
Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Listicles - Where the Sun Don't Shine

I was thiiiiiiis close to not doing a Listicle this week.  The topic is 10 Things in Your Purse.  I just cleaned my purse, so I didn't think there was anything of note in it.  Until I went to get my phone and had to dig through junk to get to it.  So, a list it is.  (I know.  Two posts in one day.  Because I have that kind of time.)

First order of business, get a photo of the purse.  After 239 years of carrying a diaper bag, I was thrilled to buy my first purse after all the kids were of age.  I was fortunate to have the stars align with my birthday and the annual shopping trip with my mom to the outlet mall and the best purse ever invented on super sale at the Coach outlet.  I have had at least 8 friends threaten to steal it. 

Cuckoo, would you be so kind as to hold my purse in order for me to get a photo of it?

I was looking to see more than just the strap going around your neck.

Turken, how about you?

Much better.

Now, when I show you the contents, keep in mind that I cleaned this purse out two weeks ago.  This accumulated in fewer than 14 days.

1.  Five lists of things I needed to get on various shopping trips.  My brain doesn't hold onto much any more, so lists are a necessity.  Apparently I can't remember to throw the lists away when done shopping.  Although, the stash does come in handy when I make my new list of things to get at the store.  I can peruse old ones to see what I forgot the last time I was at the store.  Even with a list I walk out of the store missing list items.

2.  Change hanging out in the bottom of my purse.  Despite the fact that I have a lovely (2a) change purse a friend got me for Christmas.  I can rarely find said change purse when I hurriedly need to put change in it.

3.  Keys.  Important to have, of course.  But why does my key ring weigh more than my youngest child?  For one, I am carrying a key and fob for a van that is sitting in the driveway, unable to run until the snow melts and we can jump it.  

4.  The paint sample card for my kitchen.  The room has been finished for a month now.  Probably could get rid of the sample.

5.  Two inch piece of yarn.  Buttercup is knitting a baby blanket, but only had the purple yarn.   She wanted me to get some complimentary yarn.  I asked her to cut some off for me to match.  I would have preferred something just a tad bit longer.  A two inch piece of yarn is sure to get lost.  Except it didn't.  It was just buried.  I bought the yarn she needed last weekend.

6.  A rebate check to Menard's home improvement store dated July 2012.  I have carried it in my wallet the entire time.  Not in a sleeve of the wallet, but in the wallet where I see it and drop it every time I open my wallet.  If I put it in a sleeve, I'll forget I have it and will miss out on the $5 savings.  I've been carrying it since July.  I should probably check to see if it expires.

7.   One mitten.  I am guessing I put it in there when I found it on the floor next to my seat in the van.  I'm guessing that Cuckoo threw it when he got warm and tired of wearing it.  Just a guess.  I have no idea how long my three year old has been going with only one warm hand.

8.  A sucker.  Normally, a sucker isn't too earth-shaking to have.  Except, this particular sucker shows what kind of selfish person I really am.  On Friday, Cuckoo and I went to breakfast with a friend and her son.  Her boy got extra squirrelly right about the same time an acquaintance of ours walked up to the table.  She was begging the acquaintance and me for a sucker to get him to stay in his seat.  Knowing this sucker was in my purse, I offered a piece of gum instead.  Cuckoo and I were going to be doing some errands after breakfast, and I was afraid I would want that sucker for Cuckoo later.  Nevermind the fact that the sucker has been in my purse for 2 months now.  I know.  Shockingly horrible of me.

9.  Receipts and checkout coupons you get with your receipts.  For years, I got on Hubby's case for not giving me his receipts so I could enter them in the checkbook.  Kettle black, my friends.  Kettle black.

10.  Big wad of napkins, just in case I can't find the (10a) pack of Kleenex in time to catch booger bubbles.

I didn't mention the spider, tag ripped out of the back of someone's shirt, game cards, bag of crayons, or Scholastic book order since most of you probably have those in your purses, too.  Right?

There you have it.  One more post of things I have shared but really should have kept to myself.

I just have one question for those that did the list this week.  Did you put all of your junk right back in your purse after you took the photo?

Have a lovely day!


  1. LOL! I hate carrying purses, so I usually stuff everything into my jacket pockets. Yeah, I look like a homeless person. :)

    1. I'm so glad we didn't have a list about our pockets. They are mostly full of Kleenex, both clean and dirty. In every jacket I own.

  2. Number 8 cracked me up. Hey, we do what you have to do!

  3. First of all I love your title. And it must be a January thing that a lot of us just cleaned out our purses. If this had of been the end of December - I can't tell you WHAT we would have found. Second of all - I LOVE your purse. You lucky lucker outter you! LOL to #8. During the two's I used to carry emergency lollipops. You shouldn't feel bad being selfish. You didn't know ;-)

    1. I lucked out. I don't know the last time I cleaned out my purse before then.
      Thank you much.
      Really, part of me was also thinking, "If I pull out a sucker for the other kid, my kid will then be extremely annoying, begging and crying for a sucker for himself."

  4. Ha! I'm a multiple list maker too. Sometimes I stick things on there already acquired just so I can strike it out and feel as though I accomplished something.

    Such an adorable strap photo! :D

    1. I do the same thing with lists. Not grocery lists, but to do lists.

      Thanks. He cracked me up when he faced the wall with my purse around his neck.

  5. Love it! I would have liked to have heard what was in it two weeks ago. =D

    I use an app on my phone called Errands for all my list needs. I too have to have a list for everything!!

    Oh and I LOVE you purse!


    1. Oh, you would have stopped being my friend if you would have seen the before purse.

      I sometimes use the notes part of my phone, but I've found that it is a lot harder to push a cart while carrying my phone and "entertaining" young ones than it is to hold a piece of paper that won't break if I drop it.

  6. Oh, the lists! You're a woman after my own heart. And of course you know I crammed everything back in my purse, just as I found it. :)

    1. Love a good list.
      Ha! I knew some people would. I did put some things back. Like the gigantic wad of receipts and coupons.

  7. Thank goodness I am not the only person walking around with a paint chip in their purse! Mine has been in there 6 months... tells you how far done I am with my dining room! Sorry I haven't been by to "visit" lately... things are nuts!

    Julia @ Mom on the Run x2

    1. A paint chip takes up so little room. Why not carry one?

  8. My purse is oddly similar to yours--you are my people!

  9. My keys are heavy like that too. My husband always makes fun of me for them, but I'm the one that does all the shopping, so there. I have the waded up receipts and napkins too.

    1. My husband can't stand my key ring, like I choose to carry all of those blasted store cards. Just trying to save him some money!

  10. Love this post and love your adorable purse! And the reveals were delicious: "Kettle Black"---Ha! We call my youngest daughter "Pot" for that very reason.

    And seriously, those scraps of lists and receipts have saved me (no, that's too strong of a verb, AT ALL) on numerous occasions. Ellen

    1. Thank you! I'm sure she will appreciate the nickname someday. :)

      Exactly. Those papers floating around are there because they are useful!

  11. What a pretty handbag!! And it is full of lists?!!? Perfection.


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