
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Springlike Goodness

We've had our blizzard-like snow.

We've played in it.

We've dug our cars out of it.

Time for spring now, right?

For two days we have been able to forget about the two months of winter hibernation on the horizon.

It has been a glorious 60 degrees.

With a wind chill of fantastically lovely.

(I'm guessing only my readers above the Mason-Dixon line and this side of the pond understand what that last sentence means.)

We've been outside in short-sleeves, ya'll!

Giant worked on his tennis swing.

Star and Turken have been getting in a whole mess of football.


A lot of snow has melted in the warm weather, which has left lots of mud.

Little boy filthy knees make me so happy.

(As do little boys trying their best to pose for a photo of their own creation.)

The weather and the boys playing in it made me so happy and full of energy, I actually began cleaning out the chicken coop.

Four very full wheelbarrow loads of chicken coop bedding is now nicely raked over the garden.

Spreading chicken compost really makes us yearn for spring and fresh fruit and veggies.

So of course we pulled out the waist-high stack of gardening catalogues that have been mailed to us in the last two weeks.

Green beans, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, garlic, potatoes, onions, lettuce, and spinach. 

Yes, please!

We know that this bit of warm weather won't last.  We will wake up on Monday to 15 degree frigidness. 

But until then, we are going to enjoy the reprieve.

In a most unbecoming way.

And yes, that spot on his forehead is the same tattoo he received two days after Christmas.  They're taking a touch long to go away.

Have a lovely day!


  1. I'm feeling a bit of hemisphere envy today. It's 35 degrees celsius here, which I believe is about 95 fahrenheit, and the humidity is just killing me. I wonder if I could just move around the planet, following winter from one place to another.

    1. We were watching the Australian Open last night and the commentators were bemoaning the weather, too. Our retirement plan involves avoiding the cold winters and the hot summers. Snow birds is what those people are called, I think.

  2. Ha! I don't know about you today but it froze overnight after all that warm (and wet for us weather). Ugh, what a mess

    1. We had two great days, but the nights were full of rain. Inches of rain. Basement flooding rain. So yes, lots of freezing now for us, too.

  3. Oh, so nice! We have had some nice weather... totally unusual for January... but my cold has kept me largely oblivious. Pregnancy blahs plus cold makes me a very boring person. These photos are great. I love the tattoos... when they're on other people's kids faces. :)

    1. I'm sorry you have had too miss out on the nice weather. Although, now you won't have the depression we all are having now that it's cold again.
      The tattoos were funny, but now just annoying and ugly.
      Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Great pictures! I love the unseasonably warm weather we've been having here too. Makes it much easier to wear out my very energetic 4 year old.
    I posted something on my blog for you today. Hope you'll stop by and be interested.

  5. oh no. Not snow. You don't get much snow normally, do you? Does everything shut down with the littlest bit?


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