
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Oh, Yeah? Well...Your Turkey Is Ugly.

The following is a conversation I had with Turken.  He came home from kindergarten carrying a big paper turkey he had made.


Me:  What did you write on your feathers?

Turken:  Well, we had to write some, and some we got to choose.

Me:  Your teacher made you write certain things?

Turken:  Uh-huh.  (as he points to each feather) We had to put God.  And then a pet.  I put "dog" even though they aren't our pets.

Me:  (completely skipping the questions about being forced to put God) They aren't our pets?  Why do you say that?

Turken:  They don't come inside.

Me:  Huh.  (Mental note: Perhaps we need to discuss what a pet is.)

Turken:  Then I put Ms. (Teacher).

Me:  (under my breath) Did you have to put her?

Turken:  And Dad.

Me:  Was Dad one you had to write?

Turken:  No.  And then Mom.

Me:  Were you told to write Mom?

Turken:  No.


Turken:  I just didn't know how to spell anybody else's name.


And with that, Turken has moved into 7th place in my favorite kid contest.

His cousin has inched her way into the lineup.

My name was "Crissy" until I moved to Indiana, where no one knew me and I could shed the name Three's Company made infamous.  The relatives still use the moniker.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Webster's defines pet as: "an animal to whom you give care, as well as create a Facebook page about"...just sayin' by that official definition, you do not have a pet.

    I was Krissy, too...argh! We SO do not look like that name...

    1. "as well as create a Facebook page about" .... yes, yes...

      and better to be Krissy/Crissy if you're a girl. My Chris was called "pissy-Chrissy" ... nice. It didn't stick, thankfully! (and me? I got "Hairy Kari" ...or for my maiden name -Krause- "Sour Kraut" -- I did not appreciate either of them) ;)

    2. Hahaha!! Yeah, Roy ain't gettin' no facebook page. :)

      No, no we don't.

      Kari, I got that same name, too. Of course, it was never from people at school. Just my siblings.

  2. Crissy rocked!!!! Did you ever wear those shorts or her hairstyle?

    1. Hairstyle, no. But I rocked some short shorts to be sure. :)

  3. Out of the mouths of babes! LOL!

  4. Turken is awesome. All your kids are.

    We all wanted to look like Crissy.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. Aw, poor Turken.... 7th place is rough. I have three kids, so at the worst they could be at 3rd place..somehow that sounds better than 7th. ;)

    1. :) No nieces or nephews to move onto the list if necessary? And really, as of yesterday he moved up. One of his brothers has been placed waaaaaaay down. :)

  6. At least he knows how to spell "MOM." Making the turkey by default is better than not making the turkey at all, right? :-)

  7. Wow... remind me not to ....whatever...pretty fickle there , mom...

  8. And I ask...private or public school?? As a public school nurse in a very conservative part of rural Indiana, I'm curious :)!

    1. Catholic school. It must be a conservative area if you have to ask that questions! :)

  9. Oh Turken NO! Good grief! Perhaps one of the older kids put him up to it so that they could move up the queue...orrrrrrrr he needs to learn to spell more names.

    In FACT - you should totally get the older kids to do the work, like "Hey, kids, Turken *really* wanted to be thankful for you, but he can't spell your name. So you have to teach him, so he can show proper discernment in school."

    You may not be his favourite, but he'd be able to spell...

    Also LOLing so much at what you called this post :D

    1. I'm actually quite surprised he doesn't know how to spell any of his classmates' names. The teacher must not have their names up anywhere. He knew how to spell all of his preschool classmates' names by now.

      Yay! Someone mentioned my title! I made myself laugh when I wrote it. :)

    2. Ahhh teacher fail on her part then! Cue a strongly worded letter about how your son doesn't know his classmates' names and that she should display them better. And not send home a rude turkey.

      HA! Good :D

  10. HAHA to "Your turkey is ugly!" Poor Turken...down to number seven. At least you got on the turkey. You and God. And dad. That's something, right?

    1. Thanks! I just can't ever teach him how to spell anything else ever again. :)

  11. I can definitely relate to the Three's Company comment! I don't mind being called Chrissy by close friends and family, but some of them think I'm offended by it now for some reason. It's just that I don't go around introducing myself to new people that way or go by Chrissy at the office - sounds juvenile. Some have suggested Christine, but I shudder at the thought - sounds very snotty to me. I stick with Chris, but then I'm often thought to be a guy, so I end up signing a lot of things Christine ("Chris) Coyle. Sigh ...

    1. Oh, writing the Christmas card is torture. Do I call myself Christine, Chris (which a few people call me) or Crissy?? I'm with you. If you've known me my whole life as Crissy, or you are related, I don't mind calling me Crissy. But everyone in Indiana only knows me as Christine. That is why my kids, who have very names usually shortened to nicknames, don't have nicknames.

  12. Kids are just, well, awesome! So stinkin' funny!! I never watched Three's company, but I'm glad you were able to shed an unwanted nickname!


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