
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Don't Pin This

Speaking of castration...

(If you are confused, read yesterday's post.)

I work in a preschool class one day per week.  I don't have to do any planning.  I simply show up and do as I'm told.

The teacher in my room was telling me about a craft she had started with the kids and we were going to finish yesterday.

Basically, each of the kids cut out previously-traced leaves, then the teacher wrote what each child was thankful for.  Yesterday, we were making faces and adding arms and legs to the leaves.

The teacher then held up an example.

I simply laughed and said, "Did you mean to make them all boys?"

Perhaps it was because I have boys.

Maybe it was because I had a certain something on the brain from yesterday's post.

Or I'm just immature.

Regardless, with each one we finished, I laughed harder and harder.  Which made the teacher laugh harder and harder.

Honestly though, wouldn't you?

The teacher's plan was to hang these leaf people on the wall next to some turkeys the kids had made, but no way were we going to be able to put these up.
"Have no fear!" I cried.
"I know how to fix this!"
Pun totally intended.
Have a lovely day!


  1. Thank you for the laugh! That is fantastic! I love you even more than I did before!

  2. Replies
    1. Was your hand on your chest while you guffawed?

  3. TOTALLY something I would do!!! Love it!! :)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose brain would go there!

  4. And now your son can write a perplexing sentence with his newly-learned spelling word.

    1. Exactly! All I do is for the betterment of the kids :)

  5. Looks like the leaves were a bit excited too!!! Must have been that gust of wind.

    1. You went there, so I now have to. It wasn't the wind but the glue stick.

  6. Thanks for the chuckle!

  7. OH MY GOD! LOL Thanks for the laugh! I feel kinda sorry for the leaf with the little tiny red one in the scissor picture... I hope the other leaves didn't make fun of him...

    1. That is so stinking funny that you pointed out the little red one. I hate it when I snort when I laugh. That was the first that I cut, and then I scrunched it up.

  8. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

    1. I am not kidding when I say that I cringed a little with every snip. Sure, the leaves couldnt' feel anything, but their faces were so happy, not knowing what was about to happen to them.

  9. Replies
    1. I laughed all over again today when I walked by the leaves to drop Turken off at school.

  10. thats hilarious i just started following your blog feel free to check out mine

  11. I do enough explaining about the birds and bees with my own children. Certainly don't want to start with preschoolers! Although, when I taught fifth grade, I did have to explain things to them, while pregnant no less.

  12. Too funny! The kids probably won't have noticed. Then again....

    1. I doubt the kids would have, but I'm sure more than one parent would have noticed while waiting for us to open the door to release the kids.

  13. OMG I didn't know what to expect but that was truly hilarious! :D

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who has such an immature sense of humor.

  14. Oh man, love this. I totally would've started laughing, too. Not because I have boys...just because I'm immature. :-)

    1. It is so fun to be immature sometimes. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I'm glad there are other people in the world who notice things like leaves with male parts.

  16. I was giggling before I even got to the picture as I knew what was coming! Poor little boy leaves having their 'bits' cut off, I hope it didn't hurt them too much! lol


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