
Friday, February 27, 2015

We've Had Some Visitors. Some Stuck Around Longer Than Others. TToT #89

A little music for you to enjoy while you read.

My almost 2 year old nephew is staying with us for a week while his parents are out gallivanting around Hawaii. If it weren't for his obsessive need to slam every door in the house and his penchant for waking before the rooster, he'd be the perfect guest. The thankfuls:

     1. The big kids are enthralled with Nephew. They are having a ball playing with him when they come home from school.

Turken wants to hold his hand whenever we go somewhere.

      2. Cuckoo is getting a turn to be the "big brother". Our world doesn't stop just because a two year old is in the house waking up at 5:00 in the morning. Cuckoo has been invaluable in helping to keep Nephew occupied while I run down to the basement or out to the chicken coop for a minute.

     3. Nephew falls asleep on his own without a lot of fanfare. I'm not one for fanfare at bedtime.

     4. This experience had helped me get over that "I want another baby" mood I was in. Yeah, I'm getting too old for chasing a toddler all day and night. I can be patient and wait for the grandkids to come.

Other non-Nephew thankfuls...

5. We've had quite a bit of sunshine. The cold is really, really cold, but it doesn't seem so bad when the van is warmed by the sun before we get in it. Sitting on the hardwood floor to play a game is actually pleasant when I get to sit in the ray of sun coming through the window.

6. I have a few events this spring which will require wearing a dress, including our school's 50th Anniversary Dinner this weekend. I managed to find one, even with Nephew in tow.

7. The library is open and has things to keep kids occupied when we have time to kill before picking someone up from practice.

8. When I was in Ohio helping Grandma move, I would find myself wandering around the house, looking at everything I've known since I was born. I kept asking myself, "What should I take? Grandma will give me just about anything I want." I wanted it all, and I wanted nothing. It was a very strange, overwhelming thought. I left Ohio with nothing but memories.

And then my mom came to drop Nephew off. She came with a van full of boxes of things Grandma wanted me to have. (Long, boring story about how my mom came to have them. Just go with it.) There were toys from the basement toy closet. There was the flier from my induction into the National Honor Society from 1988. There were baking dishes of all sizes. All of the photos of my family (including my senior photo) from her wall of grandkids were in there, too. The best, though, were the pots.

When my oldest aunt was 9 months old and my grandpa was making all of $2/day, my grandma made (what I think is) the only splurge purchase she'd ever made in her life. She paid $100 for a set of pots.

I used one of them to make dinner Thursday night.

The beginnings of Shepherd's Pie
9. I do like Shepherd's Pie, and some of the kids do, too.

10. Oh, the song from the beginning? It may or may not apply. Time will tell. It just popped into my head when this happened:

Short story: A grandma asked me to take a couple of cats. I was clear that cats do not last long at our house. They either get eaten or our dogs scare them away. She said she was OK with that. The cats were 2 of 6 strays someone took in but now needed to get rid of. I can't say no to a grandma apparently, because on Thursday I brought 2 cats home from preschool.

I took the carrier out to the barn and opened the door to it. One cat immediately took off like a shot, darting outside and off into the trees. The other took time to sniff around, including around the door to the chickens. I went out to see if I could catch a glimpse of the first cat. When I returned 45 seconds later, the first cat was gone.

We haven't seen them since.

They haven't been back to eat the food we left with the carrier.

It's been a high of 14 degrees, so I'm not going to sit outside and try to find them.

I don't really know if we have cats or not.

The thankful?

They are the easiest animals to take care of here on the farm!

UPDATE: One cat did stick around and is living in the barn. I just saw it sunbathing up against the wall.

So, what do you have to be thankful for this week?  Be a dear and let me know in the comments or by linking up!

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  1. Poor, poor kitties! I hope they found a neighboring farm to move into.

    LOVE that you have your Grandma's pots! All food will taste better now!

    I like shepherd's pie.

    It's a great feeling when you realize you've lost your baby fever.

    You need to hire Cuckoo and Turken out as mother's helpers.

    1. I added an update since you read! One cat has decided to stick around! He/She is doing fine. (I don't even know if it's a boy or girl.)

      I am happy, too. I'll think of her every single time I use them.

      I'm having the last of the leftovers as soon as I finish replying to these comments.

      I do feel some relief, but I don't know if it's gone forever yet. And there is no guarantee that I won't get pregnant again, ya know.

      I'd be happy to hire all six of them out. :)

    2. You have said it out loud (or written it out loud, or something). Will be waiting to hear you're pregnant....

  2. And I heart shep's pie too!!. Looks like this week is going to be exciting! (And don't forget to take a few pics of you in that dress)!

    1. It is just the best combination of comfort food.

      I was in a rush to get out of the house and completely forgot to take a photo. I will get some at Confirmation for sure.

  3. Fred Penner?! That is old school!!
    I'm digging the sunshine too on these cold days however it is one mother loving deceiving bass turd. It was so bright out yesterday, it burnt my retinas yet it was still like -35 out. Our nipples are endangered body parts here in Canada. They're just falling off.
    So you make the shepherd's pie right from scratch? Go you!!! I just rip open a bag of frozen vegetables because I don't have time for that. Ok I do have time but I'm too lazy for that.
    I don't like cats but it makes me sad that they're out there suffering in this cold.

    1. I know! I wanted to use a version that the kids and I listen to, but Blogger wouldn't read it properly to work.

      I can't even imagine how cold it is for you all. We've had a good long stretch of temps in the negatives, but not that far. I don't want to imagine, really.

      I do. Most of the ingredients came from our garden, so it really would be silly not to use them. :)

      I updated since you read! One of the cats stuck around and is doing fine. I doubt the other one is suffering. There are lots of buildings and nooks and crannies on our farm. I'm sure he's just fine.

  4. James is reminding that it is almost March and I need to make Shepard's pie - he loves it - oh boy 2 year old bless you - and epic high five to your boys for keeping him amused. have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It is time consuming to make, especially if you don't have all of the ingredients already prepared and in the freezer. (I had make-ahead mashed potatoes and sliced carrots already.)

      Yes, almost two. Thankfully, the kids have been a big help this weekend, thus giving me a bit of a break.

      Thank you!

  5. I'm just so impressed you managed a shopping trip with a two-year-old in tow! You are an amazing woman! Can you believe the pipes burst at our open gym/play group community center and it is closed INDEFINITELY? Come on, spring!!!

    1. I went to one store. He was in a stroller until we reached the changing room, at which point I let him get out and climb on the seat while I tried some on. It wasn't all that difficult, thankfully.

      NO! That is a serious bummer. Indefinitely??!?! Ouch.

      March first. We got 7 inches of snow overnight. Spring cannot come soon enough.

  6. I'm digging the sunshine here too. I'm hoping the cats found some shelter or sunshine to warm themselves in, or better yet, a neighbor to take them in.

    1. There is an update since you read this! One of the cats has decided to stick around and is doing fine. I have no doubt the other one is doing fine as well.

  7. What a fun post. You've such an interesting life. I had to chuckle about the not wanting another toddler to chase after. Yes, we get there and sometimes it takes a nephew to convince us.

    I'm glad at least one of the kitties is in the barn.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

    1. I don't know how interesting it is, but there is most certainly always plenty going on.Never thought I'd get to the point that I was OK with not having more kids. Yes. I'd be OK with it.

      So are the kids. :)

  8. I had to laugh at your sweet nephew's visit doing away with any longings for another child. Age has a way of reminding us that. We adopted our last two and when I had an infant in my care at age forty -- I knew. And we love Shepard's Pie this time of year too.

    1. Never thought I'd feel this way, but I do. Kind of surprises me, actually.

      I just finished the leftovers for lunch. Such good stuff.

  9. the pic of Turken holding nephew's hand. I bet Turken & Cuckoo are loving being the big guys.

    I'm not a cat person. Kitten person...yes. Cat Weren't you afraid the cat might attack the chickens??? or would that even happen?!?!? What can I say....I'm a city girl. ;)

    1. They are, for sure. But they will be ready for him to go home. They aren't real fond of sharing my lap so much. :)

      The chickens could hold their own against a cat. I'm not worried about them. I have a photo from when we first moved here of a chicken and two cats eating out of the same food bowl.

    2. Can't blame your boys. A mother's lap is a sacred spot. :D

      Whatta ya know...chickens and cats sharing space. Whodda thunk it. ;)

  10. I love a good shepards pie but have yet to master the knack of making it myself.

    Good pots and pans are hard to find! Worth the splurge!

    Nothing like reality as a cure for baby fever. I went through the same thing with squish. Oh maybe this wouldn't be too bad. Teething. Oh yeah I am done. done. done.

    The kid does fall asleep without much fan fare but she is a ridiculously early riser.

    1. It isn't hard, but it is time consuming. It was made easier for me since I already had mashed potatoes and sliced carrots in the freezer from when we preserved the food from the garden.

      My grandma has told me about the importance of splurging on pots and pans since I was a teenager. She even bought some for us for our wedding present. I couldn't agree with her more!

      I just have to think of potty training, and I think twice about wanting another child. I HATE potty training!

      I am so glad my kids aren't ridiculously early risers. 7:00 is a fine time for me.

  11. Grandchildren are all fun and practically no work. (And I imagine you might be able to borrow a nephew again if needed to help with the "I want another one" feeling!)

    When I first read you inherited your grandma's pots, I was wondering what you were going to plant in them. My grandma had African violets all over the place. She was also a baker by profession, and for some reason, I don't remember her cooking--just her baking!

    1. That's what I'm counting on! :) I have no doubt I could borrow a nephew or three or a niece or two whenever I wanted one.

      Ha! Kind of like Turken's pen. Understanding (or not) has so much to do with our experiences.

  12. Yay for kitties (or at least one kitty!!). Our goal for this year was getting a cat, which may or may not happen in 2015, because caring for a baby and introducing a new kitty to our family may just be a tag bit too much at that point :-) Memories indeed are a great treasure, and the best thing about them: they don't break, they cannot get stolen, and they don't clutter up space :-) Still I'm glad you got all those items from your grandma; the pots seem to be a real treasure! I, too, have some pots my mom got as a wedding present from her grandma, and I'm using them almost daily! Enjoy your time with the Nephew, and afterward having him gone :-) Have a great week, Christine!

    1. The only reason I agreed to the cats was because they are strictly outside cats. We don't allow any animals besides the children inside. Good luck with getting yours (if you do get one)!

      I am very fortunate to have so many memories of my grandma. I lived there longer than any of my siblings or cousins, so I have plenty of memories to cherish.

      Thank you!

  13. THose cats are goners arent they? Is there another farm nearby? My friends in Alaska lost almost a dozen cats to eagles. They kept picking them up and carrying them off.... finally had to concede no cats unless they were house cats. I havent had shepards pie in years! True comfort food! Glad your grandma sent that stuff to you. very practical and full of memories at the same time... nice.

    1. NO!! One is still here. The other one is probably in one of the other barns. We don't have eagles. We have hawks, but I don't think the cats have to worry about them.

      It is the best kind of comfort food. I wish I could send some to you.

      Exactly. The perfect thing for me to have. Glad Grandma thought of it.

  14. yeah! (the winter version) of sun on a hot car steering wheel! (love both)

    1. It is so nice to get into a naturally warm car when it's so cold outside.

  15. Your life is so amazing. There is always so much going on, I love reading about your thankfuls. Your nephew, cats, sunshine...quite the list there
    ! I hope your coming week is full of thankfuls.

    1. There is most certainly a lot going on around here. :)

      Thank you!

  16. *grumbles* Ahundredandeleventybillionth

    Glad at least ONE cat made it to setting up camp. I like the mixture of sentimentalism and absolute no-nonsense with which you took them on.

    The pots sound brilliant. We didn't splurge - we were very blessed in that my Nana bought us the set of pots that I chose, as a wedding gift. One of my most recent kitchen purchases was a wok, which had been a small desire of my heart for some time. And another pot we got for ourselves from wedding present giftcards. Another desire of my heart, but one which will sadly be little used, having so few people to use it on. ACK! The expectations we create!

    Glad that Nephew is curing you of the baby blues, and SO gorgeous that Turken is such a good looker-afterer of the little chap. Yesterday at the park, Niece and Neff suddenly made friends with a little chap in a Spiderman outfit, who joined in our superheroes game, and was rugby-tackling and rolling around in the dirt with them in no time at all, and bless Neff's heart, he kept letting the little guy knock him down and sit on him. He came up to me later, put his hand in mine, and told me that he wasn't playing COMPLETELY hard, so that the little guy could feel like he was winning. He's such a beautiful, thoughtful child. I was able to hug him and tell him I was proud of him, and my heart grew about 16 sizes larger.

  17. I'm a hundredandeleventybillionthandone.
    I love your Grandma's with those will be so lovely, won't it?
    I love the cat video - that's one I haven't heard in ages!
    I love shepherd's pie - and haven't eaten or made one in ages. Sounds like a good option for next week.

  18. HAHA! Do you have cats or not? They're kind of independent, so maybe you'll see them once in awhile, or never again. My kind of pet!


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