
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wow, This Is One LATE TToT List! Of course I Have Plenty of Excuses.

This is what I wrote on Thursday:

Hey, guess who's not at home for the umpteenth weekend in a row?  Unfortunately, I'm not at the beach this time.  (All explained here.) I am at a volleyball tournament in Columbus, OH.  I should have plenty of time to read through your blogs.  Can't guarantee I'll be able to comment, seeing as how I'll be reading from my phone, but know that I will be reading.  Phoenix has at least 4 matches on Saturday alone, with one hour rest in between.  I'll have plenty of time.

So, my thankfuls for the week...

1.  Bryan and I did not die in a fiery crash, leaving our children orphans and my mom in a world of hurt.

2.  I have finally joined a gym and have started getting myself back in shape.  I haven't been in great shape for a while, but the knee trauma really messed me up.  It's time to get rid of those extra pounds I put on and start feeling better.

3.  Much of my Christmas shopping is done, and I can't wait to see the reaction of some people's faces when they open them.

4.  The big kids have done a great job taking charge of the wise men.  Giant sent me photos each night to let me know where the little boys would find them.

5.  Instagram was wonderful for keeping up with the kids while we were in the Bahamas.

6.  I finally, FINALLY figured out the theme for our Christmas card this year.  After 9 years, it's getting difficult to come up with something original.  One of these years I'm going to have to give it up and just send a postcard that says, "Nothing happened this year".


And that's as far as I got.

I ran out of time on Friday to get this posted, and my iPad wouldn't let me once we got to the hotel.

Volleyball tournaments are exhausting!  Even we parents were tired, and we didn't do much of anything besides watch hours and hours of games.

Heard enough excuses yet?

To round out my thankful list...

7.  Phoenix and I had fun, despite the exhaustion.  He had fun hanging out with his team, and I had fun getting to know the parents.  Finally.

8.  Our hotel was across the street from the tournament, so I never had to drive or find a parking space all weekend.

9.  Everything went well at home while we were gone.  The kids had all sorts of fun with Bryan and their friends.

10.  Everyone made it back home safe and sound.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Ten Things of Thankful" style="border:none;" /></a>
Your hosts


  1. Well, someone had to go on that trip and it might as well have been you. I'm glad all went well and you're home and safe.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. FRIST - I think! lol

    I wondered where you were, I've been waiting for your post. I'm glad you and Phoenix had fun, that everyone was okay back home while you were away, and that you arrived back safely. And how convenient to have the hotel right across from the tournament - not having to drive or find places to park is definitely a thankful :)

  3. Well, if it's any consolation, you didn't win the latest-to-the-party award. :-)
    So happy for you that you had such a wonderful beach vacation!
    #6 cracked me up. Like anyone would ever believe that your family could go a year with nothing happening! (And even if that did happen, you would have a way of telling it that would make it sound like an adventure!)

    1. Yes, you beat me to the link up. I was so worried about getting my post up that I forgot to actually link it. :)

      Ha! I have had that discussion with a friend. He asked if I ever thought about just sending a post card. Before I answered, I made sure he was asking and not suggesting. :)

  4. I've been wondering where you were! Glad to hear you've stayed safe abs remained on top of things. Have a great week!

  5. Am so glad you didn't die in a fiery crash. Funny that you use that line. I use it too. All the time.
    I too am trying to get back to the gym. A couple years ago I was so good. Then life happened and I haven't been so good, but I need to be.
    And your #3 made me smile. I hate Christmas shopping. Not just a little. I despise it. So when you said you were almost done, I applauded for you. At least that is what I'd do if that were me. Happy holidays.

    1. It's my biggest fear about traveling with Bryan without the kids.
      Life has kept me away for many, many years. It's time for me to stop putting it off and make the gym a priority before things get really out of hand.
      I don't mind shopping if I have good ideas and the time to do it. I'm still applauding, though. I really like watching the kids open them.

  6. I'm so glad the trip went well and the kids were ok at home. It sounds like a really fun time to get to spend with the other parents and allow your daughter to have fun playing volleyball. :)

    1. It was fun. It was our first volleyball tournament, so we didn't know how it was going to go.

  7. Isn't this a busy season? My sister-in-law calls it a woman's holiday - we do all the work in addition to the stuff we always do. I have a gym membership and I get there as much as possible. Well, I start out Monday mornings at the gym, anyway. This time of year it is tough to get there regularly, but it does help with the pouch, not to mention the stress. Enjoy the holiday with your wonderful family.

    1. It really is. And somehow, we've managed to get our dental visits due during December, too. Don't know how that happened.
      I've gone to the gym several times already, and I love it. I feel so much better! I'm looking forward to January, when I should have more time to go.

  8. You are definitely on the go - missed you!
    A safe trip and a safe return are huge things to be thankful for. And all went well at home in your absence? Even better!
    Welcome back!

    1. We certainly are. I missed being here and catching up with you all!

  9. sorry! being healthily tanned, toned-from beach walking, and still warm from the tropical sun bodies in a fiery plane crash simply does not quite resonate as a true Grat Item… lol

    on the other hand, having the hotel be in the same 'complex' as the event is way convenient (cue the music from 'Rocky')

    1. Ha! Can't say that I'm tan, though. We weren't there long enough. ;)

      It is amazing how helpful it is to be right across the street. That doesn't happen for soccer tournaments, so it was a nice little perk.

  10. I'm glad all of your trips have been going well. It's not easy to be away from home and then get caught up, but it's good when the trips go well and you get home safely! To go right along the the 1st thankful of yours this week, I am thankful that none of my friends or I died of carbon monoxide poisoning on a hut trip we did this weekend. :)

    1. Yeah, the catching up isn't going so well this week. A clean house is overrated anyway, right?

      Well, I"m heading over to see if you wrote about your hut trip...

  11. busy busy busy..... I am thankful you had a safe trip and safe return and fun despite exhaustion!

  12. busy bee - tis the season right - I had Miss Amelia's bday to deal with over the weekend far she has told us it was the best birthday many times :) - awesome with Christmas Shopping almost done - me too just need some stocking stuffers. Three Wiseman tradition sounds interesting - please tell us about it. Is it something like that darn elf on a shelf no no just kidding LOL! :)

    1. Oh, I can't even imagine having to take care of someone's birthday in December. I'm horrible at birthdays anyway, and ours aren't near any major holidays!

      Ha! I'm not a fan of that elf. :) Last year I read about someone who does the wise men thing. The story is that the wise men are searching for baby Jesus. They do get moved each night, but they aren't getting into any trouble. Fortunately, I have big kids who like to find places for them, so I don't have to do it very often.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!