Sunday, April 24, 2016

Proof That There's More Than Corn in Indiana! TToT Week 149

I am sitting on the couch, wondering if I'll ever rise from it again.

The boys and I took a 2 hour, 15 minute drive (that was supposed to take only an hour and 30 minutes, but...bad map.) to Turkey Run State Park today.

We spent over 4 hours hiking the "very rugged" trail number three, and then the "moderately rugged" trail number 6 this afternoon.

There was water, there was mud, there were ladders, there were bridges, there were stairs, their were downed trees. Everything five boys (and their mother) could want.

1. I am thankful for a gorgeous day and an empty calendar (after we served at 9:00 Mass) to spend such a delightful day.

2. I'm thankful we had a free afternoon on Saturday to get a bunch of yard and garden work done so we could take Sunday off to go have some fun.

3. I'm thankful for Turken's enthusiasm and focus when playing any sport. Opening day was Saturday, and he played marvelously! He caught two fly balls, one of which was a running catch in the outfield that shocked everyone, and one slide into home to avoid an out.

Wish I had a photo or two...

4. I am thankful for our washing machine, seeing as how we brought home a whole literal mess of mud from the park.

5. I'm thankful I don't have to be anywhere early in the morning. I'm guessing my legs are gonna be reeeeeaaal sore.

I've got lots of laundry to do (Those trails were muddy!), so 6 - 10 will be photos from our afternoon. :)

Tell me. What did you do with your weekend?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. wow awesome day, those pictures are out of this world, everyone looked happy and having fun hey sounds like a great Sunday.

    1. It was a great Sunday. Even the one teen who does't like anything admitted to having fun. :)

  2. Cool place. I guess your knee is pretty much rehabed!

    1. Ha! While I was able to do all that was required of the strenuous hike, my knee is feeling it. I couldn't get myself into the "criss cross applesauce" position when I sat on the floor last night. It's still sore, but it's working, so I'm happy.

  3. Looks and sounds like you had a great day, even if it did take longer than expected to get there; love the photos of the bridge and tree across the river.

    Last week for me was full of warm and sunny dog walking days, and my major thankful? - that Poppie didn't drown on Friday (it's in my last post) :)

    1. I will get to that post as soon as I finish replying!

      It was aggravating to have taken the wrong turn, since we got a later start than we wanted in the first place. It all worked out in the end, though.

  4. Wow that looks like an awesome place. Love the bridge and the ladder. Your family is so cool to spend so much time together.

    1. It is! If you're ever in Indiana, I'll take you there! :)

  5. What a beautiful place to go hiking!!!

  6. Looks like you and your boys had an AWESOME time!! Sure was a heck of a lot of mud though. ;) Great pics!!

    1. We did!
      Oh, there was so, sooooooo much mud. So much. We couldn't go out to eat on the way home because of all the mud.

  7. My knee is sore, but it's working, so I'm good. :)
    Sounds like you had a great day, too! Pictures are not necessary. I have been in a photo-taking slump lately, so I went overboard on our hike. I took like 200. The boys were thrilled. Ha!

  8. "Tell me. What did you do with your weekend?
    no fair!
    I would say, 'I drove around a lot on Saturday' (but then there's Photo #3!)
    I would say, 'I wrote a little of Chapter 4 in the new serial' (but.... Photo #2)
    ... desperately, I might say, 'Well I got sometime Sunday to do some yard work!' (... Photo #4 !! )

    Round one to 'them-folks-in-the-middle-part-of-the-country-with-the-straight-roads-and-all-90-degree-turns!"

    looks like you guys had fun!

  9. That looks like a great day! I love an empty calendar day... Best of all your knee is doing well and you can enjoy days like these - hooray!
    My weekend was spent resting my voice and prepping for the Listen to Your Mother show on Sunday and then actually spending the day doing the show. It was great and I managed to get enough voice to actually read my piece so that's a win!

  10. You got some great shots of a wonderful adventure with your kids. Really great shots.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ☺

  11. I kept checking back for you to post and wouldn't you know it I miss the day you did! What a great afternoon. Yes. Much to be thankful for here. And what a great old tree. Love those. I'm looking for local parks with some legit hiking trails around here. It's one of the things I miss most about living in the mountains. Everywhere you walked was a hiking trail. - Glad to see you back. :)

  12. What a great adventure you and the boys had! I hope you weren't too sore afterwards.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!