
Saturday, August 9, 2014

We Laughed, Despite the School-Prep Madness, TTOT Week 60

Signs the school year is starting really soon:

Meetings:  Haven't had one all summer, but I've had to attend 4 this week alone.
Practices:  The official start of the high school sports season for the state was this week, and each player has to have to have been to at least 10 practices before the first game.  Girls are going for 6 practices this week alone, and all of them right in the middle of the day.
Errands:  Good gravy, 5 kids need a whole mess of supplies.  And don't forget the school clothes.  And the hair cuts.
Appointments: No one wants to take the kids out of school for appointments, so we must put as many as possible this week.

With all of that busyness, I had to search high and low for things to be thankful for this week.

But I found some!

1.  I got to watch (with full attention) one TV show this week.  I made sure it was one that made me smile.  Last Comic Standing had me not only smiling, but laughing my full head off.  I absolutely love stand-up comedy, so it only makes sense that I would like this show.

2.  The little boys had me laughing many times.  The two funniest:

Wearing a previously dry shirt and carrying a sopping wet thank you card he'd been working on for the last 30 minutes, Turken came into the room and complained, "The marker said it was washable."

The scene:  I was sitting on a bench at a soccer event with two other moms while we watched our boys play.  Cuckoo came up to stand between my legs, leaned over, and rested his head on my chest.  He said one thing, and one thing only.  "Hubba.  Hubba."

3.  High school soccer tryouts are over.  Both Buttercup and Phoenix are starters for the JV teams.  So glad it's over and we didn't have the disaster of last year's tryouts.

4.  Our weekend has quite a bit of free time, so the kids' rooms are getting completely cleaned out.  I have also managed to organize the linen closet and get a bunch of paperwork/email work done.

5.  I managed to squeeze in a lot of reading as I sat in the van and waited for kids to finish practice.  It's been lovely.

6.  On Wednesday afternoon there was some mix-up with the boys' practice, and it ended up not being mandatory.  We took full advantage.  I had told the kids for days that we would take that day to go to the state fair.  The night before I decided to change plans as a reward for being so helpful this summer.

We went to a gigantic amusement park instead.  As soon as Buttercup's practice was over at 1:30, we drove the 2 hours to Kings Island.  I was a tad nervous about my knee's ability to hold up, but I knew I could always rent a wheelchair or scooter if I needed it.

Despite the looks on their faces, they were beyond excited to be there.  They just weren't happy about having to stop to get a photo taken.

7.  The big kids were worried that the lines would be long, especially since we did the discounted late arrival tickets.  They only had from 4-10 to ride.  Fortunately, it was the perfect day to go.  They waited in line for 25 minutes for one ride, and never waited in line for more than 10 minutes for any others.  They got to ride everything they wanted multiple times.

8.  I was able to send the big kids off to enjoy themselves, since two of them carried phones and had been there with their 8th grade classes before.  They were fantastic about checking in (and hilarious when they did) and they all had a great time.

9.  While the big kids rode their rides, the little boys and I spent the entire 6 hours in the best kids' area I have ever seen in an amusement park.

There were normal little rides that got big giggles out of them...

 but there were also big kid rides toned down a bit for little kids.  Nothing made Cuckoo laugh harder than these:

Don't let the smile fool you.  He was ruthless in his attempt to crash into other kids.  
There were three roller coasters. One was for beginners to get their jitters out.  Then there were two real coasters.  For real roller coasters:

The end of the ride, and he's still smiling.
Cuckoo asked a few times if we could come back after he turns five (in two weeks), since he missed the height requirement for this one by 4 inches.  He did get to ride the other big one, though.  Three times.  (No photo because I had to ride it with him.)

We rode rides until the park closed.

This ride took them 15 feet in the air.  And there were no straps holding them down.  He was barely big enough for the ride.  He loved it.

And since we never left the kid area, my knee never got put to the "that's a lot of walking!" test.  I felt great.

10.  The kids were having so much fun, there was not one moment of meltdown or crying or complaining the entire afternoon and evening.  At least 15 times, Cuckoo screamed, "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!"  Even at 10:15 at night, while we waited for the big kids to join us at the exit, the little boys were happy and dancing up a storm.

It's fun to watch your shadow dance.  
But, all things must end.  This is the last weekend before school starts bright and early on Monday.  Next week's list of 10 will be looking a whole lot different than this one.

So, did you do anything to make you giggle this week?

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. Replies
    1. Yup. Tigermouse must be camping this weekend. :)

  2. I'm amazed I got that, what with having to log in from an Irish computer which doesn't recognise me, and over trying not to laugh at Cuckoo's comment - seriously WHERE did he get *that* from? That's amazing :D What did the other moms say??

    You're such a star for whizzing them all around this week and making it work so they're all ready to go back to school and join in. And that you found time to take them for such a great afternoon out - that's AWESOME. You rock at this parenting stuff. Seriously. As ever, you give me such hope :D

    I bet Cuckoo and Turken especially liked their late nights - that was Neff's most EXCITING thing about our holiday - that he got to stay up late one night. It sent him into raptures that he was out after dark, and he kept asking "what would we be doing now?" and the GRIN on the boy when he was told that he would be in bed, having stories, ready to settle down to sleep if it were a normal!

    Great photos :D

    1. Who knows where he comes up with anything that comes out of his mouth? As far as I know, he's never heard anyone say it. Of course, Kris was sitting right there, laughing herself silly.

      I'm not even close to being a star. Simply desperate. As for the great afternoon out, OK. I agree. I rocked being a mom that afternoon. :)

      Aw, sweet Neff. It is awesome to see the simple things that get them so excited.


  3. What a fun day for the kids. I enjoyed that myself. What a good mom you are. Yes indeed.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

    1. They had a blast, and I had fun, too. Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!

  4. Great list ...bummer school is starting we start the Wednesday after labor day and I am getting all anxious about it. Our New York summer so far feels like a warm spring not one day in the 90's, so i feel a little deprived. Aagh school supplies love getting them for me, hate doing it for the kids our schools ask for so many. Great day to Kings Island did the kids know you were taking them there; we have been known not say anything tho our kids until we are in front of a place. They are in agony trying to guess where we are taking them..and then when we get wherever we end up they want to know who is meeting us. Good luck on the first day of school - and wishing everyone a great school year.

    1. Thank you. It is a big bummer. Our summer has been really cool, too. No 90s yet, which is very odd. We are getting into the 80s again, just in time for the pools to close. So aggravating.
      The kids didn't know until we were in the car. They knew something was up, since I told them to make sure they had things to do in the car. Awesome that you wait until they see the place. I couldn't keep the excitement to myself that long. I knew how happy they would be, so I told them almost as soon as we got in the car.
      Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  5. Replies
    1. holy Moses.... THat washable marker thing and the hubbas are definitely money makers on Readers Digest or something... I love those kids!

    2. No. I will be your sister, though. :) You are welcome to join us anytime.

      They do crack me up. Glad you enjoy them, too, seeing as how you could be their aunt and all.

  6. Hubba offense, sister, but your telling of this does not adequately capture the moment...because, it was, in fact, the funniest thing I experienced all week. The child did not "rest his head" on your chest...but he BURIED it in your chest. And then stood back and said, "Hubba Hubba." See how much more amusing that is?

    1. Ha! And somewhere in between lies the real story. :)

  7. Wow, that IS a really cool kids area! My little cousin would love it... he is 10 but is scared of big rides, so whenever we go someone has to wait with him while everyone else goes on the rollercoasters. There is a kids area at Great America, but not like that! The little bumper cars are especially cool... my cousins were always dying to be big enough to drive the regular bumper cars, and we would let them sit next to us and steer so technically they were driving but we were doing the pedals. They would have loved to drive bumper cars their own size!

    1. You cousin would definitely enjoy this area. Poor guy, being scared. All three of the older boys were terrified of coasters until the last couple of years. The little kids won't have such a fear, seeing as how they are getting this exposure and having fun. Hopefully your cousin will get the nerve to go on some rides and enjoy them someday.
      The bumper cars were awesome, mostly because they didn't have pedals. The kids just had to steer.

  8. Yay for the trip to King's Island! I am so amazed and impressed with all you have accomplished this last week.

    1. Yay! There was a lot going on this week. It is made a lot easier when four of the kids are old enough to stay home alone or babysit the younger kids. :)

  9. We totally took the girls to our local carnival last month and they loved it, too. So amazing at what keeps them entertained, occupied and meltdown free, but all for it if this is the case to be quite honest!! :)

    1. The long drive was completely worth the fun the kids had at the park. I have a ball just watching them giggle their full heads off.

  10. Hubba, hubba. What a fun week.

  11. school already? aiyee
    …surprise trips to amusement parks? as a former kid, I will attest to that being a very good mother-based plan.
    good to hear that 'the knee' has realized that resistance is futile

    1. I know. Sad, isn't it? Just as the temperatures start to rise.
      When I told Bryan my plan, he predicted I would be named Best Mother of the Year by the kids. At least for that day.
      It has, thank goodness. I didn't want to have to get all scott on it. :)

  12. The amusement park looks like a lot of fun; I'm impressed with what they had for younger kids; that's great! It's funny, even though I don't have kids, I suddenly have a lot more meetings and stuff coming up, too. Does that stuff have to come back with school starting? I was enjoying the time off!

    1. It was loads of fun. I had never been before, so I was thrilled to see what the park had to offer.
      What is it with the meetings? I love the summer break from it all. Hopefully your meetings were more efficient than the ones I attended were. Ugh.

  13. What an awesome end of the summer trip for the kids. That sounds like it was so much fun. I haven't been to an amusement park since right before I got married 4 years ago. Hubby loves them too so we will have to go soon. Your kids are hilarious. I laughed at the hubba hubba comment from your son. Hehe. :)

    1. It was wonderful. They love amusement parks.
      They certainly have their funny moments. We laughed, too. I just wish I knew where he came up with it!

  14. So, are you going back in 2 weeks, after Cuckoo has grown 4 inches? Kids grow up so fast, but I think yours are exceptionally quick!

    1. Ha! While a couple of my kids have grown ridiculously fast, Cuckoo is not one of them. I'm thinking it will take him about three years to get 4 inches taller. ;)

  15. The day at the amusement park sounds wonderful.

  16. What a Great way to end summer break. And how awesome that you didn't have to resort to renting a wheel chair. After I had my hip surgery this spring I really appreciated the scooters available at my grocery store. I once did so much shopping my carts battery ran dead and the hubby had to go fetch me a replacement scooter. lol.

    1. While I hate to say goodbye to summer break, I am glad I was able to do something fun with the kids before it ended.
      Hahaha!! At least someone was in the store with you! After having knee surgery, I cringe at the thought of hip surgery. How unpleasant that had to be!
      It is so funny that you mentioned the grocery store scooters. When I first had surgery, I told the kids I would have to use one when we went to the store. They said they would not go with me if I used one. It would be terribly embarrassing they said. They would have left me high and dry at the back of the store if I had a scooter that died. :)

  17. Christine, you are one fantastic mummy. I'm always amazed at hoe you juggle!!! Glad the kids enjoyed themselves!

    1. Aw, thank you Michelle. They had a blast, and I had a great time watching them.

  18. You earned some serious mom points with that trip! It sounds like a perfect afternoon/evening/night! I imagine our lists will start to look a little more similar since we are headed to school tomorrow morning and all the sports stuff starts up this week as well, starting with club volleyball tryouts on Saturday. Here we go!
    You have the greatest kids, Christine! Hubba hubba!

  19. Yah for reading time and stand-up comedy and finding time to organise the linen cupboard! I think I should put all three of these on my priorities list for this week :) You are such an awesome mum driving your kids to an amusement park two hours away! Looks like they had an amazing time :)

  20. Damn Christine! Don't tell me school is starting! Summer can't be winding down!! But you know, I've noticed the light. It's getting that "back to school" look about it. lol
    Summer is not complete as a kid without a trip to an amusement park. From your description? Yes. Total blast! I would have had fun myself!
    Glad your knee is recouped enough that you had a good time yourself:)

  21. I'm having issues with Blogger this week - argh! So if this is a duplicate, just delete me.
    Just getting around to TToTs on MONDAY NIGHT but I promise there is a very good reason. Stay tuned.
    Lots of fun things...reading, school shopping and prep, amusement park trips. All that great whirlwind end of summer greatness!! And those little boys' funnies are terrific! Kids are such a hoot!
    Happy back to school to all of you!

  22. 1. I watched bits and pieces of Last Comic Standing (I love stand-up, too - separated at birth, once again!), but they voted my favorite off, so I'm done.
    2. I laughed so hard when I read about Turken on facebook! And "hubba hubba"? Oh, that boy!
    3. Fantastic! Especially for that freshman girl! She's a peach!
    6. Giant has really grown up this summer!
    9. I have no doubt Cuckoo was ruthless on the bumper cars! And I love the pure glee on Turken's face on the roller coaster! And that Cuckoo thought he could grow 4 inches just by turning 5!
    Glad your knee held out!

  23. Hubba hubba. That made me laugh.

    There's such joy on everyone's faces. I love that cuckoo felt it enough to say it was the best day ever!

  24. What FUN! Adore the "hubba hubba"--and those grinning faces!

  25. YES to Last Comic Standing!!!

    Congrats to Phoenix and Buttercup!!

    Nothing better than a cleaned out linen closet. Which reminds me.....

    That amusement park looks AWESOME and best looking kids' area EVER!!! In MY day.....tee hee. Looks like you guys had a great day/evening to finish off your summer. Hope this week is going just as smoothly. :D


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