
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Prom Dresses, Old Dogs, and Photos. Always the Photos. TToT Week 40

My Bible study group was getting together at the park Friday afternoon, seeing as we were having another gorgeous day.  I had to text them to say I couldn't make it.  "I will be collapsing on the couch from exhaustion."  At noon.

Bryan has been out of town this week, and I am worn out.  Bushed.  Drained.  Run over by a herd of buffalo, then for good measure, trampled by wild horses and drug 1000 yards before being rolled down a well-used ski slope.


I don't want you to think I've had a bad week.  I haven't.  It's been full of good and wonderful things, but even good and wonderful things can wear a person out.  It's now been proven.

Some things for which to be thankful this week:

1.  Breakfast with friends.  When Bryan goes out of town, I have to take the kids to school bright and early.  The only upside is I then get to have breakfast with a dear friend before she heads to work.  We had a fantastic two hour breakfast on Thursday.  (Bonus thankful:  Cuckoo behaved beautifully the whole time.)  And then on Friday, my book club went to Mass and breakfast afterward.  I am always grateful to get together with them.

2.  Commiseration.  Our school is having our fundraising dinner this weekend, and the theme is "prom".  We are encouraged to dress up in all of our crinkly, satiny finery of old.  I actually have one of the dresses I wore in high school, so I tried it on.  It almost fit.  It seems over the years, my rib cage has expanded.  That's the only place I couldn't get zipped.  I told someone about it, and within minutes, there were four other women saying they had the exact same problem.  Who knew it would be the rib cages to do us in?

3.  Conversations with my kids.  I can't really tell you about many of the conversations I have with the big kids, so I'm glad I can quote the little ones.  This particular one with Cuckoo was about God, specifically Cuckoo wanting to know where God is.

Me:  God is everywhere, including inside each and every one of us.
C:  He's in my head?
Me:  Well, he does know what you're thinking, but most people say He is in their hearts.
C:  (after a long pause) He knows I'm thinking about chocolate?

4.  Roy's old age.  With the warm weather, the chickens have been outside every day.  Unfortunately, the amount of snow we had did a number on our fence.  A couple of chickens insist on escaping and spending the day out in the yard.  So far, none have been eaten by Roy the Wonder Dog.  When he does happen to see a chicken in his territory, he's not fast enough to catch it before it gets back to the other side of the electric fence.

5.  Responsible children.  Lots of things have prevented us from our usual time at home during the day this week.  Three days this week, I only had 30 minutes at home between the hours of 6:30am and 8:00pm.  (One day was from 8am-9:30pm, but I had all 5 boys with me most of that day.)  In those 30 minutes I threw some dinner together and headed back out the door.  The kids have been left to their own devices quite a bit this week.  I'm so grateful that they can be trusted to take care of themselves and the little boys when I need them to.

6.  Our remoteness.  The house fell apart this week, of course.  It was basically trashed.  Dishes didn't get done for three days.  Wet sheets were stripped off the bed, but they didn't get washed for two days.  Trashed, I tell you!  I'm so glad we never have people dropping in to say hello.

7.  A mostly free Saturday.  After I got Phoenix to school at 6:45 this morning (yes, a Saturday!) to work a volleyball tournament, I had many hours at home.  The four youngest boys and I spent an hour getting the house put back together, dusted, and partially vacuumed.  Later, the two big kids and I will work on scrubbing.

8.  Giant's good taste.  While we cleaned, I put Giant in charge of the music.  On his own, he grabbed the Harry Chapin CD and cranked it up.

One of his lesser-known songs.  Everyone who works with kids should have to listen to it.

9.  Turken's sense of humor.  The boy is coming into his own, and he is funny!  One day, the boys were rolling down a great big hill.  At one point, he decided to somersault instead of lay on his side to roll.  He got going really fast, and by the bottom was doing out-of-control cartwheels.  He landed with a thud, and simply laid there for a bit.  Finally, he spoke.  "I did NOT see that one coming."

Another day, I was in the kitchen making lunch, and by the sound of Cuckoo's whining, I wasn't moving fast enough.  I sang to him "Cause I'm only human" (line from Christina Perri's song).  Without missing a beat, he sang, "At least you're not a dog".

10  Lots and lots and lots of play time at local playgrounds.  Some of it was planned time with friends.  The rest was spur of the moment fun.

You know you couldn't get away without at least a couple of photos.

March Madness

I was on the other end of this modern (aka wimpy) teetertotter with Cuckoo.  His only comment, "Why don't my feet ever touch the ground?" 

I told you Phoenix was tall.

Did you know I'm on Instagram?  I am.  Are you?

OK, I'm off to tease my hair and cement it with hair spray.  While I'm gone, let me know what you were thankful for this week!

Have a lovely day!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. I am also glad you're not a dog.

    And wow...I guess I haven't seen Phoenix for a while. WOW! No wonder you have trouble finding pants that fit him! ;) That was really funny...nicely done, friend. :)

  2. I am totally on Instagram and my username is @jnine0712. Would love to follow you over there and I am with Cuckoo on hoping god knows that chocolate isn't very far from my mind most times either lol! But seriously hope you can relax a bit this weekend getting a bit of downtime for just you :)

    1. I'll get right on over!
      I'm with ya, especially since I cut way back on the chocolate intake.
      There has been some downtime, but not just for me. Maybe tomorrow. :)

  3. did you ever contact Kristi for the prom dress? Sounds like an exhausting week... like that cow has now become Brian since the "I love my husband' post...or whatever that one was called... either way ... lovely list! I love your kiddo stories... and hey skip asks... Whats wrong with being a dog?

    1. I did not. I had Buttercup try to zip me in again, and it worked. I couldn't breathe deeply, but I was in it.
      I like using his real name, too.
      It's kinda hard to make PB&J when you're a dog. That's all. :)

  4. Playground is always awesome! I can't wait until the evenings are light enough to go outside again after dinner and play. Hubby was great and got the girls street chalk, and I already came home one night to a beautiful, colorful drawing on the street. Have a great weekend! And don't worry about your house, hubby had to wear socks from yesterday today, and Violet had to borrow a pair of Lily's undies. I'm a really, really negligent mom and wife..

    1. Always! We eat so late, we never get to go out after dinner. Before dinner is our play time, so the light doesn't affect us much. Thankfully.
      Those chalk drawings always make me smile. What a nice surprise for you.
      Ha! I'd be lying if I said Cuckoo has never had to wear Turken's underwear. Or that the big kids never had to borrow a sibling's school shirt or pair of shorts. We're not negligent. We're resourceful. :)

  5. Now this is a great list. The conversation with Cuckoo about God and chocolate...terrific. That's the kind of stuff Kidzilla tosses out there and we just can't help ourselves but laugh. She blasted us with a good one this week - slightly irreverent, but hysterical. Great pics - love the one of Phoenix - very clever.
    Who would've thought the rib cage would be the thing? That has also happened to me. Of course now there are other parts that have expanded as well, but that was the first thing I noticed. How bizarre.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Cuckoo is constantly asking questions. He's very unlike his quiet siblings. It's fun for the first hour. :)
      It is quite bizarre. Yet another thing no one ever told me about having kids.

  6. That picture of Phoenix is the best! Make sure to post a pic of your hair!

    1. Thanks! Unfortunately, the hair didn't go as planned. I realized I didn't have any hair spray. There's no way to make mile-high hair without the hair spray!

  7. Wet sheets were stripped off the beds? Do I even want to know?
    Rib cages spread when babies are on the inside, pushing outwards. Mine has done the same thing. I blame it on the nearly 10 lb one.
    No more popcorn chicken for Roy?

    1. A little boy wet the bed. Sheesh.
      I had no idea until this week. Remarkable.
      No more. He's had more than enough over the years.

  8. Seriously? Your ribcage? Well, after reading Dyanne's comment...I guess! But cool that you could still have fit into it otherwise. I hope you have a gorgeous time and GET SOME PHOTOS FOR US.

    I haven't forgotten about the mad Japanese panda shorts yet, either...

    Looks like you had fun at the park, and I'm glad you're getting your house back from 'trashed' - it's a nice feeling.

    Wishing you energy for the coming week, my friend :)

    1. I know! Never would have guessed. Regardless, I got to wear the dress. As I was getting ready, I tried it one one more time. She got it zipped and I wore it all night. I didn't take a deep breath, but I wore it. :)

      Ha! Actually, I had. :)

      The park was fun, and the cleaned-up house lasted all of about 2 hours. It is sufficiently cluttered up again.

      Thank you.

  9. You are so right, even weeks packed with good things can wear a person out. I don't doubt you for a minute. I like the sound of a two hour breakfast with a friend. I think I would rather have a breakfast than a dinner...seems more cozy. Your kids are beyond cute....and tell Cuckoo that God knows I think about chocolate all the time!
    It is nice when your kiddos get to an age where they can be trusted to be responsible for themselves. It can sure take some of the pressure off so I'm glad you have that.
    Phoenix is tall, but that photo is crazy! I love it! I am almost certain I follow you on Instagram but I will be double checking.
    The ribcage info is interesting and I agree with Lizzi.......must have pics please ;)

    1. A breakfast is much nicer, especially with a child in tow. Nobody is tired, for one thing. Thank you. I will.
      It is wonderful to have kids who can take care of themselves for short bits. For me and them. When they were younger, they had to be drug here, there and everywhere. They are thrilled to be able to stay home.
      The picture cracked me up, too.
      I didn't get a single photo. The lighting was low, and nothing would have come out.

  10. that 'March Madness' photo… very nice, something so 'not New England' in, maybe the sky or the implied regular and level terrain.

    I'm not on Instagram, 'fraud that one left me behind, do get it. While I totally get a kick out of using images on posts, not so photo-instensive that I would be able to participate more than once every two weeks. (Now that I read myself typing that, I realize I do more phone pictures than I realize… Iget to come home for lunch and feed Una, and I try to take a interesting photo with my phone and email to Phyllis at work).

    sounds like a good-busy week

    1. Yes, the terrain of Indiana is very different than that of New England. A little less bumpy, I would say.

      Oh, you are so sweet to take photos for Phyllis! I don't post to Instagram all that often. I have the darndest time coming up with captions!

      It was.

  11. Your comment about remoteness reminded me of the time I was at my dad's girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving. We were wrapping up dinner & her neighbor stopped by & acted like he didn't know we were having dinner & helped himself to leftovers. Talk about awkward! I'm glad people don't stop by either.
    I miss those globe thingies like the one your son is playing on. We don't have them around here anymore.

    1. Oh, that neighbor must have been lonely on Thanksgiving. It had to have been ridiculously awkward, though. How well did you all know him?

      They are few and far between here, too. The kids are glad this one is only a mile from our house.

  12. I agree that Giant has good taste in music.

    I haven't joined Instagram. Is it a phone camera thing? My cell phone does take photos, but is seriously outdated and un-smart. I'm not sure Instagram would work for me.

    I will commiserate with you, too. I think my rib cage is the least of my worries, but I'm sure it's bigger than it was in high school, too.

    1. Hello, fellow Harry fan!

      It is a smartphone thing. You need to download an app. If you ever get one (not saying you need to!) let me know!

      You always make me smile. :)

  13. Prom Dresses. Really wished I had saved them. I have a bridesmaid's dress and my wedding gown. I remember having slight issues with the wedding dress in the rib area when I put it on for our 15th anniversary years ago. I wonder about these days...

    I still remember those days of short-term single parenting...and I only had 2 kids. Would make me thankful I had a partner to share parenting responsibilities.

    Music. We don't have a Harry CD but we do have Tom Chapin CDs! Saw him in concert when the kids were young. His CDs and Raffi's were my kids' favorites.

    Kids' conversations about God almost always bring smiles. I remember my daughter wondering what special kind of glue God used to hold us all together :).

    So, I clicked on your camera in the upper right of your blog hoping it would lead to your instagram. No luck! It did give a flickr reference. What's your username? I'm phoebswg.

    1. I haven't taken my wedding dress out of the box in 20 years. I'm almost afraid to at this point. I don't have any idea why I saved this particular prom dress. We have moved so many times, I'm actually shocked I still have it. I love to purge!

      Oh, I would be in big trouble if anything ever happens to Bryan.

      I had no idea Tom and Harry were brothers! Never crossed my mind. Good grief. We know several of his songs, thanks to kids' radio.

      Aw, how cute is that? Glue holding us together. They are always interesting, even when they are hard to answer.

      The link doesn't work?!?!?! Phooey! I'll get Buttercup right on that! Thanks!

  14. Good thing the kids were responsible! A great week,Christine!

    1. No joke. I'd be in trouble if they weren't. Thank you!

  15. Well at least Roy isn't eating socks like my stupid dog is...sigh...
    Rib cages eh? And this whole time I've been monitoring my ass in the mirror. It's like I've been living in a lie.
    I still have my prom dress too. I don't know why? I actually don't know if it was even dry cleaned. Don't worry, I was a classy girl back then. I took the dress off and then hung it up so it wouldn't get dirty when I was rolling around in the grass. I'm kidding.

    1. Ha! Roy would if he could. He never comes in the house, so socks are hard for him to come by. :)
      Hahahaha!! I felt the same way!
      You are classy alright. And with a sense of humor to boot. :)

  16. It always seems that are weeks are filled up and full then we have two days to deflate, decompress and reorganize for the next week...wishing you a great week ahead...I'm thankful for a girls night out it was desperately needed- feet and eat -- foot spa and then dinner!!!! yes I'm on instagram I think we are following each other! Marisab041 have a great day and week!!!...

    1. I wish the weekends were like that usually, but, alas, they're not. We are happy to get one day to slow down a bit. I just keep thinking, someday, in the not too distant future, I will have nothing but free time, and I'll be a bit sad about it.
      Oh, that sounds like a marvelous girls' night out!

  17. Glad you made it through the chaos of a busy week. That said, sometimes the best things are happening as all the busy is going on and it seems like you captured many of them here.

    Loved your park pictures - we aren't there yet here - everything still covered in snow.

    The prom dress bit made me smile. I still have mine - but it is the elastic, clingy black glittery number that it is basically impossible to wear a bra with (I use to use this boob tape contraption back in the day). So while it would still fit, I don't think my older boobies would make it through the night with so little support anymore. Sigh... Hope you find something fun to wear!

    1. There were lots and lots of great things happening. When I'm busy, I sometimes have trouble noticing that fact. This little thankful hop helps me see it.

      Thanks. I hope that snow melts soon. We've all had just about enough of it. (It snowed here yesterday. No parks for us this week.)

      You were brilliant to get an elastic one. If only our boobs would cooperate...

  18. Kids don't do enough rolling down hills these days -- I'm glad to see the tradition is alive and well in your neck of the woods!

    1. They most certainly don't. If we see a steep hill, rolling down it is the first thing my kids think to do. I love it.

  19. Good luck to you and your endeavours. Sorry you're feelling 'worn out'.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  20. "He knows I'm thinking about chocolate" That is priceless. I love kids.

  21. I love it and Jim and I love Harry Chapin--wonderful song! xox jean you have great kids

    1. Harry Chapin is awesome. The art of telling a story with music seems to be a thing of the past.

      Thank you!

  22. Breakfast lasting more than 10 minutes - good. Breakfast going for 2 hours - great!
    Love your "remoteness. The pictures are cool. Looks very beautiful there Christine.
    Don't forget to post a pic of you in your party prom dress!!

    1. Fantastic, isn't it?
      Thank you!
      Alas, no photo. I just didn't feel like taking one without Bryan.

  23. Sounds like Cuckoo and I have a lot in common - I expect that God knows I'm thinking about chocolate too! And I'd behave beautifully if I came to breakfast with you, and I'm glad you're not a dog!

    Great post, and hope next week is a bit less hectic for you!

    1. Hahaha! Or do as Cuckoo did and combine the two...He had chocolate pancakes during our 2 hour breakfast. :)

      Thank you!

  24. Weekend breakfasts/brunches are my favorite. And love those (mostly) free days :)

    1. I love a good, long breakfast, too. Almost as much as a free day. :)

  25. I have heard the Flower song and I definitely agree everyone who has or works with kids should listen to it! I work in schools but usually I'm an assistant or a sub, and I get a little frustrated when I see teachers telling kids things like, "Why are you coloring that dog green? There are no green dogs! Start over!" Because why CAN'T there be a green dog? Maybe someone painted the dog green. Or maybe the dog went swimming in lime Kool-Aid. Or maybe the dog is from another planet. Let them use their imaginations, for goodness sake!

    1. I am an aide in a preschool for two hours each week. It has shown me that I could never be a full-time aide. It would drive me bonkers, not being able to do what I wanted with the kids, especially if I was assigned to a teacher I didn't agree with.
      When my daughter was little, she never, ever colored things the "proper" color. It never crossed my mind to color a kitten purple until she came along. Why can't a kitten be purple??

  26. I miss COW! :( I'm not sure I will ever get used to Bryan...I too am not very good with change. :)

    I wish it were only my rib cage that was getting bigger. Haha!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!