
Monday, November 10, 2014

I Don't Hate Fall. Really!

I do not like pumpkin.

I will not eat it in a pie.  I will not try it in the sky.  I would not, could not in a latte.  I could not, would not...

Did you know that orange is not the only word that doesn't have a rhyme.  According to RhymeZone, three words rhyme with latte, but those three words don't have any known definitions.  So...

I would not, could not in a latte.  I could not, would not in a muffin.

I do not like it here or there.  I do not like it in a cake.

I do not like it in my tea.  But that could be because tea is gross.

You know what else I don't like?

Fall.  If Fall was a full season like summer, I'd be happy.  True Fall means pretty leaves and perfect temperatures.  However, here in Indiana, True Fall lasts all of about a week.

Fall is not fun when it only lasts a week.  Know why?  Because winter comes after fall.  I really, really hate winter.


But, I'm not one to dwell on the things I hate.  Today, we're going to focus on the good things about fall besides the leaves.  Hate is just a waste of time.

1.  In the fall, I am relaxed.  I don't have to worry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, that the next time I walk out the door I will find either an escaped or dead pig in my yard.

2.  In the fall, I get to wear clothes I haven't seen for months and months.  It's almost like I went shopping for a bunch of holey, stained clothes that I get to start wearing instead of the holey, stained shorts I've been wearing all summer.

3.  In the fall, grass stops growing.  I no longer have to explain to everyone who stops by why my yard is splotchy and some of those splotches are a foot high.

4.  In the fall, my kids don't play soccer.  Instead of sitting on the sidelines, outside, during unpredictable weather, I get to sit in warm, dry gyms with predictably hard bleachers.

5.  In the fall, I only wear closed-toe shoes.  My toenails can go au naturale.

6.  In the fall, so can my legs.  I already have a good start on my "winter coat".

7.  In the fall, perspective changes.  Normally, in July, 55 degrees is worthy of warm PJs and a day inside.  But come late October, on a 55 degree day, we're out in shorts, celebrating the gift of a gorgeous day.

8.  In the fall, there is no sun past 5:30 pm.  Sure, it's depressing, but kids fall asleep so much faster when it is pitch black dark at bedtime.  And, AND, they sleep in a bit longer, since the sun doesn't feel it is necessary to make an appearance before 7:00.  Even if the kids do wake up early, because, you know, that blasted time change messed everyone up, you can send them back to bed with a "you can get up when the sun does!"

9.  In the fall, one shower per day is more than enough.  Shivering under three blankets doesn't burn many calories, let alone make a person sweat.

10.  In the fall, each day is an adventure.  In the morning it's possible to leave the house wearing a light jacket, but by the drive home from school, a full-on coat, mittens, hats, and boots are necessary to survive the walk from the van to the house, seeing as how a blizzard blew in from Canada.  Adventure is fun!

See?  Fall isn't so bad.

No need to be a hater.

This post was inspired by my irritation with the weather and the Tuesday Ten linkup, where the theme today is "Things We Love About Fall".  Love might be a strong word.

Have a lovely day!

The Golden Spoons


  1. Having a bit of a rough time readjusting to post-vacation life? ;-)
    I can relate to #8. When our oldest was just a toddler, our bedtime ritual always ended with, "Goodnight, (name of child). Mommy loves you and Daddy loves you. We'll see you in the morning WHEN THE SUN COMES UP." We didn't actually yell, but felt the need to define "morning."

    1. Ha! Maybe... :) Good thing I have another one coming up. :D

      Defining morning is a must for some kids. Our little boys have a clock in their room for just that reason.

  2. Way to find the good. I am sharing that dread of what is coming. For some reason, I am really fixated on it this year and watching the leaves fall with great sadness. What a downer I am.

    1. Oh, I am with you. After last winter, knowing this winter will be more of the same...I could cry. Why do we live here?!?!

  3. I've never eaten pumpkin in any way, shape or form so have no idea what it tastes like, but instinctively I just KNOW I wouldn't like it.

    I don't mind fall at the start when the leaves first change colour - it makes for some lovely photos - but I hate it later on when everywhere on the ground is full of those wet and mushy leaves, and it's dark when I go to work in the morning and again by late afternoon. I just wish it could be permanently spring/summer.

    1. My chickens LOVE fall because all our friends drop off bags of those fallen leaves, it's Playtime for the girls all winter long with all the bags we get.

    2. Eunice, I know what you mean. Sometimes the smell of something turns me off so badly, I don't even want to try it. Pumpkin has that smell for me. Same with sweet potatoes. A permanent spring/summer would be fantastic. When Bryan retires, we plan on traveling a lot, always on the go to find spring or summer weather.

      Anna, that's so nice that people drop leaves off for you. We have a big tree right next to the chicken run, so they have lots and lots of leaves to scratch in.

  4. I am surprised by the number of people who don't like pumpkin. It's a wonder we even have pumpkin pie as "thee" official Thanksgiving pie since so many people don't like it...why hasn't it been voted out by now? I LOVE Pumpkin Pie, but I only make a very small one at Thanksgiving because I'm the only one eating it...and I certainly don't need to be eating an entire pie by myself. Just the other day my friend and I were meeting for lunch. While I sat at our table waiting for her to arrive I heard two other people at tables near me comment how they did not like pumpkin. I was feeling kind of like the the oddball, until my friend arrived and ordered a slice of pumpkin pie for us to share after our lunch....guess that's why we are best friends. :-)

    Love your post on the Fall, it is my favorite season followed closely by spring...another very short season.

    1. A comedian I heard recently said, "If pumpkin flavor was so good, Starbucks would sell it all year". Exactly!
      Although, in order to be completely honest, my husband and two of my kids LOVE pumpkin pie.

      Spring is my favorite season, despite it's short length. At least it leads to summer.

  5. HAHAHA I'm cracking up at your winter coat :) And not having a dead pig on your front porch is something really different to love about fall. But I'm so jealous of #8. My oldest still has difficulty falling asleep and this morning was wide awake at 6:30. AND she didn't even have school!

    1. The winter coat is sad but true. And since Bryan and I met while we were both on the swim team in high school, he met me when I had hairy legs. We can just say I haven't changed a bit! :)

      Not having a dead pig on the porch is something to love no matter the season. :)

      I am so lucky to have kids who sleep up to 12 hours at night. I sometimes have to wake the youngest up at 8:15 in order to get him to school on time.

  6. My brother and sister in law live in Indiana. We visited there once and I'm not returning. Not my cup of tea with or without the pumpkin. The live on lake Wawasee. They gave us a tour of the lake and several days later we went out again and I could almost give the tour. Then before we left we went out again and I did give the tour. We're used to 1100 miles of waterway on the California Delta. That was a pretty small lake.

    I enjoyed this post and mainly because we have family that lives in Indiana.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Hahahaha!! Lake Wawasee?!?! That's only a couple of hours from Indy!
      Yes, it's not a lot of water compared to what you are used to. You were pretty close to Lake Michigan. Don't suppose you took a trip up there. It's a beautiful area. And a lot more water.

      Give Indiana another chance! Just don't come expecting water. :)

  7. This one is cracking me up! I started to get excited about "new" clothes when I unpacked my winter things, but then I quickly realized that they were the same old things I've worn every fall. Except for the sweater vest with Indian corn appliqued on it. I got rid of that! Swear!!

    1. Hahaha! Did you really have a vest with corn on it? I can only laugh as hard as I am because when I was a young teacher, I had vests and sweaters for every holiday. :)

      Normally my mom, sister, and I go on a shopping weekend so I can restock my clothing supply. We didn't get to do it last year, so my clothes are really, really worn out. Can't get too excited about those.

  8. I hear and feel your pain - and thank you for finding the good of Fall/November- from November - to January I am in panic mode - (holidays- bah humbug) - :(

    1. I do enjoy the holidays, but I'd enjoy them a whole lot more if they weren't in the middle of winter.

  9. I so wish my kids fell asleep faster. But nope. They do get upset that they have to come in earlier since it gets darker. But at least it's light in the morning when they walk to school.

    1. I really feel bad for the kids who have to wait for the bus in the dark. I remember doing it when I was a kid, and it was kinda creepy. Our kids don't have a bus to take, so I don't feel too badly for them. :)

      Sorry the dark doesn't help your kids fall asleep any faster.

  10. Fall is often short-lived in New England also, followed by a winter that seems to last forever (especially if you have a newborn, as I discovered last year). Entertaining post, stopping by from the linkup! ;-)

    1. Oh, yes. Newborns in the winter are rough! Almost as rough as a long winter with a toddler. ;)

  11. Yes to the grass not growing which means my hubby doesn't have to spend every Saturday in the yard! I ma not a huge fan of pumpkin, but I don't hate it either. Glad you linked up today!

    1. It takes us at least 4 hours to mow, and we don't even do any edging. (Did you know we are rednecks?) I love a break from the mowing. And the excuses for the weeks we don't mow.

  12. Have you looked inside a pumpkin??! who on earth looks at the orangy, with giant seeds and those long stringy things...who looks at that and says, 'now that would be good in my coffee!' or 'honey! I ran over a pumpkin, do we have any whipped cream?'

    1. Clark, do you realize how few things we'd eat if we looked at things like that? With your logic, no one in the world would know the deliciousness of bacon!

    2. Hahahaaaaaa!!! So true. :D

  13. You know, pumpkin in a latte is indeed gross, but pumpkin spice in a latte (or a cappuccino) is delicious!! Do you know hokkaido pumpkin? It's really yummie! Honestly, fall is my favorite season, especially because it's not followed by summer :-) I'd rather bundle up in coats and layers of clothes than wishing I could tear off my shirt and skirts right there in the bus! I hope you get an extended true fall this time!

    1. I have never heard of a hokkaido pumpkin. What makes it different?

      Well, an extended true fall didn't happen, but we had some gorgeous days in the short fall we had.

  14. I will not drink one in a latte but I will smash one with Karate... sorry best I can do as a pumpkin, fall, winter, snow lover... dont judge.

    1. Hahahahaha!!! And ARG! I guess I should not trust the rhymezone anymore!
      I'm not going to judge you, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to visit someone who has that attitude. ;)

  15. Oh, ;( My view on fall is a last ditch effort to hang onto summer.... That is how I approach it. I hang on tightly, and then Winter kicks my butt, and I dream about SUMMER!!!! I appreciate the slide into winter that fall gives us, however small, as tonight we are looking at an Arctic Blast hitting tonight..... URGH!!! Brrrrrrrr......

    1. I don't think I've ever been sadder about fall and the impending winter. Last year traumatized me.

      Our cold weather hit last night. Brrrrr is right.

  16. I feel your pain! I am not much for pumpkin either! A few years ago I got myself to the point where I could eat a slice of pumpkin pie without gagging... but I don't really like it, and I don't have a lot of desire to eat pumpkin-flavored EVERYTHING all autumn long. Living in Chicago, I feel similarly about fall. I love how fall appears on TV, where the leaves are beautiful, the sky is bright blue, and people are dressed in cozy clothes but they don't have to bundle up to the point where they can barely move. But that type of fall only lasts for about a week here too... and then it is grey and icy and yucky.

    1. I never understood why people ate things that are an "acquired" taste. Why would you make yourself eat pumpkin pie? I just pass it up and head for the apple pie. :)

      Fall certainly can be idealized, can't it? If only the entire season could be like that...

  17. Love this post! Laughed all the way through it ... and I'm totally with you on not really loving any season that chases Summer away and helps bring on Winter.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate Mother Nature's attempt to ease us into the depths of winter, but I still don't like it.

  18. All good things about Fall! I haven't done my toenails or shaved my legs for about a month! :)

  19. I love pumpkin pie as long as there's whipped cream but that's where I draw the line. No lattes for me. I love your list. It is so crazy to me to think of people getting snow already (because I live in Florida and forget it's November!). We are still in shorts and flip flops here but do need a light jacket in the morning. I should probably stop there....

    1. Stopping most certainly was in your best interest, seeing as how it's not even 30 degrees here. :)

  20. I don't remember dreading winter so much as everyone seems to lately - I guess it's these terrible cold spells and all the ice the last few years. As long as we have heat and food and one another, I'm OK - can always find comfort there. But the extended power outages of the last couple of winters have been just terrifying. And I always think how thrown we are by that and yet some live that way all the time...

    1. I never dreaded it as much as this year. Last winter about did me in, and I hear it's going to be more of the same this winter.

      I would be fine if we didn't have to go anywhere or take care of animals. Even having a garage would lighten my hatred of the season.

      A power outage is a serious fear of mine. I'm looking into some sort of insert for our fireplace, as our fireplace isn't usable.

  21. OHMYGOSH this CRACKED me UP!!! I love it! I would not eat it here or there, I would not eat it ANYWHERE!!!

    I wish I lived closer, I would drop a pumpkiin pie, pumpkin latte and a pumpkin muffin at your doorstep and ring the bell and RUN!!


    1. Glad you liked it. :)

      Well, you can relax in your wishing. We practically have all of that pumpkin stuff on our porch already. The kids lined their jack-o-lanterns up across the front steps, which we have to dodge every time we come or go. They are old and starting to rot now, so...pretty much pumpkin pie. :)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!