Monday, April 29, 2013

Y Is for Youngins

Because I can hear you thinking, "Man, I wish she would post more photos of her offspring."

Yes, we really do live in the middle of nowhere.

Our preschool's Great GooseWatch.  A mama goose nicely made a nest right up next to the window of the entryway.  Each day we have a look-see to make sure the nine eggs haven't hatched.

"Mommy, I can run faster than the truck!"  Stupid truck.  We were supposed to be going for a walk.

5th grade Wax Museum.  Each student dresses up like an important person in history.  He/She can't move or talk until someone pushes the "button" on the table.  The "famous person" then recites a 30 second bio.  Giant went as JFK.  He even took hair spray to school to get his hair juuust so.

"Mom!  Mom!  I'm three and a half and taller than him!"

Snack time.  In the van.  Again.

We spent some time at the playground with a niece and nephew.  Couldn't get this one off the merry-go-round, except when she went flying off as it spun.  Even then, she was only off the thing long enough to put her shoes back on.

The oldest of the nephews.  It seems the "I'm going to put off cutting my boy's hair as long as possible" trait runs in my family. 

King of the world.  Or calling on the storms to pay his brother back for pushing him.  One of the two.

You knew you were going to be forced to view new nephew photos.

Oooooohhh, I love an itty-bitty baby!

Favorite quote of the visit:

At one point, while my niece was holding the baby, Turken was "petting" the top of Baby's head.  Niece said, "He doesn't have much hair."

Turken replied, "My daddy doesn't have much hair either."

True dat.

Have a lovely day!


  1. LOL! I'd say that not having much hair must run in the family, but it's your sister's baby, right? Maybe it's male pattern baldness by marriage?

    1. Yes, it is a nephew from my side, but since Hubby and I are 5th cousins, it just well could be his family's fault.

  2. Great photos. I love the baby holding ones! One of my favorite photos is of my nephew holding my eldest and feeding her a bottle. He had such a look of awe on his face - like he couldn't believe that anyone could be so very tiny!

    1. My youngest two just can't keep their eyes off the babies. It is so adorable to watch them together.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. OMG, I thought my kids' school here in North Cackalacky was the only one who did that stupid wax museum thing with the push button. Honestly, I think it's just a way to make the kids stay silent.

    1. While they are well-behaved, they are far from silent. The room is so noisy you can barely hear the kids giving their bios. 50 5th graders + parents and grandparents + other grades coming to see = ridiculously noisy.

  4. I love your photos!!!! 5th grade Wax Museum? I never heard of schools doing that around where I live. It sounds like fun, but it must be heard for the kids to stay still/silent. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a wonderful day!:-)

    1. Thank you! The kids actually do have a good time with it. Especially when little kids keep coming up and pushing the button repeatedly. They have to stay in character and just keep starting the bio over and over, never getting past, "Hi, I'm John F. Ken"

  5. The local high school here has a living art show, where the art history students portray famous works of art, but I had never heard of a living wax museum. What a clever idea!

    And what a precious little nephew you have!

    1. A living art show sounds fun. I'm guessing they get quite creative with it.

      We always know when the wax museum is coming closer. Emails fly around parents looking for wigs and suits and other costume accessories.

      Thank you!

  6. I'm smitten by that wax museum idea! How clever!

    1. It is a good project. The kids get to pick from a list which includes famous athletes, presidents, religious, and inventors, so the kids can choose an area which interests them.

  7. Y is for YES
    Yes post pictures of the young ins.
    love seeing those cute faces!!!

  8. Such beautiful children! I used to do the wax museum with my students. It's such a process leading up to it and it was always great to see how proud they were at the completion.

    1. Thank you!
      Some of the kids really get into it, never breaking character. It's fun to watch.

  9. I'm one that firmly believes you can take and post enough pictures of the youngin's!! Your youngin's are beautiful!! The quote of the day is AWESOME!!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  10. We do the wax museum thing in 4th grade, only they have to be famous Missourians. Yeah.

    1. Some of the kids do choose people specifically from Indiana, but not everyone does. How many famous Missourians are there? Or, I guess the question is, how loose of a definition of "famous" are we using? :)

  11. That wax museum idea seems like a great idea! We never had anything that cool in our dinky little town growing up :( Did he have a lot of fun?

    As a kid that was one of our favorite playground activities. Spinning the Merry-go-Round as fast as you could and see who survived.

    Turken for the win! Throwing Pops right under the bus POW! lol

    1. The kids do have fun the day of. The work leading up to it, not so much.

      Merry-go-rounds are loads of fun. Many parks got rid of them, though, many years ago. Too many kids breaking limbs. It seems they are making a comeback though.

      Ha! The kids do enjoy giving their dad a hard time.


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