weaving classes.  It was me and 10 old ladies in a classroom one night a week, weaving baskets.   I remember the classes, and remember enjoying them, but my mom said I would come home to tell her all about the fun I had and the stories the women had told me.  She also said I always got along well with the elderly, then told me a story of which I had no recollection.  When I was 10 years old or so, she was going to a nursing home to help residents write Christmas cards.  I was the only kid who agreed to go with her.  Apparently, I was quite comfortable at the nursing home, chatting everyone up.  I even helped one woman write a letter.  Here's the thing:  Buttercup has a special way with the elderly.  I have always said she would do well to work in a nursing home.  When COW's grandpa was alive, Buttercup would sit by his side for hours.  She goes to work with COW's mom any chance she gets.  (His mom is a physical therapy assistant in a nursing home.)  I have the same thoughts about my daughter that my mom had about me.

10.  I am thankful for sunshine.  After so many days of cloudy and foggy and snowy and icy, I am thrilled to have a bright, sunshiny day today.  Icicles are drooping off of roofs.  The ice and snow on the roads is melting.  The van is warm without even turning the heat on.  And best of all, as Cuckoo said, "I can see all the sparkles in the snow!"

11.  I am thankful for COW's not only willingness, but initiative, to do things with the kids.  This morning, he took Buttercup and a friend to a fancy gingerbread decorating event downtown.  He heard about it, he made it happen, and he invited Buttercup's two best friends to go along.  She had an absolute ball.  And she got to wear her new dress.

Nice hat, no?  
12.  I am thankful for my boys' ability to work hard, even in the most miserable conditions.  On Friday, Giant was scheduled to help a Scout work on his Eagle project.  It was cold and sleeting, but he stayed for an hour and half to get the job done.  He was wet and cold and covered in mud, but he didn't utter a single complaint.

Giant is way in the back in orange.  You can see Cuckoo running on the cement.  That is Phoenix in the foreground, but he could only help for about half an hour.
After you comment on my post, you should head over to Lizzi's blog.  She has put together a little contest in which you could win a prize.  To be eligible, you have to match up the co-host with the obscure fact about herself.  The facts have never shown up on our blogs, and we co-hosts don't even know the answers besides our own.  At least go see if you can figure out which one is mine!

Your turn.  What are you thankful for his week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. First!!! (at least as of right now!)

    Glad Cuckoo's foot isn't as bad as it might have been...that wee little boot is too cute!

    And happy that you found a dress for the party...even without your expert shopper!?!? I am stunned!

    I think I totally kicked butt on the contest (ok not really)...I tried to pick you twice; Lizzi called me on it.

    1. Congrats!
      It is adorable, especially when you hear him walking around the house. Clomp, step, clomp, step... :)
      While you are an expert shopper, I am capable of finding some things on my own. :)
      I saw that. Cracked me up. I COULD have done most of those things, so I see why you would want to put in there more than once.

  2. Cool that you both found dresses... I cant think of anything more trying than shopping for a specific type of clothing for a specific event... I guess Im not so great with deadlines...

    Whew on the foot thing! Too many growth plates at his age I suppose to see if he really broke anything? Poor guy ...must be frustrated not going outside in fresh snow!

    1. Dress shopping doesn't bother me in the least. Jeans and bra shopping, on the other hand, torture.

      You are exactly right. The growth plates. He wasn't happy about missing out on the snow playing with the big kids.

  3. I also love sparkly snow. Sometimes, when it's a clear night, it's o light outside when the moonlight reflects off the snow on the field behind our house.

    Glad you little one's toes are ok. I had broken my pinky-toe in May, and it definitely hurts!!

    I might get a new dress for our office holiday party as well, still undecided, but there's this beautiful dress at H&M...

    Have a wonderful weekend, Christine!

    1. Oooh, I love that full moon/snow effect.
      It does hurt, for sure. He's dealing with it quite well, though.
      Go get it!!
      Thank you!

  4. I think Cuckoo must have come out in sympathy with my son. He arrived here late Thursday night a couple of weeks ago, in pain after having an accident in his own home - a trip to A & E the following day for an X-ray revealed two broken toes and he was plastered, bandaged and had a similar boot fitted. He's managing quite well with it but is off work for at least six weeks.

    I'm glad Cuckoo's injury wasn't as bad as it could have been, and hope he gets better real soon.

    1. Oh, no! Six weeks is a long time! We adults certainly do take a lot longer to heal than the kids. I hope it heals nicely, so once the cast comes off he's good as new.
      Thank you. He's already doing better.

  5. Poor Cuckoo! I'm glad it seems like nothing is broken--you've certainly had your share of broken bones in your family.

    I love #9!

    1. It's been a year, hasn't it? Crossing my fingers for 2014.

      I thought you might. :)

  6. I'm glad Cuckoo's injury wasn't any worse. Hopefully he heals quickly.
    You have some really great kids, I love reading about all the good things they're doing!
    And kudos to your hubby for taking the initiative to not only take your daughter to such a fun event but to invite her friends along as well.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks. He's already feeling better. It's astounding how much faster kids heal than adults.
      My husband shocks me sometimes, coming up with things I never would have. We're blessed to have him.
      Thank you!

  7. Glad the boot worked out and you survived the bad weather! Hope you'll share pictures of you in your new dress!

    1. Me, too! I'll share if I remember to take some photos. :)

  8. So sorry to hear about Cukoo's foot, but your boys seem like tough young men so he will bounce back! We do have to tell you he looks utterly adorable in that pic. Your thankful responses are the perfect mom picks so it's easy to see why your children are so awesome. An awesome mom!! By the way, luv the gingerbread event. Wish we had one here! Hope your holiday's are wonderful Christine.

    1. He's already trying to bounce. He can walk really fast already. :)
      Thank you for all those kind comments. You are sweet.
      She and her friends had a great morning at the gingerbread thing. I'm going to make some with the little boys at our house. I'm thinking they'll have just as much fun.

  9. Item #3 (in today's Wakefield Doctrine post*): I am grateful for your Comment in yesterday's (Saturday) Post which gave me a part of the Title for today's Post.

    btw…glad not to have your weather (not in a rogerian, 'hey they have it real bad so I feel better' way), nevertheless I suspect it is just a matter of time before we get the snow and whatnot. Happens every year.

    *this Comment is not in reference to your post here, sorry! it is my Item #3 in today's Doctrine Post. but you brought it on yourself… I take your Comments with a sincerity that does not automatically convey when reading the Comments of other clarks or even rogers.*

    1. Glad to be of help. I'm enjoying your twist on the list this week. Always thinking outside the box, aren't you? :)

      Yes, you'll be getting the snow eventually, and probably more than we will. Enjoy the lack of snow while it lasts.

  10. You really should see about getting those boots wholesale, as often as your family needs them.

    Buttercup rocks the chef's hat. And I can't tell you how impressed I am that COW arranged everything for the gingerbread house workshop. VERY impressed. And I'm impressed that the boys were so patient while their sister tried on clothes. How much Benadryl did you give them before the trip?

    DQ mini blizzards are so tasty! Just enough, although I could always eat more. Our only DQ is in the mall and a pain to get to if that's all you had on your mind, so we don't get them very often.

    We don't have a garage and live on a steep hill, so we have to back our cars into the driveway when there is snow or ice in the forecast, so if we have to get out, we at least can get a running start at the hill without having to go backwards at any point (at least, not on purpose).

    Stay warm! Or as warm as you can in an old, drafty house!

    1. Fortunately, OrthoIndy doesn't charge much at all, so we're good.

      I was impressed myself. I wouldn't have even thought of taking her to such a thing.

      I was shocked by how easy the shopping was. Normally, it's a constant battle of keeping the boys from knocking over displays and strangers.

      I could always eat more, but the minis are the perfect size. Man, Joplin sounds smaller and smaller. We have 4 DQs within 7 minutes of each other.

      Sounds like we have similar game plans when the weathermen get twitchy.

      You, too!

  11. So sorry to hear about your son's injuries, but glad it seems hopeful that it isn't too bad (ie: no shattered bones). So scary for your family and him!

    Your older son's new friend sounds wonderful - so nice when they make friends you like too!

    1. I was really worried when he first hurt it, but he's getting better each day. Thankfully.

      He was a really good kid. Makes life a whole lot easier, for sure!

  12. I'm so happy there doesn't appear to be any broken bones in his foot. Good news indeed.

    You know, you have a wonderful family and this post proves that.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  13. Awwwwww....poor Cuckoo although that itty-bitty boot is pretty stinkin' cute. ;P Sure hope this will be the end of it.

    Yippee for mini blizzards!!!

    Your family has got to be the modern day "Walton's" and I really do mean that in the best possible way!

    1. Crossing my fingers we never have to see the inside of that place again.
      Ha! We are identical except for the "Good night" bit at bedtime. :)

  14. I agree with .. VERY impressed COW made all the plans to do that with Buttercup ...and friends, too! That's pretty cool. She is so blessed to have such a sweet Daddy. :) And Cuckoo IS totally rocking the chef hat!

    Glad that Cuckoo did not hurt his foot any worse than that...praying it continues to get better.

    I believe your snow headed our way... I think we have more than 6 inches and it is still coming down. It's a light fluffy snow though, so it isn't so bad (MUCH easier to scoop it that way). We didn't get the ice & wind though

    1. *agree with Dyanne... (obviously I didn't proof before hitting 'send')... ack! and *Buttercup is rocking the hat. (I had multiple interruptions while typing my comment)

    2. She is one lucky girl, indeed. Lucky to have him, and lucky to be the only girl. The boys are all Mama's boys, but they have to share me. :)
      I still can't believe the injury wasn't worse. Those stools are Heavy! and his toes are Little!
      The fluffy snow is so pretty. We did get quite a bit of that. Unfortunately it came with ice before it and wind throughout. Not much fun.
      It's hard to make it through one itty, bitty comment without interruptions, isn't it? :)

  15. What a great list! Everything on it made me smile. So very thankful Cuckoo didn't get hurt worse, that little boot is so cute! Phoenix connecting with the right friends is so important, it can make all the difference at that very impressionable age. It tells me that he has been raised well, he knows what to look for and what to avoid! And a definite three cheers for COW for taking daughter and friends to the gingerbread decorating affair and planning it himself! What a cool dad thing to do! Kids who behave in stores... or anywhere in public nowdays... priceless! Truly you are blessed!

    1. I have more blessing than I ever could have imagined 20 years ago. I'm glad the list made you smile. :)

  16. Great list Christine! I am happy to hear that Cuckoo's injury is not as bad as it could have been. Also glad to hear that you are all safe after your winter storm. I can imagine seeing a little sunshine was quite a perk! Your daughter is adorable in her chef's hat!

    1. Thank you! For all the nice things you said. :)

  17. So glad the little toes are OK! Such a beautiful makes me grateful to read your lists. I realized I have many of the same things, but don't think about them much! You are very conscious of your blessings. :-)

    1. I'm glad the list reminds you of your blessings, too. Lizzi had a brilliant idea when she came up with this thankful blog hop. It is a great way to end a week.

  18. He is a tank. My arms give out real quick when I have to carry him around. The boot is a big help.
    I love having people over. Especially kids who my kids are friends with. Gotta keep tabs on them. So far, so good.

    It is neat to see the similarities through generations.

    I'm blessed with all of it.

    Snow may be a pain in the neck, but it sure is pretty!

  19. Meant to make it by here yesterday. So sorry about your little one's toes! Hopefully he'll get all healed for Christmas. :)
    Your comment about getting along with older people caught my eye. I'm definitely like that: I grew up in a nursing home and I have a special place in my heart for our elderly population. They don't get enough respect in our society - IMHO - and I just feel like they have so much to teach and say and give and...I love them, too. :)

  20. Sorry to see that Cuckoo is hurt. But good that it's not as bad as you thought and that you can get that little boot. Your number 7 sounds pretty amazing!

    BTW, your blog is one of those I chose for an award, but I didn't know your full name so couldn't tag you on FB. Just thought I'd better let you know!! It's on my TToT post, which I've moved to my Writing a River blog.

  21. I am so late to the TToT reading this week...seems to be my theme right now. Late for everything.

    Between numbers 6 and 7 you have enough to fill a whole list! Finding affordable outfits that you like is awesome - and non-complaining boys in addition? Fabulous. I almost never find something I like that I can afford when I need to - except once. I went out on the morning of my sister's wedding to get a blouse and SUCCESS! That absolutely never happens to me.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!