Friday, June 6, 2014

Monkey Wrenches Ain't Gonna Ruin My Fun, TToT Week 51

Sakes alive, Readers o' mine.  Things are heating up around here. I'm at 12 days until my flight to England.   So many things to do.  Gigantic monkey wrenches are getting thrown at me, but I will not be discouraged! The biggest thing to throw me is that Buttercup's soccer team very unexpectedly made it through the state championships.  We found this out on Sunday of last week, and the tournament runs from Thursday through Saturday of the coming week in a city 8 hours away.  I will be taking her, since Bryan can't take off work for it, and will return with a mere 72 hours before I leave for my trip across the pond.  This gorilla-sized monkey wrench is causing just a few millionish problems.  However, this is the TToT.  I will find the good from this week if it takes every ounce of the limited energy I have left!

1.  I never realized how much time therapy takes.  Have mercy.  Between the one and a half to two hours I'm gone in the morning to actually go to therapy, I have to spend over an hour icing my knee each day, plus doing exercises at home.  Usually I leave before most of the kids are even awake.  Basically, they are taking care of themselves many mornings this summer.  It is not the ideal situation.  But!  But, the therapy is working like a charm.  I am walking.  (I know!  I mentioned this last week, but ya'll have no idea how worried I have been about this bum knee messing up our dream trip.)

2.  I haven't been able to do much around the house, and the kids have picked up a lot of slack.  To help, I've hired cleaning ladies.  They've been here twice. It makes me so happy to come home to clean bathrooms and a clean kitchen.  The kids might be almost as happy.

3.  Buttercup has been getting into the bad habit of only leaving her room to eat or go to soccer.  When she does emerge, she complains that she is oh so tired.  Yeah, that happens to a person who doesn't leave her bed all day.  I told her she had to go outside and get some fresh air.  She asked, "Can I mow?"  Uh, let me think about that for .00008 seconds...Heck ya!  She mowed for 4 hours straight and got almost the entire property done.  Love that girl.

4.  Our soccer club has its home tournament this weekend, so all 4 big kids will play in it.  That means anywhere between 12 and 16 games in 48 hours.  Fortunately, the schedules lined up so that we will actually have time to relax at home, go to Turken's baseball game, and I can go to my book club friend's brother's ordination into the priesthood.

5.  With the home tournament comes work hours for the parents.  For each team, a parent has to work two 2-3 hour shifts.  That would mean up to 24 hours of volunteer hours in the same 48 hours the games are being played. Three of the team managers told us, "You are only taking one shift, and you get to pick which one you want."  On Phoenix's team, we are blessed to know some of the most generous people on the planet.  Without talking to us, they contacted the team manager and told him they were taking an extra shift so we wouldn't have to do any.

6.  Two of the kids' dentist appointments happen to fall on the Thursday I will be with Buttercup at her soccer tournament.  We were in the office for 2 other appointments this week, and I had to reschedule those, as well as the appointments I cancelled on that most miserable Monday four weeks ago.  When the receptionist asked when I'd like to come in, I thought for a few minutes.  "Well, I leave on the 18th.  When I get back, I will have one weekday to scramble and get ready for surgery.  It's scheduled for the 1st.  And then I'm not able to do anything for 2 weeks.  Then we go on vacation."  I answered, how about August 15? But, alas, school will be starting before then.  I guess we have to do it before I leave.

To recap:  I have a total of 4 and a half weekdays before I leave.  In that time I will have 4 therapy sessions, 5 dentist appointments, and 1 orthodontist appointment.
Oh, but the thankful?  That we have wonderful dental people who will not only work with our ridiculousness, but will do so with smiles on their faces.

7.  I wrote some fun posts this week.  First, on Monday, Clark asked me to write a post for his blog, The Wakefield Doctrine.  Of course, he wanted it two days later.  I did it, and it was fun.  If you would like to read it, go here.  And I wrote a quick takes yesterday that made me laugh.  Mostly when I made Phoenix take photos of me in my van.

8.  While in England, my friend and I are going to the Royal Ascot.  It's a fancy horse race with the queen.  I don't have trouble knowing what is and is't appropriate at fancy affairs in the US, but I was a bit intimidated to have to buy a dress for a fancy English affair.  Thankfully, I know someone who lives in England.  I took some photos of me in some dresses, sent them to her, and she was able to tell me if it was appropriate.  (It was.  Thank heavens.  Shopping time is limited.)  Also, after much searching, because fancy flats are really, really hard to find, I found some.  And my friend found a hat for me.  I am set for my fancy horse race with the queen.  (You will see photos of it all put together when I'm actually in England.  I'll post things on Instagram until I get back and can put some on the blog.)

9 and 10.  The next one is so big I'm counting it as two.  You know that soccer tournament I'm going to with Buttercup?  It happens to be in Kansas City.  Kansas City happens to be a mere 2 hours away from a fellow TToT host I'm quite fond of.  That host happens to be free while I'm in Kansas City.  In fact, when I told her where and when I would be traveling, she said, "I would swim through a shark-infested ocean, climb a snowy mountain, and crawl through a football field of spiders to meet you!"  Or something like that.

Anyway, on Friday, this whole stupid soccer trip will be worth it, 'cause I get to meet Dyanne!!!

To recap:  In one week's time, I will get to meet two TToT hosts in the flesh.  I've been friends with these ladies for well over a year now, and I get to meet them both exactly 7 days apart.

I'm so excited!!!

And now it's your turn.  What good is coming from the monkey wrenches thrown in your path this week?

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Physical therapy going well, kids surviving, house clean, 478 soccer games this weekend, great things to be thankful for, blah, blah, blah.

    1. That was very very nearly my attitude cos WOW! THAT'S SO DAMN AWESOME *happydances* WOW!

    2. never mind that!!! how did Christine manage to arrange to be in a horse race against Queen Elizabeth??! I didn't think they did that anymore… (I for one have total visuals of Christine coming up on the inside and getting into a foot fight with the Queen (who, for reasons I'd rather not explore, would be racing in full-on Queen gear!)

      go Christine!

    3. Christine then whips the crown from the royal noggin' taking a victory lap with septor and fur cape!

  2. But seriously, I'm glad the physical therapy is working for you. And that you found an appropriate dress in which to meet the queen (you ARE meeting her, right?!). And that you have fantastic soccer parents who are willing to step in to work your shifts at the soccer tournament. There's nothing thankful about a dental appointment, unless it's not MY dental appointment. Glad Buttercup emerged from her cave and got the mowing done. I can see that would be a great place to listen to music and catch a few rays (as long as there were no snakes or biting flies involved).

  3. OBVIOUSLY, I'm the only one still awake at this hour.

  4. Awesome things but you are so busy ...busy good enjoy the weekend and your week!!!

  5. Hope the soccer goes really well. Glad you have such awesome people around you to take some of the pressure off you. YAY! you found SHOES :D brilliant.

    I'm so glad for Buttercup and her mowing. And four hours huh? CONSIDER IT BOOKED IN for fall 2015 :D I am gonna mow! FINALLY.

    YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY You're coming to ENGLAND. SO SOOON! And my house is CLEAN, my car is CLEANISH, and we're gonna do some tidying so you don't realise how messy we truly are :D It will be BEAUTIFUL :)

  6. To say that you are busy is an understatement, but wpw the payoff is wonderfully worth it! What a great bunch of things you are planning and will be doing! And congrats on the championships and getting to meet the amazing Dyanne...and your kid mowing the lawn--WOW

    jean xoxox

  7. OMG...OMG...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER EXXXXXXCITTTT-TING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. You have way too many monkey wrenches. Wow, how do you get anything done. You do, but how.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Glad the therapy is making such a big difference before you embark on your adventure. Just reading this post takes me back about 6 yrs to when my kids were all home and in their activities. I find myself adding my empty nest to my list of thankful! Actually, just the pace of it. Love those kids!

  10. Good thing scotts are doers, because your next few days seem packed! I'm so glad you can walk now.

    For some reason, I thought you and Dyanne were already IRL friends. How nice that you get to meet her, and Lizzi, too! We really need to have a TToT reunion sometime!

  11. Wow...what a week! And your trip is so close!!! Glad the therapy is helping so you can have a great time!
    TToT hosts meeting up all over the place. I am so sad (again) that I had to bail on the hosting thing. So very sad. Mostly because I am jealous. So now I have to go to confession. :D

  12. OH MAN! YOU AND DYANNE GET TO MEET?! THEN LIZZI?! I am soooo jealous! ALTHOUGH I DO get to meet JOY! So I am very happy!!!!

    The way I figure it , it takes a lot more time out of your day to be immobilized doing nothing than to go and follow up with therapy, yes??? Keep up the good work! YOu will be that much happier post surgery because you are that much stronger before!

  13. I am so glad you are walking and I in no way would suggest the following HOWEVER, the thought crossed my mind:) If you arrive at the airport with crutches, well, you could actually get on the plane first! You know, with those folks that need "extra time". LOL
    So very cool that you will be going to England. You will have the best time. Warning - do not order eggs for breakfast. Really. Don't.
    Aren't you the special one not only meeting Lizzi but now Dyanne! You will have an endless source of writing by the time you get through summer!

  14. Monkey wrenches make life ever so much more interesting. Glad to hear therapies are working. High FIVES to all the kids for the team spirit at home. Congrats on the soccer win and how it all came together. Cannot wait to hear more about your trip. It is tricky for those young teens to navigate boredom. Too old for toys, and imagination can be limited. Well done her for mowing!

  15. excellent work in not being all rumpled-up with the leg and all, the last minute soccer wins made me laugh, thinking of an episode of 'South Park' when everyone decided that they hated playing baseball and we're looking forward to the end of the season, and they couldn't manage to lose…so they kept having to play in higher and higher level of competition.
    I trust god will smile on you and they will lose when the right time comes… (lol… tell Buttercup that I'm only joking about the losing part.)

  16. Yes this is all well and good but I cannot believe that in all that you told me the other day about this tournament, you completely neglected to tell me that you would see DYANNE! Do you need someone to roadtrip with you?!?! I'm in!

  17. I despise monkey wrenches but they are always thrown in, I find. However, it sounds to me like there are some very good things coming out it. Dyanne and Lizzi all in one month AND clean really doesn't get much better than that :)

  18. Being able to walk is a huge thing - and worth mentioning every single week!!

    We have a big dentist appointment coming up this week, it is the fifth one this year (for only one child). So I know how they cut into schedules. I'm glad you were able to work yours in....even if it will make for some very busy days!

    Getting to meet two TToTers...and visit England. I'm more than a little jealous. But very happy for you!!

  19. I am pretty sure that you are Superwoman in disguise. Seriously, I don't know how you do it! And injured, no less! I hope everything goes as planned and you're able to get everything done. The trip across the pond sounds great, and have fun meeting Dyann!

  20. First of all, Buttercup ... what a champion! She really mowed for four hours!? You can send that girl over my way anytime :) Bet the kids were definitely thankful for the cleaner! I was grumbling to myself today about having to take my boy to the dentist for the second time in two weeks, but reading this post has kind of put that into perspective for me - at least it's only one appointment, not five! How cool that you are going to meet Dyanne!

  21. Wait. You get to meet Lizzi and now Dyanne, too? And she'd crawl through a spider-infested field to do so? You're so lucky. And you'll be fantabulous in your hat watching English fun with the queen.

  22. Congrats on your daughter and her team! That is very exciting!
    And she mows! Sweet!
    Good luck getting everything done before your trip...leaving town can be stressful without all the extra things thrown in.
    Cannot wait to read all about your time with the queen;)

  23. Christine - I am so excited that you get to go to England! I am going to add you to my list of prayer intentions, that your knee will feel fantastic during your travels! How wonderful that you get to go to KC for the soccer tournament. We lived there for 9 years (South KC, Olathe) and loved it. I hope the city is a great host and that you all enjoy your time there. You must eat some BBQ before you go home - Oklahoma Joe's is our favorite!

  24. You have so much going on! I'm so glad England is still in the mix. And I'm glad your knee is on the mend. I, too, love PT, or OT. Any kind of therapy is so helpful! Great pics of this kids with silly string and the pig. As I think whenever I stop in here - you are blessed!

  25. SO, wait a minute! She lives forever away and I live closer and I haven't met you yet? I am so jealous.

    1. Well, whose fault is that? :)

      I'd love to meet you!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!