
Monday, April 1, 2013

Antenna Artistry

If you remember from last week, our satellite went out and wouldn't be fixed for 3-5 days, if we were lucky.  With a house full of boys who sleep with their brackets and talk about nothing except who is ahead in those brackets, this was a big problem.

On Thursday, I left the house to simply take Phoenix to practice.  I left specific directions on what to do with the dinner that was five minutes from being done. 

I got home twenty minutes later to find everyone happily dishing out the meal I had prepared. 

Dishing out?  But shouldn't they be well into eating by now?  And what was that sound?

I rounded the corner to find:


Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that jazz.

Later that night, when Phoenix got home from practice and laid eyes on that bit of Daddy Ingenuity, I do believe I saw a happy tear in his eye.

And then Kansas lost.

Those tears were for real.

Hope your brackets are doing better than ours.

Happy birthday to the A to Z Challenge founder, Lee!

Have a lovely day!


  1. How clever. I might have to try something similar the next time my internet has a seizure. :)

    1. He's lucky we still had our antenna in the basement. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Lol! I have to admit, my antenna is propped up on an increasingly precarious pile of cardboard boxes, so I can't talk.

    1. Ha! We lived with an antenna for many, many years. I know all about towers. We had never used anything as large as a ladder before, though.

  3. Replies
    1. I loved that show, but I almost like the SNL spoof better.

  4. Cute! My bracket met its demise long ago. I had G-town and Gonzaga in the final. Bleh.

    1. I had both of them going pretty far myself. Our 11 year old is the only one with both of his championship teams left. He will not let us live it down.

  5. Great "A" post. Very imaginative!

  6. Way to rig the antenna! Too bad you couldn't rig your bracket for a win.

    1. Tell me about it. I have to listen to all the boys make fun of me, since every last one of them beat me. Yes, even the 3 year old picked better than I did.

  7. Your story gives inspiration to every sports fan out there.

    1. Ha! And misery to many a spouse. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Ingenious! sorry your team lost. I'm not into b-ball so I don't really get brackets but I know they're VERY important! ;-D Good luck with A to Z!
    Creative Fog

    1. I'm only sad about my team losing because it means the boys won't let me live it down that a three year old did better than I did.
      Thanks! I will need it.

  9. Ha I love it! Nothing beats some fancy ingenuity!

    Not much of a sports fan, but I can imagine how losing your satellite could cause some depression or pandemonium in a houseful of fanatics!

    Thanks for stopping by and good luck! I will be following along as the challenge continues.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. No TV during March Madness is cause for serious irritation, that is for sure.

      Thank you!

  10. At least there weren't pieces of aluminum foil hanging off the antenna! :-)

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

    1. He would have used it if he knew where the aluminum foil is kept in the new kitchen. :)

  11. A is for awesome pics! We don't have cable OR satellite and rely on rabbit ears only. And when the coal train comes by, we lose reception completely. I'm thinking over that ladder set-up....

    1. Thank you!
      We went many, many years without cable. When Hubby went through a little mid-life crisis and got a real TV he insisted on real channels. :)
      We used to lose a bunch of channels every summer when the leaves grew on the trees. It took us a year to figure out that the tree was blocking the signal.

  12. I am new to your site and it looks like you have your hands full but with a great sense of humor. I look forward to reading more.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! My hands are certainly full, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
      Read away!

  13. I did not get to pick a bracket but J has chosen all 4 final teams. In a 5 minute quick pick before school one morning. He is thrilled. But i'll tell you if M does not go to the end and win, there will be some serious tears in my house on Sat night. I remember holding the antenna and clicking the dial trying to get tv to work, I don't think we had to use a ladder or aluminum foil.


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