
Sunday, September 6, 2015

This Is Getting to Be Ridiculous, TToT 116

You may have noticed, but I'm just not in a blogging mood these days. I finally have plenty of time during the day to write if I so choose, but I'm choosing to do other things. I can't seem to get up the gumption to do much more than flip through Facebook every once in a while.

I have no doubt I'll get back to it one of these days. I even have a whole post talking about my theory as to why I'm choosing not to write. I also have a funny (depending on your sense of humor) one about Roy the Wonder Dog. They'll get written eventually.

For now, it seems the TToT is the only thing keeping me writing. After all these weeks, I can't not write a thankful post!

1. The three high school soccer players have not gotten sick from playing in the suffocating heat this week.

2. A friend had a fun impromptu glow-in-the-dark party this weekend, and the little boys had a blast. There was a scavenger hunt (in the dark with flashlights), lots of activities with glow sticks, and even a nighttime soccer game with a soccer ball that lights up when kicked.

3. My mom is coming to stay with us for a few days while Bryan is out of town.

4. We'll be canning lots and lots of apples while she's here.

5. I heard this morning that 2 of my nieces and one of my nephews are coming with her to spend the night tonight. My brother and his wife will come up tomorrow to spend the day before heading back home. It's always a fun to have them here for a visit.

6. There is a boy in Cuckoo's class who is having some trouble getting along with the rest of the kids. In fact, he bit Cuckoo out of the blue one day this week. At dinner, as part of our prayer, we each take a turn asking for a special intention or to say a thank you. Cuckoo, without any prompting from anyone, asked to pray for this little boy, that he figure out how to get along and not get in trouble at school. Despite his orneriness, that boy has quite a loving heart.

7. Even after all these decades, Bryan can still surprise me. (That's part of the Roy story.)

8. There aren't many folks that know much about Catholicism, and there are even more who have ideas that are just plain wrong. I always welcome the chance to answer questions, for not only does it give me the chance to clear things up, it also helps me figure out what I believe and why. One day this week during soccer practice warm-ups, Giant and a teammate had a conversation about Catholicism. The boy had some questions, starting out with the common "Are Catholics Christians?" It was a friendly question and answer conversation that left both boys happy to have had it. It makes me happy to know that my kids have friends with whom they can have these conversations, and the fact that it happens while they are stretching on a soccer field makes it even better.

9. I was able to make two meals this week using never-before-seen-by-my-family recipes. I made chicken pot pie one night and burgundy beef another. As expected, each meal had fans who gobbled up multiple helpings and disgusted diners who only ate the side dishes. It only matters that Bryan and I liked both. :)

10. My baby who made me a mom for the first time had a birthday this week. Phoenix is 17 years old. That's a big number. He will be able to vote for our next president. I'm flabbergasted by the whole thing.

Bonus thankful: I'm grateful to you lovely readers who keep coming back to read my sparse posts. A special shout out to Sandee for always letting me know how much she enjoys my TToT posts. :)

What marvelousness did you encounter this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Oh thanks for the shout out. I do love your thankful posts. You always have some many blessings in your life. Most of us do, but you take the time to notice. I like that. I have a thankful Thursday post coming up this week. It's my own way of doing it, but I got the idea from you.

    Have a terrific time with your mom. I would sure love to visit with mine. I miss her terribly.

    Have a fabulous day and a wonderful labor day weekend. ☺

    1. I can't wait to see what you've got planned!

      My mom lost her mom when I was 16. She has missed her every day since, so I appreciate every moment I get to spend with my mom.

  2. (near) FRIST
    (is there even such a thing? wait, don't say it…I'm a clark, so of course there could be such a thing)

    cycles, yo, cycles

    the writing…. it serves a purpose, it's a part of all of us who do it more than twice (of course, it's different for each of us…sorta). The 'coop is here and exists in the blogosphere. I think that one of the less appreciated values coming out of all the work and effort that we all put into establishing our blogs, finding our voice, etc is that it doesn't go away because we stop writing. …well, it doesn't vanish instantly. anymore than, when we grow and change (interests, jobs, friends, family profiles), everything stops.

    that being said, I enjoy reading 'the coop' if for no other reason than there aren't that many scotts who write blogs that I enjoy reading.

    1. Thank you, Clark. I'm glad to be a scott writer you can enjoy, as well as a scott who can enjoy your writing. :)

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to Phoenix, I hope he had a great day.

    You really must get round to writing the post about Roy the dog, you have me intrigued.

    What a lovely and caring thing for Cuckoo to do without being prompted - I just love that kid :)

    1. With practices and all, it wasn't the most exciting day, but he did get to do a few special things over the weekend.

      I will. As soon as I get a chance.

      He is a sweet little thing when he isn't being a bugger. ;)

  4. Im with Clark...everything moves in cycles and waves inclufing writimg. If it were not for ttot i would have shut down my blog a long time ago.... Ya gotta love that cuckoo.... I grew up Catholic and did k-12 in catholic school. I understand the appreciated questions and opportunity to think about what you believe....

    1. Even more reason to be thankful for the ttot.

      I used to be surprised by the things people thought of Catholicism. Not so much anymore. It's just one reason why I appreciate questions from people. Educating people one at a time. :)

  5. What a sweet thought that your little guy thought of the other child in his precious

  6. The writing/not-writing thing happens to me a lot. I think like all things in life, there is ebb and flow. When the spirit moves you, you'll be back. Aside from my TToT, little else has happened on my blog all summer. I'm starting to come back a bit...we'll see.
    Happy birthday to Phoenix and to all of you!
    I know a lot of Catholics who don't know much about Catholicism, never mind anybody else. Being able to have a dialogue with another person about that - or any such topic - is a good thing.
    Cuckoo is awesome and good for him. I find kids are usually so apt and able to throw things like that out there because it doesn't occur to them to think any differently. Good for him and kudos to you and Bryan because hey, the kid gets it somewhere!

  7. It's nice to hear that children are able to have civil discussions about something that gets us adults so worked up. Smarter than we are really.
    I enjoy reading your TToT posts too. Hope you keep on writing.

  8. 1. And no concussions, either!
    2. Well, THAT sounds like a good time!
    6. The ones who are hardest to love are the ones that need the love the most. This little guy has something going on in his little life, and Cuckoo wanting to pray for him is sweet and will hopefully help.
    7. A cliffhanger!
    8. Informal settings like that are a great place to talk about such things. Not threatening.
    9. You've never made chicken pot pie before?!
    10. 17! Wow! Isn't Buttercup's birthday coming up pretty quickly, too?

  9. You have had such a busy week. That is great that your son could have that kind of conversation at the soccer game. It is always good to be able to explain ones beliefs and to dispel the incorrect perspectives. Sometimes I think the young people are better at this than some adults. What a sweet little Cuckoo you have. He has been taught well and knows how he can receive help for himself and for others. I hope you enjoy your week with all the company, and the canning, and the soccer games. I love visiting your site.

  10. Wonderful thankfuls ... I get the not writing thing ( too) i think my not writing was part because i felt a very strong need to hang with the kids this summer..and another part is anxiety - I get a little anxious and all creativity is out of the window.
    sounds like a busy weekend - and happy birthday to your eldest
    I hope things will sort out for the Cuckoos classmate. And how awesome that kids and their friends can discuss topics that adults can't (meaning lately...well lately ) its quite sweet
    your dinners sounds scrumptious

    "It only matters that Bryan and I liked both. :)" that is so funny we tell our kids that too, but then they try it and love it too. : )

    have a wonderful week can't wait to read about Roy the dog and Brian's surprise....

    6 am and I have to get the crew up ...we're going fishing today our last hoorah for the Summer...:)

  11. Hehehe I'm glad you're still writing. Midnight football sounds HILARIOUS, and it seems to have been a really good summer for you all.

    Yay for constructive conversations, and not getting sick, and spending time with family.


  12. Interesting. I could visualise everything whats happening here :)
    Happy bday to ur kid and hope u complete ur draft posts soon ! This post made me feel warm and happy
    god bless

  13. If it makes you feel any better....I have 69 drafts in my blog folder. :( I may not always comment but I do so enjoy reading your writing. Always makes me smile. :D

  14. Are Catholics Christians.. Funny, but just a small example how little many people know about the history of Christianity. Canned apples sounds wonderful. I tried to can cinnamon plums this weekend. .Quite futile, as the kids (and I) had eaten up the plums by the end of the day :-)

    Have a wonderful week, Christine!

  15. I sometimes wish I could take up canning, however my house is just too small to make it practical. There really is no place to store it.

  16. I love reading all that you write, and we all have a big thankful for the TTOT, which does more than have us stop and think about the wonderful things in our lives, it gives us a canvas on which to write, even if it's the only thing dripping from the keys. I think you are having a time of adjustment (and fun) with all the kids in school all day and taking a bit of time to do other things you like. My heart melted as Cuckoo prayed for the biter. You have some wonderful family, due to wonderful parenting, I'm sure. Have a good week and enjoy the family visits and apple fun.

  17. Happy Birthday to Phoenix!
    I love it when our children do something so heartfelt as pray for another child. Good job to Mom and Dad!

  18. I haven't been blogging much lately either. Sometimes it's good to take a break. So much good stuff in your post this week.


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