
Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Favorite Time of Year Is Here, and I Might Actually Get to Enjoy It, TToT Week 49

1.  Let's just begin with the biggest, best, most wonderful thankful...

SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!  I love summer.

2.  We spent the entire day with friends.  The kids only had to go to school for 3 hours on Friday, so there was plenty of time for fun.  I started with breakfast with my book club.  After picking up all the children, we spent 4 hours at a park with approximately 10 other moms and their kids.  We came home for a quick nap and feeding of the animals (the actual animals ate, the kids and I napped) before heading out for an evening of backyard bonfires and fellowship at another friend's house.  As the parents sat around the fire, the 15 or so kids were all out in the yard playing a game.  It was a perfect summer evening start to our break.

3.  On Wednesday, the newly graduated 8th graders had their trip to Kings Island in Cincinnati, Ohio. (amusement park 2 hours away).  At around 5:00, some major storms rolled into Indy, causing all outdoor activities to be cancelled.  The storm never made it to Cincinnati.  So, the boys and I had an unexpected night off at home to play games and relax, but Buttercup was able to have a great time riding the roller coasters to her heart's content.

4.  Buttercup amazes me.  At her graduation Mass this week, she played the piano beautifully.  She also received several awards.  There were two that I was most happy to see.  First, she was the only 8th grader (out of 65 or so kids) to get a perfect 4.0 for the year.  While she is a bright girl, that GPA tells more about her work ethic.  She worked hard to get it.  She also received the Christian Attitude Award.  The recipients of this award are not chosen by the teachers, but by the students.   I can't wait to see all of the good things she does as she gets older.

5.  Turken's collar bone is healing up nicely.  He has gone a week without the sling and has done very well.  He fully participated in the school's field day, and last night at the party (I hear) he was hitting a baseball.  He'll be getting an x-ray this week to make sure all is well, but I'm pretty sure he's back to his old self.

6.  I was able to walk without crutches yesterday.  I did't walk far, and it wasn't pretty, but I walked.  If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago if I thought I would ever walk again, I might have said no.  It astounding how well our bodies can heal themselves, even after "major trauma".  (That's what my surgeon said my knee had suffered.)

7.  I found a surgeon who comes highly recommended.  I met him this week, and I have a much better understanding of how things are going to go.  I start physical therapy on Tuesday in order to get my full range of motion back before my big trip to England and the subsequent surgery.

8.  If I would have had this injury happen 15 years ago, I would be in a very different, worse situation.  With new, less invasive methods of surgery, my knee will be totally fixed up with a relatively short recovery time.  Fifteen years ago, the ACL wouldn't even have been fixed, and I'd have a huge scar from the surgery to fix the meniscus.

9.  I am not able to do much with this knee injury.  Thank the Lord above that I can still drive.  Misery would have befallen the lot of us if I wasn't able to drive.

10.  My grandma is a corker.  I love her to pieces.  I had a nice, long chat with her this week, and she had me laughing my full head off.

So, how was your week?  What made you laugh, smile, or cry tears of joy?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Cool, Christine, glad that the summer's here and that you can walk without criputches now!! On, and on!

    1. Summer is the best, for sure.
      Life has gotten a lot easier now that I can actually put my foot down and balance/hobble a bit.

  2. Hurray for summer! Congrats to Buttercup; it sounds like she has followed your hard-working, kind example. I'm glad to hear you can walk without crutches now, and have the hope of full range of motion in time for your upcoming trip. I'm also glad you found an experienced surgeon who will be able to make you good-as-new!

    1. Hurray!
      I will pass along the congrats.
      I was getting mighty worried that I wouldn't be able to do much at all when the trip rolls around, but I'm beginning to be hopeful again.

  3. 1. Ahh, memories of high school.
    2. Glad you were able to do all that with your knee the way it is, Chester.
    3. Storms, well, you know how I feel about them. Glad they didn't ruin the graduation trip.
    4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. That Buttercup is a peach. Congratulations to her and to you for raising her to be the peach that she is.
    5. Oh, to have the healing power of a 6 year old.
    6. Take it easy, Speed Racer.
    7. We have a great knee guy here in Joplin. You could have your surgery and recuperate here. THAT would be fun! Well, for me.
    10. I miss having a grandma.

    1. 1. Ahh, high school. Loved it.
      2. Me, too. Fortunately, all that visiting included lots of sitting down.
      3. Yes, I do. These storms had hail, but not much trouble.
      4. She is. I don't know that I had a whole lot to do with it. She was born with most of it.
      5. Wouldn't it be grand?
      6. Ha! Thank you for calling me Speed Racer, even if it was in jest. :)
      7. It would be fun for both you and me. My family probably wouldn't be too thrilled, though.
      10. I'm so glad I still have one.

  4. What a great list, Christine. So glad to hear you're walking. Your kids are amazing - and I agree that Buttercup's award, voted by her peers, is a great one.
    But please tell me HOW yours are out of school already when we still have THREE WEEKS to go here? I could cry. Do you go back very early in August where you are?

    1. Thank you. It has only been three weeks, but I kinda forgot how to walk. Normal walking will still be a while in coming.
      Yes, our kids were in school something crazy like August 7 or so. They go back August 11 next school year.

    2. OK, well, I feel better now - going back that early you certainly should be finished by now. Happy summer!

  5. I don't think I even have to tell you how jealous I am of your summer! You must be so proud of your daughter - she sounds so bright and so self motivated. And she's obviously a really nice kid ontop of all of her talents for her peers to vote for her to get the Christian Attitude Award. That breakfast with your book club sounds so nice :)

    1. I'm thinking it probably ranks right up there with the amount of jealousy I had over your summer back in January. :)
      I am. She is a go-getter, but a nice go-getter.
      It was lovely. I don't see those ladies nearly enough.

  6. I am glad to read that you are up and about... school ends in 4 weeks for us I just requested two vacation days for their last day of schools. I think the middle school will finish one day early. I plan to go to our beach if weather permits, or a celebratory last day of school fun day. Last day of school around here is quite short the kids are in school for 1 1/2 hours or 1 hour and 45 min not sure can't remember will have to check the calendar, what i do is drop my daughter off go to 7-11 get a large coffee, go back to the school and park my car, if I don't i won't be able to get a spot later on, so I get there early , then I sit in the car and read. Congrats to Buttercup well earned indeed. My week was exhausting but productive ...and I was able post everyday (YAY!)

    this must sound silly but I am truly anticipating you meeting up with Lizzi - LOL I can't wait! ( I know weird people say this all the time, but this time it's true "i'm not weird" LOL)

    Have a great Memorial Day Weekend - lots to do!

    2 birthdays, a bowling party and maybe going to the beach - in between cleaning and shopping)


    1. Ooooh how I would love to see the ocean on the last day of school. Or any day, really. :) I'm sure you'll find something really fun to do with the kids. Our pickup is extra crowded on the last day, too. I got there 15 minutes before school let out and barely got a spot. Good thing, because neither the kids nor I like it when I end up in the overflow line.
      I noticed you posted a heck of a lot this week. I love a good, productive week.

      Ha! I never would have pegged you for weird. I can't wait to meet her!

      Thank you! Enjoy all of those fun things. We'll spend one day doing yard work, but the rest is fun stuff.

  7. I love summer too. It's a wonderful time of year indeed.

    Good to hear you are starting physical therapy. I'm all for physical therapy.

    Have a fabulous weekend. :)

    1. It is wonderful. So few commitments to worry about. Laid back and fun, but with the added bonus of time to get stuff done, too.
      I hope the therapy helps. I want to be able to walk!

      Thanks! Will you be out on the boat this weekend?

  8. boy that is sooooo true about medical progress... especially with orthopedic knee surgery... good timing after all! BUttercup! How cool is that kid? I have never been a fool for summer but am glad it is here this year. When is England again?

    1. Oh, the scars people are showing me. Yikes! I'm very grateful for the advances science has made.
      She is uber cool. :)
      I just love the non-hecticness of summer. The kids and I have time to do fun things whenever we want.


  9. Reading your good news makes me feel happy, too.

  10. "…can't even think of a word that rhymes."
    I may be showing my age (having seen Mr. Cooper back when he started out) but what a delightful surprise to see this particular video. (My already high regard for you just went up).
    Sounds like the positive is way outweighing the negative (great grades and speeding healing)…
    will 'stay tuned for film at 11'...

    1. just realized most readers might not be such fans of the song as to recognize the reference above (in italics, of course

    2. Thought you might appreciate that song. I guess I do like some harder rock after all. :)
      Positive is far outweighing the negative.

  11. You never heard that phrase?? That's funny! I say it aloud all the time. I guess I never type it.

    Oh, I've been doing plenty of worrying. I'll manage. People in England use crutches, too. (If the worst case scenario comes to pass.)

    I don't know where she's picking it up, but I'm glad she is. I like her a lot myself. ;)

    I was just thinking about it yesterday! I had started to look at it a while ago, but got distracted. Shocking, I know.

  12. Oh gosh Christine! I am so grateful you can feel a bit of hope with healing and thank GOD for medical technology these days to get you back up and running (or wrestling) with the animals (and kids) soon!! :)

    LOVE that you had such a perfect end of school celebration with bonfires and games and parks and friends!! Just awesome!!!

    1. The health care system may be in disaster mode, but I am very grateful for the services they provide.

      I am, too. We don't get to do such things often enough.

  13. I'm glad your injury is getting better! School isn't out here yet - I can't wait!

    1. Me, too!
      The end of the school year is coming!

  14. Cool vid Christine.
    I can't really hone in on any one of your 10 TToT. They all are quite wonderful.
    Especially...4, 5, 6 and 10:)
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. I forgot to say that I thought of you when I put that video in. I guess we have some similar musical inclinations after all! :)

  15. Wow your peeps get out early. I wish it was like that here. Christopher has 3 more weeks. You definitely have lots to be thankful for - definitely for the advance in medical technology.

    1. Yes, but they start early, too. They'll be back in school by August 11.
      Ain't that the truth!

  16. Oh I love King's Island, my first (and only place) I rode a roller coaster backward! Now I can hardly stand when my kids rock the rocker I'm sitting in! :)
    Congratulations on the grades, that is amazing. Glad the injuries are healing, however long that takes, those are both pretty serious injuries. Glad to hear you're semi-mobile, don't push it farther than is safe, but at least getting around is a great sign.
    Summer is a vacation for parents, from HOMEWORK! It was always tough on me with my son, and probably him too ;)

    1. I have only been to King's Island one time. We grew up in northern Ohio, so Cedar Point was the park we went to every year. We go to at least one amusement park each year. Buttercup and I especially love them.

      I'm looking forward to the therapy appointment. There are 2 different kinds of pain. 1 good, 1 bad. I want to know what kind I'm feeling.

      Yay for the end of homework! Most of my kids are independent, so I don't know what they have for homework. The oldest, though, needs to be reminded to do his. The kindergartener hasn't been trained very well, and we both forget to check it each night. (Someone tell his parents to get him in line like his siblings!)

  17. Congrats to Buttercup that all sounds so wonderful! I'm so glad your son is doing well. Reading that last time nearly made me gasp! I am so glad to hear you are starting to come along too. I didn't really know what happened but I see now that it was your knee. A trip to England? That sounds splendid! I've been only to the airport once when I was passing through to get to Spain. Great list this week! Grandmas are pretty funny :)

    1. Thank you! I'm getting very excited and nervous all at the same time when I think about our trip.

  18. I have to tell you, that is the way to start summer vacation! It sounds like everyone had a ton of fun. Congrats to Buttercup! Outstanding work and I'm sure you are proud of her. The idea that the other students voted for her for the other award says quite a bit about her character. Good for her and I'm glad she got a chance to ride those roller coasters :)
    I'm glad your making progress with your knee and that you are still able to drive. I don't even want to think about the stress involved if you couldn't! I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back from England. I'm almost as excited as you are!
    I love the thankful about your grandmother. All of my grandparents are gone now so it's nice to know you have your Grandma and she makes you laugh :)

    1. Everyone had a blast. You know it was good when everyone is still exhausted and having to take a nap the next day.
      I am proud of her, especially after the difficulties she had last year. She turned the ship around and is better than ever.
      Oh, if I couldn't drive, we'd be sunk.
      She is the only grandparent left, and I am grateful to have her every day.

  19. I've recently started a book club and I LOVE it! I'd love to know a bit more about yours. I grew up going to Kings Island with our church youth group. Here's hoping you continue to recover.

    1. I have only been to Kings Island once. We grew up in northern Ohio, so Cedar Point was our park of choice.

      I love my book club. It started when one person I hardly knew sent out an email asking if anyone wanted to start a book club with her. Eight of us responded, and we've been together for 7 or 8 years now. We have even taken "girls weekend" trips together. They are a group of ladies I probably never would have been friends with, yet because of book club, they are absolutely dear to me.
      So, how did you start yours? Are there any rules? Certain kinds of books? who chooses them?

  20. You have some awesome things going on! Congrats to Buttercup - she makes me think about my 8th grade graduation. I think you're absolutely right about the 4.0 GPA thing: it's a tale of work ethic for sure. Congrats to her on her awards, too.
    So good to stop by! Thank you for stopping at my blog last week: I was slow to respond. End of the year for a teacher is crazy. Nuts. But...though I'll still be working this summer, I'm looking forward to writing more. :)

    1. I do! I will pass the congrats on to her. Thank you!
      I used to teach 5th grade, so I know how crazy the end of year is. Good luck getting through to the end with your sanity intact! :)

  21. Lets hear it for healing!
    Are you telling me that your kids still have your grandma???? AND their's too? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. All the great-grandparents were gone before my kids were born. And the grandparents had all died too by the time my kids were all through high school. What I wouldn't give for them to know their "ancestors" first hand.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!