Friday, May 29, 2015

Plenty of Fun Despite the Itching, Ten Things of Thankful Week 102

Well, I did a little better this week, getting one non-TToT post in.

Not my best work, but it's what was on my mind at 11:00 that night.

And also on know if you read it. 

But that poison ivy couldn't put a damper on the many marvelous things that went on this week.

First and foremost, another of my babies graduated from 8th grade. By and large, Catholic schools are K-8, so 8th grade graduation is a Big Deal. Lots of fun things going on to fill up our calendar. I couldn't be happier for Star. He has a great group of friends, and he's maturing into such a good, kind, responsible young man. 

Don't ask me what Cuckoo is doing. Let's just say he lives up to his chicken name.
2. Do you all remember Mrs. G? At the age of 93, she passed away peacefully and quickly. She had a long, healthy life that she lived to the fullest. While she will be missed, we can't be sad. We are grateful to have known her and are happy for her. She's finally reunited with her beloved husband and all of her siblings.

3.  The high schoolers, Cuckoo and I had one day that didn't require us to go anywhere before afternoon pickup. I took advantage of the situation. We cleaned the mud room from top to bottom. We got rid of shoes and coats that no longer fit. We got rid of the flotsam and jetsam that littered the floor and table and every shelf. We scrubbed every surface. It makes me happy to walk in there again.

4. I managed to get to the gym twice this week, thanks to the big kids being home.

5. We had a lovely morning at the park with my Bible study friends. Cuckoo finally got to play with some kids his own age since preschool ended.

6. After several failed attempts, a friend and I were finally able to have breakfast together and get all caught up.

7. The weather has been great for all of the end-of-school-year outdoor activities.

8. I figured out how to check ebooks out of the library using my iPad. I'm reading the first one now. I don't like using it as much as I like my plain Kindle, but...they are free books. 

9. We've played lots of board games this week, with a favorite being Telestrations. It's a cross between Pictionary and telephone. Each person starts with a dry erase notebook and writes a word down. Everyone passes his notebook to the person next to him, looks at the word passed to him, and draws it. The notebooks are then passed again, and the players write down a guess as to what the picture is. This keeps going around until the notebook gets back to the original person. Sometimes we actually get around and end with the same word. Usually, though, it goes something like this:

                         Photo 1: Giant wrote down the word.
                         2: Cuckoo drew it.
                         3: I took a guess as to what he drew.
                         4: Turken drew it.
                         5: Phoenix wrote down what he thought Turken drew.

It is silly. It is fun. It is sometimes hilarious.

10. SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!! LET THE FUN (AND WORK! (I have a long list of projects for the kids and I to get done this summer. (They are thrilled. (Really. (Ok. They're not. (But I don't care.)))))) BEGIN!!!

11. Bonus: I ALMOST FORGOT!! Eli from Coach Daddy sent an email to me asking me to participate in his Six Words post! Head on over to see how I answered "What would make you smile?" in only 6 words. It's fun to see how differently people answered it.

I interrupt this thankful post to give you a very important message...

Lizzi has a little contest going on. She is looking for ya'll to create a new button for us to use in our TToT posts each week. Make one and add it to this little link right here:

Next weekend, you'll get to vote on which button we should use.

Back to our regularly scheduled post...

Your turn! Tell me. What happened this week for which you are thankful?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


  1. I didn't read anything last week, so I didn't know you had poison ivy. I have never had it, but I had poison oak once, and let's just say I went to the bathroom without knowing I'd been exposed to it.
    I'm sorry to hear Mrs. G passed away, but she had a good life and your family got to enjoy her so.
    Star has gotten so tall this year! And just plain grown up. He doesn't look like a kid anymore.
    That game looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to look for it. We like to play games with my husband's sister's family.

    1. Well, by your vagueness, I can guess what you meant, and...ouch.
      We did. We just can't be sad.
      It is remarkable how much he's grown and matured. Every once in a while I'll be stopped in my tracks by his deeper voice and older looks.
      We played it again last night. So much fun!

  2. I am so sorry to hear you have Poison Ivy and I hope yours heals up fast. It is the worst - we usually end up on Prednisone if we get exposed to it. My oldest boy found out the hard way that if Mangoes aren't fully ripe the skin has the same chemical that causes the Poison Ivy rash - he looked like he had the worst case of cold sores ever!

    1. Thank you. It is finally clearing up a bit. I and several of my kids have been on Prednisone several times. I avoid it unless it moves onto our faces or we are completely covered.
      Mangoes!?!?! I had no idea! My kids eat those!

  3. As much as I giggle... poison ivy... ick...hope its better soon. Star looks like a man not an eigth grader! Congratulations! love cukoo hiding back there!

    1. It is ick, but nothing that won't heal. It's almost healed, so no more complaining by me. :)

      It is astounding how quickly these middle schoolers grow. I hardly recognize some of the kids in his class.

  4. Telestrations looks like a fun, fun time. My daughter often hosts game nights with her friends. I'm sure they would love it (me, too). Have a wonderful summer. I hope you get some of those projects done. Cleaning the mudroom sounds like a good start. Star looks so grown up. Comparing his photo on your side bar, looks like maybe five years earlier? Or just the puberty growth spurt?

    1. It is a fun game!
      It was a great start. If only we didn't have to keep up with normal chores, like cleaning and mowing. We'd get so much done!! Next up, though, is cleaning, painting, and replacing broken windows. That will take a while!
      Just the growth spurt. The sidebar photo was at most 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure. I know it wasn't 5.

  5. Star looks so grown up in those photos, it sounds like he's maturing into a lovely young man.

    Telestrations looks like fun and reminds me a bit of Consequences which we used to play at secondary school. Someone starts by writing a name down - could be someone they know or someone famous - then folds the paper over and passes it to the next person who writes down a second name and folds the paper over. The next person then writes down a place and folds the paper, the next two people each write down a line of conversation, folding the paper, and the last person writes down the outcome. When the paper is unfolded you get ****met ****at **** he said **** she said**** and the consequence was **** Sounds complicated but it isn't when you do it - any number of people can play and the end results are very often quite funny.

    1. He is. I still am shocked by it sometimes.

      That sounds like a fun game, too! We're always looking for new ones.

  6. 8th grade graduation - oh, my. Off to high school in the fall - that is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. I have junior who'll be a senior in the fall. High school has been fun and a huge learning curve for all of us - and we only have four counting him. They grow so much between 6th-8th and again from - 9th on up. We have a little more than a week left in school before summer begins - but it's begun in the minds of my kids - at school and at home. Take care and have a wonderful week!

    1. It is exciting! For our first one, it was really overwhelming for all of us. Now that we're on our third in three years, it's still exciting, but a little less overwhelming.
      A senior!? THAT is a big year! Are you ready for it? :)
      Each year, when we start with all of the 8th grade festivities, parents always sit together to figure out which kid is which. They have changed so much that we have a hard time recognizing the ones we rarely see. Shocking how fast they grow, isn't it?
      Have a wonderful last week of school!

  7. I can see why #10 reminded you of #11! Hopefully your kids will have a great summer together, whether working or playing. That game sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. :) Yes, there is definitely a connection between the two.
      It is fun!

  8. I think what would make you smile will happen often this summer. It happens a lot at your house.

    Great on the mudroom. It's always good to do a deep clean in each room. It does make you feel good.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

    1. We have a precious few summers left with all of the kids. I'm planning on making the most of this one!

      It is a marvelous feeling to have such a job completed. I just feel much less anxious, which is always good for everyone. :)

  9. Ugh! Poison Ivy. I so hope your case of it is improves soon! My stepson loves to hunt and fish. If there's poison ivy within a 1 mile radius of where he is, he always seems to find it ... and then suffer the consequences. Terrible stuff! Congrats to Star on his 8th grade graduation. :) And thank you for mentioning that game. It sounds like fun and I'll have to check it out.

    1. It is almost cleared up. Until the next time I get it. A few of my kids and I are very allergic, getting it practically every time we go outside. It is a pain, for sure.
      Thank you!
      It is a lot of fun!

  10. Knock on wood I have never gotten Poison Ivy. I am mixed on School being out.

    1. Are you one of the lucky ones who aren't allergic to poison ivy? Several of us in my family are HIGHLY allergic. We'll get it if we're within a mile, even if we're covered from head to toe in clothing.

      I am not mixed about school one little bit. My days of being in the car for hours is over. My playmates (and worker bees) are home!

  11. Yay for school being out! And for great weather. We had a eighth grader leave middle school this end of year too. On to bigger things at high school. And boo for poison ivy. It always seems to find me when I'm out working in the yard.

    1. Yay!
      There are much bigger things in high school. He's looking forward to them while being just a wee bit nervous.

      How? How does poison ivy find us so easily?

  12. Sorry to hear about Mrs. G's passing and the poison ivy, but how cool is it that school is out? The kids here go until mid-late June so we're still looking forward to that.

    1. We do get out way earlier than the states around us. But, when we are back in school on August 11, you all will be like, "We still have 2 weeks of summer!" ;)

  13. I wonder...did your gym activity help with the itching? I imagine it might have. Telestration looks like ten tons of fun!

    1. I don't know if it helped, but I was glad it didn't itch while I was working out. The muscle pain overrode the itch.

      It is loads of fun!

  14. Your boys look so happy in the picture. You definitely can be proud of them. Glad you could enjoy the nice weather and your little guy got to play with some kids. Having peers around them is so important for the kiddos! Have a great week, Christine!

    1. Star was especially happy. It was a big week of fun for the 8th grade. :)

      It's especially important for my little guys, I think. They are so used to big kids, they forget how to play with kids their own size and age. Plus, little kids don't dote on them like the big kids do. Good lessons there. :)

  15. So ready for school to be out here! We have two more weeks yet. Eighth grade graduation is a big deal!! Congratulations to all!
    I don't think I've ever had poison ivy - I did read that post, though, and I haven't read too much this crazy week. Hope it's gone and stays gone.
    I read the six words at Eli's - how did I miss you??? So excited you're joining in. Going back over to check it out!

    1. Hope those last two weeks go well for all of you. Thank you!
      The poison ivy is healing nicely, but I just got bit by something. I have two big bug bites on my knee (no clue how, since I haven't been outside for more than 10 minutes today) that are driving me bonkers. I just can't win on the itch factor.
      I don't know! It was fun to do. I'm so glad he asked me!

  16. congrats to you son - 8th grade grad it is such a big deal and it should be so much a head of him. I remember my 8th grade graduation I also left the safety net of a catholic school and it was a big deal with a prom and fun activities. James will be experiencing that next year the middle schools hear goes to the 8th grade as well and form what I hear a lot of activities too...he's told us who he wants to ask to the dance - LOL Oh boy!

    The game sounds awesome and fun - I know we would love it -

    yeepee schools out we have until the end of June - :)

    1. High school is very different from the school from which they graduate. I think the freedom and independence is the things they are most excited for.
      Ha! Already knows who he wants to take to the dance?! Funny that he's thinking that far ahead!

      It is fun!

      Well, I guess you can be happy when in August we are back to school and you still have a month left to enjoy. :)

  17. oops I forgot.. i have a kindle fire and I am able to use my Overdrive account on it, it is a digital library

    that is the link

    Also my sister hooked me up with tuebl another cool site that the e books gets downloaded to overdrive. (psst all free.)

    have fun reading.

    1. I'll let Star know about the Fire link. Thank you! I have the old white-screen kindle from before Kindle Fires were even available. :)

  18. …did the song help?*

    (*no, z…I didn't sing a song for Christine**)
    (** but now that you mention it….lol)

    1. I love that you always have a song. It makes no difference what situation you are in, you have song to match it. I had heard that song before, but had never paid much attention to the words.

      Oh, how I would love to see a video of you singing. :)

  19. I'm thankful that this area has so many disc golf courses. That hour and change I spend in the woods is like spiritual Gatorade to me. The challenge, the hike, the immersion into nature. I'd love to play every day.

    Thanks so much for playing along in 6 words today, and also for the link on this post! I hope others enjoy it too. It was great to have you.

    For the poison ivy, try cookies. Well, they don't help the itch, but at least you'll be eating cookies.

    1. Back when I was in college, there was a disc golf course on the campus. Way, way back before it became popular. I only played it once. Now that you mention it, that is something the kids and I should put on the to-do list for this summer. Thanks!

      Thank you for asking me! It was fun!

      Ha! I haven't been eating many cookies (only because we don't have any in the house) but I've had my fair share of M&Ms. They help everything. :)

  20. Your kiddos are already out for summer!? That's simultaneously awesome and not fair. LOL. As a teacher...I'm just waiting for the end of the second week of June. :D
    Your list of thankfuls is awesome!
    I hope you have a great poison-ivy-free week!

    1. Ha! I know. I still can't believe they are out already! You can all hold it over us when we go back to school on August 11.

      Thank you!

      You and me both!

  21. Kinda sad, but mostly not. It makes total sense. The kids and I were saying how glad we were to be done raking her yard (It was so much work!), but we'll be signing up for another. We were joking about the chances of an elderly widow buying Mrs. G's house.


    It's feeling much better. Thanks. Now I have some bug bites, but at least they aren't on my bum.

  22. I'm so sorry about your friend passing. But it must have been quite a life!

    Congrats on the graduation though!

  23. Your babies are growing up! I can't wait to read about your summer adventures! I love when we do a deep clean on a room. It is so liberating to get rid of stuff! And the bonus is that I like that room again!

    1. They most certainly are. Right before my eyes.

      I'm with you! I get plain old giddy when we accomplish something as simple as deep cleaning a room.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!