
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why Do People Run and Other Things, TToT 103

The soccer season always ends with our home tournament. This year, we've got 11 games and 6 volunteer shifts. Throw in Turken's baseball game, a graduation party, and Mass, and we have a fuuuuuuuullllll weekend.

So this is gonna be quick.

1. A couple of weeks ago, I was included in a group FB message asking for prayers. Since then, the same group has been called in to pray for some other special intentions. I am glad that one, people are turning to prayer for help in a situation, and two, that they are comfortable asking me to join them in that prayer.

2. Despite the fact that my now-sore calves are cussing him out, I am thankful for Clark's new 2 mile run idea...whatever it is. He has decided to run 2 miles every day (except Sundays), record his time in a photo, and invite all of his friends to join along. While I'm not running every day, I did join in on Friday with my first run since the knee surgery. I'm still not a fan of running, but it did show me that my knew really and truly is better and my work the past many months has paid off.

3. Giant ran those 2 miles with me, and even though he was a big fat showoff, running backwards, speed walking, and not breathing hard while I sucked wind and almost died, he kept me running the whole time. I doubt I would have made it without him.

Probably shouldn't wear a shirt with our school's name on it when I run. The poor school didn't do anything to deserve such bad publicity.

4. The weather for the tournament has been marvelous. We've had years when it was blazing hot, pouring rain, or freezing cold. A breeze and warm temps has made the tournament almost enjoyable.

5. We got all sorts of stuff done in our first week of summer break. It makes me ridiculously happy, and the kids haven't complained once. (Did you read my last post about how we organize our summer days for maximum productivity and maximum fun?)

6. In related thankfuls, we also had a fun afternoon when the kids decided to put together some scavenger hunts. Good family fun right there.

7. I took the non-soccer kids to a graduation party Saturday afternoon. It was fun to catch up with many people I don't get to see very often.

8. After the graduation party, some of the adults got together for a nice, relaxing evening to end a busy day. We need to do this sort of thing more often.

9. Pretty things to see while doing things I don't want to do always help to lighten my mood.

Sunrises on my way to early morning workouts

New lily blooms while we work outside
10. I'm going to end with my family. I adore them.

What made you smile this week? Let me know or link it up!

Also, there's still time to join in the contest to design our new TToT button. Make one and link it up with this little linkie thing.

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


  1. Your lily is gorgeous, I love that color. Clean windows are always such a nice treat, and even better if you had help with getting them clean.

    1. It is a pretty color. Not one I've often seen in a flower.
      It is an extra nice treat to have these particular windows clean. They are huge, 150 years old, and covered by a gigantic piece of plexiglass. We have to do some serious work just to get to the windows to clean them.

  2. #3 Yay! You did it :D

    #2 I like the 2 Mile Run thing too even though I walk. I like it 'cuz it's going to make me get that new phone I've been talking about for the last 18 months lol They make you "prove" you walk/ran/sauntered or otherwise traversed 2 miles. geez.

    #9 just beautiful

    #10 Tell us something we don't know :D

    1. I did it! I was actually quite shocked that I had gotten into that good of shape.

      I know. Proof. Pft. Like we wouldn't tell the truth. ;)


      When I was a kid, I swore I would never, ever have a baby. I'd adopt, but I would never put myself through the pain of childbirth. :)

  3. #1 Thank goodness. #2 You're mad. Even I bowed out of this one. #3 Bless his boots! #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 YAY! (especially the warm weather). #9 WOW! Stunning pics, you! #10 DUH!

    I've liked spending time with Vince's kids this weekend, as they stayed over for the first time. It's lovely having little people about.

    1. 1. :)
      2. It's not like I'm doing it every day.
      3. Yeah, bless his scrawny, in-shape boots. :)

      It is fun to have little people about. I'm glad the visit went well.

  4. I could have ran with you and you could have waited for me to catch up. I'm just saying.

    Love that beautiful lily. Wow.

    I'm thankful for my family and my health. Every single day that's what I'm thankful for.

    Have a blessed Sunday. ☺

    1. Ha! Come on over!

      I didn't even know it was in the flower bed! Who planted it? When?

      Both very good things for which to be thankful. I'm right there with you.

  5. Good for you out running or trying to run! Glad it showed you progress. That sunrise and that lilly. WOW.

    1. I don't know why, but I needed to give the run a try. I'm glad I did, but I won't be doing it often. :)

  6. Love the lily.. Absolutely beautiful! I absolutely missed the 2-mile challenge, might have helped me get my butt off the couch :-) Yay for getting chores done, and for perfect sports weather during your soccer tournament. Remember a sports event with so many people passing out with heat strokes, and that's not fun (happened to be one of them..).

    Have a great week, Christine!

    1. Lilies are some of my favorite flowers. So many colors to choose from!
      There is still time! They are taking new runners every day!

      Thankfully, things have come a long way. When it is hot out, there are mandatory water breaks when breaks wouldn't normally occur. I think people are finally learning their lesson about the dangers of heat.

  7. I read your posts this week. Summer is off to a great start. Sharing prayers with friends (or anyone that needs them) is fulfilling both for the prayee and the prayer. Love the picture of the lily.

    1. It is off to a great start! I'm kind of surprised it's gone so perfectly without any hiccups.

      You are right about that! Prayers help everyone.

      The photo doesn't do that flower justice. They are so pretty.

  8. sounds like a good week. chores + fun? that has got to be one of the more enjoyable family-based activities

    thanks for joining us at the 2 Mile Run!! it's been… good (un-characteristically, I'll leave it at that)… next time you feel tempted, drop us a post-run stopwatch photo (or a pre-run request for encouragement)… we'll be here for the next 6 days of the new week

    nice sunrise photo (good 'distance-to-horizon'… something we don't have here, unless I go down to the ocean)… really cool to the see the progression of light

    (well, we are debating a new 2 Mile Run feature: anyone participating who is under the age of 18 gets to wear the special sandbag running shirt… and if they're still laughing we have Adidas cast iron sprinting shoes)

    1. It has been a good week. Here's to another one!

      Thank you! You all are very good at encouraging us reluctant runners.


      Hahaha!! Perfect! I'll take one of each!

  9. I could easily adore your family as well. Have a great week!

    1. I'm pretty sure I'm biased, but they are good eggs. :)

  10. If I remember correctly, your time left us all in the dust! Runs aren't that fun when you feel like you're dying the whole time. Join us again, but at a slower pace--then work back up. :-)

    1. Yeah, even when I was in the best shape of my life, I hated running distances over half a mile. I can't go slower. It just prolongs the run. I have to say, I wasn't struggling nearly as much as I thought I would. These days of using the elipticle and lifting weights is working!

  11. Good for you for running! I can run about two miles but really, really slowly. But then I only get to it about once a week.

    1. Hey, once a week isn't anything to sneeze at! It's way more running than I do!

  12. #1 is wonderful.
    I do not run. Ever. :D In seriousness, though, my RA can't take that kind of impact so walking is my game. I'm thinking about trying the two mile thing. We'll see.
    As for the rest...sounds like the start of a wonderful summer. I love the lily. That is gorgeous!

  13. I could maybe do a two-minute run. Two miles though - no way! Excellent that you can and did do it! And I love your pictures, too. That sunrise and lily are gorgeous! So glad you had thankfuls all along the way of your week. This is a happy, lovely post! :)

  14. The picture of you half dead with the caption slays me! I give you credit because I ain't got time for that. spine can't handle that.
    You are all out of school so early. My son has until the end of know so I have time to mentally prepare myself for madness.
    I'm glad that the weather has been good to you :) That free child labour looks like it's working out pretty good.

  15. What were you thinking joining in on the running woman!!! I don't do running. Unless I'm being chased. And even then...only if completely necessary. As in to avoid death. Good for you though. The picture cracked me up!!! :D

    You are quite the gardener. Your lily is absolutely gorgeous!

  16. Running... Not my thing, but there is a part of me that wishes I could run. I love sunrises!

  17. Love the photo of the lily. the colour is gorgeous :)


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