
Friday, December 19, 2014

We Were Thiiiiis Close to Another OrthoIndy Visit and We Have a New Phrase for the Vocabulary, TToT #79

Just a typical, so much to do, Who is hurt NOW? kind of a week.

1. Do you remember where you were when someone you were with got his hand caught in a slammed door?  I remember every single time it has happened in my presence.  Well, we added another one this week.  On Tuesday, loading up to go to school, Bryan didn't know that Turken's hand was in the way of his closing door.  Much screaming ensued, but no major injuries.  Thank heavens.  Just a bruise under Turkens' middle finger nail.

2.  About 2 months ago, the preschool had "wear you favorite color" day.  Cuckoo had to wear his second favorite color, because we have never found a purple shirt for boys.  This week, Cukoo's best friend's grandma showed up at preschool with a purple shirt, purchased in the boys' department, just for Cuckoo.  He was beyond excited.  There are such nice people in this world.

3.  My Christmas cards are written and mailed.  Finally. Except for the few for which I'm waiting for addresses.

4. IT'S CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!  No school pickups or dropoffs or homework.  If you need me, I'll be home.  In my PJs.  As much as humanly possible.  Which should be a whole heck of a lot.

5. There's been some illness in the house this week. Phoenix had a nasty cold, Cuckoo threw up and felt crummy one day, Star stayed home from school for two days, and Buttercup had a painful sore throat.  BUT, everyone is either better or on the mend.  So glad my kids' illnesses don't usually stick around for long.

6.  On Wednesday, Giant came home from basketball practice with a swollen thumb he couldn't move without lots and lots of pain.  He went to bed with ice on it, and didn't feel much better by morning.  We sent him to school and crossed our fingers.  Thankfully, he was much, much better by pickup time, so no trip to OrthoIndy was necessary.

7. Kris and I left our families in shambles to get away and visit for a bit on Thursday night.  And by "bit", I mean 2 and a half hours.  It was wonderful to catch up with her, as we haven't seen much of each other since soccer season ended.  We both needed the break.

8.  I have sore muscles.  It's wonderful. I'm finally using muscles I haven't used in a long time, and I'm getting my metabolism back to where it should be.  

9.  Cuckoo and I had dentist appointments this week, and neither one of us had a single cavity or area of concern.  Keeping my fingers crossed that the same is true for the other 5 kids who go the last week of December.

10. Kids make me laugh, and Cuckoo is on a roll this week.  Two examples:

- He made out his Christmas list.  One item is "a piggy bank in the shape of a pig, with money already in it".  Apparently the 4 mostly empty, non-pig-shaped banks he has on his dresser aren't good enough.

- As he watched me wrap presents for the nieces and nephews, he got a surprised look on his face and said, "I poop-tooted".
Me: Come again?
Him:  I poop-tooted.
Me:  Does that mean you now have poop in your underwear?
Him: I tried to toot, but poop got in the way.

Have.  Mercy.

(And a couple of last-minute additions)

11. We finally got an egg from our new chickens!  We are going through 3 dozen eggs/week, and I'm getting mighty sick of buying them. It won't be long now that we'll have so many eggs I'll be begging people to take them.

12.  When we drove by the gas station, gas was only $2.09/gallon!  That saves us a whole lot of cash!

OK, so, as for the link-up.  Lizzi doesn't have internet access this week, and she's the only one who can do the code for it.  No easy link on the post until her internet gets fixed.  But, BUT, you can still link up.  Just go to our TToT Facebook page to link up there.  We'll be reading from the thread that has been started.  If you have any trouble, let me or one of the other hosts know and we'll help you.

From what injuries and/or illnesses has your family recovered this week?  Got any funny kid quotes?
What nice thing has someone done for you?

Have a lovely day!


  1. Your family should probably live in a house nextdoor to an emergency room, with all those injuries and illnesses! I was with someone only once when they got their hand slammed in a door... it was my little brother when he was 2 years old and my mom's friend slammed my brother's hand in the door of my mom's station wagon. Shortly thereafter, my little brother jammed his head between two bars on our front porch railing and got his head stuck, and we almost had to call the fire department, but then my mom got a burst of superhuman strength and bent the bars to let him out!

    1. No joke. We certainly spend enough time in a doctor's office.
      Amazing what a parent can do when tested! Sounds like your brother was a handful! :)

  2. I'm glad to hear that your children are feeling better.

    I've found the "piggy bank in the shape of a pig..." hilarious. :-)
    Merry Christmas to you all.

    1. You and me both. :)

      I'm glad. I often wonder if these things are only amusing to me, seeing as how I'm his mom and all.

      Merry Christmas!

  3. The door-slammed-on-hand thing happened to me years ago while camping. It was a car door and boy did it hurt, but fortunately it didn't need a trip to A & E. Long story which I may very well write into my blog soon.

    Cuckoo's comments really make me laugh - he's my favourite kid, please don't let him grow up :)

    1. Can't wait to hear about it!

      I am doing my very best to keep him small, but it doesn't seem to be working all that well.

  4. I'm cringing thinking about those poor little fingers slammed in the door. OUCH! Sounds like you are in relaxing mode and ready to celebrate Christmas at home. Congrats on the egg - wishing you prolific layers. And good for you at the gym. I have to get back there. Muffin top is NOT pretty. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    1. Oh, it makes me sick just thinking about it. I was in the back of the house when it happened, but I heard his screams all the way out in the front yard.
      Well, we'll celebrate most of break at home. We always go to Canton for Christmas. Just a couple of days, though.

      I just recently acquired that muffin top of which you speak, and no, it is not pretty. Got to get that taken care of!

      Thanks for the good egg wishes. I would love for them to get to gettin' prolific. :)

      Merry Christmas!

  5. I love #8 - I am looking forward to using muscles again too in 2015! "Poop tooted" is a much nicer saying than "shart", which is what I've always known it as. I LOVE the piggy shaped bank with money already in it on the Christmas list! I'd like one of those too! Merry Christmas to you and your entire clan :-)

    1. This is the first time I've lifted weights (besides babies) in years. It feels so good.
      Ha! When I told Bryan about Cuckoo's poop-tooting, he asked if I then told him the official term. No, I did not. :)
      It takes hearing it from a 5 year old to realize that yes, I would like a full piggy bank, too!

      Merry Christmas!

  6. #1 aiyyee (such a seminal life event…. yes, I kinda remember it happening to me at about that age… most of my reaction was of surprise/shock about how such a normal thing in life, i.e.a door! can go so wrong)
    … hey! thanks for the prompt/inspiration for musical Comment/Replys!

    1. I am so, so paranoid about getting my hand slammed in a door, especially with all of these kids running amok. I never, ever put my hand in a door jam of any kind. I guess I forgot to pass that on to my kids.

      You are welcome!

  7. Two things stick out with this post. The little man got his purple shirt, and the kids are on the mend. Great.

    Okay the third thing is you had 2.5 hours with your gal pal. That was way cool!

    Have a fabulous day. :)

    1. He was so happy to get that shirt. And now that he has it, I've seen three men wearing purple sweaters. Where did they get them??

      Merry Christmas!

  8. I know exactly what he means by he tried to toot and poop got in the way.

    How nice someone found him a purple shirt!!!!!

    mmmm fresh eggs!!

    1. Ha! I don't think I want to know that story. :)

      This grandma that found the shirt is one of the most thoughtful people I've ever met.

      Oh, yes, they are delicious.

  9. We definitely see the difference at the pump here, too! Gas in Germany is a lot more expensive, and right now we're sometimes paying more than €0.30 less per liter than only a few months ago. Quite thankful for that as well (gas here is about €1.30 - 1.40 per liter, that's about $5.80 - $6.10 per gallon). I'm glad your kids are doing well or at least better again. We had the sickness here last week and it wasn't fun!

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday next week, Christine!!

    1. I must keep reminding myself when the gas prices go up, that we have it waaaay better than those of you in Europe. That is some expensive gas.
      Well, the sick and injured kids got better, but Bryan and Buttercup and Turken have now gone down with it. Crossing my fingers that they are all magically better in the morning.

  10. SO glad y'all didn't need to go to OrthoIndy again! Ow!

    YAY YOU for getting back in shape. That's awesome :D

    Cuckoo's hilarious.

    And in addition to no internet, I've had a chest cold. DeeeeeeeLIGHTful! *sigh*

    1. Me, too!

      It feels great to be going to the gym and getting some muscles back.

      He really is. I can't wait for you to meet him and the other kids in person.

      Oh, no!! They are the worst. I hope you are feeling much better by now.

  11. Glad the car door slam was not a major problem - those hurt! Hope you and all the kids are feeling better before Christmas!
    Cheaper gas is definitely a good thing - I found an article about it online, but haven't had two seconds to read it yet. Too busy having Christmas fun! But I was very grateful for the lower total at the pump the other day!
    Have fun being home on break and Merry Christmas to all!

    1. It had to hurt like the dickens. Well, the kids who were sick are better, but a few others have now come down with it. Really hoping they recover before tomorrow!
      Gas is only 1.98 at the station down the street. I can't get over it.
      Thank you!

  12. Well, my mom was in a car accident yesterday. Thankfully, she's OK. The 17-yr-old kid who plowed into her is OK, too. Her car has seen better days, but is drivable.

    I can't think of any funny kid quotes right now.

    I'm surrounded by kind people. One of the guide dog leaders watched Willow this week when John decided to take youngest daughter and me to Disneyland before our passes were blacked out for the season.

    1. Oh Kristi, I'm glad your mom is OK. Those accidents are so scary. Also glad that you are surrounded by such kind people. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the fact you are such a kind person yourself.

  13. Gas this time of year is shockingly lower than it normally is. My husband actually saw that it was under $2 somewhere here in AZ. So happy for you that you are able to get back into being active again. I can't even imagine getting my hand caught in a door. Owie! It's always so fun to catch up with friends. Glad you got that time this week. :)

    1. Gas is only 1.98 at the station down the street. I really wish I could stock up on it!

      I have never had my hand caught in a door, probably because I'm so paranoid about it. I don't know how I know so many people who have.

  14. Oh..OUCH! I hope it wasn't on Turken's dominant hand!
    Have you been able to wash that purple shirt yet, Christine:)
    Enjoy the Christmas break - it's not just for kids lol Maybe you should have role reversal day! The kids can do stuff for you...fix you breakfast. And lunch, maybe dinner. Bring you stuff. Enjoy the pj time:)
    I hope that Christmas finds everyone in top health and congrats on the muscle/metabolism thing. Awesome.

    1. It was not, thank goodness.
      I have, but only because he wants to wear it on Christmas day. :)
      It most certainly not just for kids. Great idea! Of course, we had plenty of those role reversal days during my knee recovery. Don't know how up for it they'd be. :)
      Thank you!

  15. We have a lot in common this week. Illness, pain, but thankfully short lived and all are getting better. I am glad it was the week before Christmas. I hope you have a very happy Holiday and Merry Christmas.

    1. I am glad that the sickies have gotten better. Unfortunately, a few more have gone down with it. We really, really hope they are better by morning!
      Thank you!


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