
Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Listicles - Halloween Costumes

It's Monday Listicles time!  Thank you Stasha, for always giving us great prompts.  This week we are to write about Halloween costumes.  (At least I hope that's today's prompt.  I am actually out of town today and wrote this post last week.  If it's not, I hope you enjoy my totally random and original post on 10 Halloween costumes.)

I remember one, and only one, Halloween costume from my childhood.  Not because I liked it, but because it was the worst costume ever.  My mom had read a magazine, some crafty/homey type magazine, clearly not one in which the editors and writers actually had children, and found "the best" costume.  In my attempt to be most-loved child, I agreed to let her dress me.  As a hobo.  (I know.  So politically correct in the 80s, weren't we?)  Not just any hobo, with oversized, plaid clothes and a stick with a bandanna pouch on the end.  That wouldn't be "the best" now would it?  No, I had to have a realistic beard to complete the look. 

My mother, who claims to have loved me, put Karo syrup all over my chin, cheeks, and upper lip.  And then, to look totally authentic, she patted COFFEE GROUNDS onto the syrup.  Oh, it looked real, alright, but I have never been so uncomfortable in all my life.  And I've given birth to six kids.  Worst thing in the world to trick or treat in.  It itched so badly.  I couldn't actually scratch the itch, though, or my hands and then my candy would be covered with syrupy coffee grounds.  Three hours later, we had to get that crap off my face.  Raw.  My face was raw. 

To add insult to injury, my sister was the most beautiful princess that year.  Pointy hat and all. 

Clearly, my attempts to be most-loved child fell quite short.

Unlike my mother, I really do love my children, so they have never had to live through costume hell.  I may have dressed them up to look ridiculously cute, but never uncomfortable.  Comfort is numero uno in costuming as far as I'm concerned.

And finally, to my list.  I'm letting you all in on a little secret.  I have the potential to be crafty, but I rarely live up to my potential.  Really only at Halloween.  I have made many, many costumes over the years, and all without a sewing machine.  I don't have one, and wouldn't know how to use one if I did.  Here you have

My 10 Favorite Homemade Halloween Costumes Worn By My Children
(For Which I Could Find a Photo)

1. Clifford and 2. Cleo (Phoenix tore off the paws, as they were not conducive to eating candy.  Buttercup hadn't figured that part out yet.)

3.  Girl ghost, pig tails and all. 

4.  SpongeBob and 5. Patrick  

6.  Pocahontas

7.   Robin Hood

8.  Two years ago, I was just not in the mood to make any costumes.  To avoid doing so, I suggested to the kids that they combine two costumes that we already had and make a new, funny one.  Giant wore his authentic Matt Kensith (the Nascar driver) jacket he had gotten for his birthday and bat wings to become "Bat" Kensith. While I was impressed with Giant's creativity, Phoenix got the gold star for funny.  He wore a huge whoopie cushion and a Bart Simpson mask to go as "Fart" Simpson.  (I can't believe I don't have a photo of him wearing this.)

9.  Ironman (Hubby completed an Ironman race on Giant's third birthday.  So, a month later, Giant went as his daddy.)

10.  Batman and Robin.  (I didn't make these.  My friend made them for her boys, and I stole them the next year.)  

Have you ever seen such comfortable children on Halloween?

Do you have memorable costume from your childhood?  How about one that your child(ren) wore?

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hi there! Came across your blog from Top Mommy Blogs directory and had to say hi. These costumes are just darling and I have enjoyed reading your posts! Feel free to stop by sometime and say hi!

  2. Please tell me you are kidding about the coffee grounds and syrup! LOL! That sound slike something my mom would have done.

    Probably my most memorable costume was the poodle skirt my mom made for me... skirt, poofy slip, saddle shoes... the whole look. I would wear it to car shows and cruise ins with my dad.

    Probably my favorite costumes my kids have worn were the first year. I bought those pajama hooded type things. Miss Mo was a lady bug and Mr. Bo was a teddy bear.


    1. Oh, I wish I were kidding.
      I always wanted a poodle skirt. I went to car shows with my dad, too, but I just wore ugly shorts and shirts.

  3. Oh that's a horrible costume memory! Coffee grounds and Karo!
    We were SO bad back then. I was a gypsy one year, an Indian princess another...but my favorite costume was Bo Peep with a huge hand-sewn bonnet.

  4. I always thought we missed out by not celebrating Halloween her. No codtumes, no lollies and chocolate. We were totally deprived.

    1. You really ought to start the tradition. Just dress up and start knocking on your neighbors' doors. I'm sure they will get right on board.

  5. I love all of those costumes! How fun! My favorite costume growing up was my crayon costume. My mom made it and the material glowed in the dark. It had a little pointy crayon hat that I wore (I was a red crayon). It sounds weird, but I promise it was cute.

    1. A glow-in-the-dark crayon? Didn't Crayola just come out with that product a couple of years ago? Your mom was way ahead of her time.

  6. These costumes are so cute. I especially loved the Iron Man or going as your dad...adorable!

    1. Thank you! I loved the Ironman, too. Just wish we could have put him in a speedo to represent the swim portion of the race.

  7. I can attest to the hobo costume, I was there an was very happy it was not me.

    1. Which begs the question, why did she dress her daughter as a hobo instead one of her boys? It must have happened during one of those three years of tweenhood that she hated me.

  8. Great costumes! Love Fart Simpson!

    1. Thanks! I love that costume, too. That boy cracks me up.

  9. Oh my. I forgot to link you. I am so so sorry!! I had a reminder set to email me. I probably didn't read my email. I am so sorry!!
    Love how much effort you put into the family costumes and how much fun Halloween looks like to them. I cannot even try to choose my favorite, love them all. From a rocky start of your own, you sure have made Halloween special for your kids.
    I am so sorry again.

    1. Don't worry about it. No need to apologize. The kids do enjoy their Halloween, but really, who doesn't?

  10. What a dedicated mom... who can't sew! I loved the girl ghost the most I think! So original! (I hear you on comfort!

    Never did like thongs, oh, wait, that's an anniversary costume... NOT! LOL!)

    1. Ha!Yes, comfort goes for me, still, too :)
      The girl part of the ghost came because we used a pillow case for the costume. I didn't like the points at the top, so I made them into pig tails. Couldn't be easier. While comfort is #1, ease in creation comes a close second.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. These are incredible!!! I'm so impressed with your creativity, and I LOVE the idea of combining two old costumes - genius!

    1. Thank you!
      I wish I could take credit for the two costumes idea. I heard it from a comedian once long ago and saved the idea. Wish I could think of the comedian to give him credit.
      Thanks for stopping by!


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