
Monday, September 9, 2013

A Few Funnies FMonday,

because every blogger knows a title is better with a little alliteration.


You all remember the awesome fence we built for our dear chickens.

Sunday morning I went out to give them a fruity frozen treat I made a couple of months ago.  Rounding the corner, I found three chickens running around outside of the fence.

Did you catch that?

The chickens managed to get out of our redneck, impenetrable fence!!

Normally, I would just chalk this up as another pain in my rear to take care of, but this time I had a horrible thought.

I have always, always told you chickens aren't the brightest bulbs in the light factory.  Hands down, they are the dumbest animals on the planet. 

And yet, they have managed to outsmart us and our fence.

What, exactly, does that say about us?!?!?!

Nothing good, I'll tell you that much.


We do these thankful posts each weekend, and some people say they have difficulty writing them.   I realized this morning that I will never have this problem.  I walk by an outhouse every single morning on my way to the chickens.  Every single morning I say a little prayer.  "Thank you, God, for creating a man smart enough to invent indoor plumbing."

I talk big about paring down and going back to old ways.  Let's be clear.  I don't mean I want to go back that far.

I always have that list of modern conveniences in my back pocket in case I ever have a really, really bad week and am in need of some things of thankful.

You know those expressions posters hospitals and schools put up to help people describe their pain or emotions?

Well, seems Turken feels our family needs one to rate our anger.  He drew these yesterday...

Sorry about the odd shapes.  Our scanner isn't the best.

Super happy.  Notice the large eyes and big smile.

Smaller eyes, kind of a smirk. 

Little eyes, flat mouth.  Clearly not happy.

Itty bitty eyes, large, red mouth.  Full-on angry.

"But what are those things on the noses?" you ask.

Those would be nostrils.  Apparently, as you get angrier, your nostrils get bigger, until they are so big they hang all the way down to your lips.

Lastly, remember that dog brush I couldn't find and even put a reward up for its return?  Yeah, I ended up having to buy a new one, as Roy had gotten into some burs.  I spent about 40 minutes brushing out enough hair to make wigs for a few hairless cats. (Kristi???)  Almost 48 hours later, to the minute, Buttercup came running into the house yelling, "Look what I found!!  It was on a shelf in the garage!!!"
Yup.  The old dog brush.
So, when I come to you all and ask where I put the dog brush, please, please remember this day.  Remember that I told you the dog's brush is on the shelf above Buttercup's cubby in the mud room.

You will be my best friend.  (Crossing my fingers it's you, Kris, and we get to stay BFFs.)


Anything funny or "funny" happen at your house recently??

Have a lovely day!


  1. You actually made frozen fruity treats for your chickens???? Hah, now I have absolutely no guilt after eating all those chicken wings this weekend. Those suckers are treated like royalty.

    1. Yes, my chickens are spoiled. I made frozen "pies" out of overripe fruit back before the chickens were old enough to eat it. Don't feel guilty about the wings.

  2. Oh, I'm going be chuckling about matching kitty hairpieces all day long. I'm not sure which is funnier, the mental image of Leela wearing a wig while Phillip sports a toupee, or the thought of you actually constructing the little fashion items. I'd really love to see a tutorial!

    1. Hahahahaha!! I'll get right on it for you.

      (No, I won't.)

      I'm glad you found it amusing. :)

  3. Your son's nostril observation is very impressive1 As is your chickens' intelligence or wiles. I like that you have a back-up list for the Thank-you hop that's a list of modern conveniences - I do too! One weekend we should post them and compare.

    1. Isn't it, though? I don't know how we got such super-smart chickens. :)

      We most certainly should. Let me know the day you will be using it!

  4. Oh yippee skippee! I put it in the notes section of your contact listing in if I can just remember that I put it there. I hope, I hope I have the opportunity to use this information at a later date...I have to remain the BFF! But I'm guessing you're hoping I don't have to use said information...not anything personal but simply because you want to remember ir yourself. :)

    LOVE the pictures by Turken...such a funny kiddo. Is he basing the drawings on his father or his mother? LOL

    And I don't care what you guys are smarter than a bunch of chickens. :)

    1. Ha! Should have known you'd be all over that. :) I'm lucky to have you.

      He is basing the photos on his siblings, obviously. You don't see the resemblance?

      Thank you for the vote of confidence!

  5. Chicken Run! I saw a movie all about it. I'm pretty sure it was a documentary or something...

    1. Hahahahahahaha!!! How did I not think of that?!?!?!?

  6. I say I want simpler things too, but don't take away my toilet, soft toilet paper or my air conditioning... we both know how that went this week.
    And be glad that only the nostrils grow when angry, that could be a tragic picture.
    Did you ever find the chicken hole? Even if you never do, I am sure they cannot perform the same trick 2 times in a row

    1. I will never, ever suggest someone prank you by turning off the a/c, that is for sure.

      Ha! What exactly are you thinking?

      Um, since they managed to get on the outside of both the east and west sides of the pen, and there is no way to go from one area to the other, we're assuming they flew out. It will happen again unless we figure something out. They aren't full grown yet, so it won't get better. Very unfortunate.

  7. Chickens are indeed not very bright. As for your fence? I think I'll just not comment at all. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Oh wait I just commented about your fence.

    I too am most thankful for indoor plumbing. Especially at night. I'm just saying.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

    1. Aren't you just hilarious. :)

      I couldn't agree more.

  8. I'm still laughing about them. And looking in the mirror a lot. :)

    Ha! Either that or stretch some pajama pants across. :)

  9. I remember those fruit pies!!! Love Turken's pictures...especially the nostrils! :D

    1. Surprisingly, I do, too. It's shocking, really, that I remembered to get them out of the freezer. :)

      Those pictures make me laugh all day long.

  10. I thought those to big things were snots hanging from the nose cause usually when I get angry I start to cry, then blubber and I cry and my nose runs so that picture made PERFECT sense to me!

    Here chicky-chicky. Does that work? Maybe you have to do the chicken dance!

    1. Ha! I get so annoyed with myself when I get that angry and start blubbering. I totally get what you're saying!

      Here chicky-chicky doesn't work nearly as well as Here Piggy, Piggy. :)

  11. "...Hands down, they are the dumbest animals on the planet."

    ...dumb as a fox! ( I was going to say...dumb as a hair brush but as tempting as the joke was, it didn't make sense to me...and that's saying something there!)

    I get the nostril thing completely... the flaring in the angry face totally.

    I sometimes think about life in Colonial times... no thank you! (The huge not-so-fun-factor of life in those days) came home in an odd way a few weeks ago. We were watching a movie, Season of the Witch, I believe it was, kinda dumb but we like Nicholas Cage. Anyway the file is set in the Dark Ages... right after the Crusades, and as part of the plot the characters had to travel to a monastery... 2 days travel by horseback and wagon. Well, the movie was a little slow at this point, so we did some calculating...average walking speed and carriage in a rutted road... and decided that it was about 15 miles. and then we figured which town in our area it was the equivalent distance to...and started laughing. (About a 10 minute drive).

    So no thank you on the good old days.

    1. Ha! It would be as dumb as the woman who keeps losing the hair brush. Thanks a lot.

      I love it when your inner nerd shows. You calculated the distance. Awesome.

      Although, if we could only travel a few miles, I certainly wouldn't have to drive to so many soccer games!

    2. plus the balls would be like cow bladders or something and the field would be lousy with paddocks (or is that hammocks) or whatever the cool term for lumps in fields... kinda lost the momentum on this joke, so I best stop.

  12. Hahahahaha!!! If he ever does that...Shoot, I'm practically wetting myself just thinking about it.

  13. You mentioned your chickens running outside your fence... and I immediately thought of the chicken I almost ran over. One of our neighbors just lets them roam free and as we were driving through it couldn't decide if it wanted to cross the road. I couldn't help but think of that silly joke "why didn't the chicken cross the road?" And you know, I have no idea. But thankfully that day he didn't, because I would have squashed him! eek!

    1. Hahaha!! We've seen plenty of people who let their chickens roam free, right up next to the road. I always wondered if any ever got run over. From your story, I'm going to guess that yes, yes they do.
      Ours would have to walk a third of a mile before even getting to a road, so at least we don't have that danger.

  14. Obviously, the pigs showed the chickens the way out.

  15. Haha "Apparently, as you get angrier, your nostrils get bigger, until they are so big they hang all the way down to your lips." Hahahaha!! I just can't stop laughing at that...

    Good luck with your chickens - I hope you get them corralled soon! Also, if you think a chicken is dumb, don't get close to a goose. They are about 10x as stupid and poop about 50x more. Lol!

    1. Me either. :)

      I will keep that in mind. NO GEESE!

  16. Nostrils! You have to love how they view things.
    We have a dumb dog that outsmarts us pretty regularly, so I'm humbled by that all the time.
    Funny here? The range of questions my kids ask, "What would happen if you were in the Olympics and got caught taking steroids?" SO RANDOM and EXHAUSTING.

    1. Things that never cross my mind just come flowing out of them.

      Oh, my. Those questions are exhausting, mostly because they never stop with one. If you answer it, there is ALWAYS a list of follow-up questions my brain just doesn't have the capacity to think through.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!