
Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Mighty Quick Ten Things of Thankful, Week 148


The weather this week has been perfection!

No way I can stay in the house and write when such beauty awaits outside, so just a short, quick list this week.

1. Bryan got the appropriate early plants planted in the garden. 

2. Asparagus is already starting to come up. While the kids would not put this on their thankful lists, Bryan and I do enjoy some asparagus with our dinner.

3. Buttercup and Giant had back-to-back home soccer games to make the schedule perfect.

4. I managed to get the glass from the fallen storm window cleaned up (think thousands of shards, none bigger than 3 inches square, but most being an inch or less) without slicing my finger or stabbing my butt by accidentally sitting on one.

5. Date night with Bryan. Dinner and a walk in a local park. 

6. Teens who are thoroughly enjoying high school.

7. A renewed interest in making dinner. I was in a quite a slump, hating that daily chore of coming up with something to make for the family. 

8. Leaves and blooms and pretty colors popping up everywhere.

9. Sunshine, sunshine, and more sunshine!

10. Temperature in the 70s 2 days in a row. On the weekend!!

Tell me, what have you been doing these days? What has made you smile this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. It's still a little chilly here in New Jersey, but the sun is shining. It's wonderful that you and Bryan take the time for a date night. Dinner and a walk in the park. Sounds simply lovely. (I'm guessing we need one soon). I love to cook and come up with new things. But the everyday "what should we have for dinner?" mundane, drives me nuts. Glad you've found some inspiration. I made a good Farro salad this week and my meat-and-potato husband really liked it. Got the recipe off the back of the package (It makes a lot)

    1. It is a rare day indeed that we get to go out alone. I'm quite surprised we managed it. :)
      I actually made a plan for dinners this week, which I haven't done in a long time. It does make planning and dinner prep so much easier. I need to keep doing it.
      It's great when a new dish is enjoyed by the family. I never manage to please everyone, but the meals that are enjoyed by at least half are considered a success. :)

  2. sounds like a great week - teens that love high school is awesome - my one will start in September hope he makes good choices.
    oh asparagus - on the dinner menu is a spring vegetable risotto I will be adding roasted asparagus. Date night so nice!!!

    have a wonderful week

    I need to figure out how to make a Hera costume -

    1. It is scary to have kids in high school, with so many more options for both good and bad choices. Thankfully, there are way more opportunities to make good choices.
      Sounds yummy!
      I saw the costume on FB (I think. Is that what I saw??) It looked great!

  3. It's been beautiful here too. I want to be outside when the weather is nice too.

    I had asparagus last night for dinner. One of my favorite veggies.

    Glad you had a great date night. We have those too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. It seems like such a waste to spend a pretty day inside. There are only so many of them in a lifetime!

      I can't wait for it to get big enough to pick and eat!

      I have no doubt you two have some lovely date nights. :)

  4. I wondered where you've been all week, now I know - you've been outside enjoying the lovely weather and i don't blame you :)

    Your date night with Bryan sounds simple but lovely - sometimes the simplest things are the best :)

    My thankfuls this week? - That the Toyota breakers had a van in exactly like mine AND the exact same colour so I was able to get a new door to replace the existing one which couldn't be straightened out after my Easter mishap. Also that the company which supplied the original graphics for my van almost eight years ago still have the same design and can supply me with two new ones at exactly the same cost as before, so I guess I'm a happy bunny this week :)

    1. I have! I miss catching up with all of you, but...the sunshine calls!

      Those simple dates are quite nice. Adventure is fun, but sometimes simple is just what we need.

      How lucky are you?!?! So glad it all worked out for you and the van!

  5. That's my biggest issue with keeping up on blogging - this beautiful weather! I'm happy it's made it's way to you. What a great list. It made me smile to read it. Here's to more thankful moments ahead. :)

    1. It most certainly has! This week has been just as marvelous. I'm feeling mighty spoiled. :)

      Here's to lots of thankfuls! (I haven't read them all, but I see you're still keeping up with A-Z. You go girl!)

  6. our weather has been wonderful too...that's why I'm adding on so late! Couldn't miss out on it!
    It's too early yet for any sort of planting so it's all about yard pick up. and dog poop pick up -- eeeks!!!

    1. Glad you are getting some great weather up in the great white north, too. :)

      Oh the dog poo pick up. It's the worst. Especially with two giant dogs who have 2 acres to roam.

  7. This was the most perfect weekend, weather wise.
    That date night sounds like a rather pleasant way to spend an evening.
    Love that partiuclar vegetable, but I can relate on that nightly dinner thing, and I'm only cooking for myself.
    Love spring sunshine. Not so much tiny shards of glass. At least the big chunks are easy to clean up and hope you weren't cut much if at all.

    1. Those perfect weather weekends are few and far between. Gotta take full advantage of them!
      It was a lovely night.

      I don't think it matters how many we're cooking for. It's not the cooking but the planning that is the sticking point.
      I wasn't cut at all, thank goodness!

  8. We've had beautiful weather during the days, nights still pretty cool with frost warnings of all things. But yes, definitely beautiful. The distinct down side to that is that the pollen is terrible and my allergies are in full blown misery, so I am the bah humbugger of spring.
    Date night is sweet and feeling interested in making dinner also - I love cooking but definitely get into slumps.
    Have a great week - enjoy the outdoors for me!

    1. We had a few frost warnings last week, but the afternoons were delightful. The kinds of days when you have to dress in layers to be prepared for all temps in one day. :)
      Sorry you can't fully enjoy the weather. Allergies bite.
      I like cooking, but not planning. Perhaps if everyone liked everything it would be a bit easier.
      I'm doing my best. :)

  9. Teens enjoying school?!? Are you sure they haven't been abducted by aliens? Haha, that's wonderful that they enjoy school! I do not look back on it fondly myself, at least not until college. I never liked asparagus as a kid but I love it now, if only I could grow something without killing it first ;)

    1. Ha! Well, they don't enjoy ALL their classes. :) They are enjoying the experience in general. I loved high school, but it might have something to do with the fact I met my now-husband when I was only a sophomore. We had a great time.

      You could probably handle asparagus. We planted it four years ago and haven't touched it since. Never weeded the area or anything. Three years later (just as we were told would happen), asparagus aplenty!

  10. Ohhhh how I LOVE your #9 and #10! Sunshine and warmth is just SO altering for the better - everything is just made much more manageable by the presence of the sun. So lovely that you had a perfect week. And why do the kids not like asparagus? I know different people have different tastes, but asparagus is DELICIOUS!

    Here's to your meals and un-choreing the cooking of them :)

    1. It's amazing how much the weather can affect one's mood, isn't it?

      Kids are baffling. They make no daggum sense when it comes to tastes.


  11. Great list! And guess what, I know exactly what you're talking about because I was in your 'hood this weekend! So my thankfuls this week are for an absolutely beautiful and awesome niece and nephew, and a chance to spend a little time with them and be there for their baptisms. And great weather in which to do all of that. ;)

    1. WHAT?!?!?!?! YOU WERE IN INDIANA?!?!?! Where? Indianapolis? Which church?
      Even if I didn't get to see you...I'm glad you were able to make it for the big day of baptisms. I'm glad the weather was so awesome for you.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!