Saturday, October 26, 2013

TToT, Week 21 - The Laughing Edition

Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.
-- Eileen Caddy
There has been lots of joy and laughter this week, so my entire list will be about things that made me laugh.  I am thankful for all of these small moments.
1.  The shoes Dyanne found for me.
2.  Turken's observation that "Our daddy is the only daddy we know who doesn't have hair."  It's because your parents are the oldest amongst your classmates', Dear.  One day soon you will have to say, "No, they aren't my grandparents."
3.  Giant's costume of choice for this year's Halloween Night at soccer practice.
For those of you who don't live in the US and have never seen the commercial (or you live in the US, but don't watch TV), go here.  (It is a commercial that makes COW giggle every single time he sees it, and he's seen it at least 100 times.)
4.  The soccer dads who stood around the field and harassed Giant the entire practice.  It seems all dads find this commercial to by hysterical, as these guys loved the costume.  Every time Giant would run past, one of the dads would yell something out.  Perhaps it was, "Jake!  What are you wearing?"  Giant responded without breaking stride, "Khakis".   And when someone yelled, "Jake!  You sound hideous!" Giant would yell back, "Yeah, I'm a guy!"  I was laughing the entire hour of practice.
5.  Cuckoo, who wanted to dress up just like Giant.
His version.  Red shirt, name tag, phone, ball under the shirt to make a beer belly, and boots (because he doesn't own dress shoes).
They went around dressed like this for an hour before practice.  The entire time, no one referred to either of them as anything but Jake, Jake from State Farm. 
His belly was so big, he had trouble seeing the stairs as he walked down them.
To quote Giant... "We sound hideous."
6.  Buttercup's school conference. Parent-Teacher conferences at the kids' school are student-led meetings.  The child comes prepared to tell us his/her strengths, challenges, goals, plan to overcome challenges, and things parents and teachers can do to help him/her.  Buttercup (well, all the kids, really) did a great job coming up with insightful thoughts, until the last bit.  When she got to what COW and I could do to help her achieve her goal of higher grades (She currently is sitting on the high honor roll, which means a grade average of 95% or higher) is to get her a desk.  She could hardly say it with a straight face.  She's been half-heartedly bugging us about getting her one ever since we set on up for Phoenix.  The only child with her own room is wanting a place of her own to do her homework, and if she tells her teacher it's what she needs, then we must get it for her.  That girl is a sneaky one.
7.  The most epic end to a game of War I've ever seen.  Cuckoo and I were playing (because it's his favorite game), and he was beating me quite handily.  (He had all the jokers and aces.)  I had a small handful of cards left when we came up with a war.  Three cards down, one up, ended in another war.  Three cards down, one up, and we had another war.  And then a third war.  Which led to a fourth war!  I was down to three cards, so we put two down, one up and got A FOURTH WAR!!  But since I was out of cards, I couldn't continue.  He won only because I had to forfeit.  All my cards were taken in one massive round.

8.  Introducing Lizzi to Paula Dean and the US's love affair with butter and fried foods.  It seems we in the states are the only ones who have state fairs with fried Oreos, Twinkies, candy bars, soda pop, and butter.  I think the fried butter put her over the edge.  Or perhaps it was the elephant ear.
9.  After coming in from getting the mail, having Phoenix see me carrying the new phone book and yell, "The new phone book's here?  I'm somebody now!"  The boy has never seen the movie, "The Jerk", yet he is able to quote lines from it like a pro.  Either it's in his blood, or I quote that movie way too often.
10.  Watching the kids playing in the leaves.  It is fall, so that means we are back at raking Mrs. G's leaves.  While that doesn't make me laugh, the kids can. 
Your turn!  What joy and laughter have you had this week?
 Have a lovely day! 

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. What a wonderful TToT, as usual :)

    I have to admit, my favourite, as cute as your kids are, has got to be #1 - I want those shoes! :)

  2. You sound hideous! :)

    LOVE the shoes...those were hideous. Nicely done, Dyanne!

  3. Best costume ever and I so would have not been able to stop laughing if I saw both your boys. Too cute and definitely gave me smiles this morning. Thank you Christine and happy weekend!! :)

    1. Those two were cracking me up with their Jake talk. Glad you got a smile from it, too.

      Back at you!

  4. definitely a proper costume for Halloween… very clever to (involve) the everyone else in.
    liked the leaf pile diving, (can remember doing that, a long ago!)

    I didn't know about the fried butter thing! lol very… tasty? (if I may add to this 'Menu coronaire' was an item I saw advertised on TV… a pasta dish served in a bread bowl, that is, a bowl made of bread… ayiiee).

    sounds like a very good Halloween Weekend

    1. I'm very happy with the clever costuming versus the horror-type.

      I still jump in the leaves when I have a chance.

      I've never eaten the fried butter. There's always a vendor at the fair who sells it. I've had friends who've tried it and said it actually tasted good. It makes me want to gag.

      Holy Carbs Batman!

      It's a busy one, but should be plenty of fun

  5. I watch TV maybe once a week and I recognize Jake immediately. Maybe it's because he sounds hideous. Also it should be noted that I had never ever in my life seen a fried candy bar until I move to London in 1985. I do believe they were way ahead of us in the fried food games.

    1. Zoe, thank you so much for adding this info about the fried candy in London! Perhaps Lizzi just isn't in touch with her countrymen.

      It wasn't the khakis? :)

    2. I think it was... well, he's a guy,

    3. Aha! The truth comes out! Brits like fried candy bars, too! Makes no difference where it came from.

    4. There's a difference? Honestly, I thought they were synonyms.

    5. Noted. You are my English friend forevermore. But I like the "Brit" nickname. Is there one I can use for English?

  6. Paula Dean is disgusting.. I once saw one of her sons deep-fry lasagna.. Why would ANYONE do that??

    Oh, I'm jealous at your kids for playing in the piles of leaves.. I want to play there, too!!!

    Oh, those shoes are AWESOME!! I hope you get tons of mileage out of them!!

    The costume is genious! Love it!! I'd never gotten it without the clip though.. I've been gone for too long ;-)

    Hope you have a great weekend, Christine!

    1. I've never watched her much, but I do know butter and frying was a staple of her cooking.

      Do you not have Autumn leaves?

      Unfortunately, I don't own the shoes. She just suggested I should.

      I'm glad I thought to add the clip, then. :)

      Same to you, Stephanie!

    2. Paula Deen has some recipes that are just plain delish! You just can't eat stuff like that every day.

    3. She wouldn't have been able to create her empire unless her food tasted delicious. I just don't watch cooking shows like that, regardless of who it is.

  7. Oh those shoes! LOL! Are they only good for the Chicken Dance? Ha ha!

    Love the ingeniousness of Giant's costume! And so funny that Cuckoo wanted to be just like him!

    Sounds like you had a great week!

    1. Hahaha!

      Giant was funny, but with mini-Jake running after him, it was 10 times funnier.

      There were plenty of laughs to counter the irritations, so yes, it was a good week.

  8. Love little brother emulating big brother. Adorable! Hope you have fun this weekend- now i want an elephant ear!

    1. It is one of the many reasons I'm glad we were able to have the younger two. The way they try to do everything the older ones do is just precious.

      Any fairs going on around you? I'm sure there will be elephant ears there! :)

      Have a nice weekend!

    2. I meant to ask ... What's an elephant ear? well, besides an appendage to the lateral sides of a pachyderm's head...(just thought I would beat any dorks to that punch.)

    3. Ha! Before I got to your parentheses I was thinking, "Wow, big words!" :)

      Coop definition of an elephant ear: A gigantic piece of fried dough (roughly the size and shape of a pachyderm's ear) covered in cinnamon and sugar. While upon first glance, it looks like a dessert to feed an entire family of 8, it is normally consumed by one or two people visiting a state or county or church fair.

    4. I've never eaten one myself, but I will take nibbles off the kids'. They do taste good in severe moderation.

  9. Ha! Guess it's a good thing I added the link. :)

    If it's any consolation, I think she's trying to cook healthier now that she's been diagnosed with diabetes.

    It's not complex at all. It's a simple thing of who's card is greater. War happens when you both flip over the same card.

    We have barely begun to get all the leaves. We were there for an hour and a half, bagged 50 large bags, and all of her trees are still FULL of more leaves.

    There have been lots of little funny things all week. Love weeks like that

  10. hey… in case anyone asks, 'there's no such thing as corn spiders, you have never even heard that term before and even if you had (which you haven't, *remember*) there is no link to any Post having to do with such a thing.

    Hey! I have to thank you for the inspiration! seeing how I am a little 'grat-challenged' this weekend and how I kinda got a '20' on my Post… Why don't I do my next list from here…in your Comment section? (visual for old people: 'Why thank you Mrs. Cleaver, I must say…")

    1. Too late. :P

      Whatever floats your boat, Clark. Within reason, of course. :)

  11. I hadn't seen the commercial, and I don't live under a rock. I just don't watch television. There's nothing to watch.

    Have a terrific day. :)

    1. Ack. I sometimes forget that internet people don't know the jokes going on with the IRL people. I have some friends who do watch a lot of TV, and whenever I don't know what they are talking about, they tell me to climb out from under my rock. I don't watch much TV myself, but this commercial is shown during every single sporting event on TV, which my boys and husband do watch. I'm off to change it.
      Sorry if I offended you.

  12. Fried butter....delicious but sinful! Thanks for sharing with us, Christine!

  13. OMG those SHOES!!! They are hilarious!!

    Also huge thanks for linking that video because I would not have gotten that joke.

    Fried butter?? Why? That sounds awful...

    1. I know! Cracked me up when I saw them the first time, and every time since then.

      I have no idea why anyone would eat it, let alone invent it.

  14. What clever children you have--both the costumes and the desk request prove that!

    1. Thank you! I'd agree with you most of the time. :)

  15. Those shoes are too funny! And I love the creativity that went into the costumes. What an epic finish to a game of war. I may have to try teaching that game to my son, I think he would love it.

    1. Yes, it is a good game for little kids. It is mind-numbing boring for me, but Cuckoo loves it. Plus, it is very good for several math skills.

  16. Love the shoes. The Jake costume is hysterical - that is a GREAT commercial!

    Playing in the leaves...brings back such memories of jumping in huge piles of them with my aunts and uncles and cousins and Grandparents' when we were all growing up. And now a tear...God, I miss them so much. My Grandparents were awesome.

    Fried butter...I would eat it. No lie.

    Laughter is a great blessing in life. What a wonderful thing to have laughter in your day!

    1. I say my husband giggles every time it comes on, but I have to admit to laughing myself every time I see it, too.

      Aw, memories can be so valuable and important to us, yet at the same time be heartbreaking. I do believe you need to go rake up a pile and jump in it to honor them.

      Ha! You aren't the only one. People line up for it at the fair. I don't understand it at all. :)

      It is a huge blessing!

  17. I have never heard of fried soda pop. Christine, you have me on this one. I can't imagine what it would be like in the least. lol I leave my leaves out for the neighbors to play in and rake later to. Sounds like Mrs. G and I have similar minds! :) And, "No", I'm not wearing khakis! What is this WAR game? Is it just dropping cards and seeing what lands up and what lands down? You Hoosiers, always coming up with something different! Ooops, I almost forgot my heritage there for a second! :) Good post!

    1. I don't know how they even make it, but it is sold at our fair every year.
      Don't be lumping yourself in there with the wonderful Mrs. G! The woman is 92 years old and is out there raking with us. It takes her an hour to rake a little pile around her walker, but she does it by golly!
      I just hope you're wearing something while you are talking to me. :)
      You don't know about war?!?! And you say you're from the Midwest?? Go up to Lizzi's comments. I explained the game there.
      Don't you be dissing the Hoosiers! I see you were in our neck of the woods (if we are talking a giraffe, as Bloomington is almost an hour away from me) recently. And left all the cold weather. Thanks a lot. (Did you catch the sarcasm?)

  18. Ain't that the truth!

    When two people turn up the same card, each player puts three cards face down then one card facing up. The person with the highest card wins the original matching cards plus the three facedown cards and the final faceup card. Not complex at all usually. It just looks like it here because we kept turning up the same cards and had to keep doing wars.

    We keep a close eye on Cuckoo to prevent just that. :) We pile the bags up, then Mrs. G's 60+ year old son comes and takes them away. I have no idea where.

  19. Of course I had to go watch the video. Giant & Cuckoo are just tooooo cute in that outfit!!! That's funny about Buttercup asking for a desk. I guess you should be thankful it wasn't a car to go to the library. ;P

    The last pic...BEST photo EVER!!!!!

    1. They were cracking me up with the costume.

      Ssshhh...she isn't 16 yet. Don't give her any ideas!

      I do love jumping in the leaves photos, too.

  20. We have got to know the story on those shoes? And as a child growing up in Florida, the idea of diving into a leaf pile in the fall seemed magical. Great pics.

    1. I have no idea where she saw them. Apparently, when she thinks of me, she things "chicken". :)

      I guess there are some perks to living in a part of the country with frigid cold weather. Growing up, it never crossed my mind that other kids didn't get to do such things.

  21. 1. I wish, I wish, I wish I had sent you those shoes IRL. My offer still stands to give the chickens pedicures if you will hold them for me.

    3.-5. Probably one of my favorite Halloween costumes EVAH! Did Giant and his Mini Me check that chair for bats before they sat down?

    6. Buttercup = girl genius

    10. Love the look on Phoenix's face. Or is it Jake from State Farm? Red polo. Khakis. Nahh, too skinny.

    1. Me, too. Although, I don't know where I would wear them. Where did you find them?? I will keep your offer in mind.
      3-5 Wow, you've seen a lot of costumes. That's high praise! No they didn't. Funny you should say that, though. My MIL was here for the weekend, and before she went to bed she checked every nook and cranny of the room where she was to sleep to make sure no bats were in the room. :)
      6. Little worried about that.
      10. It is Phoenix in his school uniform. :)

  22. Yes, just deal out equal cards to the people playing. Easily played with young kids.

  23. Giant's "Jake' costume is truly a winner, who can help but smile at that commercial? And I absolutely loved Buttercup's clever finale for her conference, well played, well played! A desk is an easy request, wait 'til she asks for car keys! :-)

    1. It is a funny commercial. We had our soccer tournament this weekend, and all day yesterday the dads were calling Giant "Jake".

      A desk wouldn't be difficult if she didn't already have a dresser, a book shelf, a fireplace, a vanity, a window, two closets, and a queen sized bed in her room. A room she shares with no one, while the big boys all share one room.
      I am mostly not looking forward to giving any of my kids keys to a car.

  24. I love that you illustrate each bullet point with a photo. OH my gosh those shoes! Somebody needs to tell Lady Gaga ASAP! I LOVE the shoes and even more so the children and your writing, you're hilarious. I love your #2 and #8. :-)

    1. Thanks! This blog is supposed to be a journal of sorts for the kids, so I make sure to put photos in as much as possible It's their favorite part.
      Aren't those shoes great? I'm still waiting to hear where she found them.

      You are so sweet. Thank you!

  25. Oh my goodness, those shoes! And playing in the leaves!

    1. I know! Awesome shoes, aren't they? :)

      Nothing like jumping in a pile of leaves.

  26. Hi Christine! I must say those shoes are very interesting! :D Your sons' costumes are very creative! I also live in Indiana where I have lived for most of my life. Does your daughter happen to attend a Montessori school? It sounds like one our kids used to attend. My kids and I haven't played "war" in a long time! You've just inspired me! Elephant ears and funnel cakes are the only reason I go to the fair! :) It was nice to get to know you! Have a blessed night!

    1. Interesting indeed. don't know where I'd wear them, but they are quite a conversation starter!

      Hello fellow Hoosier! It's always nice to run into a neighbor. No, my kids do not attend Montessori. They go to a Catholic school in Indianapolis.

      Kids do enjoy that card game for some reason unbeknownst to me.

      Are there other reasons to go to any fair??

      Thanks for stopping by!

  27. LOVE the Jake from State Farm costumes! How clever. I want to see a pic of you WEARING the chicken shoes! haha
    I live in the South and we had all of those fried things you mentioned at the county fair we went to last night. I don't eat any of them but I did have funnel cake on a stick! And I loooove fried pickles. Mmm mm!

    1. He is a clever little boy. :)
      If only Dyanne would tell me where she saw the shoes, I'd be happy to oblige with the photo.

      My stomach can't handle all that fried stuff. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for any of my family members.

  28. Those heels are perfect for you! Where did Dyanne find them?

    That is probably the most impressive game of war ever. Who rigged the deck before playing?

    Does deep fried junk food not exist in the UK? Wait until Lizzi visits Minnesota --- we can show her just how much food can be deep fried and put on a stick -- and then she will wonder how she was missing out for all these years.

    Seeing your kids jump in the massive pile of leaves makes me nostalgic. An then it makes me want to show my nieces and nephews the joy in doing so. Ahh the joys of being an auntie ---get 'em dirty and send them home to mom and dad.

    1. I don't know where she saw them, although I've asked. She may tell me someday...

      Oh, you must teach your nieces and nephews the joys of leaf jumping! They don't get THAT dirty. Usually. :)

  29. I love this list!

    Those shoes... I am trying to imagine one practically walking in them. Does it help with balance or hinder? I wonder... I need pictures & video please...

    We love the "Jake from State Farm" commercial too.... I love it, what a simple & easy costume too.

    ..and The Jerk. Well, yes, we quote that movie SO MUCH at our house! SO MUCH! In fact, just last week because at my job I finally got the new church directories done and I so badly wanted to post on the church's Facebook page "This is the kind of spontaneous publicity -- your name in print -- that makes people! .... Things are going to start happening to me now!" But, I refrained assuming not too much of the population of our congregation would get it. ;-/ We LOVE The Jerk!!

    1. I'm glad!
      I would be happy to show you how they work if Dyanne would only tell me where she found them. I don't have them in my possession.

      The costume cost me $2.68 for the clearanced red polo at Target.

      Hahahaha!! I wish you would have written it. My entire extended family knows that movie by heart. Love it.

  30. Those shoes are hysterical. Really funny. Are you going to get them? Soccer sounds like a blast "Khakis!" Plus, I think my adoration of you just increased. That your kid can quote The Jerk without ever having seen it? That's magic and awesome, all rolled into one. The photo of the kids jumping into the pile of leaves is perfection. Love it!

    1. If Dyanne ever tells me where she saw them!
      That one soccer practice is fun. The others...I just drop the kids and go.
      I was quite happy when he came out with some Steve Martin. Once the kids are old enough to know what a special purpose is, I'll let them watch it. :)

      I always take jumping in the leaves photos. They are so much fun.

  31. Great post, as usual. Thanks for stopping by my blog, You are always so nice! I like PD, but I cant understand US' fasincation of deep frying EVERYTHING! I guess I cant blame you everything, as I have seen deep fried Snickers at th

  32. ....sorry the PNE...I have to did look good!

    1. Thank you!

      I don't know what the obsession is, either. I was sick thinking about things like fried Twinkies and candy bars. When they pulled out the fried butter, I gave up all hope for the US to be healthy.

  33. Shoes look really funny. Thinking how it will be in real world. Kids playing in leaves...

    1. I know. Where would I wear them?? Probably everywhere, just to see the reactions from people.

  34. Playing in the leaves is the best thing eva!!! LOL at Giant and Cuckoo - just makes me giggle!! So cute. :D

    Ah yes, America's favorite fried everything. It's a gallbladder's nightmare heehee!!

    1. It is fun, isn't it? I forget that not all kids in the US get to experience leaf jumping. I feel a bit sad for them.

      They crack me up, too.

      Why, why do we deep fry everything?

  35. Those shoes are so, so awesome. And thanks for the video, which was funny and which then did make me laugh at your boys' outfits - especially Cuckoo.

    Like Lizzi, I am from the UK, but I am from Scotland where we could easily rival you for deep fried food. Glasgow is home to the deep-fried pizza (had one once and it was revolting.) And the north-east of Scotland is renowned for its deep-fried Mars Bars! (I have never had one so can't comment on the taste!)

  36. Those heels are hilarious! Can you actually walk in them?


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