Saturday, November 22, 2014

I'm 43. Yay Me. TToT Week 75

My birthday was on Friday, so I'm going to go overboard and obnoxious and list 43 things for which I'm thankful.  'Cause it's my birthday and I'll annoy if I want to.

I'm thankful for...

1. my friend's little girl who shares the same birthday as me.  Happy 5th Birthday A!

2. Skip. He's a great, albeit senile, dog of my friend, and his birthday happens to be the day after mine.  Despite his medical problems and oddities, he brings her much joy.

3.  Star's great week.  On Tuesday he played a great game of basketball, and on Wednesday he found out that he scored one of the top scores (Our principal is pretty sure he got the top score.) on the high school placement test.

4.  our school's Moms in Prayer group.  Spending one hour praying for our school, our teachers, the students, and our own kids is a great way to end the week.

5.  the chance to have fun with Turken's first grade class.  Over the years, I have been unable to do much volunteering in the school, but one thing I always do is the Friday reader the first grade teachers do once a month.  I asked to take this week, since it was my birthday.  Much fun and giggling (and Oreos) was had.

6.  chocolate cake.  Bryan bought the best cake in town for my birthday.

7.  a working washing machine.  It even plays a little ditty when it finishes washing a load.

8.  a warm coat and gloves.  It's darn chilly going out to feed those chickens and dogs each morning!

9.  our mud room.  We went more than 7 years without a mud room, and with the cold air, I cannot
appreciate the mud room more.  We have to thaw chicken waterers indoors.  It used to happen in my kitchen, which was beyond gross.  The mud room is a much better option.

10.  a weekend in which no one in the family has to go out of town.  It's the only one we have left until January.

11.  Cuckoo's skin getting back to normal.  He broke out in hives the other day, and while they improved after taking allergy medicine, he was still puffy around the eyes the next day.  Then the hives popped back up that afternoon.  They never itched, and he was perfectly fine, so I didn't really worry about them.  I am glad they are gone, though.

12.  books that are guaranteed to make kids laugh.  I read The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak to the first graders, and they absolutely loved it.  And Saturday morning, the little boys went around making every single person in the house reread it to them.

13.  good meals at new to us restaurants. It was a Mexican restaurant quite close to our house, and we went for my birthday.

14.  Aldi's.  It's the annual food drive at school, and Aldi's is the perfect place for my kids to shop for it.

15.  the chance to watch some of my favorite shows.  I don't get to watch TV very much, but this week I was home and able to watch both The Middle and The Goldbergs.  Those shows do make me laugh.

16.  the healing of my knee.  There are times during the day when I'm walking and my knee doesn't hurt at all.  And I am able to sit Indian style for longer periods of time.

17.  all of the bedding from all 7 beds in the house being clean, blankets included.

18.  sunshine that keeps my car a comfortable temperature when the air outside is frigid.

19.  Bryan's job that doesn't require him to travel.  Besides the fact I would be in a world of hurt without his help with the kids, I wouldn't be able to sleep without his body heat keeping me warm at night.

20.  our dishwasher.  Eight people go through a whole mess of dishes, and I am not a fan of washing them by hand.

21.  clementines.  They are a little bit of deliciousness and so easy to peel and eat when in a hurry.

22.  Lighthouse Catholic Media.  They have hundreds of great CDs covering a wide variety of topics by wonderful speakers.  I just picked up a new batch from church and I'm looking forward to listening while I do my errands around town.

23.  chain party supply stores.  My cousin (who lives in Ohio) and I are in charge of decorations for my grandma's 90th party on Thanksgiving.  She ordered balloon bouquets and sent me a photo of them.  They had the same balloons at the store in Indiana, so I am able to coordinate the table decorations without worrying if they match.

24.  opportunities kids have in high school.  Besides sports, there are over 100 clubs from which to choose.  Buttercup and Phoenix have both joined the Euchre club.  They play every week, but once a month they travel to a nursing home to play with the residents.  I love a fun club that also encourages service.

25.  a dictionary.  It helps me look more intelligent when I'm trying to use big, impressive words.

26.  Facebook.  It's so fun to get pages of birthday wishes from all the people who were reminded that it was my birthday.  Also, it is great to keep up with family and friends far and wide.

27.  the time I had to write the post about a scrapbook I made for my nephews and kids 10 years ago.  People seemed to really like it, so much so that Sarah and her family have decided to make one.

28.  the fact that I followed through with the idea and actually finished the books 10 years ago.

29.  great movies.  Ocean's Eleven is on while I type this post.

30.  jeans that fit.  I actually found some on the shopping trip I took with my mom and sister.  For $39.  Good thing, because the one pair I loved got a gigantic hole in the knee when I was crawling on the floor with Littlest Nephew last month.  A hole in the knee is unfortunate in the middle of a deep freeze.

31.  Cuckoo's desire to skip.  Lately, when we're walking hand in hand, he'll look up and ask, "Can I skip?"  I can't say no to that request.  You can't help but be happy when a cute little 5 year old is skipping ahead of you.

32.  the friendship my children have with with each other.  While I am sad to not have a house full of little kids, it is awesome to have a house full of teens who can have real conversations.  I love to just sit back and listen to them.

33. time to get Phoenix to the BMV.  The boy finally, finally! has his temps and can begin learning how to actually drive.  He'll be getting his first lesson on a real road later today.

34.  Bryan.  I thank God every day for the blessing of my husband.

35.  Phoenix's continued improvement in school.  He's doing so, so well since he began taking medicine for his newly diagnosed ADD.  He is happier, more relaxed, and less anxious.  Which makes our entire house less anxious, more relaxed, and a lot more fun.

36.  pretty chickens.  Looks like we have a rooster in the flock.  He can stay as long as he acts like a hen and doesn't start attacking people.  I'm hope he behaves.  Roosters are such pretty birds.

37.  birthday cards.  While I was thrilled to receive so many well wishes and happy birthdays on FB, I was equally excited to find actual cards in my mailbox.  Snail mail is so rare, when it arrives, it's a seriously special treat.

38.  grocery choices.  While I do think it is overkill that we have 6 grocery stores (7 once Wal-Mart opens) on a three mile stretch of road, it certainly keeps prices down and gives us the ability to find anything that we could possibly need or want at a moment's notice.

39.  the opportunity to lead my teens' Confirmation group.  We Catholics take our sacraments seriously, and before a person receives any of them, he/she must go through classes.  I was able to lead Phoenix's group, and I am currently one of the leaders of Buttercup's group.  Helping these teens grow in their relationship with Jesus and become full members of the Catholic church is inspiring.

40.  wonderful, supportive, fun, caring teachers and administrators in all three of the schools my children attend.

41.  the opportunity my children have to know their extended family.

42.  my hair still being its natural color.

43.  every single day of my 43 years.  There have been rough days.  There have been rough years.  There have been far more good days, good moments, than bad.  I've been blessed beyond measure.

Oh my word.  That took forever to write.  And I didn't even have one single photo.  Sorry about that.

If you made it through half of this list, thanks for sticking with me.

So, where have you been blessed this week?  Don't worry, you don't have to come up with 43.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. That was a long list indeed. I didn't read everything either.

    I'm thankful we're on the back of our boat. It's warm and it's raining. We've had a severe drought for some years and the rain is wonderful.

    Have a blessed weekend. :)

    1. Ha! I didn't expect anyone to read it all. Just glad you're here. :)

      I heard you all were going to be getting some much-needed rain. Glad it's actually raining. Enjoy it!

  2. Your washer plays a little dirty? There's so much to comment on: scrapbook of course, mud room, dishwasher, movies and TV. The truth is, I agree with all of it. And for the fourth time, Happy Birthday!

    1. It does. I was quite surprised by it the first time I heard it. No buzz for this fancy machine. At the end of the washing, it becomes a musical instrument.

      Thank you!

  3. You have so many good things here...but the best thing that it all indicates is a life well lived and well loved. A belated happy birthday to you.
    Now, let's talk about where you found good jeans because every woman knows that is of utmost importance.
    I love the Euchre club - the part where they connect with the retirement home residents is awesome. Service is so important and I love a place that encourages it.
    Going to checkout the Lighthouse Catholic Media - thanks for the tip.
    So many other good is good to be blessed.

    1. Thank you!
      There was a Levi outlet at the mall. It was marvelous.
      Service is even better when you can do something fun.
      Hope you like it. There are so many things to choose from. Let me know if you get anything!

  4. What a great idea to list one for each year. And Chocolate cake and restaurants
    Jeans that fit that is freaking huge right there.

    1. Why? Why is it so hard to find a pair of jeans (or any pants for that matter) that fits?

  5. I hope you had the best of birthdays, Christine! I hope I can remember the date, because next year will be a "Schnapszahl"-birthday, and I totally missed milking that with Richard's birthday this year :-) Love the 43 thankfuls, especially that Skip got to be mentioned :-) Kids are indeed a blessing, no matter how hard it is sometime, and having the hubby with you to share the fun and responsibility makes everything so much better!

    I hope you have a great week, Christine!

    1. Thank you! It was a great day.
      Wow. "Schnapszahl" is a mouthful! No doubt you'll know about my birthday next year. I have a tendency to write about them profusely. :)
      I don't know what I'd do without Bryan to raise these kids with me.

      Thank you!

  6. What a wonderful list.. Brought up lots of wonderful memories of growing up Catholic.. I have since fallen away but I still honor the big stuff for my dad and when the goin' gets tough I still turn to the Father, Son & The Holy Spirit, my Rosary and the Saints - wretched sinner that I am..

    1. Aw, we're all wretched sinners. I'm glad you have wonderful memories of growing up Catholic. Pretty sure they're all happy to have you turn to them regardless. :)

  7. This is a great list!

    Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Too woot! A wonderful b'day list, Christine! and to many more to come!

  9. Happy Birthday what a great list! Hugs! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    1. Thank you! It has been a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

  10. That was mighty impressive and totally inspirational! A belated happy birthday to you (because I can't remember if I wished you one already). It seems to me by the look of this list that you have many, many blessings and gifts.

    1. Impressively long. :) Thank you! I do have many blessings.

  11. We shall. :) Mail is good no matter what day it is.
    Oh, I did it justice. One thing I know I can do well is read to kids. The giggling was fantastic. No doubt Niece and Neff would love it.

  12. Thank you. On your way to work? Never seen you so short on words. :)

  13. oh yeah I forgot i was gonna say ... we bought 18 chicks at the start of the summer... 6 were roosters! ARGH! We kept the most mellow one... He is like a house pet!

    1. dammit.... why do I always lose comments here? I was saying that I read them all ... cuz yknow how could I not considering #2... there may have been some equally as important! My natural color is now grey... is that still natural?

    2. I'm sorry! I don't know why you always lose comments. I would fix it if I knew anything about computers.

      If you don't dye it, it is natural.

      Six! Did you ask for straight run or did you specify gender? That would be a lot of mis-sexed birds! What did you do with the other 5? Cause I know you didn't do what we would have done...

    3. no gender specificity this year... never again though... we gave them to needy farms... and my vet owed me one for taking a rooster off her hands last summer... so she took one ... and I suspect did what you would have done with it...a bit of coq au vin perhaps?

  14. Yay YOU!!! And of course I read them all. Oh and my hair is still its natural colour too. Only now a days that colour is "silver". ;)

    1. Silver is a lovely color. Honestly, it looks really good on you!

      Thanks for reading. You're the best.

  15. What a great birthday list! Dishwashers, washing machines, mudrooms... ALL of it full of deliciousness. I am glad your knee is improving. Warm sun on an icy day...sigh...

    so much loveliness...

    1. Thanks! There are still moments, but the knee is sooooo much better.

      Oh those really cold days, my favorite time of day is the afternoon when the sun shines through the window and right onto the couch. I sit down and just bask in the warm rays.

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Wishing you an upcoming year full of good things. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your wonderful family.

  17. Happy happy birthday, Christine!!! What an awesome list of 43 thankfuls! I saw The Book With No Pictures on Facebook and ordered it - glad to hear that it's as awesome as it looks!!! Skipping is awesome!! Also so is Skip! And hives, huh? I used to get them as a kid - turned out they were from Bounce Dryer Sheets and also from Dial soap (yup). Happy birthday! May this year continue to bless you will all of the thankfuls and some memorable moments.

    1. Thank you! You will love that book for the giggles it gets out of Tucker alone.

      We laughed when we went through the list of things that could have caused the hives. We deduced it couldn't have been soap, seeing as how he hadn't showered in at least 2 days. :)

  18. Happy birthday!
    That's a lovely list--the hair, cake, Ocean's Eleven--all of it:)

    1. Thank you!

      You are an Ocean's 11 fan, aren't you? I can tell.

  19. Where do I begin? So happy that you've been with us for 43 years now! Skip is 15! I just read that post. Hehe. :) All bedding is clean. You're amazing. I often get so exited to hear of your family's adventures. You have such a beautiful, fun family!

    1. It's really the washing machine that is amazing. It isn't right how much I love that thing, but I can't help myself. :)

      Thank you, Brittnei.

  20. I think we have the same washing machine! I love the little song. When I got mine, I sat on the floor and watched the laundry tumble, then smiled when it finished its load and played that pleasant little tune.

    Your entire list gives a glimpse into life in one big, happy family, and makes me smile. Happy birthday!

    1. Hahaha! I feel so much better for standing there watching my washer and dryer going. My family made fun of me. I guess only the people who do most of the laundry understand. :)

      Thank you!

  21. You have your natural hair colour? What?! I'm jealous. I had to start dying my hair after I injured my back at 23. Apparently major trauma shocks your system. You should've seen it after they reconstructed the fecker.
    My son loves to skip too! He does it the entire 10 minute walk which is now a 6 to 8 minute-ish walk to school. It's awesome.
    Oh facebook messages.
    Happy birthday girl!!!!! xoxo

    1. I do. Good heavens! I had no idea. I knew pregnancy could change it drastically (a friend of mine had natural hair that was bleach blonde. When she got pregnant, it started growing in dark brown. Unbelievable, really.) but had no idea trauma could.

      I imagine you skip right along with him some days. It's fun to skip. :)

      Oh, FB.

      Thank you!

  22. I turn 42 in one month and one day, and I totally appreciate this list more than I can ever even tell you. Because responding to EACH of 43 reasons with my ability to ramble on, would really be a punishment for you, believe me! What an amazingly awesome list!
    I love your hair color! I wish I could love mine. I don't mind the gray, it's the faded boring brown, that turns orange w/chlorinated water that bothers me. I LIKE my gray pieces. And I love Aldi! With all my heart. It's the greatest. One of the reasons I'm able to be home with my kids. I love that you & the kids participate in a food drive. In our country it's especially heart-breaking to think of people going hungry. We're on a strict budget, but I always find cans and even monetary donations to our food bank. Such a beautiful thing.
    I can't imagine ALL of our bedding being clean at once, and we only have 5 beds in the house. WELL DONE!
    So glad your knee is better. Just in time for winter! hahahaha it'll be nice to fight off Cabin Fever with getting around this winter, though.
    Happiest of birthdays!

    1. You were born on Christmas?!?!? Ever seen the cartoon of the wise men giving Jesus the gifts with the bubble above their heads saying, "This is your birthday AND Christmas gift"? Cracks me up.
      You may come here anytime. You always leave such lovely comments. :)

      I don't love my hair color as much as I am too lazy to do anything about it. It's hard enough to get myself a haircut. Coloring would mean way too much work.
      I know plenty of people who love Aldi. They just built one nearby, and it is packed every day.
      Our schools raise lots and lots of cans. The elementary/middle school makes it into a contest, so kids even put in their own money to make sure they win the contest.
      It was the first time in YEARS that all the bedding was clean at the same time. I'm just a bit excited about my new washer and dryer. :)

      Thank you!

  23. I made through the list! Happy belated Birthday! I am wrapping up 43 in a couple of weeks. I really want to color my hair not because there's gray but because there isn't anything to cover up I want to say this is my natural hair color on my birthday. I've got like two gray hairs and since I've been letting my hair grow grow out from short, they are hard to find. As for 43 it was the oddest as I couldn't ever remember how old I was without asking my husband how old he was and subtract one or asking my dad and then adding 20. Maybe 44 will be easier to remember. Anywho... I'm just curious just in a regular weekend how often do you load and unload the dishwasher?

    1. Yay! Thanks for sticking with it. :)

      43 is an odd number. (Math geeks will like that sentence.) I still have a hard time believing it is a number that describes my age.

      Weekends most certainly have a lot of dishes, since the kids aren't in school. Thankfully, we have a dishwasher that holds a whole mess of dishes. Even more thankfully, on the weekends, I don't load or unload. The kids and Bryan take care of it. It usually gets run once a day.

  24. what a wonderful list! So many blessings in your life. It's always encouraging to read your blog, you always look on the bright side. Just my 2 cents, don't dye your hair, even when the grays appear! I regret that I started and i'm now writing a series about giving up the (dye) bottle. You can read my thoughts under the category "shades of gray." It's been liberating to stop dyeing, and I'm making peace with the grays. They're just a color, they don't mean anything. :-) Happy belated birthday!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like them.
      I have seen your grey posts, and I'm with you. It is just so much maintenance I don't want to have to deal with. When I start going grey, I'm planning on letting it happen. Hopefully it will be a good grey like your friends' grey! Looking forward to seeing your "after" photos when yours finally grows out.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!