
Friday, November 16, 2012

7 Quick Takes

1.  Completely unprompted and out of the blue, Turken said, "Mom, you aren't old enough to be turning 41.  I think you are only 28 and will be 29 on your birthday." 

And now Turken is my favorite.

2.  The next day the same child drew this.

At first I thought he drew a picture of me with my brains actually swirling out of my head in one of my mommy meltdowns. 

Thankfully he explained.

 "I drew a picture of you getting a haircut.  You're sitting in the chair.  See, I even drew your curly hair!"

To make the moment a little more special, Cuckoo just happened to be singing One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful".  Except he used poetic license and sang, "I don't know you're beautiful." 

I hope a Great Clips coupon enters my mailbox soon.  I do believe I am in need of a trim.

3.  My husband oozes romance.  When I went to bed last night, I found this on my pillow.

4.  On Sunday, we went to 5:00 pm Mass in short sleeves.  The next morning, we had a blizzard.

OK, so it wasn't a blizzard.  It was a very strong flurry, though, that lasted a good hour.  This guy pretty well sums up my feelings on the snow.

5.  I thought a hand-held steamer was my house-cleaning BFF.  It does a bang up job cleaning the shower tile and that nasty area around the toilets.  Well, move over bacon, now there's something leaner.  And by leaner, I mean even better at cleaning.  And by better, I mean it cleans while I play with the kids.  Or blog.  Or do anything I darn well please.

People, vinegar is the bomb.  And I'm obsessed.  I knew of some of it's capabilities, but I've discovered more.  Just look:

The faucet in the kids bathroom.  Nasty green scum, no?

Tie a bag of vinegar and water to it...

and leave it be for untold hours.  Really, until you go in the bathroom and say, "Oh, yeah.  I forgot I was cleaning the faucet."  Voila!

While I was tying the bag onto the faucet, some spilled onto the paper towel I had on the counter.  I left it, just to see.  Wouldn't you know, the stains in the granite were gone!  So, I tried it on the granite around the shower.

Now get your jaw up off the ground and get that vinegar out of the cupboard.

6.  Before you start thinking I am the smartest person you know, I must tell you that in all actuality, I am a moron.  Not knowing that I am a tactile learner, the painter (yes, paint in my new kitchen!) came to show me a sample of an option for the texture for the ceiling.

7.   I love unexpected funny moments.  I got one yesterday in the dentist's chair of all places.  After almost two hours in the chair for a crown on my wisdom tooth, Cuckoo got tired of occupying himself and got on my lap.  Yes, I was upside-down, the dentist and his assistant had at least four instruments in my mouth, I was given instructions to be completely still for three minutes while the mold set, and my three-year old chose that moment to get on my lap.
The funny moment came when he tried to get a better look at the goings-on.  He leaned forward, and for 15 minutes I got to look at this:

Did I mention he was bracing himself on my boobs the whole time?

With that visual, I leave you with

Have a lovely day!


  1. OK, that was funny! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for being the other adult in the universe that has wisdom teeth and is even getting dental care for them instead of just yanking them out!

    1. I am shocked by the number of people asking me why I didn't just get the tooth pulled. What makes the wisdom tooth any less valuable than a molar?? I had four adult teeth pulled when I was in 4th grade to prepare for braces. No need to go through that again.

  2. I am so going to use that vinegar trick. Oh, I told my kids I was 29 for many, many years. After my oldest turned 15, I figured that he could do the math and I didn't want to be known as the "Teen Mom" anymore. LOL

    1. Ha! I guess the 29 years old thing would eventually become something frowned upon. I don't know what made him choose 29. I have never mentioned that age before.

  3. Yay, I did a little dance when I saw #3. My husband got that napkin ring at First Watch and gave it to me almost immediately. Two or three years later, it's still on our fridge. I want to make a big copy of it and frame it and hang it on our bedroom wall. I guess I'm weird, but as much as my husband loves bacon, I found it romantic.

    1. You should totally frame it! Even if you don't make a big copy, put the original in a huge frame. I had never heard of the place before, but now I feel I must go.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Funny you should mention the chippy. When the kids got home from school, they asked, "What is that smell?" It only hung around for a day. I just do all the vinegar cleaning on the same day. And I'm obviously not the best housekeeper, so it doesn't happen all that often.

  5. That cracks me up--and brilliant way to clean with the ol' vinegar! I use gallons of that magical stuff.

  6. He loves you more than bacon? Wow, now that's true devotion.

    1. Nothing says "love" more than bacon. Expecially for a fake pig farmer.

  7. I need to try #3 with my wife. Do you need to specify real bacon vs. turkey bacon to make an even bigger impression? :-)

    1. Not when you're fake pig farmers! He's only eaten bacon from our pigs for years, so I know it is true love!
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Wow! That was a lot of exclamation points!

  8. LOL to the bracing!!! As for vinegar my husband bought those Who Knew books that tells you fifty million uses for vinegar. I can retain what I've learned here so much better than flipping through those book, thanks!

    1. I've been given a couple of those books, too. I haven't cracked them open. Happy cleaning!


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