Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nearly Wordless Wednesday - Frost Was Nipping at My Nose

Over the weekend, we had fog. Lots of fog that lasted far into the afternoon. Sunday morning, the fog had frozen onto every surface, and the world became beautiful. I took some time before church to go out and get a closer look at all that frost.

My eyes aren't what they used to be, so when I'm looking through the viewfinder, I can't tell if anything is in focus or if what I want to photograph is actually getting photographed.

Besides the crystals of frost, I wanted to capture the glitter sparkling in the rising sunshine. Go through the photos again. Can you see the sparkles?

Have a lovely day!


  1. Lots of sparkles...second to last is my fav. Can see crystals all on edges!!! Lovely

    1. The whole world was be-sparkled that morning. I'm glad I at least got a few of them in the photos.

  2. We've had fog here too. Heavy fog that usually happens after a good rain. It's been some years since we've had any fog that really slowed us down. This year is a different story.

    I love all your shots. Very well done.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thank you!
      Sorry to hear the fog is a problem this year. Hopefully all will be clear when that boat gets out of the shop!

  3. I love frosty photos, the first and last are my favourites.

    We are still having very wet weather here, it's been well over a month now of rain almost every day and several areas of the country, especially the Lake District, have been hit very badly by floods which have ruined many homes and businesses. It's at times like this that I'm glad my town is built on several hills and I live halfway up one! I'd be glad of some frost to break the monotony of this constant rain.

    1. You're back! I've been wondering where you've been.
      Thank you!

      More rain?!?! Is it a different place than the rain from the spring? (was it spring that it was flooding last?) Very glad you are safe from the flooding.

    2. Certain areas of this country are particularly prone to flooding, especially parts of the Lake District and Cumbria (further north of here) and parts of Somerset in the south west, though as I don't watch tv news very often I can't remember where or when the last serious flooding occurred - it wasn't that long ago though.

      The relentless rain is continuing with just an occasional fine spell of an hour or so, but here today it's heavy and constant, resulting in large areas of standing water on a few of the town's, roads but fortunately not enough to cause damage to properties. And I'm still glad I live halfway up a hill! :)

  4. Thanks. :)

    As for the cold, I was surprised, but it wasn't bad. It must have been just below freezing, and there was no wind. I wasn't cold at all, and my camera never got foggy.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!