
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

There Are Some Odd Days on the Calendar

When I was 16, my mom's husband was transferred to a different state. He moved several months before she did, which left two cars in Ohio that needed to be moved to Kentucky, and only one adult to do it. I became the second driver.

All I had to do was follow my mom for 6 hours on the freeway. It really wasn't all that difficult.

Until it was.

We came across construction, and there was one serious traffic jam. One car cut in front of me, getting between my mom and me. Then another. Those cars let others in. More people cut in. Within minutes, my mom was completely out of sight. I had no idea where she was.

There was no such thing as cell phones.

We had no navigational systems.

Shoot, I didn't even have any information about our final destination besides "somewhere in Louisville".

For the first time in my life, I was in one real, major panic.

Of course, these days, there would be no panicking in such a situation. Cell phones and navigational systems have taken away these fun rites of passage.

I don't get whipped about much, but in the right circumstances, I can be thrown into a panic in the blink of an eye. Just like I was back on that freeway when I was 16.

According to Lisa and Rabia it is World Panic Day, which cracks me up. Who comes up with these things? And how should one celebrate such a day?

I guess, as a blogger, you make a list. I am joining in with their Tuesday 10 and listing the things that make me panic.

1. Being unable to find a child where I expected him to be, including, but not limited to, the back seat of the van. Thankfully, these moments never last more than a minute, but those are the longest minutes of my life.

2. That feeling when I'm in public and my feminine protection isn't protecting like it should. It is quite difficult to be nonchalant so as not to attract attention while at the same time wanting to scream, "For the love of all that is holy, where is the closest bathroom?!?!"

3. Looking out the window and seeing a pig in the yard. Really, any time a pig gets a good time to panic. That's a whole lot of money running around all willy nilly like the world outside it's pen is a safe place to be.

4. When Bryan is out of town overnight, hearing an unfamiliar sound coming from downstairs. These are the nights I rue the day I ever watched a scary movie. Or the morning news.

5. Being 20 minutes from home and thinking, "Did I turn the stove off?"

6. Being 15 minutes from home and realizing I left my phone on the kitchen counter.

7. Walking down our wooden staircase, that moment when my foot slips and I go down. In those few milliseconds of being airborne, I flip out and pray that I don't hit my head and die. No joke. That has always been one of my biggest fears. I would fall and die and my little kids would be home all by themselves until Bryan got home. Even though my kids are now plenty old enough to call for help, the thought still flies through my brain before my butt hits the ground.

8. Preparing a meal, I knock a sharp knife off the counter. Thankfully, my feet have always been fast enough to dodge it and avoid the horrific bloody mess my brain envisions during that second it takes the knife to fall.

9. When one of my kids falls backwards off of a tall slide, landing on his back. I totally forget to assess the situation to see if he can move on his own before snatching him up and holding him close. It's only happened once, and I don't ever need to see that again.

10. When it gets late, late, late, and I need to go to bed, but I HAVE TO FINISH THE POST because I won't have time to write it in the morning and if it isn't done in the morning it won't get done in time to put it in the link-up and I'm not about to waste all this time I put into writing the first 9 things on the list!

So there.

To ease your mind, I'll let you know how the driving to Kentucky fiasco ended up. With tears in my eyes, I just pulled off the next exit. I figured I'd just sit and wait for her to find me.

My mom got off at the same exit.

We were reunited within 10 minutes.

You turn. What makes your blood start pumping and horrible thoughts race through your head?

Happy World Panic Day!

Make it a lovely one.

The Golden Spoons


  1. Glad you and your mom found each other on that drive!! I so remember those days of having to follow people without cell phones and navigation systems. Sometimes I wonder how we ever survived back then!

    National Panic Day! That's a day I could really celebrate. I also panic when I'm 20 minutes from home and think I left the stove on, or 15 minutes from home and realize I left the cell phone.

    1. No joke! We had some major difficulties back then because we didn't have phones.

      Celebrate away!

  2. How appropriate that this is also Maggie's birthday. She's a panicker (like her mama). Yeek! I share the stairs and knife fears. Trying to hnshrivel my toes now.

    1. As I went around and read other people's lists, I realized that I may be a panicker, too, and just don't like to admit it. I saw all sorts of things which made me go, "Ooohhh, I do that, too." :/

  3. The last time I dropped a knife in the kitchen it landed with the tip of the blade stuck in the linoleum. I'm sure it's not good for the linoleum, but it looked pretty cool that way and it wasn't my foot, so we just laughed!

    1. Ha! Funny how the choice is either cutting off your toes or laughing hysterically when it doesn't. I do that, too.

  4. A friend alerted (!) me to the fact it is National Panic Day. Did you also know it is National Awesome Day, National Bagpipe Day, National Organize Your Office Day, National Landline Day, and National Mario Day? At least that is what she said. We had a rather involved facebook conversation yesterday trying to figure out how we would celebrate everything today. :-)

    1. Wish we had know it was National Awesome Day! Then, we could have listed 10 things that are awesome! That would be much better than panic! :-)

    2. Wow! Kristi, I would like to see a photo (or video) of you celebrating all of those days at the same time. :)

      Lisa, thank you for putting that song in my head. I had gotten tired of the entire Frozen soundtrack.

  5. Oh I would have indeed been a PANIC MESS on that freeway!! I love your list too... funny and oh so relatable!! Isn't it hilarious the branded 'days' people come up with? I would like to invent my own... I'll have to think about the title. I'm guessing something like 'SLEEP day'. Is there a day for that yet?

    1. That is a FANTASTIC idea!! Surely it's a day already. We need to find it and celebrate!

  6. I love a happy ending. I'm glad you both knew to get off at the next exit. Excellent.

    You do worry a lot don't you. In a funny way though. I mean you write about it funny, not the actual things happening being funny.

    Have a fabulous day and may none of these bad things ever happen again. ☺

    1. I still, after all these years, can't believe that we found each other so quickly. I really am her daughter.

      Thankfully, all of these things cause distress for only a couple of minutes max. Most of my day is totally worry-free. :)

      Thank you!

  7. I had no idea that today is National Panic day - basically I always worry. Yet you added a couple of more things to the list. I think for me though the panic comes after the fact. Like one afternoon a few summers ago I was in the house and had just sent the kids to play in the back yard I was looking for a book to bring out with me when I heard an explosion - I went white and ran in the back yard to see they were ok - they were, so I looked in the front of the house my neighbors mailbox exploded turn out kids placed a soda bottle with something in it that explodes - short story during or right after I was cool as cucumber - ascertained no one was hurt, contacted my neighbor, called the cops, cops came report was done and then I panicked what if some one was hurt, what if my kids were in front saw the mailbox explode and picked up the bottle with the explosive liquid in it. What if the mailman was delivering mail. Everything an anything was going through my mind about it ....that is what I do.

    glad you reunited with your mom

    have a wonderful day!


    1. WOW! That is a scary situation! I would have done the same What iffing if it happened to us.

      Thank you!

  8. YES to #10!!!! There have been a few of those moments!! I actually can relate to quite a few things on your list, Christine! (LOL at #3). Great panic list! (not so great when they actually happen though aye)

    1. No, not so great when they happen, but it's life I guess.

      Glad you could relate to the list. I'd hate to think I was alone in this!

  9. That freeway situation would have made me a mess, too. I am terrible with directions. Thanks goodness I have Google Maps on my phone now - unless #6 happens. And, #10 - as I commented on Rabia's post, I had my Tuesday Ten 3/4 typed at 9:30 last nigh and my internet crashed. Lost the whole thing and had to start all over. Yes, I totally panicked and said a few choice words as well!

    1. OH NO! I wouldn't have redone it, but I guess you don't have that option, seeing as how you are a host and all. Well, thank you for taking the time to redo it so we could all feel like we weren't wasting our time. :)

  10. a mutual liking for Pearl has drawn me here - and I'm glad it did. Memories of that sudden white spot horror when your child has disappeared, only to be replaced by floods of relief when you turn to your left and they are stood there looking at you quizzically - have come hurtling back at me.

    number one on my list of things that make me panic are the words - "feminine protection" I'll leave that there ...

    I'll be back...

    1. Pearl is awesome, is she not?

      White spot horror is a great way to describe that certain panic.

      Hahahahahaha!! I know several people who would say the same. :)

      Looking forward to it!

  11. I wanted to join this hop but decided I will wait for another topic because all of my panics seemed a little too freaky.

    1. Ha! As much as I'd like to read about your freaky panics, knowing you like I do (barely!), I'm afraid of some of them. Best to wait, I guess. Next week is 10 women who have had an impact on your life, just in case that one would be easier.

  12. Panic Day! ACK! And I didn't get all my Panic cards out!!

    :-) That was me, panicking.

    Lovely post, you. I like how you write!! I've added you to my blog roll. Don't be a stranger!


    1. Very nice. :)

      Thank you! I have been reading your blog for years, just haven't commented much.

  13. Whew! Great list. I am a natural-born panick-er. (Is that a word?) Right now my biggest panic attacks come from thinking baby boy has choked on something. If he is quiet for very long, I am always freaking out that maybe he has choked on some random thing he happened to find. He has not choked yet, but I know one day a child of mine may very well choke and I just hate the idea!! I also panic any time the husby isn't home and I hear a weird noise. I am convinced at all times that someone is just out there waiting to pounce on an innocent mamma and her baby. Bla!! Moments of panic are no fun!

    1. I never really panicked about choking, unless I am the one choking on something. Then it's full-blown I'M GOING TO DIE! mode for me. I'm actually surprised I forgot to put that on the list. Going around reading other panic lists, I've decided that I panic way more than I thought I did. :)

  14. Ha! Probably once a year. I never did in our old house, but it was still a fear.

    That is a bad feeling. I've done it before. Amazing how quickly I can get ready for the day when I'm running really late.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!