
Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Listicles - Impractical Things

Stasha's Monday Listicles topic this week is 10 Impractical Things.

Time is short today, so I'm giving you a quick list of 10 Impractical Things to Own when you are raising 5 boys.

1.  Glass Windows. 
2.  Shoot, glass of any kind, porcelain, or anything that could remotely be labeled as fragile.  (I want to know if you read that word as fra-gee-lay.)
3.  Forks.  They'd much rather just dig in like pigs.
4.  Furniture.  Much better to have an empty room for wrestling.
5.  Pants with buttons.  Asking them to put on anything besides basketball shorts is like asking them to clean all the toilets in a 5 mile radius.
6.  A nose.  If you don't see why this is impractical, you've never smelled the socks or shoes or feet or farts of a boy over the age of 3.
7.  While I don't agree, boys seem to think a toothbrush is impractical.
8.  A small yard.  A mother of 5 boys will yell "Get outside!" more than any other sentence in her repertoire.
9.  Dolls.  After the age of 2, this goes out of style with the male set.  (However, dress-up clothes, including dresses, do not.)
10.  A high-deductible health insurance plan.  You will visit the ER.  A lot.

Have a lovely day!


  1. Love it! My favorite is #10. So very, very true. Hope you are doing well, have been super crazy lately and haven't been by to "visit."

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

    1. NO worries. I haven't been very good at visiting, either.

  2. I hope #1 and #10 aren't related!

    #9 made me smile!

    Have a good week!

    1. Unbelievably, no, they aren't. Despite the 4 window panes broken this winter alone, no one was hurt by any of them.

      The dresses thing seems to be very common, too. I know plenty of families with boys and they all do it.

      You, too!

  3. Number 4 is so true! I think all males in our house were disappointed when I started putting furniture in our previously-empty living room. (I turned it into a library--definitely not wrestling-friendly!)

    1. The boys' favorite time of year is when I move the dining room table over for our annual party. They have gobs of room to wrestle, and they take complete advantage of it.

  4. This is very funny, mostly because it's so true.

  5. Truer words have never been spoken. My boys go to the dentist today for their 6 month check-up, which is probably the last time they have seen a toothbrush. LOL

  6. Ahhh I've missed catching up with the Coop :) Good to see not much has changed! hahaha :)

    1. Dina!! Good to "see" you!! Nothing at all, really. :)

  7. I could relate to every single one of these. Every one. You see I raised a boy too.

    Have a terrific day. :)

    1. Glad to know these things are universal and not just my bad parenting. :)

  8. Haaahaaa...great spin!! I thought the ummmm 'odors' of one teen at a time was unbearable. Can't imagine 5!!! GAH!

  9. What's funny is as mom of three girls, I'm thankful I get to keep the furniture & dress ups. I do wonder what things in our house I'll be abandoning in a few years ;)

    1. Ah, yes. With girls, there are plenty of other things to get rid of. Like carpet. Nail polish has a tendency to spill.

  10. Ah, well done, my friend...I was stumped by my list of only 5 things so I gave up and started reading everyone else's. Maybe I should take my favorite ten from other lists and make my own...

    1. Thanks!

      Well, that would be one way to do it...I'm going with probably not encouraged. :)

  11. Yes on the dolls...especially barbie

  12. Ah nothing like a good quickie! I agree with the pants, but you should be thankful they wear shorts over nothing haha granted the older they get the more "modest" they become.

    I've always loved the sound of glass breaking, so if any of your boys have the same enjoyment it's pretty much double trouble. My ex-step father had a ton of older cars out on our property, and my friends and I would shoot the windshields to web/break the glass. Yeah, that didn't end well lol

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. just out of curiosity when will they like wearing pants or shorts for that matter? My 17 and 13 year old seemed to ease into clothing but the 9 yr old is forever being told to put on pants. Although now that I think about it the 17 yr old thinks nothing of walking from his room to the bathroom to the laundry room in just his boxers...

    2. We still have two little boys who aren't the least bit modest and do run around without pants, but thankfully, the big boys are always fully dressed.

      Our first or second year in this house, I went outside to find the boys actually throwing rocks at the windows of one of the outbuildings. I about lost my gourd, but my husband calmly replied wit a shrug, "It's a cool sound."

      Jen, that's a bad question for Jak. If I remember one of his posts correctly, he strips down to his underwear as soon as he hits the front door.

    3. MUAHAHAHAHA! Well "modest" meaning more out in the public I was thinking... in the comfort of one's own home... welllllllll

      As Christine alluded to, those suckers come off as soon as I enter the apartment lol

      And glass breaking IS a cool sound. I've had dreams based solely around it (though, I took this dream over and made it so).

  13. LOL @ glass and a does seem that the sense of smell for a boy (and sometimes man) is way off normal.

    Happy Listicles Monday!

    1. Way off. Men are most certainly included in this.

      Happy Listicles Monday to you, too!

  14. Love this!! I am quickly learning with only one boy the truth to all ten of these!!

    Kate @

    1. I speak nothing but the truth. :) Glad to see you back in blogland!

  15. Napkins you forgot that they are unnecessary when shirt sleeves or collars will do the trick!

    1. Ah yes. The napkin. Despite the fact that every single dinner, the kids themselves set the table, napkins included. Yet, somehow, during the meal, they forget the napkin's existence.

  16. #9 One of my favorite pictures you have posted on your blog is of Cuckoo in a princess dress. With wings.

    1. Oh, I had forgotten about that one. I did love that look on him. :)

  17. I like how you did this Listicle, very funny! I struggled to come up with anything other than a pinecone, so I skipped it. I still wrote about the pinecone though. Ha!

    1. Glad you liked it. Clearly you have never used a pinecone in a birdfeeder craft. Or painted as a decoration. Or kept one as a pet. I'll be over to read about the poor pinecone now.

  18. I'd have to add, white carpet or white furniture of any kind!

    1. White carpet for sure! Really, any carpet that isn't chocolate brown.

  19. Bwahahahaha!! I SOOOOO relate to the whole darn list and I only have 3 boys!! The one about the pants with buttons...what is that?!? It makes me crazy. All I have seen my 14 year old wear for the last six months are PJ's and basketball shorts. Boys are so gross and smelly, and awesome and my youngest is still squishy. It's a good thing there are some redeeming qualities.

    1. What is so horrible about a button. I tell them to put nice shorts on and they come down with basketball shorts with pockets.

      There most certainly are redeeming qualities. Mine are mama's boys all, and I love it.

  20. LOL! #2 tickled me. I didn't read it like that but I wanted you to know when I I type the word lingerie I am saying -LINGER-REE.

    Recently returning home from a vacation when I took a week to unpack - on day two he asked me, "Mom have you seen my toothbrush?"

    One question I get tired of asking during the school year is, "Did you brush your teeth today?" Sometimes that question comes after I see his teeth in the sunlight when he gets off the school bus.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you're thinking!