
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday Listicles - My Brain Can't Take All This Learnin'!

It's Monday!

And you know what that means.

Monday LIsticles!

The theme this week is 10 Actual Skills or Enlightenments that I Learned in 2012.

First thing that came to mind is blogging.  It wasn't until this year that I really figured out this blogging thing.  I realized that I don't care how many people read my blog.  I'm not looking for a huge following so I can make money or get a book deal.  I am writing because it is fun.  I enjoy meeting people I would never meet otherwise.  People that make me think, laugh, learn, and see things in new ways.   If I can do that for other people, too, it's a bonus.

Fortunately, with blogging, I can go through and see all of the other things that I learned.

For this week's listicles, I am going to shamelessly direct you towards past posts that explain what I've learned.

My Brand New Skills and Enlightenments:

1.  I learned both Ashtanga yoga and the fact that I need better friends in one fell swoop.

2.  I am no longer afraid of dogs.  Well, I'm not afraid of one dog in particular.

3.  I learned I am not as crafty as I used to be. Poor Cuckoo and Turken got the short stick on this one.

4.  I realized that not only am I old, but other people know it. 

5.  Even in a drought full of 100+ degree days, you can't fry an egg on the sidewalk. Or a barn roof.

6.  Deciding to potty-train a child by encouraging him to pee outside can backfire.  Who knew?

7.  I spend too much time in the van.   Which means I see too much and think too much.

8.  Our kids still listen to us.  I don't care that they're only doing it in order to get more material with which to mock us.

9.  I may actually have what it takes to be a real farmer.  Maybe someday.  If I work really hard.

10.  Lastly, I learned how to dispose of a pig that drowned itself

You had to know that one was coming.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I feel like I spend a lot of time in my vehicle, too. If I add that time up, I am sure it would be significant.

    1. Years. Years of my life have been spent in that van. Moving to the farm had a lot to do with it.

  2. I have some good reading to do! And I will save what looks like the best for last (aka the pig disposal)! :)

    1. Enjoy! So many stories involve those blasted pigs, but that one tops them all.

  3. When you put it that way, your blog sounds like a major hoot! Love it!!

    1. Every once in a while, something funny happens. :)

  4. I think I would have been a great farmer too. But that will just have to pass me by in this life. I'll be happy with my little plot out back. And I'm at #4 too. ha.

    1. Becoming a farmer has had a huge learning curve for me. I'm finally getting there. Sometimes I wish I would have stuck with just the plot of land.
      Especially now that I'm old. :)

  5. Ugh...that whole old thing. If this year has taught me nothing else it for sure has screamed in my face "you're getting oooooold". I'm so old that I completely forgot to put that one on my list!

    1. I forget lots of things! I forget I'm old on a daily basis, until I find myself grunting when I get off the couch or some other old people thing.

  6. Great idea! (I did what you did and linked to posts!). I was also new to blogging this year. So fun!

    1. This topic really just set us newbies up to do that, didn't it?
      So much fun.

  7. I still think #11 is my favorite story! But again I laugh at an awful lot of your daily events.

    1. From what I hear, it is just about everyone's favorite story. So glad my trauma (really, the pig's trauma, my reactions) can cause so many people so much joy.

  8. Goodness - lots happening in your world! Pinterest tricks me into thinking I could be crafty every once in a while, but it's just not the case.

    1. There is certainly always something happening. One of my mottos is "If it isn't fun, make it funny."
      I refuse to get a Pinterest account. I have more than enough to be addicted to and ideas of which I have not followed through without it.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. You crack me up! When I went to Bloggy Con this year... one of the speakers said something that really stuck with me... would you still blog if you knew you were only reaching ONE person... and were making a difference in that person's life. I thought and thought and decided... yes I would. I don't want to make money with my blog or get a book deal or become famous. I want to make people laugh, learn a lesson or two, and make a difference. So, as long as you are blogging... you can count on me reading. :-)


    1. Well, then I will always have 8 readers. My kids, my dad, and you. Thank you!

  10. I am with you in the van. A couple weeks ago, I burned a whole tank of gas in ONE day. Awful to be with your thoughts for so long!

    1. A whole tank in one day?!?!?!?!? That's enough for us to take us on a six hour drive back to Canton. At least gas is cheap. Ha! That was a joke. Poor you and your wallet.

  11. So intrigued by your list. "SWEMP" cracked me up, but I'm going to skip reading number 10 since I'm currently eating lunch. :) Ellen

    1. Good choice. The story does not go well with a sandwich.

  12. I'm with you on the blogging--it's been such a great creative outlet for me. Most of the time I don't know who is reading my blog, but I will often be talking about something and a friend will say "I read that in your blog."

    1. I don't know either. I'm good with people that I don't see often reading, as that is partially what the blog is for. However, when someone in town reads it, I get all flustered when I start telling a story and get stopped with a "Yeah, I read that on your blog." Kind of halts the conversation for a bit. It's why I haven't told many people about it.

  13. What a great summary! Had to chuckle at number ten! This blogging thing is pretty great, huh?

    1. Thanks! I am so glad I got back into blogging.

  14. I love your last line. And I need to go check out some of these links - very intriguing.

    I was feeling really discouraged one day about how hard it's been to rebuild my readership since I moved my blog, and wondering if I should just quit. Then someone who doesn't even follow my blog sent me a private message about how something I posted had pushed her to get help. And that made it all worth it.

    1. I'm sure it's been difficult starting all over. I'm glad you're sticking with it, though. Clearly, you are helping people. How wonderful of the woman to take the time to tell you.

  15. #8 was hilarious!! :)
    At least they're listening, right?

    1. Glad you liked it.
      Once they're hooked with a juicy story about their dad in high school, I can slip in subliminal messages.
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. LOL! This alone makes me wish I had kids. :D

  16. I love you list!!! Too funny! The blogging thing is great--so nice to make new friends here in the blogosphere. I have only been doing it little over a year and now and I cannot imagine living a day without it!

    1. Glad you liked it.
      I started blogging a while ago, didn't really know what I was doing or like it much, and stopped for many months. Now that I've restarted with a better idea of what I'm doing, I love it.
      Don't expect me on Twitter anytime soon, though! :)

  17. I blame pinterest for the idea that we all think we're more crafty and creative than we really are.

    1. For most, that is very possible. However, I have never been on Pinterest. I simply don't plan as many crafts for my little guys as I did when the big kids were small. When one craft goes awry, it's noticeable. Very noticeable.

  18. All valuable things to know ... especially the last one.

    1. Very valuable. If anything ever happens to Hubby or his job, we've got something for me to fall back on. I doubt there are many folks out there who are experienced in drownded pig wrangling.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!