Sunday, May 24, 2015

No, I Wasn't Recovering from Our Rockin' 100th Week Party, TToT #101

Did anyone besides my dad notice that I haven't posted since last week?

"Where have I been?" you ask, now that you know I was missing?

Do you all remember when I was in charge of the decorations for Grandma's 90th birthday party? It seems making things complicated and tine-consuming when it should be easy and fast wasn't a one-time illness. It is a chronic disease.

Long story short, I didn't get any yard work, house work, or blog work done the entire week, but I DID make 60 of these:

And because it's a disease, I had to make them color-coded and packaged all prettily with Easter basket grass and a card that read, "I couldn't give you real bacon and eggs, so I'm giving you upcycled, plastic eggs instead,"...

in order to pass them out at a swag swap at the Ohio Catholic Women Bloggers conference I went to this weekend.

My family thought I wasn't going to get them done.

They also thought I was insane.

And wondered aloud what I would do if the ladies at the conference didn't like them.

I ignored them as I wrapped.

And wrapped.

And wrapped.

A very bad photo of Cuckoo demonstrating how NOT to wrap an egg with yarn.

But I prayed, too. As I wrapped each one, I prayed for the woman who was going to receive it.

And I got them finished with hours to spare without stressing one itty, bitty bit.

That, Dear Readers, will be my first thankful for this week.

Number 2 will most certainly be the fact that I was able to go to this conference. It was in my hometown and only cost $25, so I had to go. It was fun. It was inspiring. It was prayerful and uplifting. It was more than I ever imagined it would be.

This is the chapel at the monastery where the first night of the conference was held. It is less than a mile from the house where I grew up, but I had never stepped foot in it until Friday night. It and the grounds were as beautiful as I always thought they would be.
3. I won a shirt at the conference! (This one to be exact.) One of the lovely, wicked smart women I met at the conference just started making her own line of shirts, and she gave one away in a raffle.

4. I got to visit (and laugh, of course) with my dad, grandma, stepmom, sister, and baby niece after the conference each night.

5. My mom was not only available, but happy to take Star to his soccer tournament for us, so I could attend the conference.

6. The construction and care of porta-potties has drastically improved. (This has nothing to do with the conference, but everything to do with the soccer tournament at which I met my mom and Star.)

7. Giant asked me if I could get some plastic bags for a science experiment for school. I told him to write it (and a couple of other things) down, so I would remember. This is what I found:

Makes me smile, that boy.

8. We got to take the kids to the track on a day the drivers were practicing. (May is all about the Indy 500. The race was today.) Even if you aren't race fans, you can't help but be impressed with the speed and construction and loudness of the cars.

They are the "I", although how you could have missed that is beyond me. ;)

I cannot begin to tell you how hard it is to get a photo of a car going 220 mph with an old iPhone. Got it on the 4,392 try.

9. While I sat on the sidelines of Giant's soccer game, I received a text from Bryan, who was at Turken's baseball game, that read, "Steady rain. Cuckoo and I are under the trees, because I couldn't find an umbrella in the van."

I texted back, "Oops," with this photo:

The other two umbrellas were in the car I had driven. And he didn't even yell at me.

10. We are all home, and our family will have the whole day tomorrow to ourselves. I have no idea what we'll do, but it won't be yardwork.

So, what made you say "thank you!" this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. LOL on your son's note. It looks like something my boys would say. When I was at Pack Trials (trialing new plants) in California they didn't just have port-a-potties. They had toilet trailers and they were awesome. Real running water and actual bathroom stalls. Some of them were decorated nicer than a home washroom. I don't know why these toilet trailers don't show up at more events.

    1. Wow. Those trailers sound nice. I'm guessing the cost is out of the league of most soccer clubs, though.

    2. This is probably true, but I had never even seen these trailers before the spring so I get a bit carried away when I talk about them! ;-)

  2. Loved the wrapped eggs, that is definitely the kind of thing I would get myself into, but I would be fussing as the deadline approached and I was still wrapping away. I'm betting that they loved them! How cool that you could combine such a great event with some family visiting time, obviously you were meant to go! Giant's note was just the best. My son has that same edgy sense of humor and he's never failed to make me smile. We watched the Indy on TV today, Papa Bear would have loved to join you for that visit! I hope that you have a wonderful day of family down time together tomorrow, I know that's a rare occurrence in your busy world!

    1. Only a couple of people went through their bags before the conference was over. I had one report from someone that she liked hers. :)

      The weekend couldn't have worked out better for me. I had to go, for sure.

      If you ever get the chance to make it to Indy, let me know! Even if it isn't in May, there is still a museum to visit. But May would be best. :)

      Right now, everyone is still sleeping. I'm listening to the wind and rain falling outside. I don't know what the day holds, but I do know it will be fun and we'll all be together.

  3. Good job on the eggs! I'm glad you had a good time at the blogging conference. Did you know that people in Oregon do not carry umbrellas? Seriously.

    1. Thank you!

      Why? Why don't they carry umbrellas?

    2. I think it is just too much of a bother, when it is constantly drizzling. Oregonians are a friendly bunch, but there is this underlying suspicion of non-natives (and an easy way to spot transplants is by the umbrella):

  4. I did wonder where you'd got to, was beginning to think some awful disaster had befallen you and your family.

    The wrapped eggs look lovely, though not the sort of thing I would have the patience to do.

    Gorgeous photo of the chapel, it looks a lovely place.

    Sounds like you had a lovely time visiting your dad and other family, and congrats on winning the shirt.

    The last sentence of Giant's note made me giggle - sounds like he has a similar sense of humour to my son :)

    1. Nope, no disaster. :)

      Thank you. The eggs turned out to be a peaceful endeavor, keeping me calm even in the midst of chaos.

      I did have a great time in Ohio. I'm so grateful that it worked out for me to go.

  5. yeah, but he (Cuckoo) is clearly totally concentrated on doing the egg-wrapping thing! (He is, no doubt, thinking about how pleased you'll be with the help he provided).
    "...loudness of the cars' I've mentioned the affinity for existing sounds (in terms of surprise-factor as well as sheer volume) scotts have, right? lol

    1. He was completely focused. Until he got to the more difficult bottom of the egg. He ended with a fit of tears and the egg in the trash. :)

      I don't believe I've ever read about that particular affinity for a scott. Huh. New post idea?

  6. Love the eggs. And they each came with really good prayer jou jou! I think the I in Indy and the note are my favs too! I too have a luxuriously unplanned day ahead...must get to it...chop chop!

  7. The eggs are great. It took a load of patience and love to make 60 of them. I am impressed with the racecar (understatement) going 220 mph in your iPhone photo. Good for you combining a blog conference, family visits and soccer games all together. The T-shirt is YOU!

    1. The egg-making was a surprisingly calming activity. Except when I had a hard time getting a blasted egg started because the yarn wouldn't stay wound.
      Bryan and I were sitting next to each other, racing to see who could get a car in the shot first. I won. :)

      The weekend couldn't have worked out better.

  8. Oh you always crack me UP, you know that? The "oops" umbrella pic is HILARIOUS!! Well, much of this post is actually...

    "Because it's a disease..." BWAHAHAHA!! Totally get it.

    My favorite part of your list? That you prayed for each and every woman you made those beautiful eggs for... oh what a beautiful thoughtful and intentional labor of love. I bet they ADORED them.

    1. I'm glad I can make you chuckle.

      I hope they liked the eggs, but, surprisingly, it doesn't even matter. I got plenty out of good just by making them. :)

  9. What a wonderful week you've had and today you can rest. Maybe.

    I love your t-shirt and that note from your son is fab.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  10. Giant's note is my favorite! Chop chop and get to it and don't get the ones with the zipper thing that slides across. Also your eggs are beautiful! What a lovely idea to pray for the woman who would receive each one - a truly special gift!

    1. That boy can be unbelievably frustrating, but then he pulls out something like this to just make me laugh.


  11. I'm so glad you had a good time at the conference; yes, I did notice that you hadn't posted, because somehow your button code is the only one that works for me, and your post wasn't there yet to snag it from :-) Love the eggs, may do something similar next year as spring decoration!!

    The letter from giant is indeed very, very sweet. You definitely raised your boys well :-)

    Enjoy your week, Christine!

    1. Odd that no other buttons work for you. I will keep it in mind and try my hardest to get my post up early. :)

      Fortunately, I have a few extra, so I'll have some decorations, too.

      I'm trying!

      Thank you!

  12. I did! I did wonder where you were. Phew! Glad all is fine in Indiana. :D

    Love, LOVE the eggs!!! I am sure everybody loved them too. Most thoughtful and a wonderful keepsake from the conference. <3

    1. All is well. Thanks for noticing.

      You are so sweet. :)

  13. Hahahahah
    Chop-Chop get to it!!! Funny kid!

  14. My goodness you have been busy! Those eggs are Gorgeous, and beautiful with the prayers you felt wrapped in. Wonderful gift. I'm glad the conference was fun, and I did miss you, but you've got life to attend to, I know.
    Why was it necessary for them to make the I? Why wasn't it there already?

    1. Sarah, the end of the year is madness, I tell you! Fun, but madness!

      You know when you go to an event, and there really isn't a good place to take a photo to show people where you are? At the Speedway, they gave visitors a fun way to get themselves in the photo. (That's the story I'm going with, anyway.)

  15. Your week was bursting full of good stuff and things! Those eggs, that conference, your boy! Here's to hoping that this week can come close!

    1. It was bursting, for sure. This week is pretty darn close! You'll see on Saturday. :)

  16. Getting six kids to have fun together is always a trick. Came over from Eli's place and his six words - like your Indy practice day - you are right, there is nothing like racing at Indy. Have a great end of May and enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be hopping around to the other 6 sentence folks later this week. The last week of school is a doozy!

      You sound like you've been to Indy for a race before. :)

      Thank you!

  17. I love things like those eggs where I can pray as I craft. They always seem to get done in time, too!

    1. I had never prayed while doing a craft before, but now that I've done it, I will most certainly do it again.

  18. That note from you son looked oh, so familiar!! Love the "chop-chop" get to it! I am so happy you were able to go to the conference! Isn't it such a joy to connect with other bloggers who are "virtual" friends? So nice to meet them in person. I love your of these days I'm going to link up!

    1. I told you our boys would get along! :) I remember when you went to Jennifer's gathering. I must admit, I was jealous. Our group was small, but they were all such lovely people. I am so grateful for the chance to go. One of these days, perhaps you and I will end up at the same one!

      Do join in! It really does change the way you look at things that happen during the week, knowing that you have to write about things for which you are thankful.

  19. The thought did cross my mind, but Bryan and I were having fun competing against each other. Well, I guess it would be more accurate to say he made fun of my inability to get a shot, so I told him I bet he couldn't get one before I did and it went from there. (The 4,000+ number was a bit of a large exaggeration.) :)

    Aw, Lizzi, thank you.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!