
Friday, September 18, 2015

My Thankful List Before I Leave, 'Cause LIZZI IS COMING!!, TToT #118

Did you know Indiana is called the Crossroads of America?

It was adopted as the state motto in the 1930s, because so many railroads, highways, and waterways intersect in Indiana.

From Indianapolis, one can get to St. Louis, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, or Detroit in less than 5 hours.

Because of this, I'm going to be busy taking Lizzi around to meet lots of people!!

Follow Lizzi or me on Instagram if you want to see what we're up to!

But before I leave to get her, I'll leave you with my 10 thankfuls for the week...

1. Sites that show TV episodes for free are awesome. (We don't have Netflix.) I watched The Jim Gaffigan Show for 5 hours straight while canning apples and applesauce on Monday. It made the day much less monotonous.

2. I get to work with sweet little kids, but not on a full-time basis. I subbed in the preschool yet again on Tuesday, meaning I had worked all three days that the school had been open for the 3/4 class. Sure, I had to clean up a giant puddle of pee and I was hit and kicked by a little boy who did not want his mom to leave, but when those things weren't happening, the kids are stinkin' adorable!

3. The soccer schedule was relatively light this week, so we had more time to relax and play games and do things in the yard.

4. Giant wasn't seriously injured in his game on Sunday. He took a direct shot to the face, causing blood to fly. I was scared to death the ball had hit his mouth, which would mean his braces tore up his lips. Thankfully, it was the bridge of his nose, and though the blood poured freely for quite a while, his nose wasn't broken and he didn't get a black eye. He wasn't even in much pain, so he went back in to play the rest of the game.

5. Speaking of soccer, have I mentioned how awesome the Academy coaches are? Four years ago (Their first year at the club and one of the two years that Giant had them.), they started Make Your Own Ball Day. In their talk to the kids, they explain, "Soccer is just a game. Really, it's just a game. BUT it is a game that gives us something in common with people all over the world. I have been to Africa. I didn't speak the language, but I had a ball. We couldn't talk, but we could immediately start playing a game of soccer together." They talk about kids from other countries who make balls out of leaves and trash, then play soccer games with those balls in the dirt in their bare feet. The kids could help those fellow soccer players by donating balls and cleats. Piles and piles of gear have been donated and taken to kids all over the world. You can see photos and learn more by searching #myobd on Instagram or Facebook.

6. Oh, and it was MYOBD at our club on Thursday. All three non-high school boys had a great time and learned a bit more about the world outside Indiana.

7. Switching gears...After subbing in a preschool room for three days, I got sick. Thankfully, I had nothing that had to get done and no where I had to go (except a few small errands) for three days, so I could simply stay on the couch and rest in order to be healthy for the weekend.

8. I was actually feeling much better by Friday and was able to clean quite a bit so Lizzi didn't have to walk into a disaster of a house.

9. The weather has been spectacular!

10. Mapquest is so handy. Figuring out the logistics of meeting all of these people in all of these places has been made so much easier with the help of mapquest.

Alrighty. Your turn. Tell me, what are you thankful for this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. YAY FOR LIZZI VISITING!!!! :D And yay for no serious soccer ball injuries but boo for getting sick.. Kids are petri dishes of all things germy, I swear. Enjoy your time with Lizzi and I'll be watching Instagram for all of the shenanigans! :)

    1. They most certainly are, and of course, germs are the one thing they don't mind sharing.

      So...I didn't post any IG photos. I don't know what is wrong with me. I only took a couple pictures the whole time!

  2. Thankful that silly froggie is working!!! What a trooper that giant is! Enjoy your time with the Brit!!!

    1. I'm so glad you figured it out so fast! You rock!
      I had loads of fun. :)

  3. Thankful that silly froggie is working!!! What a trooper that giant is! Enjoy your time with the Brit!!!

  4. have fun with Lizzie and everyone you visit --- i'll check out instagram - wish i was part of this epic meeting...another time for sure.

    the soccer speech and the build your own ball is quite amazing... good to know.

    Glad to hear that Giant wasn't seriously hurt..ouch right in the face - what a trooper.

    1. We had a great time. Lizzi is having the time of her life. Check out her IG. I was lame and took very few photos, and didn't post a single one.

      The guy is amazing. We could not be more fortunate to have him.

      Funny, he was just fine after the hit to the face, but 2 days later at a cross country meet, where injuries rarely happen, he was tripped and trampled at the start of the race. He has scrapes and scabs from head to shin. Literally. Poor kid.

  5. Have fun, Christine, I know you will. The soccer donations and learning about the game in other countries is a beautiful lesson for the kids. It touched my heart, as well as the preschool memories.

    1. I did!
      This coach is doing marvelous work. We're so blessed to have him.

  6. Yay for getting well before Lizzi!!!

    What a great thing the soccor people are doing and wow Giant is pretty lucky there huh. That would have freaked me out too!

    Mapquest I can both ways on it.

    1. I was able to enjoy the visit with very little residual illness. :)

  7. Glad your son wasn't severely injured. That would have scared me to pieces too.

    I'm thankful I woke up again this morning. It's warm, the sun is shining and it's another beautiful day on our boat.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. We can't even call it an injury! Just bleeding.

      Glad you have such nice weather for your weekend boating!

  8. Oh, I do hope you have a great time!

    Has Giant watched the Studio C Scott Sterling soccer sketch on youtube lately? Have him google it. What a trooper! (Both Giant and Scott Sterling!)

  9. If I had to navigate the old fashioned way with paper maps I would never be able to manage my job so yay for Mapquest, Google Maps and GPS. Braces are such a huge investment, I'm happy Giant's nose and mouth were okay.

    1. While I do love the ease of computer maps, I still like a good paper one. We use them way more on our no plans vacations than we do GPS. An atlas is one of my favorite kinds of books.

  10. Yeeeee-ouch!!! So glad Giant wasn't seriously injured.

    Love, LOVE Mapgquest too! Have a wonderful time with Lizzie!!!

    1. He was not. At the soccer game. At the cross country meet on Saturday...not so much. He was tripped at the start and got trampled. He has scrapes and scabs from head to shin.

      I did!

  11. Though I loves maps....when in a strange or different city (Sometimes both) especially when on a schedule GPS is a life saver.
    Good the hear the injury was not as bad as you feared (speaking from Y Chromia... pass along high five to G and a " excellent on the special effects! ")... he'll know what I mean.
    Have fun with L

    1. Shoot, even I know what you mean. :)
      We had loads of fun!

  12. Subbing can sometimes be harder than teaching because the kids test you all the time because you aren't their regular teacher. I am a kindergarten teacher and I seriously don't think that I could be sub...good for you!!!! We couldn't do our jobs without you.

    1. Absolutely! I put Bryan through the first year of law school subbing as many jobs as I could get. There were some really bad days. Now, though, I like it. I can pick and choose the ages and schools where I work, since we're not relying on my income. It's way more fun that way. :)

  13. Have fun taking Lizzi around! Glad nothing bad happened during the soccer accident. Also glad you got well enough after your cold to have fun with Lizzi!!! I hope all of you have the best time!

  14. How nice to be able to look forward to meeting up with Lizzi. Glad you had something fun to watch during your hours of canning. Sometimes that can be just a little monotonous. I remember those days of being in a preschool room and being exposed to all the little illnesses that kids begin getting, before Mom realizes they aren't feeling well. Of course, that comes with just being a Mom too. I'm glad your son wasn't seriously injured, but I can just imagine the thoughts running through your head as you saw the play.

    1. I now understand the ways of the generations before us, and in so many ways, they did things the right way. Women were not meant to mother and work in isolation. There is a reason they came together to help with canning and cleaning and other work. If only we could get some more of that back...

  15. As much as I love soccer, it is a rough sport. I watched an opposing goalie's mouth meet our striker's knee resulting in 65 stitches and a concussion. So glad your son was okay!
    I am going to have to find you on instagram so I can see your adventures. I'm glad you guys are having a blast!

    1. It is a dangerous sport. So many injuries. And yet, watching them play, it's astounding there aren't so many more. Kids are seriously resilient!

      I totally dropped the IG ball. I only took a few photos, and none of them got posted. Lizzi did, though!

  16. I am jealous of you having Lizzi now. I miss her!

  17. No, I didn't know that! Access to all of those cities in under 5 hours. Sounds totally awesome!
    Happy that Giant wasn't seriously injured. Any time there's more than a single drop of blood it's scary, scary! I'd make a terrible dr. or nurse lol
    Nothing like a classroom filled with tiny children to pass along the germs. Glad you're enjoying your time there even if they did give you the sniffles.
    Lizzi couldn't be in better hands Christine. Your family vacation/road trips speak for themselves :D
    Have fun and I'm glad you're feeling better!!

    1. It is awesome. So many things to do in such close proximity!
      Blood doesn't bother me. It was more my concern that his braces did a mess of damage to his mouth. Once I knew it wasn't, I was just fine.
      I have been around so many kids in my life, I rarely get sick by them. Guess these kids found a new strain for me to try out. :)

      Unfortunately, I didn't get to do hardly any fun road trip vacation stuff I'm known for. We had a tight schedule, and the only time I had to do fun stuff was Sunday afternoon/evening, when everything was closed. :(

      We did have fun, though. It was just great to see her again.

  18. Just caught up with this as I've been on holiday for ten days.

    I'm glad Giant wasn't too badly hurt, and glad also that you recovered from your sickness in time for Lizzi's visit, and that you had a great time while she was with you :)


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