
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Have No Fear. There Are Plenty of Kind, Generous People in This World, TToT Week #48

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run the race before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.
Hebrews 12:1-2
(Thanks Sarah for cluing me in to this passage of scripture.)

I tell you what, if you are ever feeling lonely, just start hobbling around with some crutches.  You will get more attention than you ever dreamed.

When the knee injury was new and people asked what had happened, I'd give them the full story.  300 people later, it's the short and sweet, "I tore my ACL playing soccer with the kids."  I do appreciate the concern, but wow.  I have contemplated simply wearing a sign.

With all of the questions, though, has come kindness beyond anything I could have expected.  I am so grateful for the people who have gone out of their way to make my life easier.  I have one gigantic "cloud of witnesses" helping me "run the race before" me.

Kris tracked down some backpack-style purses for me, so I can get rid of the drawstring, ugly red backpack I am currently using.  She knows what kind of purse a mom would need, so it only took me a few minutes to pick one.

I had to go to the high school for a meeting, and none of my kids were with me.  As I hobbled up the ramp to the doors, a teen boy I had never seen before stopped the game he was playing and came running to open the door for me.  Two more teens asked if I needed help as I made my way downstairs.

One friend works across the street from the high school picked Phoenix up for me.  When she dropped him off to me, she also dropped off a yummy dinner.

Another friend made french toast casserole for us.  Cuckoo was extra excited about it.  After he ate a few bites, he asked, "Are we having dessert for dinner?  I like this!"

A friend has been taking our eggs to sell at the hospital where she works.  In one week, she's taken 20 dozen eggs off our hands.  We can actually fit all of the delicious meals people have made for us in the fridge.

On Tuesday (during school hours), Giant's class put on a mini-musical.  When it was over, we parents were unhappy to see that it was pouring down rain.  As in torrential downpour.  Everyone was waiting under the roof, hoping the rain would stop.  A friend of mine grabbed my keys and went to pull my van up for me.  He even stuck around to make sure the little boys, my crutches, and I got in safely.  He was absolutely drenched by the time I pulled away.

Three people have been so kind to take three of my kids to many soccer games this week.  The games have all been away games, which is just too far for me to drive with a bum knee.  Plus, the games are at 6 or 6:30, so Bryan can't get home in time to drive them, either.  I don't know what we would have done without these helpful folks.

Cuckoo was whisked away by his godmother for the entire weekend this weekend.  The poor kid hasn't been able to do many fun things, thanks to me not being able to walk.  He will get to have some fun and attention and I will get to go to the myriad games without having to worry about keeping him happy.

While at one of those games, it started to sprinkle, with a threat of serious rain.  One of the dads grabbed my keys and walked back to the van to get my umbrella for me.

Every day, Buttercup has been johnny on the spot when I need her to help with the little boys.  While I sit on the couch, she's gotten them ready for bed, dished out their dinner, and gotten them ready to leave the house. She has also run into the store for desperately needed groceries.  Plus, she has asked if I needed any help over and over again.

Despite having 2 away games this week, Giant has been extra helpful, too.  He's done more than his fair share of laundry, he's given the little boys a shower, he's cleaned, and he's stayed organized, making sure that he has everything he needs for all of his many activities this week.  (Costume for the musical, bike and helmet for Tour de France, uniforms for games, projects for school).  He has also asked me several times if I need anything.

Star has been the biggest surprise.  He's not one who likes to do work around the house, yet he's been helpful, too.  He made pancakes for everyone for breakfast (and put the leftovers away) and emptied the dishwasher several times without being asked.  Every time we come in the house, he waits patiently for me at the door in order to hold it open for me.  Every time I come downstairs, he hears me and comes running to carry my crutches and anything else I might be trying to carry on my lap.  He hasn't huffed a single huff, not matter how many times I ask him to run upstairs/to the kitchen/downstairs to get or do something for me.

I will mention that the other three boys have also been very good at helping me whenever I ask, no matter what I ask.  They even seem happy to help.  Not once have I had to ask them to hold the door open for me.  Even little Cuckoo and one-armed Turken will strain to haul open a heavy door and hold it for me without being asked.

Bryan has had to do all sorts of extra chores since I've been down.  He now has to take care of the animals before work, iron his own clothes each night, and do as many chores as possible in his limited time at home. Not a bit of complaining out of him.

To pay my family back for all of their hard work and helpfulness, I hired someone to come clean the house.  There is no way they can keep up with all that needs done around here, and there is no way I can sit in a filthy house without getting anxious and annoyed.  I am so thankful that we can afford to have this done.

Alrighty, then.  It's your turn.  What helpful things have been done for you this week?

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. I can only echo what Lizzi has said. The helpfulness and community spirit just radiates from your post, what lovely people you have around you.

    Shame I don't live near you, I could have cleaned your house for you - it's what I do! :)

    1. I didn't know you cleaned houses! A darn shame I can't hire you.

    2. I do offices too, which I much prefer, but house cleaning is good if I get the right sort of client - which I'm sure YOU would be :)

  2. This is how the world should be! Not the injury part, but the cheerfully helping part. You do SO MUCH for everyone, and now you are in a position to accept help, and help just comes flooding in.

    1. And I am accepting all the help they are offering. I learned long ago to just let people help. They want to, and it makes my family's life so much easier.

  3. You are loved, yes you are. You have much to be thankful for indeed. It's amazing when things happen how many come to the rescue. Yes, you are loved.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Aww, so glad everyone has been indeed helping you out and can't even imagine though how frustrating it must be. I was on bed rest for one of my pregnancies and remember being at the mercy of others for help with Emma during this time and it was truly a pain to me. So, to that extent I feel your pain on some level. Wishing you a better, easier week ahead now.

    1. I would have not done well on bed rest. The only thing keeping me from getting up and doing things is the thought of not going to England. I will be good!
      Thank you!

  5. Gosh, this list was positively unending! I got chills! How wonderful your cloud is! And take credit because you know what's coming in is what you've given out! So glad that verse was meaningful. My post has sparked a conversation amongst my aunts and uncles as to what mental picture comes to mind with the phrase "cloud of witnesses." I do love my family.

    1. And I could add to it today. People offering to help every time I turn around. Literally. I turned around at the soccer field, and someone had already picked up my chair to carry to the car. :)

      Are you going to tell us what they came up with for their clouds?

  6. I think I'm going to find myself a pair of crutches...
    Seriously, that's awesome that so many people are going out of their way to help you! I hope you are on the mend quickly.

    1. Ha! It's unbelievable the number of people offering help and prayers and well wishes.

  7. so…how are you doing with the crutch tricks? (I was on crutches for a while back in the 90's I seem to recall, after the primary skills set is acquired, there are a few tricks to keep everyone on their toes. I had the start of the walking (on crutches without letting either foot hit the ground going…things like that.)
    Good to hear about everyone 'stepping up', but forgive my effrontery for saying, "I'm not surprised" In the weird ways of the 'sphere, we get to know stuff about each other's lives (and the people in them), and your family unit is made up of good people (even if they are kid-based people)… still cool to hear about.

    1. I am doing everything in my power to not injure my other leg, so no, I'm not doing any tricks. :)

      They are good people, and they are proving it over and over again this week.

  8. So nice that you have this wonderful warm village surrounding you, and that your kids are so happy to help, too. I was also on bed rest for 6 weeks during my pregnancy and it really makes you appreciate every visit and meal dropped off. Speedy recovery (and I'm thinking you can come up with something funny to put on a sign...although that would probably not stop the attention).

    1. You speak the truth. When stuck on the couch unable to do much of anything, I so appreciate the people checking in on me.

      I have thought about a sign. I'm afraid I will get tangled in it and hurt myself even more. :)

  9. You ARE surrounded by kind people and beautiful children.
    I am praying for speedy recovery.

  10. Awesome...I'm not surprised though you have always written wonderful things about your family, friends and community. It's wonderful they are helping out. BTW please stop carrying things while going down the stairs...LOL! Have a good week ...take care!

    1. Ha! I have tried putting things in a bag and dragging them down the stairs. It works better than on my lap, but it still isn't a great system. I'm going to have to just give it up, I'm afraid.

      Thank you!

  11. This is amazing! Christine, you are so blessed to have so many great people around you, in your family and in your community, to lend a hand. I think this post alone can keep my faith in humanity restored for quite some time. That said, I hope you are mending well and are off those crutches soon. I guess your soccer and pig wrangling days are going to be on hold for a while :)

    1. I am blessed abundantly. I'm glad it's helping you keep faith in people. :)

      Soccer days are over for a good long time. I'm praying the pigs behave and stay healthy. We'd be in serious trouble otherwise.

  12. Wow, Christine! Your family and friends / acquaintances are amazing! I am so thankful that you are receiving this outpour of support. My mom actually called me today and offered to come and clean both the windows of the new house AND the apartment as she doesn't want me to move around like that any more. She's so sweet, even though I'll never allow her to do all that for me, especially since I don't feel sick or anything. But I'll totally ask her to help Richard install the light fixtures :-)

    1. Aw, how nice of your mom to offer to do such a big job! Yeah, let her do the lights. :)

  13. It's a shame you had to get hurt to see that your family can spring into action when called upon! It's very sweet how attentive they are to you. If I were you, though, I would let that ironing thing just stay the job of your husband after you are healed....

    1. Ha! There were signs they would step up like this. Mostly when I was pregnant with the little boys. I'm not completely surprised, but quite happy to be proven right. :)

      I can't. He's horrible at ironing. I usually do it while he washes the dinner dishes.

  14. I couldn't ask for a better church/school/soccer family. They are awesome.

    So far, so good with the kids. Crossing my fingers it stays that way.

  15. How lovely that everyone is being so nice to you, though what a shame you are injured. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  16. I love your IRL friends and family! Seriously, I'm so happy for you because injuries end up being so much harder than you'd think. Like all of the stuff that's obviously hard is obvious but people tend to to forget about things like simple acts such as sitting on the toilet being harder! Hope you're hanging in there alright.
    Also, I found that one of the largest disappointments in my life was that crutches aren't actually fun. They LOOK like they'd be a blast but they're huffy and puffy and awkward and hurt your armpits. Here's to everybody staying so helpful during your entire injury!

    1. So do I! :)
      You are right, sitting on the toilet is a lot harder. While I really don't want anyone to help me with that task, I appreciate that they are helping me with the other things so I can focus on tasks like sitting on the toilet.
      They are far from fun. My wrists are killing me.

  17. There is nothing like knowing you are loved and cared for by the community of people around you. I think on some level even when we know this, we don't think about it. But when life gets tough and those people dig right in to help, it is overwhelming and wonderful.
    I'm with Kristi - crutches look like way more fun than they actually are. And nobody has time for a stupid knee injury. Honestly. Hope you heal well and fast!

    1. It really is overwhelming. So many people are jumping in and helping us. Things are so much easier thanks to them.

      Knee injuries are stupid.



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