
Saturday, April 19, 2014

I'm Running the Gamut in This Week's TToT, Week #44

I'm a little tired, but I seem to recall a beatitude that says, "Blessed are the run-ragged, for they will find sleep and relaxation."

Surely that's a beatitude.

(Short pause for my mom to say, "It isn't, and quit calling me Shirley!")

If you read my last post, you will know that my brain is on overload and can't hold on to any new information, partly because of the children's coaches' and teachers' conspiracy to put all of The Things on the same nights at the same times.

This thankful list comes to you from the notes app on my phone.  I have thumbed things down all week so as not to forget.  I even wrote full sentences.  In the past I have jotted down a word like "lunch box" in order to remind myself of a post idea, only to read "lunch box" a few days later and think, "Why in the world did I write "lunch box" down?"

Don't laugh too hard.

You know you've done it, too.

On to the thankfuls...


1.  that the Dixie Chopper started right up.  We haven't even tried to start it since November, so I was a bit doubtful of my success when I got the idea to try and mow in the 45 minutes I had between coming home and leaving again.

Oh, how I enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass.  And weeds.  We have a lot of weeds.  They smell the same as  grass when cut.

2.  for the ability to renew library books online.  It's especially handy when one doesn't remember the books are due until 4:30pm on the day the books are due.  I managed to dodge that $40 bullet!

3.  for my safe travels to the wedding last weekend.  Delicious food was eaten, the ocean was seen, cards were played, laughs were had.  When growing up, I only saw my sister for a couple of weeks each summer.  As adults, we're lucky to see each other every couple of years.  (This is the sister which I took Turken to visit for his one-on-one trip to Hilton Head.) I am so glad I was able to be there to be a part of her wedding day.

My dad trying to take a selfie at the beach.  My brother being his usual, goobery, hilarious, photo-bombing self.
 I gotta say, it was a bit odd taking a trip with just my brother and divorced-for-over-30-years parents.

 I kinda felt like a kid again.

It took us 10 tries to get a photo in which we both jumped at the same time.
4.  for the buses the high school has available for sports teams.  Sure, I had to get up at 4:55am to get Phoenix to that bus, but it really helps on days when we have 4 kids who have games at the same general time.

5.  for the rain and snow we received earlier this week.  I can say this because we didn't get the 10 inches of snow folks a bit farther north received, and the snow was only here for a day.  It was enough, though, for practices to be canceled, thus easing up our schedules on Monday and Tuesday.

6.  for the new discovery of wi-fi in the high school parking lot.  On a whim, waiting for Phoenix to get out of practice, I tried to get online with my iPad. It worked!  I have a bit more time now to read my friends' blogs and catch up on the facebook.  (Don't expect many comments, though.  That is still a pain to do on an iPad.)

7.  for a long driveway.  Sometimes, the boys are just really squirrelly after school, making the drive home loud and active and headache-inducing.   On those days, I let them out of the van at the bottom of the driveway, so they can run and burn some energy on the 1/3 of a mile back to the house.  Plus, I get 3 minutes of peace and quiet.  That's a long time in this house!

Cuckoo stopped to pick some "flowers" on his way.  Phoenix helped.
8.  for meals I can start in the crockpot in the morning and others I can throw together quickly as needed for evenings I have limited time to get dinner on the table.  We've had lots of those these days.

9.  for our children's Catholic schools.  I know I've had this in other lists, but each week there is something else for which to be thankful.  This week being Holy Week, there were plenty to choose from.  The 6th grade teachers who arrange to have a rabbi come in and walk the students through a Seder meal.  For the 8th grade teachers and students who help us focus ourselves by presenting a Living Stations of the Cross.  For all of the staff who encourage good manners in the students.  (For example, the Living Stations draws quite a crowd.  The church is standing room only, and those standing are the 7th grade boys.)

10.  for Lent and Holy Week.  Throughout the year I am mindful and appreciative of Jesus's sacrifice and the love that God has for me.  It is good, though, to have this time to really focus on it.  To make my own sacrifices, to dedicate extra time to learning and praying and meditating.  This year in particular, I made some good changes that will carry me on through the rest of the year.  I am also grateful that I have the freedom to do so.

Alrighty folks.  It's your turn.  What fills your heart with gratitude this week?

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Believe me, Christine, I understand the "lunch box" phenomenon. I scribble notes in a hurry and forget why I need them in the first place!!! Have a blessed Easter now!!

    1. I knew there were more people who did it! :)
      Thank you!

  2. You do have much to be thankful for. Enjoy your parents. They don't stay long enough. Mine have been gone many years.

    Have a fabulous day. Happy Easter to you and yours. ☺

    1. I enjoy every minute I can with my parents. My mom's parents died too young (I never met her dad.) and my mom has beaten death 3 times now. I don't take them for granted ever.

      Thank you!

  3. I love, love, LOVE your jumping-in-the-air photo :D *happysigh* You're SO my kind of people. *grins*

    This is a great list, and so happy you've found WiFi and a use for that ridonkulously long driveway.

    And kudos for #10. Happy Easter.

    1. We had fun with it, for sure.
      I was so excited when that wifi popped up.

      Happy Easter to you!

  4. WiFi stealer.
    We named ours "Get your own"
    I love to use my phone to take quick notes but then I forget what they mean because I have a case of the fat thumbs and they like to push buttons that I don't mean to push and then my phone autocorrects them and when read it says that I am thankful for herpes....
    Isn't is awesome when you get with family again, you act like kids again?

    1. I am not stealing! It is public wifi from the high school!

      Well, it could mean to remember to be thankful you don't have herpes... :)

      It's even more true when with family but without your own kids. I had zero responsibilities outside of taking care of myself, so it really was like I was a kid again.

  5. OK, maybe not a beatitude, but I think you were thinking of this in chapter 11 of Matthew:

    28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

    30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    (You can still call me Kristi, though.)

  6. "Blessed are the run-ragged, for they will find sleep and relaxation." - except you're a mildly OCD person at the edge of a panic attack, then you're going to lay awake all night worrying despite being so exhausted you just want to cry.. I'm so lookign forward to my bed tonight, all issues are resolved and we should be able to head out to TX in almost yoga-esque deep relaxation mode on Tuesday :-) Hope you have a great weekend, Christine!!

    1. I'm glad you are getting everything straightened away so you can actually relax on your trip. Safe travels!

  7. love the beatitude... I remember learning them in school ( went to Catholic school too) I was trying to think of a new one but I just cant ...yours is perfect. LOVE the jumping photo and the dad selfie! Congrats to your sister and your whole family. Have a lovely , Easter!

    1. Ha! You don't need to write a new one. Keep working with your strength...jibjabs. :)

      Thank you!

  8. those are the boots in the first photo, no?
    very cool driveway, I will spare you the rather long list of fun things that can be done with and around a driveway as is pictured, at least to most of my people (in Y Chromia).
    thanks for springing me from the corner that I wrote myself into this am...

    1. The boots you italicizing pro, you. :)
      It is a great driveway which has provided the kids with lots of fun. And lots of quiet time for me. :)
      You are welcome.

  9. Amen to 9 and 10! (and a whole lot of the others, too, really). I am a Catholic school girl all the way (even college and grad school, believe it or not) and I have loved every minute. I think that is definitely a beatitude. Holy Week is my absolute favorite time of the liturgical year. Easy meals - yes. And the crock pot? Awesome. Although I have to admit that I most often use mine for long days at home or days when we are in and out running errands so that dinner is an easy serve. Haven't hit the running everywhere phase yet - but I suspect Zilla will have us doing that in no time. Can't imagine doing it times six!
    Happy Easter to all of you!

    1. I knew you went to Catholic school, but not so much of it! :)
      It is one of the best weeks of the year.
      One of my kids asked if the crockpot could be used for things besides soup and chili. It seems I need to branch out in my crockpot usage.
      With Zilla's personality, I'm sure you'll be taking her around to activities. This is an exceptionally rough spring. They aren't usually this rough, and it won't be ever again. Just lots of unusual things hitting us at once.

      Thank you!

  10. I, too, am guilty of jotting down a word or phrase in my Notes section of my phone, only to have no idea what I meant by it. I'm afraid to delete them, however, in case they come to me in some sort of epiphany.
    1. Okay, if I had an awesome ride like that, I MIGHT mow a lawn. But definitely not walking behind a push mower. Nuh uh.
    2. Yep, done it many, many times. Even books I don't want anymore, just because I forgot to take them back.
    3. You look absolutely lovely! This trip is something that would make a great premise for a movie; you should write a screenplay. And how much huffing and puffing was there after the 10th try?
    4. It helps even more when he's old enough to drive HIMSELF to the leaving at the crack of dawn bus!
    6. Our school district's wifi is password protected, which really stinks. Need to talk someone into giving it to me.
    8. Crockpots are da bomb.
    9. You obviously have a thriving Catholic school system. Ours seem to be struggling.
    10. Happy Easter!

    1. damn! excellent 'get' Dyanne… I am officially jealous (of you for seeing that)

    2. Has it ever come back to you? Not once have I ever remembered why I wrote the word.
      1. It is fun to drive. I never minded the push mower, though. It was good exercise and feeds my organizational tendencies.
      2. I am so tired of fines. So, so tired.
      3. Aw, thanks. I'll get right on that screenplay. (No, I won't.) Surprisingly, not much huffing. Muscle aches, but no huffing. :)
      4. Don't think it didn't cross my mind. That boy needs to get his temps pronto!
      6. The elementary school's wifi is, but the kids apparently all know the password.
      7. I have a friend who says that every time she comes to our house.
      8. Truly.
      9. Indy has a very big, active Catholic school system. I know not all do. I have plenty of thoughts on that, if you ever want to know.
      10. Thanks!

  11. I just have to say first that I read Dyanne's Forrest Gump comment on your driveway and that is TOTALLY what I was thinking when I saw the picture! Great minds,eh? Seriously, that is some view down your driveway! I love it! Next time I drive, that's the view I want from my driveway. All that SPACE. So, that would make the riding mower make sense.
    You did look beautiful for the wedding and I'm so glad you went. Those are great pics you took. Your brother looks like fun!
    I don't write things down and forget about them, usually I can figure them out but I do have a bad habit of hiding things and forgetting where I put them. That never use to happen...

    1. It is a common thought. My kids hear it but have no idea what people are talking about.
      We do have lots of space. Not just because we have over 7 acres, but because our property is completely surrounded by 200 acres of corn field.
      Thank you. My brother and I have so much fun together. He is a riot.
      Ha! I have lots plenty of gifts over the years. Bryan just found his Christmas present a couple of weeks ago that I had hidden and couldn't find come Christmas Day.

  12. I remember having to remember to get to the library to renew books- so nice now to be able to do it online! And not to worry about returning videos either!

    1. It is a wonderful way to embrace technology, for sure. We still accumulate fines for stupid things, but at least they aren't for 100 books being 2 days late. Usually. :)

  13. It has been a wonderful Holy Week here as well. Such meaning.
    The "jump shot" was so worth it even if you were probably a little winded by the 10th try!

    1. I'm glad you've found Holy Week to be helpful this year.
      The outtakes of the jumping photo are just as fun to go through as seeing the final one. My thighs were just a bit sore after all of that jumping. ;)

  14. So much thankful here! The trip sounds great. I love your driveway!

  15. WOW that driveway IS long - I love it! Looks like your family had a wonderful time at the wedding and I think your Dad is just adorable. Have a Happy Easter.

    1. Yes it is. It is one of the things that made us look at the house in the first place.
      My dad will be happy to hear it. Not a doubt in my mind that the next time I see him, he will say, "One of your readers thinks I'm adorable." :)
      Thank you!

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has trouble commenting from an iPad! AUGH!!!

    You and your sister looked lovely! Looks like you had a great time!

    That is one stinking looooooong driveway indeed! Reminds me of something out of Gone With The Wind. :)

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

    1. It's just a pain in the neck to do, isn't it?

      Aw, thanks. We did.

      When we first moved here, people continually told us the drive reminded them of one of two movies. Forrest Gump and Gone with the Wind.

      Thank you!

  17. If I started to chuckle at the lunch box reference, but stopped because I do it too and sometimes, can't even read my own writing on scraps of paper that hold the most brilliant ideas of all time. I love the jumping photo and am so happy that you got to see your sister - congratulations to her on her wedding! I'm jealous of your driveway but soothed myself remembering the mud photos. Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family, Christine!

    1. How many brilliant posts are never written because both our handwriting and our memories have gone to pot?

      I am so glad I was able to go to the wedding. I know it meant a lot to both her and her mom, too.

      Don't be jealous. The mud is one reason. The need for a whole mess of gravel every couple of years is another.

      Thank you!

  18. Yes, yes and YES!! I believe it is a beatitude. I have to remember writing it on my phone, I have a calendar next to my bed, but sometimes when I crawl in at the end of the day, my mind goes blank.

    I love that driveway. So beautiful.

    This year I really followed the Holy Week practices. I've spent some conversations with my Catholic friends, which only enriches my faith. I now understand why Easter Sunday left me feeling a little... empty. Now it feels complete. Happy Easter.

    1. Oh yes. Write on your phone. I have my best ideas driving in the car. At the stop lights, I'm scrambling to get the idea down.


      I am so glad you found some people with whom to talk. Talking about your faith is so important. I pray these feelings continue for you, and that you are always surrounded by people who can listen and discuss and pray with you.

  19. I am ready for the smell of grass being cut!
    Your sister shares your gorgeous smile. Glad to hear the wedding event was fun.

    1. You'll be mowing in no time!
      Aw, you're sweet. Thank you.

  20. I'm get tired just reading your posts and imagining all of your comings/goings!
    Your air time photo made me smile when I first saw it on instagram. How fun :)!
    No mowing here yet for a week or two but the yards are greening up nicely.
    It's a beautiful evening for roasting your Peeps!

    1. I'm tired just looking at my calendar. :)
      My brother and I always have fun when we're together. It's just a different kind of fun when our kids aren't with us.
      With all the rain we've had, that green grass will be needing cut soon!
      I had such a hard time making the kids go inside for showers and bed. The weather was absolutely perfect last night.

  21. Oh you are such a cutie!!!! I LOVE that jump shot and it was TOTALLY worth all the takes!! lol

    What a week! Soooo loving your gorgeous driveway to your AMAZING home!!! I am so glad you had such a beautiful weekend away at your sister's wedding (that's who right?I'm too tired to go back up and re-read) And ohmygosh, what an interestingly awkward time to have both your parents together... been there- done that. Isn't it amazing how we can regress so quickly?

    SO glad it all worked out so well!!

    1. Aw, you sweet thing, you.

      It was my sister, yes. There was a day when awkward was an understatement. I couldn't be happier with the way our parents have put things behind them and just let us enjoy being together. With the snap of our fingers, I'm a kid again.

      Me, too. :)

  22. I loved the photo of your dad and brother. What a gorgeous drive-way to your home. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a drive-way that secluded and long, so when my girls are extra loud and full of energy, they could take a walk. lol. I can't complain too much. Our "right away" drive is long and leads to family, so I don't have to worry when they ride their bikes on it. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

    1. Me, too. :)
      That driveway has been so useful. I can just kick them out and let us all get a break before heading into chores and homework.
      The next priority for our home improvements is to pave the drive. Our kids have no place to ride their bikes, and they so desperately want to.
      We did, thanks!

  23. Spring! And sun! I am just so darned thankful for seeing that sun in the morning, and all through the day, I can't even think of anything else. Very nice to meet you, by the way!

  24. great pictures...the jump, the wedding, your family. It's so important to get snapshots of those times. I love your long driveway! Let those boys run home every day. :-) Love your thoughts about Easter and being Catholic. Easter week can be so powerful and renewing. :-)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!