
Friday, July 19, 2013

10 Things of Thankful, Week 7

So, so much to be thankful for.  Let's get to it!

1.  I am thankful for helpful readers.  In Friday's post, I did a little garden update.  In it I included a photo of a cucumber which I thought was unusable.  Within hours of posting, I received an email from a lovely woman telling me that my cucumbers were most certainly NOT unusable, but were perfect for making cinnamon pickles like her grandma made.  (I didn't know who she was, until I saw a little note in the sidebar with her picture and name asking if I wanted to be friends with her on facebook.)  So, to AB, thank you very much.  I look forward to trying the recipe.   And of course I will take photos and let you all know how it goes.

2.  I am thankful for opportunities my kids have to try new things and become more independent.   The day after we got back from vacation, both Buttercup and Phoenix headed out to camp.  Buttercup is at a CYO camp she's been to every year for 4 years now.  She always has a blast horseback riding, doing the high ropes, swimming, and all of the usual camp activities.  I picked her up at 2 on Friday, and she didn't stop talking for at least 2 hours afterward, telling me all about her week.
Phoenix is at the Boy Scout National Jamboree in West Virginia.  It is 10 days of service, high-adventure activities, learning, and growing.  He is trying things he has never done before, and being taught by pros in the fields.  It has been so fun texting him each day to see what has been going on.  For example, Friday's exchange included:

Me:  What did you do today?

Phoenix:  An 8 mile hike  throwing knives  the usual

Oh, and the 8 mile hike?  Was up a mountain. 

Phoenix:  There was a pretty bad thunderstorm today.  I was on top of the mountain when the lightning warning was sent out.

What mother doesn't want to hear her son say such things?

3.  I am thankful for visits with my nieces and nephews.   Every summer, my brother drops his kids with me for an extended visit.  My nephew is only 2 months older than Giant, and my niece is 3 months older than Turken.  It all works out beautifully.  They arrived on Thursday and will stay with us until Wednesday.  So far, we haven't done much besides hang out at home.  Next week should be cooler, so we'll be heading out to have some fun around town.

4.  I am thankful for air conditioning.  I am not complaining about the heat, even though it has been a week to prove the cliché "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."  We go outside to play and do our chores and sweat buckets and practically drown on the moisture in the air, then smile when we get to come in and recuperate in the cooler air.  (I can't say "cool", seeing as how our house is old and incapable of cooling the upstairs to a "cool" temperature. (But I'm still thankful.))

5.  Speaking of the heat, I'm thankful for popsicles.  If the kids know popsicles are coming, I buy an extra 15 minutes of outside play time/Mom gets stuff done in peace time.

6.  I am thankful for my grandma.  She is 88 years old and still lives in the house my dad and his siblings grew up in.  (I wrote about her once.)  I spoke with her on Monday, and we discussed her carpel tunnel surgery coming up.  She had surgery on her right arm a few years ago, and this week it was time for her left.  She said to me, "When I had my first surgery, I figured 'I'm old and will die before I have to do that again.'  It hurts enough to wake me up at night, and I'm not dead, so I have to get the surgery.  Who would have thought?"

I adore that woman.

7.  I am thankful for time spent with my friends.  Specifically, this week, with my friend who has been moved to Japan for three years.  She and her kids came to the house on Wednesday for the last time before they head back.  It was a wonderful visit, and I'm so grateful that she was able to come to town for the entire month.  One year down, only two to go.

8.   I am thankful for garden goodies.  Giant wanted a breakfast burrito with green peppers this morning.  I LOVE being able to say, "Go out and pick a pepper for me."  It's a great feeling to be able to feed my family with organic, can't-get-any-fresher-than-that produce.  We (mostly me) like to look at the dinner table and see how many things came from our own land.   I do a little happy dance when we have pork, salad, potatoes, and canned apples, all that we grew or raised ourselves.  Can't wait until these chicks start laying eggs in October and get our breakfasts on board!

9.  I am thankful for the 10th of August. (previously known as the 4th of July)  My dad has a big 4th of July party each year for our extended family.  Usually, there are about 40 people there.  It really is his favorite day of the year.  Unfortunately, only one of my brothers could go this year.  Since three of us couldn't, everyone started cancelling.  Not one person went to the 11th annual 4th of July party.  The tradition at the party is to take the family photo on the front porch with whoever attends the party.  On the 4th this year, my dad posted this on the facebook: 

(get the tissues ready)

How sad is that?

Once we saw the photo, we all got out the calendars and found another date.  August 10th it is.  The red, white, and blue will come back out, the burgers and dogs will be grilled, the baby pool and corn hole will be drug out of the garage, and we will have us a 4th of July party. 

And we will never miss a 4th of July at my dad's house again. 

10.  I am thankful for my husband.   I know, I'm usually making fun of him when I mention him here on the blog, but I am so grateful that I get to be the person he spends his life with.  He's absolutely wonderful and supportive and hilarious and responsible and encouraging and perfect for me. 

Now it is your turn.  If you blog, link on up.  If not, let me know in the comments what good things are you thankful for this week.

We have a new co-host this week!!!  Kristi from Thankful Me has agreed to help us out in the co-hosting.  Check out her blog or the interview Lizzi did in order to see why she is a perfect match for this blog hop.  (Lizzi will be posting an interview of each of us co-hosts, one per week.  Clark is up next week.)

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. I had no idea there were such things as cinnamon pickles. I'm interested and a bit skeptical of this magical vegetable...

    I also am happy for air conditioning and popsicles...and your grandma too. My grandparents all died young and I would just love to have them around now that I could appreciate them and talk to them about "the olden days."

    Hopefully someone will want to talk to me about the old days. I have some stories....

    1. Me either! I'll let you know how it goes.

      My maternal grandma lived in Canada, so I only saw her once a year. Plus, she died when I was a teenager. I am so grateful to have such a good, long relationship with my dad's mom, and was old enough when my grandpa died to have known him, too.

      I have no doubt you will have plenty of stories to share with the youngin's, whether they want to hear them or not. You are going to be one feisty old lady. :)

  2. Love your list!

    My grandma is 96, and just now (as in this weekend) moving out of her house and into my parents' home. She's slowing down a bit, but not because she wants to. I hope I'll be as active of a grandma as she has been. Sounds like your grandma is awesome, too!

    I'm glad you'll have a 4th of July after all. Family reunions and traditions are wonderful!

    1. Thanks!

      That is incredible! If your grandma is 96, your parents can't be young chickens either, and still able to take her in. I'm thinking genes are on your side. :)

      I am, too. We always have a great time.

  3. Oh, and thanks for the shout-out!

  4. Cinnamon pickles are AMAZING. Yum!! I miss eating them so much!

    1. Yay, a vote for cinnamon pickles! How have I never heard of these things?

  5. Aww, I love your grandmas sense of I know where you get it from. So sorry dad...he looks so sad. I am glad you all decided on a new date to make dad not be so lonely.

    I do that too...look at my meal and count the things that didn't come from a store. The other morning we were eating breakfast and I told my husband that the eggs where from my hen, toast from fresh baked bread I made the day before, jam was from my first canning ever, and the bacon was the only thing I didn't provide...maybe I should get a pig? After he gave me one of those "you are not serious, right" looks, he said, I like this bacon from the organic store just fine. LOL

    1. My grandma is a hoot. It is very nice that we get to make it up to him.

      What, he won't get a pig?? Well, he probably thinks it would mean another A/C unit and some fancy digs like the chickens get. :)

  6. Cinnamon pickles, I don't think I've ever heard of them. I'm more of a Polish pickles kind of gal.

  7. Your poor Dad! That's a terribly sad picture! I'm glad you all got your acts together to go and see him! The things he has to do to gather his family back in, huh?

    (I should probably not have let my own Dad find out about the prospect of my new job via my blog...I expect I'd be getting photos like that if he knew how)

    Your Grandma ROCKS! What an awesome attitude she has. She sounds like a real treasure of a lady.

    And yay for long hikes in the lightning. Hope he keeps those storms ALL to himself - I do not want to see any on this side of the pond for a good long while yet!

    Looking forward to hearing how the cinnamon pickles go.

    1. He certainly isn't above big ol' guilt trips. :)

      You didn't tell your dad before us? While I feel special being in the know, poor Dad.

      She most certainly is.

      Ack! Yay for hikes in lightning? On a mountain? I was glad to hear he was one of the kids who got down right quick. :)

      I'm looking forward to trying them.

    2. He's kinda....distant. Easily overlooked, which is a shame, but...adunno. Takes effort on both sides I guess.

      Your Dad sounds like a hoot :D

      YES YAY! I bet it was beautiful. I love lightning. But not at the moment cos lighting usually brings rain and I do NOT want rain. But I'm glad he got down quickly. Sensible chap.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Loved hearing about you grandma here and she sounds like a sharp, wise lady. My grandma has been gone for a little over 3 years now, but still miss her tons. And I can still hear some of the things she shared with me over the years. Cherish this time (I am sure you do know this), but seriously it just goes by too quickly!! Hope you are having a great weekend now :)

    1. She is a sharp one. And funny as all get out. I'm sorry to hear you have lost your grandma. I have no doubt my grandma will be in my head for the rest of my life. :)

  10. I've never heard of the cinnamon pickle. although my meme used to make green tomato pickles with cinnamon.. I noticed in one of your other blogs you weren't sure what you were going to do with all the onions did you find something?this was a great list thanks for inviting me to do this blog hop. I appreciate it!

    1. Green tomato pickles with cinnamon? Never heard of that either. No idea what to do with the onions yet. I did use one last night to make a cucumber/tomato/onion salad that went over quite well at a party.

      Thank you for jumping in with us!

  11. Never heard of cinnamon pickles before! You'll have to let us know how they taste! It must be a wonderful feeling to eat the foods that you have grown! I bet your niece and nephew just love to visit with your brood on the farm!

    have a good weekend!

    1. Before we moved here, it never crossed my mind to grow our own food. Now, I don't think I'll ever go without a garden again.

      Niece and Nephew love coming to visit, and we love having them.

      Hope your weekend is turning out to be a great one!

  12. I liked the part about your celebration with your dad the very best. You'll all make sure you're there from now on. Excellent.

    Have a terrific day. :)

    1. I doubt any of us will ever miss the 4th of July again. Lesson learned.

      Have a terrific day yourself!

  13. I don't know, sounds like a lot of fun (the adventures of Phoenix)...but that is either the Y Chrome or maybe just the young person talking...

    ...oh man, you mean that questionaire doc I filled out was the actual interview?

    1. Yeahhh. Do you wanna resub?

    2. is that possible?? that sounds awesome ....wait a minute, if Christine finds out... aw man no way! I think I better take my chances with the answers that I sent in*
      I better take my chances...although, I will say that I am more than willing to re-submit for editorial review

      * written with all the mature reflection of a group of 5th grade boys in the back of the class when told to write something for parents-teachers day!**
      ** or (as would) a clark newly transfered into the 5th grade, with an eye towards getting the attention of the resident scott... we are very good at that lol

    3. Now I really can't wait to read your interview! I'm sure it will be very different than Kristi's!

      Ha! I seem to remember several clarks in 5th grade who acted just like this. Do clarks never grow up? :)

  14. Cinnamon pickles actually sounds pretty good. A couple weeks ago I had a friend of a friend restore an old photo that I posted on facebook. Someone I didn't really know but did it out of the kindness of their heart because they loved the photo and knew how to do it.

    I totally cringed at #2. That's one of those instances where he should have said to himself what mom doesn't know won't hurt her. LOL.

    So glad y'all are making it up to your dad next month. Too bad it couldn't be a surprise but you wouldn't want him to pout until then either.

    Love #10

    1. There are such nice people in this world. So glad to be meeting so many through blogging.

      He gets a big kick out of making me cringe. Bratty teenager. :)

      Oh, there's no way we could have let it be a surprise. We'd be getting pitiful texts and reminders of how we let him down. Or silence, which would be worse. He's back to his normal self now, so all is well.

  15. 10th August is a wonderful date... hehe... It is my birthday =D

    1. You're welcome to attend! :)

      Happy early birthday!

  16. Oh, your dad looks so SAD! Love, love, LOVE that he posted that picture on Facebook!

    1. So, so sad, but he totally knew what he was doing putting it on FB. And it worked.

  17. Thanks for the warning...I did need the tissues. How sad for your dad. And kind of funny. Glad you are making the "fourth" happen. And soon. You're a good daughter. :)

    1. My siblings and I would say, "How sad is that photo" while giggling through the sentence. :)

      Not that good. I didn't go for the 4th, now did I?

  18. And now I have time to comment more (lucky you!). I never went to camp, and if I had, I'm sure I would have hated it, but I can still appreciate how much fun OTHER people find camp, and I'm glad your kids had a marvelous time.

    It IS the humidity.

    Your Grandma sounds like a corker.

    Your grocery bills must be cut in half during the summer, as much as you get from your garden and stuff (stuff being pigs).

    Yay for C.O.W.!

    1. Lucky me, indeed! :)

      I never went either. Buttercup's camp I could handle. They have a cabin with beds and real bathrooms. Phoenix, on the other hand, gets tents and more primitive facilities. I would love a day camp, where I can do the day activities then go home for sleep and showers.

      Humidity is dumb.

      She most certainly is.

      The pigs feed us all year, so we spend very little on meat. Chicken and fish are really the only things I buy. The veggies and other things help, but the kids eat so much, there's no way our bill is cut in half.

      Yay for COW!

  19. It's great that you've mentioned this, because I'm thankful for my grandma too. Such a relief that she is fine after her accident! And I think the kids, too, will be thankful that they are so independent. Thanks for sharing, Christine!

    1. Grandmas are special people, aren't they? She is a tough cookie.

      The kids love being able to do these things. I think Phoenix is starting to miss us a bit, but he would never give up the experience.

      Thanks for joining us!

  20. Ok while I think it's awesome that somebody sent you a recipe for cinnamon pickles, I can't help but laugh at the hilarious facebook post you wrote wondering if it was legit :)
    And AWWW to the photo of your dad at his person-less 4th of July party. I'm glad that you're doing it on August 10th. That's awesome.

    1. It made me laugh, too, seeing as how I'm really not very mature, until I opened it and saw how sweet she was, then I felt bad. I really did think it was spam, with the name all in caps, no first name, and an address I didn't know.

      My dad really knows how to pull out the guilt. If none of us call him for a while, he has been known to leave a message for me saying, "Well, no one's called, so I thought I'd call to let you know I'm still alive. I assume (your stepmom) would call if I died, but you never know."

  21. OMGosh. Number 9 hurt my heart. I hope y'all have a BLAST on the 10th!
    I loved #8 too!
    Cinnamon pickles....can't wait to hear how they turn out, because frankly I'm feeling a little queasy just thinking about it! LOL

  22. Aw, that is a sad picture :( I'm glad that you guys didn't leave it like that and decided to celebrate another day.
    Both my grandmas died when I was very little but there's this sweet lady who has been like my grandma for about 30 years, I love her and yours reminded me of her. Cheers for sweet grandmas!!!
    Have a great week.

  23. (from I'm so glad you are thankful for your grandmother. I miss mine terribly! And no mother ever wants to hear that her child is outside (on the top of a hill) during a thunderstorm. So glad he is safe. And I'm jealous of your garden goodies. We don't have a garden and I wish I did. But we have generous friends with gardens and today I received a couple of zucchini. Life is good. For some reason, your site won't allow me to list under that account. Linda Atwell from

  24. Awww, I am sorry your dad had to celebrate all by himself! How awesome that you are going for a second celebration! Love that!

    Oh yeah, AC! I would love to have one, too, as the temperatures are going to climb up to 35 °C! Ugh!

  25. I was so sad I came late to the cucumber discussion on FB... You've no idea haha I'm interested to see how those turn out. Never heard of cinnamon pickles.

    I remember going camping, but nothing o what actually took place. I recall girls (I assume the camp councilor/assistants) thinking I was cute and having me sit on their laps on the bus. I was apparently a ladies man from the get-go ;-) Pfffft I think I recall swimming. There was no "8 mile hike, throwing knives, the usual" lol that is hilarious. Glad they got off the mountain before getting zapped >.>

    I'm also really glad you mentioned your grandma! Really sucks she has to have surgery again, but she is obviously tougher than she thinks. Hope it helps a lot, I've feared having to do the same for some time now given I am at the computer like 24/7.

    To be honest, I couldn't survive without AC and I may have to steal this for next week. I sleep in the living room most nights when it's too hot since it doesn't cool all the way back to my bedroom. It's so annoying! Not heating the upstairs would drive me nuts.

    That picture of your dad is so sad :-( Lucky it wasn't me. I would have taken one where it looks like I had blown off my left arm with a tagline saying "And that's why you don't ever skip an annual 4th of July party" (this is an Arrested Development thing).

    Poor guy :-(

    Oh, no... I meant C.O.W. ZING!

    Thanks for getting my message out last week, it's very much appreciated!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!