
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I'm Home with a Semi-sick Kid, So I Can Hodgepodge!

1. What are two or three expectations you have of yourself?

Well, this is a tough one right off the bat.  :)

I expect to put my family first when it comes to choosing how to spend my time and energy.

I expect to always treat people with kindness, regardless of the situation.

I expect to not just wait for opportunities to fall in my lap, but to search out ways to help and to serve others.

2. In what ways does your outdoor space need sprucing up this spring?

On a 150 year old farm, there are always, ALWAYS, things that need sprucing up. Trees that need taken down, barns that need repairs, animal areas cleaned up. We tried to get some landscaping done last year, but the dogs destroyed quite a bit of it. We'll see what comes up and what we can do to improve it. One thing that does not need done? House painting. Got that done already, so check it off the list!

3.  According to this site (Roadtrippers), six of North America's most wondrous waterfalls are-Webster's Falls in OntarioUpper Whitewater Falls in North Carolina,Havasu Falls in the Grand CanyonMultnomah Falls in Oregon, The Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Niagara. Have you seen any on the list? Which one on the list would you most like to visit? Prettiest waterfall not on the list that you've seen in person?

Of the list, I've only seen Niagara, but I've seen it several times.  I'd like to visit all of them.  As for ones not on the list that I've far as I'm concerned, all waterfalls are beautiful. I find them to be mesmerizing. 

From last year's spring break trip, on the side of the road somewhere in Tennessee

poor quality photo of a poster-sized photo, taken on our 10 year anniversary trip somewhere in Maine

4. Looking back, what's something you wish you'd done as a teenager?

I can't say that I would do anything. The things that made my teen years less than ideal weren't something I could change. I got involved, I jumped at the chance to try new things, I had fun, I met Bryan. I'm happy with the choices I made back then.

5. Ham...yes please or no thank you? If you said yes please which of the following do you like best-baked ham with all the trimmings, a ham and cheese sandwich, prosciutto with melon, a ham biscuit, a bowl of split pea and ham soup, or a slice of pizza topped with ham and pineapple?

We raise pigs, sooooo pretty sure you can guess YES PLEASE!!  My favorite ways to eat our ham is grilled ham steak (Ever had ham on the grill? Delicious!) and ham and bean soup (no split peas).

6. Are you typical of your generation?

I don't thing so. Bryan and I have never been typical of our generation, even when we were teenagers. That's all I have to say about that. ;)

7. April rolls in at the end of the week, and in keeping with that theme...'act the fool', nobody's fool', a fool's errand', 'could have fooled me'...which foolish idiom most recently applies to you? Explain.

I'm going to have to go with "act the fool". I've never really given two sticks about what people think of me, and that attitude, coupled with an impulsiveness I possess, has led me to do many silly, ridiculous things. If you've read this blog for any length of time, you've probably seen it. This past weekend was one instance where I totally acted the fool, but I can't expand on it. While I am all about making fun of myself, this instance includes another person who wouldn't appreciate my telling of the story.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

A little update on Star's tooth pain from the Easter weekend: Star will be getting a root canal on Friday. Four years ago, playing tag at recess, he tripped, face-planted, and his front tooth took the brunt of the fall, cracking it in half. The nerve inside is now dying. Until Friday, he is living on high doses of ibuprofen and at night, Tylenol with codeine.

Turken has had a fever since Monday afternoon. He has had no other symptoms of illness except a mild stomachache. He's still eating, and he's not vomiting or getting a rash or collapsing in exhaustion. Basically, he's just starting his spring break early, sitting around doing nothing all day. 

You can thank him and his desire for me to be sitting with him, if not necessarily holding him, for my ability to write this post AND the post that will publish tomorrow. (PJ's Photo Blogging Challenge. The theme is "three" if you want to join in.)

Have a lovely day!


  1. I expect to keep on laughing at myself, because if you find humor within you can enjoy life so much better. Waterfalls anywhere along the Appalachian mountains are gorgeous. And I prefer baked ham with green beans and taters like my Grandma and Mom used to make. Good luck with Star's root canal and I hope Turken feels better.

    1. I couldn't agree more! There is no reason to take ourselves so seriously. Life is way better when we learn to laugh at the ridiculous things we do.

      I have seen many parts of the Appalachian mountains, and all have been beautiful.

      I do enjoy a baked ham with the fixins. Au gratin potatoes are may favorite side with my ham.

      Thank you. Turken's fever is still hanging around. He couldn't be happier. :)

  2. I love your answers to these questions. You and I are much alike. Yes we are.

    I hope Star is feeling better soon. Poor thing.

    Have a fabulous hodgepodge day. ☺

    1. Thanks! As time goes on, I see that more and more. :)

      Thank you. The pain has gotten better, which probably means the nerve is about dead. I have mixed feelings about that.

  3. Visiting from the link up. Your children are beautiful. I love ham and bean soup and that is what I am doing with my Easter ham bone....but, right now it is in the freezer

  4. I'd love a waterfall vacation... and what is a typical generation- if anything you are both considered great examples - hope the kiddies feel better soon. Oh for me I'd love a ham and cheese hero with mayo, not though I'm trying to lose some weight....:)

    1. A waterfall vacation...great idea!

      Yes, the range of what is "typical" is wide. I think I fit in more with older generations, though. :)

      I do enjoy a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. You can keep the mayo.

  5. Waterfalls are awesome! I really want to see Havasu, and I have seen the Lower Yellowstone falls, but they're all pretty amazing. I love the one that you have from Maine! I'm ready to go hiking and find some more falls here in the Rockies. Those and mountain lakes will keep me hiking for miles.

    1. Ah, to be able to just drive a short distance and hike in the Rockies... color me jealous. Take and post lots of photos!

  6. I love your saying, "I've never really given two sticks about what people thought of me.." I love it and I'm stealing it and I'm going to use it every chance I get. Your waterfall pics are beautiful, even the blurry one, and I too will be praying for your children for comfort and healing. I like this lit'l hodgepodge post. I think I'll join in after the A to Z. :)

    1. From what I know about you, the saying fits you perfectly. :)

      Thank you! It is a nice link up to join. Many nice people are involved each week.

      Good luck with the A-Z. I decided not to do it this year, but I'll be cheering you all on!

  7. I pretty much agree with you on the waterfalls. They're all beautiful. Sorry for your son's dental woes. I hope all goes smoothly with the root canal and he's pain free by the weekend.

    1. They really are beautiful.

      While the root canal did not go smoothly, it is done and he's feeling much better today.

  8. I made ham and beans last week. And I like it fried. And grilled. And ham biscuits (which I had at my wedding reception). Just not with anything sweet on it. Bleh.
    Taughannock Falls outside Ithaca, NY, is my favorite. I hope to go back there again.

    1. I'm with ya. I'm not a fan of honey ham or brown sugar smeared all over it.

      Let's make a trip to go together! ;)

  9. I think it speaks to who you are now, that you are happy with who you were as a teenager, and you didn't feel pressured to conform to the norms of your generation. You seem to take to life with a natural ease and acceptance that is such an awesome example for your children. And I absolutely love people who aren't afraid to "let their hair down" and act silly when the moment presents itself, we make precious memories that way, that we'll all be laughing about for years to come! I hope both of your boys are soon feeling much better, tooth pain is no fun at all!
    Josie Two Shoes from Josie's Journal


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!