Saturday, October 5, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 18

People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have.
-- Richard Carlson

Let the rejoicing begin!

1.  I am thankful for the patience all of the poets who entered my "Ode to the Pigs" contest.  Over a week ago, I put a call out for readers to write their own poems to bid our pigs a fond farewell.  The readers delivered in a big way. I loved them all.  Finally, after all this time, the kids have voted.  It was a close race.  The first (anonymous) vote ended in a 5-way tie.  (Cuckoo abstained.)  I then asked the kids to vote for their second favorite and added the two scores of both votes together.  A clear winner was revealed.  (All but one child voted for it.)

Drumroll, please...

(A little note:  My kids have had extensive training in poetry at school.  They've written poems, read poems, and studied poems. And yet.  You are going to keel over when you see which one they've chosen.)

The winner is...

Kari of Miss Bloggypants!!!!

Her winning entry?

Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
I like pancakes with maple syrple
...and a side of bacon...

It was the syrple that put her over the edge and into the winner's circle.

Kari, you have won yourself a prize!!!  Email your address to me, and I will get that prize to your door!

2.  I am thankful for pretty weeds.  I want to know who decided what is a weed and what is a flower, because I am enjoying these lovely little bits of sunshine in a season where mums are the only sanctioned flower.

3.  I am thankful for Cuckoo's reasons for eating a variety of foods.  That boy used to be one picky, picky eater.  We did the same with him as we've done (and still do) with the other kids, which is simply offer them food.  If they eat it, good.  If not, they get nothing else to eat.  Cuckoo didn't eat many full dinners for a while there.  And then he turned two.  After his second birthday, he announced, "Big kids eat salad.  I'm a big kid, so I will eat salad, too."  He ate an entire bowl of lettuce, no dressing, and has been eating salad ever since.  Last week we had stew for dinner.  Most of the kids were not exactly enthused about eating it.  Cuckoo ate every bite we gave him.  When I was discussing the lack of enthusiasm with the big kids, he piped up, "I want to be a dad, not a mom, when I grow up, so I ate all my food.  I need to be big to be a dad, not a mom, so I need to eat it all." 

The big kids have been banned from telling him of the impossibility of becoming a mom.  If it's going to get him to eat, by golly, he will be left in the dark.

4.  I am thankful for a good week with Phoenix.  It's been a rough road with our oldest this school year.  We made some changes, he took more responsibility, and we have had a pleasant week.  Thank the Lord.  Honestly.  Thank Him.  I have each and every day this week.

5.  I am thankful for crayons and coloring books.  Cuckoo and Turken love, love, love to color and draw.  Lately, even more than usual.  Each day this week, Turken spent hours on activity pages and picture drawing and picture coloring-in.  I'm very happy to see it.  Sure, their marathon coloring allows many hours of quiet time for me, but it is so very good for their fine motor skills and their little brains when they do such activities.

6.  I am thankful for the mudroom table.   That's where the coloring takes place.  Before the remodel, my kitchen, not a mudroom, looked like this:

Pay no attention to the ever-present "bed head" Cuckoo sports all day, every day.

7.  I am thankful for a night at home.  For the first time in a loooooong time, we had a night in which the entire family was home together.  We played games.  We had a real, big dinner.  We tidied up the house a bit.  We played more games.  We laughed and enjoyed the relaxing evening.  One more month...Soccer will be over in one more month.  There will be many more of these in one. more. month.

8.  I am thankful for my parents' good health.  I have several friends who have either lost a parent or are in the midst of helping their parents through a terrible illness.  My mom has beaten death three separate times (a mysterious kidney ailment when I was a teen, a complete blockage to her heart two years ago, and just a few months later, a fight against cervical cancer), and I thank God every single day to still have her here with us.  My dad was a policeman for 30 years, and in that time was shot at more than once.  His health, though, has always been good.  I don't even want to contemplate the day that this will no longer be the case.

9.  I am thankful for my new web/button designer.   I don't know if you've noticed, but I have two new social media buttons on my sidebar.  I did not make them.  Buttercup did.  Her good friend has started a fashion blog, and Buttercup is her photographer.  One day, when I went to pick Buttercup up from the friend's house, they drug me in to see what Buttercup had done on the blog.  I was shocked.  The girl taught herself how to make all sorts of things, and she has skills!  (Click on the link to see her work.  The friend's mom won't allow head shots, so Buttercup has been quite creative in her photography.) I immediately commissioned her to make some buttons for me.  Stay tuned.  As time allows, she'll be adding and changing all sorts of things for me.

10.  I am thankful for the fact that one of our chickens did not get eaten.  Buttercup went outside to feed the chickens the other day, but soon after came in with the command, "Mom!  I need you outside RIGHT NOW!" 

I sauntered on out (Didn't want her to think she could order me around, but I was quite curious to see what the hubbub was about.) to see what was going on.

She continued to yell.  "I was walking towards the coop, when out of nowhere, A CHICKEN ALMOST LANDED ON MY HEAD!  IT FLEW OFF THE ROOF AND ALMOST LANDED ON ME!"

For those who are having pig story withdrawals, an illustration:

Now that I've perfected the pig (Ha!), it's time to practice drawing a chicken.  Which is what that yellow thing is supposed to be.  And apparently, my girl's boots were not made for walking, but for running like a baby who is afraid of a chicken.
"How," you might ask, "did a chicken get on the roof in the first place?"

I would reply, "Very good question!"

The rest of the story...

By the time I got outside, Buttercup had already shooed it into the old chicken area where the dogs couldn't get to it.  All we had left to do was get the chicken into the impenetrable redneck fence we had built for the darling hens last month, which had since been reinforced with more netting.

Well, I took one side of the fence off the nails securing it to the coop wall, giving the chicken a way into the pen to be with her friends.  Instead of simply walking through, she flew.  Right onto the netting. 

All I could do was stand there with my jaw on the ground as this chicken stood there bouncing on the net.  To her, this net was not a barrier to her escape, but instead a fantastically fun trampoline launching pad to freedom.

She bounced.

Up and down and up and down and up and down, while her Sisters in Non-Laying watched from below. 

That blasted bird hopped right on up to the roof again as I stood there and watched. 

I snapped out of it and started my first attempt at climbing the spindly little tree to get on the roof with her.  Fortunately, she saw me, had pity on the poor woman who couldn't even haul her left leg up off the ground, and found her way back into the pen.

Yesterday, when I went out to feed them, I heard some scratching overhead.  Sure enough, that same hen was on the roof again.  By the time I got around, she was back to bouncing on the trampoline.  I waved her over towards the holes in the net, and through it she did plop.

Completely secure in the fact that she was the superior creature in this little song and dance.

I am grateful that she has only done this while we are at home so far.  I am hoping and praying she doesn't hop off the roof and right into the jaws of death (aka Roy's mouth) one of these times.

And now it's your turn.  For what are you rejoicing this week?

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. I want to see video footage of the bouncing hen!!

    Oh and this: "I want to be a dad, not a mom, when I grow up, so I ate all my food. I need to be big to be a dad, not a mom, so I need to eat it all" had me and the hubby LOLing. So cute!!! I know I can always come to your blog for a smile. :D

    1. The highest form of compliment to a blogger has to be a reader reading the post (or a portion of it) out loud to her family. :)
      I'm glad you see this blog as a happy place. :)

  2. I totally included a picture of a lovely weed in my post this weekend, too. I always count them as flowers - no matter how much my gardening-picky husband disagrees.

    The fashion blog looks great, as does your new button.

    The chicken trampoline is hilarious!

    1. I will be there to see your weed as soon as the kids are in bed. (Funny, that sounds illegal.)
      Thanks! I'll tell her you said so.

      I have to say, as I watched the chicken bounce, I did laugh, even though I knew it meant even more work for me.

  3. I think your daughter has a blooming career ahead of her.oddly enough that was my favorite poem as well! all I can say is all of your kids have fabulous taste! whenever our chickens turn into roof dwelling chickens it's time for a wing clipping. You guys clip?

    1. Buttercup did a great job, didn't she?
      Ha! You, the writer extraordinaire, picked the roses are red poem? Fantastic! :)

      We have thought about the wing clipping in the past. We may have to bite the bullet and clip this one's. I just worry that she won't be able to get up onto the roost or into the nesting boxes. We've never done it before, so I don't know how much it will restrict her. Oh, and we aren't so good at catching chickens. Oh, and did I mention there isn't a gate to get into the pen? :)

    2. ha! Yet, I can't have an entire flock of drunk chickens. I only need the one flyer!

    3. well you could booze them up or you can throw a spare kid over the fence to go grab her. We just cut off about an inch or or an inch and a half of their flight feathers. That way they can still get up on the roost and can still fly forward a good five or ten feet. We'll go bezerk cuz we still want to be able to fly.

    4. After your encouragement, I watched a video about how to clip a chicken's wings. That looks really easy. I think we can handle that. Once we identify which of the chickens is the naughty one. And once we buy scissors that aren't blunt, children's scissors. :)

    5. *facepalm* Doh! Why didn't I think of that? (That is a rhetorical question.)

  4. Loving the new buttons and the girls did a great job on those. Can't wait to see what they come up with next. And this city girl couldn't imagine a chicken on the roof, but definitely had me quite amused reading all about it and trying to picture withyour drawings. Happy Weekend :)

    1. Thanks! I'll let them know your thoughts.
      Glad you liked the drawings. That is our mission: Bring country life to all those city folk. :)

  5. The trampolining chicken sounds absolutely hilarious, you've just GOT to get a video of it!

    1. By the way, I too like pretty weeds and think some of them are TOO pretty to be called that. After all, a weed is just a flower growing in the wrong place.

    2. I will do my very best. For you. :)

      It is! Well, at our house, weeds grow everywhere. We aren't big on landscaping, thanks to the dogs.

  6. You know you really have a way with the animals around your place. You really do. We could make a movie.

    Have a terrific weekend. :)

    1. Hahahaha! I think it's more that the animals really have a way with us. :)

  7. Although I am a fan of your drawings...I agree a video of the trampolining chicken is required. :D

    Very cool icons by Buttercup!! I really enjoy reading your Thankful of these days I will have to give it a whirl.

    1. I will carry my phone with me at all times, just to make sure it is ready when the chicken decides to go for a bounce.
      Do it!!! Join in tomorrow even!!!! It's open all weekend.

  8. I love it, too, when the girls are coloring. Lily is getting so good at it; for Violet, the lines are still more a suggestion than a rule though!!!

    OK, when I'm big, I totally get a farm, too, just to have funny stories like you to tell. Your animals must be all dead comedians reborn (I name escape chicken George Carlin, if I may!!)...

    Your daughter is so talented, Christine! If she wants to, she can overhaul MY blog ;-)

    Hope you all have a great weekend and some more family time!

    1. Lines, shmines. As long as they are working those little fingers. :)
      Hahahaha!!! I will never look at that chicken the same again. And will always imagine her talking in that tell-tale voice.
      I will let her know! But she has to get mine done first.
      You, too! (I'm really hoping I get to read about how much better you are feeling.)

  9. "I will write simple, declarative sentences."
    "I will keep to the point with a minimum of dependent clauses and passive voice, because...."


    your Posts are kinda like (to me) being invited to your house, but being 'kitchen company' as opposed to 'living room company"

    (gotta run... playing hooky from work.... to be con'td)

    1. You may write any way you darn well please, Dear Clark.
      I love that description of my blog!!! Thank you. You most certainly have refrigerator privileges.
      Get back to work!

  10. HIs little voice makes him a winner in the eyes of most adults. Shoot, with kids, too. :)
    So as to keep you from having a false image of my children, they all laughed each and every time the word poop was recited.
    I have seen blips on FB but haven't had the concentration time to read your post yet. I'll get there as soon as these kids go to bed.

  11. Well, aren't you generous, saying I draw "handsome" chickens.
    Exactly! Eyeore is one wise animal. And I love that your daughter has a favorite quote.

  12. My nephew used to call "syrple" "syrp-up." Now we routinely ask at our table, "Please pass the syrp-up." We might need to add syrple to our vocabulary!

    Hopefully by the time Cuckoo figures out the flaw in his logic, he will enjoy a wide variety of foods.

    Hurray for pleasant weeks!

    1. It is a great word!
      I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  13. OMG, love the poem! I appreciate pretty weeds as well.

    1. Me, too! She's so funny.
      Good! Seems like lots of people do. I think we need to embrace the weeds and stop yanking them out of our gardens and flower beds.

  14. #7...yes. I have a similar item on my list this week.
    #3...hysterical. Don't you love kids' reasoning? Whatever works, I say.
    And #10? I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard. That is absolutely hysterical. Maybe even better than the pigs - tough call.

    1. Those nights at home are delightful!
      I'm with you. If the reason gets him to eat, I am all for it.
      I'm glad you liked it. I was a bit worried that people wouldn't find it as funny as I did.

  15. 1. Good choice! 2. If you refer to them as "wildflowers" they are no longer weeds. 4. He will get through this and so will you. Trust me. 6. Love those wild curls. 7. We had one of those this week, too, and I hardly knew how to handle it! 9. Maybe she can update the rest of the photos in your sidebar.... 10. Either you or the chickens need a refresher course on what "impenetrable" means. If that hen bounces off the roof into the mouth of the waiting dog, she becomes popcorn chicken.

    1. 2. Awesome point! 4.You have been in my head for two weeks now, constantly telling me we would all figure it out and get through this. I'm trying very hard to trust you. :)
      6. Thank you for calling them curls. 9. Hardy har har. 10. Hahahaha!! Popcorn chicken!? New name for the chicken!

  16. Well, I wasn't even out of bed yet, sleep still in my eyes, reading this post from my phone (because there was still sleep in my eyes and I was too lazy to get out of bed just yet). I am scrolling down, reading, reading...and then I read, "Kari of Miss Bloggypants" and a big, fat guffaw leaped forth from my mouth and I laughed so hard I had tears! Seriously, is there a better way to wake up on a Saturday morning!? Wow. Just. Wow. :-D

    Well, first I'd like to thank The Coop for their vote. And thank you Christine for the fun and the laughs! I am still laughing---I feel quite undeserving of it. Tooo funny! ;-D

    p.s. sshhh... I'm not even that fond of pancakes... but I do love maple syrple...

    1. You totally deserve it! In your honor we had pancakes with maple syrple for dinner, but with a side of sausage instead of bacon. (We ran out weeks ago.) Glad the news of your win gave you a good start to the day.

    2. Oh yes...and nice talent Buttercup has there!! And how cute are those buttons!

      And can't decide whether that chicken is really stupid or really smart...

      Oh, I love pretty "weeds" too, I often wonder why some of them are called weeds anyway, I'd plant some of them in pots and put them on my porch. A couple years ago, my sisters & I put on a party for my parents' 50th. The colors were yellow & blue. On my way to the party, I kept passing these really pretty blue flowers all along the ditches. I actually stopped, got out, cut some and when I got to the party & put them in a vase alongside the yellow flowers. They were sure pretty, but....they didn't smell so great. ;)

    3. I would have been a bit perturbed that she figured out the buttons so quickly (when I haven't been able to in two years) if it didn't mean I got free labor and a better-looking blog.

      Mostly smart. If he gets eaten, I'll change that to stupid.

      Ah, who sticks their noses in a bouquet of flowers anyway... :)

  17. Oh my goodness, I am so impressed with your daughter's photography and web design skills - she has a serious talent there! I'm also very thankful for my parents' good health. Love your illustrations too - I think Buttercup must have inherited her creativity from you!

  18. Weeds are some of my favorite flowers! And I wish I had half of your daughter's talent!

    1. We need to stop calling them weeds, I think. They are too pretty for a name with such a bad connotation.

  19. I love pretty weeds! And I enjoyed reading your list and your illustrations :) Thanks for the fun link-up!

  20. Yes, they both have a good sound to them. I have to say, Giant had the most memorable voice of all our kids. He had a scratchy, monotone, smoker's sound to his voice. Everyone cracked up when he talked.

  21. We don't own chickens, but your trampoline hen sure had me wishing we did. Not for the eggs, but for the entertainment!!! And glad you recognize how lucky your are to still have parents around. We lost my dad about seven years ago. My mother remarried and it has changed the dynamics of our family. Not in a bad way, but it is definitely different. I still miss my dad--especially when there is a family get together. He loved them so much. As far as you son eating, I wouldn't care what it took. If he eats, I'd leave him in the dark too. Great post. Enjoyed.

    1. Those chickens can be quite entertaining. I wouldn't raise them for that reason alone, though. :)

      I am very aware. Besides so many of my friends whose parents are ill or have passed away, my mom's parents died way too young. I am grateful for every single day they are here.
      I think that will be really hard, too. My dad is happiest when all of his kids and grandkids are at his house for a party. Parties won't be the same without him (someday loooooong into the future).
      Thank you!

  22. Well, the list is fabulous, as usual. Glad the week with your oldest went well. Thanking God for that!

    And yeah for Buttercup's skills. She's a fantastic young lady...and just like her mother, who is CLEARLY artistically gifted (perhaps not so much in drawing, but neither am're just more daring that I to put it out there in the blogosphere).

    And, of course, the chicken story is the best part. What else could I say that hasn't been said?


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!