
Saturday, February 28, 2015

View from the Driver's Seat, Photo Blogging Challenge

This month, PJ assigned us the task of posting 5 photos with the theme of Winter.

Since we've been having a very mild winter snow-wise this winter, I couldn't count on snow providing me with pretty photos to take. I decided to get a little creative.

I shall dub this photo series "View from the Driver's Seat".

NOTE: Every photo I took for this series was while my van was stopped. I live in the country, in the middle of sparsely traveled roads, so it is perfectly safe to stop in the middle of the road to snap a photo. All photos were taken with my phone while I was heading yet another place with the children. I have not used a filter or touched up any of the photographs.

With early sunsets and late practices, we frequently get home well after dark.

We did get plenty of mornings that started with ice on the windshield.

Winter always means filthy cars, thanks to the salt and slush. Trips to the car wash are more frequent.

We finally got snow later in the month. Day one was ridiculously windy and cold, and completely unpredictable. The above photo was taken less than 20 minutes before this one:

 I love the look of snow blowing across the road or forming mini tornadoes in the field.

And then 2 days later,


Lots of it.

After brushing, before wind-shield wiping.

I spend a lot of time in the car driving kids hither and yon. I normally just take a little mental photo of the pretty things I see. I am grateful for this month's theme, as it forced me to slow down and really look at the scene unfolding outside my windshield.

If you would like to join in this month, head over to PJ's to link up.

If you would like some notice for next month's theme, join the Facebook group.

And with that, I hereby call for an end to winter!

Have a nice day!


  1. I joined the group. I always love your photo challenge posts. Those tornadoes on the road? Those are so cool. I remember being mesmerized by them when we'd drive from TX to IA in the winter every year.

    1. Yay! Can't wait to see what you do for future challenges.

      I always liked the snow tornadoes and the wind ones that whipped up the leaves, usually in corners of the outside of buildings. They fascinate me.

  2. You took some great photographs. Wow. I too love your photographs.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  3. Fun idea! I like the different perspective with the car wash and looking at the ice and stuff with the outside blurred. Given that I live in a much busier area, I don't think I'll copy it any time soon, but I like yours. :)

    1. You don't need to copy mine, seeing as how you live someplace with gorgeous scenery. Corn fields can only give me so much to work with. :)

  4. I like the idea of taking the pictures from the perspective of the drivers seat! You have a great collection of pictures! I really enjoyed them!

  5. Nice shots! I really like the overlying theme of shots from the driver's seat. The last shot of the red barn house through the opening in the snow is really cool!

    1. I was pleasantly surprised when I got in the van and saw the barn perfectly framed in the snow.

  6. Great pics Christine. The third would make a great abstract wall art canvas and the fifth would make a good Christmas card. The second one is my favourite though, I love the view through the ice.

    1. Thank you! You are the best, detailed commenter. :)

  7. Those mini snow tornadoes are crazy! Better than mini dust tornadoes, I think. I admire how you chose a very practical unifying theme for your photos this month. Not only did it make it easier for you to fit photography into your daily routine but I also like your comment about how the photo challenge made you more mindful of the sights you see everyday while you're out and about. And your comment about safely stopping in the middle of the road to take photographs...I can't imagine that! The roads in Calgary are so busy that I always feel like I'm the slowest vehicle in a speedway race when I have to drive somewhere. Maybe that's why I walk or ride the LRT as much as possible! Anyhow, a terrific set of photos and I just love that red barn that keeps popping up.

    1. I'm gonna have to agree with you. While a dust tornado would still be cool, I'd prefer one made with snow.

      The kids started to get annoyed as the month went on and I kept stopping to take more photos. They were happy to stop and take in the pretty scene for a limited amount of time. :)

      We are fortunate to live just off the busy road. A mile away is the major thoroughfare into downtown, but where we are, the roads are blissfully quiet.

      The barn was built in 1901. It's falling down, and we're going to have to have it taken down before it collapses. We're holding off because it is such a beautiful structure.

  8. I LOVE the "view from the driver's seat" theme... so so good! I could practically see all the places you were going and what you were doing. The change of weather pictures are crazy! I think my very favorite is the icy window one... where it looks like a barn is behind it. That is STUNNING!

    1. Thank you.

      That one day was wickedly crazy as far as the weather went. Major snow, wind, and sunshine fought each other all day.

      The barn is part of our property. It was built in 1901, and is even prettier on the inside.

  9. I really liked the photos behind the ice and snow- very cool perspective!

  10. yeah, 'Barn Ahead'… photo very cool

    1. I park my van in such a way that the barn is always straight ahead. A nice view first thing in the day. :)

  11. I agree with everybody take awesome photos!!! I must say I have missed our snow stories of years past. :P.

  12. Your second shot is fabulous! Works very well with the focus on the ice on the windshield of your car. Excellent.

  13. Yes, it looks like you've had plenty of snow! I like that all of your shots are taken from the same vantage point inside the van. Great selection and thought-process

    1. Thank you! We have had more than enough snow in just the last couple of weeks. I'm done now. :)

  14. Love the ones of the ice or snow on the windscreen obscuring the view - that really works well!

  15. I, too, love the obstructed view windshield shots.

  16. What an extremely creative way to pull of this month's challenge. I like the idea of it all being from behind the steering wheel sort of thing, though I am happy to know that you stopped! Many people wouldn't! I've been known to stop in the middle of a road to snap a photo and people with me are like "What are you doing?"

    They never get it.

    I'm with you, though. Bring on spring!

  17. I love the picture of your house at night. That's really lovely!


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